f. .1 Pniice Rupert Dciiy No:i ZTT Tuesday, March 11. 39.-2 7 ' imjHiCitij HAT CITY Parks Board -Speaker Talks Seeks $14,075 Law and Debt hjNCIL DID ...... ... : - lawyers aomg it, however, as a. ing the , the KreaU'.st. 'public service. number jt it-bt ".-kins" in Can- f A husband could be legally ada uue to overselliiu' and over- I Pi nice Rupert Retail Grantors' sued lor n;s wifes debts. Mr. buying. While the: ? bar1 been a Ey MURIEL NARRAWAY and redec- i Highest amount tver requested for city park maintenance , was referred last night by city .. ,n rr-n'-vuit' Assocfatinn Hfars Alivfair Fraser said, unless it was estab- feeling that federal ci f-d'X reg- Canadian Press stair wri.er ,'e p:.,i:.-:V Home ft wa'. las, Fraser, Barrister lished that they were separated, ulations should be aoandoned or A man was also responsible for relaxed, it was definitely felt LONDON it Chic simplicity council to the finance commit-; ci;v cum"-" d " t K.. A 1 A and feminine appeal provide the tee for consideration in the esti- nuv-c-ocs uj.iaw in me sans- a common law wiles ctobls. that they should rot t allowed i key-note of a brmtique collection mates. Amount of $14,075 has faction of debt were discussed . to be taken ov provin- REPORTS ON CONVENTION shown here by Paquin of Pans, been asked by ces. The spirit of the French boule- board. Credit Grantors' Association, at Mr'-- Catherine Laurie sported A vote cf thanks was p.i.vod to 'b'irris seems tn radiate from such r,t nr iw,,- i. t,D its monthlv meeting lnt nioht on attendance at ft recent con- ! re?fon as a dress of shadow- single" expense estimated at by Alistair Fraser, voung Prince vention in Vancouver of the Pa-'Mrs. Doris Taylor, organizing s printed pure silk with prey and $8000 which includes' a per-;RuPert barrister who appeared clnc Northwest Credit Grantors' secretary of the Credit. Women's ".,.ev chairman of the S a 'tour by aldermen of works ,UD ..in.-wident what work decide ,alie to done. ;r trade licences were '"BovX'-r & Welter, for concrete prod-,,'tu Wav Boo, rooming t tnridt;.. agency; K-i c,.l, Robert Hunt. Association as wen as a corner- D'raMasi u'los council, van- : black scroll design on a gleam- manent working parks foreman as euest speaker. Fraser fplt. that a rrpriit ence of Credit Women's break- couver, for havin- com here 1 nig oyster ground, me aaccr at s4rinr, v(,r ,.nr, fnnr s,lm.i m. bureau was a valuable organiza- rast Clubs. Such outstanding recently to mstai tne kir al Credit tion to have in a community, speakers as Aid. Halford Wilson, Women's Brelkfast Club. J , simplicity of narrow stand rev- mer laborers at another $4000. f f rs, lone nanow sleeves, neat ,.,,, ,, "If4 ,n" '"Hn,f trSTSKS atOoTbut Modern hnyinpcc rmlri nn( oot KOWe Holland and Hon. H. H. Pacific Electric Honnner Mn. ,r along Without credit but It was Stevens had been heard on a tors and Standard Oil Co. of "i t7vl ,.U f, ' i- : - . . v. feen in this and other designs " ' "?,'"" always desirable to be careful, variety or subjects .. The speaker was quite frank 11 "ad reported that Van- as new members of the Associa- h gives . assurance pa.rks board will ,,-n have use of city truck when necessary. and fabrics. The boutique collections of Pamiin. and such London de in stating that he could not c"ver had the distinction of be- tion. agree with the proposal to abol-: " ' signers as Worth, allows the not- ; Other items included in park isri federal credit regulations n r" ,i h.arri a report from liai'l KruoRfr on his at-e a. a special meeting ni.'n of B. C. Municipal- VunouviT. which re.lut.oi. thai the pro-fOvenni'nt. share 80-20 iinidpalUics all school rliHi;::- capital expendi- h as bmltUng schools. Red Cross Help The so-rich to buy clothes from development budget trus year i He also made reference to loan famous houses at "prices similar are: ' companies, which had been men- to those of quality ranges in Swimming pool and park su- tloned during general business b!;; departmental stores. pervision, $000. earlier in the evening, and de- The sophisticated allure of Paint and materials for parks tlaied that U was "iniquitous" such suits as a black hopsack renovation, $1000. ;to charge two percent interest t -v in M.-av wiuM, cuivco, nips anu Materials for Roosevelt Park Vcl '""'" on luau Daiances. i t.u r t l i u 'i " - fence and flagpole repairs, $600. 