Prince Rupert Daily News As i See It Victoria Tuesday, March 11, 1952 ( v if' " "SaS pmTotONlST-i ungava pen. .K5gf 7 i s e & t m0M vllptl ? ir"' I1kc Va n a d Ajgt .?s3 " v-. no milk m v&ipS ' N U. S. A 4 M '-vfccoiNc Urn i ore Vn Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian ress Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. T. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: '--carrier, per week, 25c: per month, $1.00; per vear, . $10; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. Republished every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Authorized as second class mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa. pint poll A. ' It I Uj Likes Hoffman Movie I Ing Campaigns Brin, Resi ! Addicts and Alcoholic, ; L VICl:0RIA:-Iently,,hear i live speech-making )s a waste of time r MLA's are far too long-winded The ! their points in much loss time, ; clearer and more forcible. ' ' However, the ideas and sug-' ; gestions of most MLA's are won ' the eve of " ! worth and over the years forgettin f,? ! lney usually have some effect on I Mr Brown j a government. It's the old adage session ahr!,'1 ; about a trickle of water event- alcoholics h j ually wearing away the hardest government and m' -stonp- thous 1 A few members are much like j year arrcsum ' evangelists as they press for so-! faciliti,,,'(or a, S rial reform. Others, more hard- is useless i boiled, pound away for roads and Kovernnicnt t!iC 1 Maw and subsidies to farmers. 1 habilitate 1? Burnaby's Mr. Winch, of farm, similar', ,-O'irsp, Is the lendlntr social re-1 State of wa.h- ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY The long-proposed enable Canada and the United States to con st. etch of the river known as the Internation . clary between Canada and the United States, 1 cannot navigate its 14-ft. canals. If these we craft could steam from the Atlantic to the h St. Lawrence Riv;-r seaway project would' :truct canals, locks, and power stations on a, 1 Rapids. This section which marks the boun-now a bottleneck for large vessels which j dredged to the required 27 ft. ocear.-golng srt of. the dal Lakes industrial area n. I SAW THE fine British movie, Tales of Hoffman, in Scotland last Oct-1 i ober.and hence was doubly ; : anxious to see it again, j 1 In the place it seems to i me unforgettably good, unreal iu! one sense, but still as memor-( 1 able as a vivid dream. , In the second place, I wanted j to see how much the Canadian' 'censors had tut from the scenes : featuring the Venetian courte-. ans. The answer not much. j ! I HERE IS WHY I think Nye, ! Bevan' will come to the 'top in . j British politics. , In the election I visited seems nkely that Canada will have to carry 0 it the project alow. While the plan may be app.ovcd by the United States Senate it Is e pected to be defeated in the House of Representatives because of the opposition of exist In American port, transport and other interests. Completion' of the waterway, either Jointly or by Canada alone, will enable iron-ore from th. Ungava Peninsula (where production is expe ted to start in 1954 1 to replace dwindling United States lose: ves. Without water transpo t this ore would be too costly for tiro American: to imooit. lormer 01 the Legi;;lature. Ho produced out";" spends his time between sessions and surely We repotting around in jails, hospitals money out of and various types 6f institutions profits for th ! ' ; where helpless people must live.! We We've had improvements in services in Be , these institutions over the years Messrs, Wimh - ' and it be said that CCF our treatir.n f Krnie Winch has been largely and alcolwiifS, , rt'.sxnslblc for them. :dark a ' Little for Great Deal DISASTER is an ugly word. Anyone who has ... . seen the inferno of devastation by fire or has experienced the sudden terrible destruction of a flash flood knows what the word means in human misery. It doesn't require much imagination to . appreciate the problems that would confront any ; 7 fine of us if our homes were threatened at this moment. .. No amount of preparation can prevent entirely . the occurrence of disasters. What preparation can jlo is lessen the effects of fires, floods, epidemics, , explosions and other catastrophes. ... . ; Perhaps no other organization in Canada has done as much in the way of disaster preparedness as the Canadian Red Cross Society. Within its organization, each province is under the constant stuly f a disaster services committee whose job it -"is to pin-point each community's resources beforehand and fo arrange for the swift flow of aid to the scene of any disaster. Within each province are Red Cross branches, capable of caring for victims of minor disasters at once. Behind the branch is the "..provincial office, ready to help with