KiinLe Knperl Uuily New. - Tuesday, March 11, 1952 ' nljawmiiK fiiouiias converted IJitii deep lakes posed another question. By the use of 'thread-marking' - 'V. i&ed bathy-thermographs. The . felt that the fishery was weli small fry, much was being learn- Conservation Should Be FdfloWed by Use : Co-op Hears About I'rorcss of Scientific Research on Salmon, Herring Oroundfish, Tuna, Crabs 1 1 . i " ed about the effect of predators u s- Navy had first priority on ! protected. These shellfish wi!i which prey on the downstrt ni those instruments. not live in captivity, thus mak- niigralion. Another project under ," As crabs are increasing in im- inS observation of ths full lire study is that of 'correlations' in ' portance they are still under ob- i cycle and breeding activity in which scientists attempt to re- servation, and it is now possible j particular, difficult to observe, late salmon production with to make population estimates. ! in th3 case of otner varieties "It's Saving' if yOU re llOt going tO Use," j such factors as meteorological j Waters off the east coast of j knowledje Is beins accu;;;u.atei. ; h declav Ct! 1 ni. Dr. JOhn Krt tfi,rt Halt, OirtCtOl Hlffftnr Ot nf thf. the i V-u-ifin aCltlC Pin 1-10-; ' ccnamons, water levels m wm-iuranam 1 lsiana contain approx- : slowly. :A ft tor, and water runoffs. Combined imately. 3,000.000 crabs, north! nr Ho,t r,-enfitlo- 'n nan- i't loc-ical Station at Nanaimo, Who Mas guest speaker; with the "key stream" program ; coast of the same Island 1.000.- j .,nMri:5 !a"nPU3j war' vopre- ti.L ft'n rn Krunipc irtftnn nmare inn ann nnnpn arnnr fn I 'I . at the annual meeting of the i'rince nuneil r isher-!,-,,,,,. , . ' . , .'dated by u-.e mating and a a. i -s - i H V . .'. 1 . . : ' J t r I 17 r ' - "x i' ' i . .;. v , , y! men's Co-operative Association at the end of th,: casting of fish xuns should be female crab never reaches the . question period w:u ToUo-.ved by , - t possible. ' legal catch size limit, Dr. Hart a hearty vote of thsnfa,. .. ... ',ilr,in. auction ; Regarainf; the iorr;ns fishery Interpreting the definition of ! Dr. Hart said that investigations conservation as "wise use, Dr. His station also attempted to were continuina. with the col- tj., .Irfl tin fr,rr rr.-.mVers fifTllrn rwivrr.n 1 a rrr.c rif iriir Hounl-i ... - . ' a si -i . iiaii vi.e v,w-. --d , ipp, on of .ntrh Stat st rs nnrt J that his station's policy was to opment, water flows, and to plan ; the eXamlnation of fishermen's 1 USED CARS FOR SALE I :!; The Co-op fishermen devoted spawning bed gravel compacted increasing. xhis j helped oy almost an entire afternoon ses- jyy logging tractors and other Btudles of n ma,'talitVi ml. g y 5 i , 1... ' sion listening w me vam uy xi.acwirs u. wncie waver can u : gi-atiohs and sampling, to de- dart. r.8ti uuw "-' , termine age and size. jjC-. 1913 1940 Austin Austin Panel Panel i ' ' On invitation of the Board of is also being tackled, along with .91 J Directors, he described the work the idea of using special mobile of his Department to a large creek seines for counting travel.-iathwiiig. Mrs fih. Introduced bv Manager K. F. ft 1941 International :li-ton Panel 191Z Ford Panel 1911 "Ford Sedan 1947 Austin 8 Sedan 1341 Morris 8 Sedan 1942 Ford Sedan 1912 Thames (Ford) Panel 1 t -- f 77,7 j An interesting result of this was the discovery that the unexpected Gasboal Pass . run this season was the result ot a school of herring refusing to die at the end of its normal life span. The bottom fish offer an interesting challenge to science, said the speaker. Statistics are more important and more difficult to obtain. The growing Tfc 1937 ln Tprmn Terraplane nn Sedan senan n .is mm K . . h ; "if, ' . . , . I V i'- 1 Harding himself a member of the Fisheries Board of Canada the speaker was described S3 the senior biological research scientist on the Pacific coast. , Of the seven stations in Canada Nanaimo receives one quar-tci ol all appropriations, he dis- j closed. - . 