1 Mr' Fraser sPoke of the courts ' Painting of all totem coles in wh'ch could be resorted to for! ,i :,sMircd an inquiring. the collection of debt after the SORROWING SURVIVORS-Robert Morton is shown with his daughter I.wtel, n, on nis arrival in Montreal from Manitoba after receiving word that five members of his family had been burned to death when fire destroyed his house at Ville St. Pierre, Que. Isobel, who Jumped from the second floor, was the only one to eicape the fate which'claimed her mother, two .sisters and her grandparents. ,cp pnoTOi I'or that building permits, parks, $1500. Secretary's salary, $75. usual preliminaries for collec- ' j tion had failed the small debts ' j court for amounts up to $100,' 1 the county court between $101 j ' and $1000 and the supreme court i lor UDwards of Sionn ! - 4, ;. . tried lor me Du-urm Housins and Mortgage ion IwiiMng scheme. . for schools w ill be me-' future, council decided, I .vir.q a bnaid of utilities'.! mmm i i 1 1 l tun t-di 'i ' . Nurses Hear ft - ,.- - - -P erSonuU hum I fnrttwc stihight skit will, appeal to pany. The tight skirt has accordion-pleated frill at the hem and tucked side-seems that curve at the foot to give an apron ef-i feet emphasized by three but-1 tons. The button design is repeated on' the side-slit jacket pockets. j Another town style with many possibilities is a black dress with stand revers, its slim skirt gored Into a flouncing finish and tight, three-quarter sleeves ending in ; huge, starched cuffs of white pique. , The latter are given a shallow curve and pointed edges. FOR THE RACES , j One of the loveliest styles is a 1 race-track fashion with strapless black taffeta underskirt beneath a flared, three-quarter-length tunic top of white broderie anglais. The stiff organda skirt of the tunic flares out 'from a neat waist over the slim black under ccessfu! - mm m m RZJiineltf ECIPES MACARONI WALNUT SALAD 1 cup elbow macaroni 2 hard-cooked eggs 1 cup sliced celery, '.i cup diced pimiento 34 cup coarsely chopped walnuts V cup jnaycnruiise i cup undrained pickle relish 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 1 teaspoon grated onion Salt ' Pepper Cook macaroni in boiling Water until tender. Drain and 1 SWIEaa j He told how judgments could i be executed and such processes jas judgment summons, warrants : of execution and garnishing pro- ceedings. There was no imprisonment I for debt in Canada although a ! debtor, if intention to abscond j should be shown, might be j thrown in ja'l but t4 and I bpard must be paid by the creditor with an old law calling : also for "beer and candles." j Collection of debts was a ser- vice which lawyers were usually : reluctant about accepting, some Bombing and Civil Defence Lectures Continued Dr. A. W. Large and Dr. G. W. FH'ios M5Mr Bay, at the' Nurses' Home of the Prince Ru I hef mm if ii Vm Fyolf.nn, Nitted Local 1? urn inn Trolicr, Passes Away j Sgt. T. W. Mcintosh of the Rryal Canadian Corps of Signals Failed this afternoon on the Ca- mosun foi a trip to Vancouver on leave. i, Mrs. F'. Skinner Sr. arrived in the city on the Camosun Sunday niht irom Vancouver for a visit he; e with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner. I I Mr. and Mrs G. Clark McLean t Oxfords and Loa lev's V Eytiifsr.ui, v. ho for many iin'v d note as Prince hiuii trolling fisherman boat Island, passed away skirt, sleeves are long and nar I It 9 ft m row and the back is finished by rinse with C0ld water. Cool thoroughly. Dice eggs and add to FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR a mandarin collar. Stiff silk coats nf brilliant macaroni with celery, pimiento f.r.iriz in Vancouver Gen-I spit al. One of the most pioneer fisher-: Si'-speru-d the port, news of his More beautiful and practical than ever in four completely new models including this fine De Luxe Cold-Wall. colors and pyramid lines top and walnuts. Blend mayonnaise, such dresses as a carnation pink P'xkle re!ish, mustard and onion, chiffon with strapless draped top Pour ove" macaroni mixture and and pleated skirt flaring out blend lightly. Season to taste over a crinoline petticoat. The with salt and PePPer- matching faille coat is equally, , effective with such items as a; , returned lo the city at the end ,of last week from a four months' i rnotor holiday trip in the course of which they travelled as far south as New Orleans. ! Mrs. E. Wostenholme sailed by the Camosun this afternoon on i rr WW I will be l-wved wan re-many friends, yol'son had been in fail-ith fur some years and, avir.n spent a while In ce Rupert General Hos-had b en taken to Van-etpht