transport, supplies and experienced workers. And behind each division is the national organization which can draw Letterbox a great many small Labor pal ty meetings. These were the kitui ; where they -put up maybe 12 or 1 more speakers in a night. The big shots travel from meeting to meeting by car. But in every meeting they also give the local speakers a chance to have tht:;r say, as "fillers-in." On the very extreme end if "O Prmtass a ray... Reflects and Reminisces Anril will son a shinlniiH nf hnr. SOC IAL CRKMT I ( IiritCH'S "TllAXK YOV" Edito". ! Editor,, Daily News: Daily News I I have the nleniii' nn hehnlf. tet our Cfe I did not 20 to a single such politics Is Conservative Donald ' Brown of Vancouver-Burrard. : Yet he and Mr. Winch have! .much in common as they press! . for social reform. Mr. Brown, a i quiet man, delves into social' questions "and always comes up; iwith a good suggestion for im-j Social Credit is our economic i of SL Paul's Lutheran Chinch! whatGcorgeiJ meeting where the rank and file i.efuge. So perfectly would it re i Council to extend to you a hearty speakers did not no out of their lease impartially from debt in and sincere "Thank You. nas dene ft Your coverage in the Daily ; ley coming to Prince Rupert, and News of all the meetings held in in May two more. This city is our church by Rev. Sterling already doing a fair trade with Johnson, and the themes chosen bailey corn, for each report were indeed 1 ! George S.Moi dividual, village, town, city and nation that (if understoddt every person in North America would be delighted to aid it into power. All people, with a knowledge of the power and justice of a . way to show that they were for Bevan. The crowds were too. 1 ; THERE IS another reason why I j think Bevan will come strongly forward. The British are an extremely proud people. In public :thev disguise the fact that thev , provemcnt. Let's nope Mr. Winch and Mr. Brown are never discouraged, even though beaten at an election. There !s room for social reformers outside legislative halls as well as inside. Mr. Win;h once more this season said tnat B.C.'s methods nr woithv of Dialse. A daiiy paper so faithfully car rying out its duties, is indeed Social Credit government, would mission it can 7P t rR WiL I BB:, h overwhelmingly elect to Parlia-1 mini a . NIAGARA Sl'ltPASSKll drand Falls on the Hamilton River in Labrador, 200 miles back lrom the coast, is said to have Niagara looking tired and sounding weak. Far more lofty and surrounded by a formidable wilderness, iron ore and amazing power may help introduce It. ment men in tnelr Proua of- 1 Dlivate' thev make no hnnei nf ridings treason pIedged to rePossess eights' We, the Council wish this way it On wh Mr Church l got the edge in the "recent ell - Par"ament surrendered to banks : ,0 v0lce our decP appreciation, tion was because manv in 1871- whicn was the power- RUDOLPH OLSEN, ANNUM ml -iu tjcaie, issue, ana wunaraw secretary. thought what some said to me: and money at will. 1 The pastor of St. Paul'? Church Such a Parliament would im- was very helpful in reporting the ; mediately set up a monetary meetings. Ed. 1 commission, - - - i responsible to Par-: liament which wouH issue new ! hospitals, libraries pleasure-re- i "Churchill will stand up to the Yanks better than Attlee." Things have not worked oat that way so far. Bevan nu; therefore rise on this curernt in British national, thought. ....jr ... M iicm quanuiy 10 sorts, post offices, schools,' hos- Few shipmasters plying the north enjoyed higher csleein anil more ull round popularity than Captain K. I'.. Neddcn who passed away Sunday. This, in particular can be said by members of the press. He was always the same unhurried, invariably ( nirle-nis and a pleasure to meet. treating drug addicts is waste-i tul, innuman and does no good.; There should be a special insti-; tution for such people, he said.! There's no use sending them to; jail. Everyone knows this to be' true and yet we go on Jailing j drug addicts -people who suffer; terribly and then they comej out and go right back on the j path of drug addiction because,! desperate, they don't know what ; else to do. There seems some hope now : that the government is getting icady to start such an institution. There's a vote of $50,000 in 1952-53 estimates for this purpose. Let's hope '.he government spends it. Governments have a time-honored lnbit of putting; such votes in the estimates on i I .cuai vnu vaiue 01 me nations nitals. irrenntlnn svstom rwor. on me neicl ot other provinces. In co-operation with all other agencies, the Red Cross works to cushion the shock, to prevent un-. necessary suffering, to save lives. Its main jobs during disaster are the provision of food, clothing and shelter, medical aid, transportation and the public service- of answering welfare inquiries as to the condition of disaster victims. ; r: I" the first nine months of 1951, the Society : tLprpvided these services at a total of 485 disasters assisting 3843 persons. , The work takes money. This month the Red - Cross is asking every Canadian to give a little. The need for all Red Cross work in the year is $5,222,000 British Columbia objective is $580,000 and' Prince -Rupert's, $5500. It is a Question, not so much of what e can afford, but of what we cannot afford to ignore. Prince Rupert's drive will be concentrated on Tuesday night of next week. Again we urge Prince Rupert people to be ready with generous contributions. 