14. i Some surprising results have been obtained. For instance tagging and counting showed that more fish went to Lakelse than to Babine. It had also shown that the proportion of West Coast spring tags returned from L'nited Stale rivers has decreased from 80 to 20 (luring ths last 20 .years. This is possibly due to the dams built oi: the Columbia. . , ; market for these fish built up by modern package methods of merchandising makes this typo Superior Auto Service of fish Important. fOME GRIMACE by Andy Marshall in h r tcufhest. fight of the Golden Gloves tourna- Li mired Investigations continue on Owing to its importance to B.C. salmon investigations at present take up about half the appropriations. Because oi vulnerability of herring at spawning time that species is next in importance. Other' tasks include that of wws his distaste or Komeo urunn s rig it .ianrt. Marshall came back to put Brunn : the third r und to win lhe light-hca .' ciown of D C, "Phone Green 217 Third Avenue West Dr. Hart felt that fish ladders I tuna. Dr. Hart explained they are not the complete solution ! were hampered somewhat by not of the dam problem. Shallo n ' being able to obtain the prom- I . - i HEALTHY DIET rt 5 MONTREAL (CP) Canadian increasing knowledge of ground ! ; should eat more fish, not only fishing, j Cjcivclcnl eninq t ! during Lent but all year round,1 As tl? life cycle of salmon -as Civic Health Director Di. leads it ' 'through the salt water ' Adelard Groulx. He noted that channels and fresh water sys-i fish "is as nutritive as meat in terns. It is particularly suscept- t penernl nnH moheriver t pn;ipf ihlia tn Knth fftjVilno- anrt stiirlv V " I WILL IT COST Un- afraid oi frost and like to make to and " maUicatc cllaest To a certain extent this also i fi.::.!;. picture taking their b.'st growth in cool weather. applies to the herring. new vegetables at leat two Most important of the investl-vu'eks ahead of usual in this ' gational mediums . is the fish I', any other outdoor Sweet peas are in this group, and t i , the cost of g.trdf ning grass seed and nursery stock. The ! Oil.' fan do wonders latter Is the trade name fur j j. a (di!., worth of seed, 1 young vines, shrubs and trees, 4j;.r.d n r.;!ie Fur ali the ready lor transplanting. Ota can j m!ti:mat;tm in'ci-Mmy haidiy pl.ii.t tl.cac tiling.; too f..ii:s r,n tiie seed packet st.on. way. Another trick is to sow j fence. Dr. Hart said. It was the some seed of each packet a week fence system that detected the cr two before the normal time Babine River slide. Fences enable and then protect the young seed- j scientists to study and count sal-liii!'. ; with naner cans, narres of I mon eoine ud to snawn and the n ft:c si cl calaloi'ue will ':yse taicct ions tell'the .U;tn to plant and how One of the easiest shortcuts ' pjass or upturned flower pots j fry returning to the sea. Dr. b-;;h wuh llo'vers and vegetables ul,ut the weather really turns Hart invited suggestions for bet-i- tc u e .started plants as ties- w,U;n some people start a hill ter methods of doing this than'c1 earlier. can go out- l0f melons, squash or such things by fences, as he felt that it was side almost as so.m us it is safe a borry hnx indoors, then plant a cumbersome way of studying t' sow seeds. If handled care- hux and nil nutiide without dis- tho r9l nnH Ei.n. nf V, how far; v,ii: (trow the f lus flatitfd so he can ::ii'iu:. mom. ..;.' are mhunum f and lor just a tiny I. T.'v fully one can have flowers and turbing roots. STEaM'cR Prince George fxtrus'kke a cultiVii-aj.U a Utile more j' . :!, m .Hi, :md plants ': itit.' .;its..iaftiiin and (B ' l':iv txira and cU-;f. Tir.jiion tiio, there are buoks and ?e.,Kl(!:in i: built tins available. ( rt':.lly ambit ions, one Ws, $ ..d o 1 most indefinitely. 1 Jiui;iny hundreds of f'm and vegetabUs 0 SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN .VIDNKSbAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost ai-vpcsal, and more uf lH'it'ii'.iaU. shrubs and ta,'s. There are M i -VIA- like rock gardening, borders, rose Hardens f.pols. There are also rist'Ls for cultivalhig, clipping, leaf I ar.rt Mich jobs lor tlie J"-'. is mechanically In-hu has a really big For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR TF.P0T . OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, fC. spcakuiR the first "'ill be the .seeds jiarl-; on the window sill or or greenhouses, fhvse wly in March and by ;hpy are ready to trims- ' "V will be six to ten Thin's that shnolH f 1 erly in this way are t if snu-n ,!