weeks ago. Death, n.d came suddenly for id been reports recently ! igi'fl irasHion footwear cocktail dress ' J- "-- wno w'1" in almond-green Mr?" taffeta her liusand has been engaged yith slim skirt, tucked in material here for and stitched corselet waist -and EeUlng : low square neckline i articles and radio broadcasts, flled last night on the Princess Short evening dresses in stiff silkc ar,H Qtir, ,ith vnicit Louisa for Vancouver whence she .will to New York where! pioceed beading give a wide choice ot inr K,ot Kt co f she wtll cmba for a trip to as sn .w.r. some lm- -r.t and niiuht be rettirn-f soon. Hc-wever. he took !: ir :h? worse at the week- , auu umuv' oiui it, j , the show was a ground-length E,niaK ba'lgown called "ephemere." In pert General Hospital last night, continued the series of weekly lectures being conducted under the auspices of the local chapter of the Graduate Nurses' Association of British Columbia on atomic bombing and civil defence. Dr. Large's objective was to acquaint the gathering of active and retired nur?cs, being marshalled for civil defenee, with the symptoms and medical treatment of radiation sickness, i Dr. Fiddes discussed the types of injuries resulting from atomic explosion and outlined their , treatment. Dr. Laree spoke of the relative susceptibility of individuals u ' radiation, degrees of reaction, 'the most sensitive body organs and effects according to degree of exposure. . While no specific therapy is : available, much can be done to , lesson the suffering and rrtortat-ity, concluded Dr. Large. Rest 1 from the earliest possible mo-, menl after exposure is of great ' benefit. L'se of newer drugs was of proven value, i DR. FIDDLS Dr. Fiddes reviewed factors 'relating to the number of casualties, principal causes of casualties, types of injury (direct or indirect!, burns, radiation and shock. Detailing the techniques of nursing care to atomic bombing and rre casualties. Dr. Fiddes emphasized the importance of self-care by patients : protecting cast and desired im- mobilization, activity to maintain range of motion and muscle tone, attention to nutritional needs and drug therapy as re-; quired. Cover to exclude air and dust was important. 9 m t 1 LJl Mf If f r itrt s "lev. to ATTRACTIVE INDIVIDUAL BEAN POTS 'mm a glinting shade of lime-gold flipped satin the dress has sim- ; pie, full-skirted princess lines '' with narrow straps to the bra-shaped necklitve. j Bodice and skirt are embroid- 1 ered in spidery lines of silver , beading forming panels of flow- ers, and the addition of a tremendous matching tulle stole adds to the emphmeral quality ! oi t:ie design. j fsm ! I " -- - J V ''.. arm . . S V her return to her home in Vancouver after a visit here with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wostenholme. ! R Hunter of the federal Department of Agriculture sailed bv the Camosun this affernton on .hlf return to Vancouver after a visit h .-re to inspect prain ships loading at the local elevator. , 1 Len Knutson, local youth, who has been with the Calgary Ramblers, travelling musical group, arrivr-d ln the c'.tv on the Camosun Sunday niRht for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Knutson. i Frince Rupsrt Gyro Club will be having its regular monthly . business meeting tomorrow night at a dinner ln the Savoy Hotel to be followed bv a stag pa'ty Saturday night there will be a Gyro party at the Frince Rupert Club. i i N. Mussallem was recently reelected president of the Ratepayers' Association of Kelowna at the annual meeting. He has jbeen living in southern British i Columbia for several years, be-: if iotig active In municipal affairs. I Mrs. Roy Berryman, who has een on a trip to Vancouver, arrived in the city by air at the end of the week and left by plane yesterday for Sandspit to join Mr. Berryman who is pilot on - 1 CARRY :, Th-; r pectacuir growth in the piocessing of fruit juices is docu- j mented by the fact that over 65 t per cent of the Florida citrus I - ji vuits,,!) a, i ; born fifty-f-"s upo in North Dakota, '':! a:. a Mrs. Thorstelnn f ! '.' hi had come from f In 1" the family mov- -;:'.dar. Manitoba, and it i'al'j '.hat they arrived at !' in th" Ski ana Slough 'ii Icelandic settlement i formcj. n,0 fa;her had t i'jrc they caine west and Jther. Mrs. Kristjana r-.tamc witr her children. d away in 1947, I s his widow. Mrs. Doris J 'no is bringing the ' back to Prince Rupert rr for burial here, r - sw brothers and two Tlve brothers are Rag- Kjarian. Arne, Bjorn f "ry Eyolivai, all of Prince aid thp sisters-Mrs. G. -n Clmrch of Van-1 and Mrs. 0. II. (Joan, f at innce Rupert 1 ..Ifson W;:s a membpr o f '' LodRe and was Lj ' a member of the St '! Ambulanc, Brigade. He l'";''mhusi;istic Liberal. 