1 THE PAPERS of India are tak- eoods, and services. system anything, the above pro-' , ing a good deal of satisfaction Banks would no longer create ! cedure will bring it , out of India's recent general or issue now'. 1 money, as they do n is onlv reasonable to helieve ' , election. It astonished the whole Government issued money would ! that LcW Credit would beln wor d for orderliness. Many peo- , go out over the nation, interest John?. houL s ran and f , pie in western lands thought that' tree. Taxation would be unnec-; h 1 netahbori is or India could ne'entx,r s ls destroved Ofstroyed hv oy not stage' an election essary This monev would hP b n, because onlv about five nerent k In 5., !.. , l,,c: storm- war or otherwise., CALVIN C : i. '1! IK ft- LANDING TIIT JOB? One never can tell just what's ahead! For examp:e, a fellow can leave Prince Rupert to take a job at Kitlmat but, anlving there, finds it necessary to approach Kitlmat, not from the north, but from way down a.ound Vrncouvcr. ; ot the people can read and write! the nation anA the " S Tll ,S'd mone, ream Literacy is not necessarily the would at all timeThP It ihl . lhe only system 111 same thing as wisdom," L.vL wh,ch is both sy,n- say-on'lople's people s sei vice. All time-checks paper pathetic and prepared to replace How true! Germany was the,;0reaPUa?ISdIttehh- Ph '. ""hout a fee or'ZZ most completely literate country Cal St 1 ni- For aU P'ivill'8p and in all the world the i tff' WVj,d "0t k be con- bcnts, the governments only highly educated. Yet the over-' " , .ut "?ul? Proteect from requirement, as payments, is the .i,fU,i ..... , monopolies. Private benefits im.iini nt A . The Latest in Popular Re ""wiujiis juajuiny 01 jrerman. j c- ii r. vi ui-jjii'iiauuii. yjui oe licl is. dioixviatinn "went alons'' with t?itipr nnri rn re maae in RAftELY WncOME! Between foot-and-rmuth disease, dispute1, trade conditions and p.jr.ty of other causes lots more detail. lees would repainting be turned back for ' 'etc. In "The Parable" John Doc-builds a house, under "Social Credit," John found a suitable plot on which to build his house. 'Ifcn thousand' such homes buiif acrosi Canada would throw more are being laid off-something its hard to become accustomed to. who repudiated the most sacred j and civilized human values. i THE INDIAN mind is different from the western mind much more subtle. One Indian states- ! man (not Nehrui laughingly said' to me that the Russians are slow ; AIL TIME HITS ALBUMS and L.P.'s no ' iinancial burden ouraen nn on anvr.1-,0 Chance for Alaska Trade WITH Alaska Steamship Co. boosting its freight rates from Seattle to Alaska tw-Pntv no. Mt He goes to the City Council nr. anyone. municipal council. The council "'ot ofdZloS' ' Now we ore told the foot-and-sends an engineer with John to mcnt Tn ln'S ? sstf,m .8S l,fi7 i.T mculh cUspase was "Pyl up-examine the is nronnneed! V)l. P'-jfrom the verv heoinnina t . thinking and lacking in imagin-! : . - vitit .nn t'innu rt j across the board, the opportunity seems . ' i .7 1 1 O presenting U I V.OCI1 LI I I V lUK ana John reCPivps nrrior nn' .. , . liuuica iui serious, fierioUK. of of Pnnrp course, hut but u-o ation. 1 .. - VOI 1 H IT nnrmln n Vs,,. , ' ' -' made to appear mora grave than Itself ae-ain , "When the U.N. branded North e Social Credit bank to honor ; dreams ' and t htr Tn j Korea as an aggressor and called W all time-checks for time ' t I L J"00' e ,nced estabhsh " r , r.. Prince for a t new ew effort enon tn t0 10 be he ?e .made m,jl made to to really n eally Rupert as the gateway for Alaska. r- . The The Ketchikan Ketchikan ChromVlp Chronicle, whioV, which h L,. 