(,.ll READY TO USE Just si ir Super Wall-Tone briefly, then smooth on I One coat covers most surfaces 1 DRIES QUICKLY Super Wall Tone dries in minutes. Test colors in tmiill area before puinting entire room. Mukc sure color blends with your furnishings I WASHABLE 5upr Wall-Tone washes . easily a china platr vet. tbp widmtand rount-If s -i ' UUl voiilrl hardly have suffi-?" 111 maiurp or fiower nd such like come :':c8oryi1Uhjve!.elal)les f''-1' niua.s, begonias "s ol other flowering sill Another distinguished product of The BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY Co. Ltd. i- it S Art nhln t i .. Marshall-Wells new, revolutionary SUPER WALL-TONE is a RUBBERIZED paint made from a latex rubber base that dries to form a tough, washable film on your walls and woodwork . . . saves you hours of time and effort, assures you of a really professional paint job! ONE COAT! - Just one coat of Super Wall-Tone covers most surfaces -one gallon does the average room. ODORLESS! Super Wall-Tone leaves your home free of stuffy paint smell dries without offensive odor. NO THINNING! No need to thin Super Wall-Tone. Just stir and apply to surface. COLORS! Get Super Wall-Tone in 1952-approved ultra-smart pastel shades or high-fashion deep tones for painting or tinting. ECONOMICAL! Super Wall-Tone is Canada's best paint buy! Tough, durable, it keeps its color beauty year after year! i. 1 Mm I a . "i l uuy mese ;j 1 !"iiiUs , in flats from ; w nurserymen. But in It,0' cu,,r this Is not 1 ll,,n i'Kain there are nT,7"e ho, to make .'J0 Particular varieties, k S 4 RUNNER-UP AWARD aoes to fourth Prince Rupert GoldJn Glover finalist Chu:k Place, w'.io lost to Gordie McDonald in the lightweight division. Making the plantation Is Don Carlson. Taking in the ceremonies is a news photographer, Chuck Jones. if REPAINTING ' Walls and woodwork painted with Super Wall-Tone can be repainted later with oil-type, water-thinned or rubber-base paints I VERSATILE Super Wall-Tone tti Its to plaster. w;illbnarcl, cuiivms. bru it or tight wallpaper almost every interior surface, painted or unpainletl 1 APPLY DIRECT Super Wall-Tone requires n& primer or special undercoat. It primes while it paints I i paints is anyway. . . garden ls iarge' nn"d f iidred of ct.,i-inJ . ca-ri i. '""""-a piants a- " ineapcr to grow - it case, hovv- 1 'tbod mam ,.. , ui inse affa rs "consult a Eovernmrmf Mr r,tnl-ti, , v VELVET FINISH COLOR BLENDING ??ood mixture nf md loam. MOTORISTS Miniature License Plate Key-ring Tags f r the year 1952 are now available to the motoring public at a minimum rest of 25c each. t HOUSEHOLDERS Use our SECRET TAG for your home or office keys because it. is the KEY to no more lost Keys. For just 25c a year you enn guard against loss, by attaching one of our SECRET TAGS to your key-ring. If your keys are ever lost, the finder mails them FREE to us and they are back in yoir hands" immediately. REMEMBER when you send 25c to this- Tag- COLOR MATCHING With Super Wall-Tone you can identically match colors on walls and woodwork! Paint them both from the same canl ant Surr Wall-Tonf- driei to a drrp velvet finish . . . leaves no streaks, no lap marks. Tou.-h up missed spots within an hour and they never show! lnS Outsido u. Super Wall-Tone colors are easily intermixed for unlimited distinctive shades. Use deep tones for accent spots od(i sparkle to your room 3 1 r thaenol - Available. Now! from your local MARSHALL-WELLS DEALER! Service you help the T.B. Veterans In B.C. Ask your Marshall-Wells dealer for free folders showing you how n ,u:,, in.aMai trrr harmnnv in purv mom of vour home! '. LU aV,ll'CVC ivvvnwi vuivi ' -' ' ' J ... J - J B C RESERVE 'Canadian ')tAidy Thi British Cilumbii Distillery Cl. ltd. HIW WK.THIN.TKH, B C, nnnnn . . . MAiL THIS COUPON TODAY SECRET TAGS REQUIRED LICENSE No ADDRESS -. NAME , - - T.B. Vets Room 100-603 W. Hastings St., Vancouver 2. B.C. PA. 2851 ' SI PrOIlT A B.C. ORGANIZATION Est. 1916 liner SWnc 1 - oil OCJ44 IIfJ3i tvery Time r 1 J This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by tr Government of British Columbia mm