'U bean Anglican fun- 4 vice. 1-1 crop now goes into cans, whereas ; o. . , , . . . . , . prior to the 1939-40 season 77 uniciy live pci ixui vi itu riuiiiia i namllins cost for each bean pot. oranges were marketed in this I H. J. Heini Compiny of Canada' form. I I"d-iDept.S.P.,Leamington,Ont. FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE Models for every kitchen and budget. Model RM-60 cooks a whole meal while you're away. Come in and see our (Frigitlairc) Refrigerators and Stoves at amazing ' -i -:J reductions. j ,Mi-.. and m sr tf:-Jr Wood ret i turned; oii the Princess 1 Louise, i Monday from a trip to Vancou-s . 1 j W ' m V.V- 'I' 1 . . :. ... J to. re " w -. 'v --k . oecause, ir. nas provea tt : ver. V on important discovery r - value" with a rich aroma and m satisfying strength. in the relief of pain ! GORDON & ANDERSON Limited Phone 46 i 9 St. Patrick's Day Dance, i 1 March 21. (64c) i I 9 School girl perms. Drop in ; after school. All work guaranteed. Jerrv's Beauty Salon, " Vi ..... the Queen Charlotte Islands for Queen Charlotte Air Lines. Win. Sullivan, formerly of Prince Rupert and known more popularly as "Sully." is now living- on the Queen Charlotte Islands, where he moved to a few years ago. He is located not far from Massett. He has fully recovered from the effects of an accident that overtook him when logging a few months ago. Mi Plane For Peaches Here ns north fom Vancou-" N'rseman aircraft I I k P'aeed ln svice ofi Sntn SatUrday 2 Normar Jermyn afternoon from AT7mPuanying him wife tn r? haVe recentlV 'i-v Ginny Simms Compares Blue Bonnet Sings Its Praises! ! Phone 855. (tf) I Women's Hospital Auxiliary j Rummage Sale March 14 and 15, ! Sheardown's old store, 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 94!) or Green 733 to have rummage picked up. (61c) I i v. V" ) J Li sauea this n 8 VancouveV REFRIGERATOR SPECIALS s Oman i.v. , 1- . . . because it is the '.' ' ' ' f s finest blend of coffee aJ SfTTJj ? '""""v I " C1 you can buy. Jj? jXjl.iSWf j , But Yellow Label or i mrv- -iS- -- '. , i- Red Label . . no other i vjti " ' . - coffee can equal that ,,.1 jf , Fort Garry flavour! 's-...-.,.,.i,ii-' ( s iZ .m,ny kim,s of l " iaily helping of Science progratiti ... for 50 years we have used little white tablets acetylsalicylic acid for relief of pain. ToJ.iy this familiar pain killer is available in a mil' form without the disadvantages of aciditv, insolubility and bitter taste. lifts calltil DISPRIN ami u iold t imgfj'sts tvtryuhtrt . DISPRIN is sttlubU and substantially ntutral. When taken in water us recommended, it enters the sromach as a trut solution and not ts undissolved particles. It is therefore less liable to cause stomach discomfort. DISPRIN is readily absorbed. Because it definitely dissolves (not merely disintegrates) DISPRIN permits speedy absorption and gives . quicker relief. ' DISPRIN is falatMt. Even children will take it readily. a ' j . sf.: J liriouV womn- K 11 9'2 cu. ft. Deluxe Refrigerator $399.00 8'2 cu. tt. Refrigerator, luiU fA mnnrtmont 4411. 50 ttiiii i i utci i i uuu tun ivj iiiii-ii. -r - - tym Sr-2 cu. ft. Refrigerator $382.00 y 'j. (live vour meals a new note ! Take this tip from tlmny oinuus. Compare Bu'E Bonnet Margarine "vith tt spread at ony nrioe. Like the oeiebratrd songstress, you'll love the mornine-fresh, sunny-sweet flavor of this iine-riuulity n;( rrgrlniii inar-(tarine. Jou'll appreciate Blvb UoNNKT'smifritinn. And you'll welcome its real rtmtonni. So lmv Bi.fB Bonnet and Ret "all 3" l lavor! Nutrition! Kcoimm-o-e! Use it in cooking, on vegctalilfS as a delicious spread. Bi.CE Bonnkt Margarine is sold in two ty)es regular econoiny package with color wafer, and also in the famous Vemjw Cuik bag for fast, easy color. DISPRIN U now ovailobtt al yon dr-jggiit. Bollli of 26 lobltli cr Handy Fockal Foldari of 8. Science steps forward with 'Tf ad vlf-th. -th .I"1 oereal that ,,tff,?1,l-L-1,RAN that if 'S 71 en'l't.v carton tn Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. SAFE SPEEDY Dl CJ C i UT Besner Block Phone 210 Stewart, B.C. Prince Rupert, B.C. BUY IT... YOU LL BE DELIGHTED BY TUF MAKERS OF DiTTOf ANTISEPTIC FCKITTCOI MAN (CANADA) I.IMITCff. PHARMACEUTICAL DIVISION. MONTREAL i