1 Inn j on all loyal U.N. memhers tn and material also for thP r,int' " . ""u wuula at Rupert Radio & flkt it actually was, for what might possibly be thought selfish motives? There is no question about ar- experienced publicity hand being somewhere in the crowd. uiij vwu.u ...oiauuj Ilitve oaiU, Ve l C - lluuiC lU. i, : - i-.,;.,,- . We will send nur stmtvr John sots tn a-nrt w auutunais. -taitntullj; boosted for more use of strategic Prince pond- Rt. Hon, Reginald McKenn.v, Rllfert, SUffcests that tha ranurlio"T : 1 1 i Rea army clown to the 33th par-; men and prepares the plot tone lime 6""" covernnr nt ' thu h;h j - . - - iniiiL llnlillL 1 iicy resiore oraer . ' t i rtrcnneccs niLimctis and ana carpenters carpenters order order a. .t. - j t-. , . j i : . ..... i get , busy and has the following to say after the hike in Alaska steamship rates- jvna- ; building material delivered and ! !an,d Bank- said "They who in the course of weeks, a beau-: the credi'' f the nation, tiful home is completed AlllrccJt the Plic'y of governments, IF YOU want to understand th real background of the recur ring crises in France you can't do better than to read that great those engaged in building ( John t hold in the lloll of the ine liiHoi i . u.,.r .. hand the destinv nf k0 classic, Carlyle's History of the checks, and receive their Tf' Graham Towers, Governor of rrench Revolution. For the.. vn f.. u wdBCStthp Bank of Canada ansmm i . .. f- iiviiu tilt; ' ivprnmnnt X " very c,early shown that stream. John receive, dT! "Question: But. therp'.., ... .Tecauhold simply would not ikT : " crean. jyo- , - cAenangcv r jr nuiu uui pay Dav taxp taxes. , bodv n th r.n i . i Mr Tmireri TUnt u . ' " "u'" " io i iosi one:, . igni,. inui ffirtt tknm.nU 4 ; . . !l Ml flit tftr... , . FRIEND suggests that if a'. . ""uue" mis transaction. ; ; U,L lI,tre ior. mat S o home nuiiic is is free iree fro irom d rtpht . - '""is uu.mucss jusi in the I bird really did fly all the way " ! from Mexico to dron the viius nf mort?a6e or taxation. John steel plant is! Your first job! You're flf' your own money, so even f counts. And because you're a" iue way mat a makes steel iP287). ! foot and mnntv. rii. i i Iree irom taxation, and will i-o I " j Saskatchewan barnyard he must : ! . s montr''y national divi - - jvu UVU1I1L hnnu that nnvt.hmn nhu..i,,n.. ; nave been a very patriotic bald-' . '.A A fine Ime npur new .., UlXUi ) ' 6 l'V''Aii PUSSIOIC young huly, you'll be ope 'MS Rnnort it vu(jch,. nas its own warehouse at tried to serve &XaSlrn A&ka eamSh,p Cmpanv davs' American Tht I? the reight on competition" goods from Seattle m, which tomVXS? The opportunity now presents itself to pave the wav for a regular barge service between these two ports. Such a service to carry Ketchikan-made pulp is ineVnable This maV prove to be the time to get the docking and handling facHU scteSn1'011' WhCther r "0t 11 Pr0ves AVSS. f. .headed American eagle. Olher- les tne street and if John and ! why favor the whole USA. ! hls ne'ehbors require new side auu ue.uraDie can be made nancially possi&le? 'Continued on oaae 4i Savings Account atyourf"1" of The Commerce right ways, nignways, parks, school V 'V f ZZ.. Y'- "u uss jnJ'1 nr.i .: nii. have a welcome present i: It's a handy purse siho Regulations Pursuant ToSecfion 35 of the 1 Scripture 7"'"r Parnate ciooune for jor I ait called, "It's Simple When"" Know How"...filt'," helpful tips on day today bM It was written especially for)"1- soitaii "HIGHWAY ACT" If: ' V i I f ' V "Leaving us an example, that ye should foUow his steps." -1 Peter 2:21. Babine Road I of men who have been toiling all j winter in every kind of weather ; to break thp trail nlsoc tv,o. Ask for your copy ot your f write to Frances Terry, Head U J near the junction of the Skeena Being Pushed i and the Babine Commerce, " of ,isj 4ty6 r,t yJft ,., Canadian Bank : miles frnm thpfr The undersigned being a. person authorized by the. Minister of Public Works in writing, to exercise the powers vested in the said Minister under Part II of. the "HiRhway Act," and being of the opinion that the roads in the Prince Rupert and Terrace district may rrouire load and speed limitations in the coming spring break-up, do hereby advise the travelling public that where such regulation Ls necessary notices will be posted from time to time on said roads. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. March 11th. 1952. L. JT. SMITH, DIVISIONAL' ENGINEER Prince Rupert, B. C. WOMAN UNO HI MNKINCt The job of hacking a road I As soon as the road has been strong enough to carry heavy ' comP'eted, department of fish- equlpment over 60 miles of tnus- 1Ibe8Ki1 .move equip-ke ment to this block in rnrk in J one of the -nn u twoUh kd's f mt"h,d e, 7 11 aUt : Province's 6teSt cockeye d- as the De iirtmr I "Pawning streams and another Diriment of Fisheries project is job begins: That of cteartn. the penetrating from Ha2elton to i a stream or devisme some methnrt .slide blocking the Babine River, of hefetag spawning . . Latest ! salrnn over report from the handful the blockade The Canadian Bank of Comntf T. H. ATKINSON General Manager of The Royal Bank of Canada, whose appointment as a Director is announced. Mr. Atkinson has been General Manager of the bank since 1949.