More Scotch t LONDON hutiam iReuters) r ThP . i.. . .... ' . Quota Extended For Herring Prince Rupert Daily News 5 Thursday, November 12, 1953 )inet , oukf"" iU mc rjipori mantel, ernmenf anH u 0 . Association A ilJil6.11 ha Tift Whlsfey ' I 1 stably "u"1"' the ue United unuea Slates estates and ana lief Pass and Swanson Bay areas. " - Pulp and naper accounts for The growth of the pulp and But supplies of herring urs i vabwuvlk w untisn wo-inouncea toaay. tions on dlstrihnti h restric- Canada. Demand still exceeds lumbia fLshermen will have an- Annual quota of 40 000 ton was dome-tic re orDsctcn to supply, however, and the export other chance to go after herring caught by Nov. 2 after a short, was Imposed in iod7 . ng market wiU stiU receive the on the lower east coast, Federal I ntensive fishing o p e r a ti o n. still plentiful, department offi- over a fifth of Canada's total ex- paper industry in Canada stems eta Is Mid, so the quota Is being ports and over a third of her from the happy conjunction of extended. f hipments to the United States, forests and forest streams major proportion oi scotch. Department or Fisheries an-uatcn was taken mainlv In Por jects A Bid n.n-: i The CuMll P5 j THE AIUIUUAL COAT EVENT YOU'VE IVfiSTED FOB! frAWA. The gov-! nt Wednesday 're-' a Canadian Pacitic L bid for a cross- r la air cargo service t ground it would in the public mter- t thus time." jti.dsion left the crown- iians-Canada Air lants poiy on east-west air tHUU itn Uv.. m air-cartjo ratea l-rgea oy H.;.illy. CPA sought a f -mi 11 would carry careo I Montreal and I'orontt, It's Our BIRTHDAY ... But You Get The ;,iuju;r, via ine n, knd Edmonton, but ex- i mini U'alllC rieins DC- and Toronto. fj.nureal l,ir some years has been r, tA , r J' , 1 air caigo in conjunc- its pa.s.-tnger ana an FOR THIS WEEK OMLY! Ms. government's decision ,,. Air Transport Board , n to consider a TCA on for reduction In l lts winch, the cabinet n as statement, would him "to about or below .: proposed in CPA's ap- il, Argentine Y AU TOPUIL PALL Discuss New '.i-iii I 4, I - J" J at Agreement DE JANEIRO AP) preparing to negotiate : lentina on a revision ol i trade agreement which Dec, 31. nimble ui Argentlnhn is expected here shortly .i discuss. oils. point in the talks will prlie to be paid for brazil will buy -. --5 sen'.ini .t price, f.o b. Argentina, 4 ton. Including transit costs, the delivered ') Bruzil Is around $VU Ytt has been of-irth Aim ncan wneat f.V is STj a ton. fMjflicidl circles a final Thi$ Lovely, Practical (.,v' '''i h'W f ' Iff I ' rt w .. r-.-vc , 4 , , .,. -:ry' ff - j;ttr i lifff' s i M(ij MiM I'M $l'3.a tUJ.h'iS been suj-i reasonable. i i thief advantage in ! l:?tiitine wheat, even at isuve t lie world level, is pays in cruzeiros rather 1JI PIECE S ... ''X s : scarce dollars, f end of the year Brazil f Mirror Finish Solid f in the process of har- r its cWn wheat, crop, : .y - . A" ,mM STAINLESS STEEL a by tiii- agriculture de at some 400,000 tons total needs are estimit. ' t - approximately 2,000,000 ish Soldier (ff ? J - T "LIBERTY 3 TABLEWARE Rcto l Value $9.95 As Illustrated ks Asylum Germany , UN i Reuters l An un- British soldier has gont uermany and asked fo 1 asylum, the East Oer " aqency ADN reportec. quoted him as savinor: ' voluntarily and I d to return to Britain. 1 5i r iV" Wears Forever Tarnish-proof . ic Rust-proof Acid-resisting, never needs polishing fa Solid Stainless Steel all the way through Yes this beautiful 24-pc. set of stdinless steer'Liberty''Pattf rn tableware is yours ABSOLUTELY FREE with any coat purchase of $39.95 or ovef.-. And this includes suits .or raincoats too. There's just, no J wear-out to this: set because it's tough stainless steel. It can't tarnish or rust and.1t always keeps its bright mirror finish without polishing it's a set that's tops for family use to save your best silver. Made by International Silver Company of Canada, manufacturers of high grade tablware, this 24-pce. set is of high qual ity and beautifully finished of heavier weight than usually found in stainless steely " permission to stay and fur republic. I will doi to prove mv lovaltv to "J "our government and your V AND WHAT A SELECTION 1? COATS! J.OOK! BUYERS BARGAINS Charge Customers This special offer is still vours for just this week. This Free Offer ; is good at any Sweet 1 6 store in your (locality Cr6 S Trun PrnnAmu 8 Every coat is this year's latest and best styling ... all regular merchandise, not specially bought for this event . . ..made right in Sweet 16's own factory by UNION workmen, of the finest workmanship"and expertly finished. The fabrics, the styles, the colors are all chosen with" great care . . . offering you one of the finest selections of coats to be found anywhere. Just come in and Dick out any coat from stock at $39.95 or over (or a suit or raincoat, if you wish), put it on your account with NO DOWN PAYMENT ... and g?t this beautiful set of stainless steel silverolate FREE. This offer is good at Driving 1 Plymouth "'cord f:,m,.h o . -iT ' .- . i ... i , 4 ' 1 -' ' t ;N f - ' ' :; .' i J . n't fall out. New 'Performance ... Fully ; eraert for Snu- winter ' Here's quality that Economy for any Sweet 1 6 store anywhere. WT' ) 1 I- I, . 7 Wiys fn Wagon. Holds en- ;J'ta-Mt. Leather uphol- Plenty warm for irtl, rivinS- Real de- Only $900.00 Down Payments, '""is to Suit. inTf f!"m doicns more ie Inrircst selection In town. V ond Moderate'y Priced ot ' ' yfm r $.95. $'.95 jp Cv jj - ZjJ Is v . IV C5 MJ . J ; i - - - ' I x ' VI . 'V T ' A- t! Parker Ltd.