i ; , , Golden gloves avmrds- IV..- 07, ''1 U. ito n- DAILY NEWS Hockey Scores Pacific Coast Now Westminster 5, Calgary 7. PCAHL-OSAHI. Kelowna 7, Nanaimo 1. (Kel-owna leads best of five B.C. semi-final 2-1.) Western International Nelson 1, .Trail 9. (Trail leads best of five BC semi-final 2-1.) I lL't 12 ' fc ancc; ! T K u ., i USe of which Council-Stops Tennis Court Authority tn atnn tv, r. j' -j lJ ...t tvuLitIV u Z ft Club in further work toV l' ... ..v... nw. iv on uii its :is ten-! ion-, concre -"cie :oq nls nltf court mnf v nrninnt uroioet nf. .. t r Rirrn.i . a.. . "a "a lit lit., i . ouuuuu AVC-! nue W-.'st near the junction was : a,'owance . .t i ik oimer Puck i 1 given by council to the board of wfc D e " wo:ks !u,t night. Mm Aid. John Currie claimed the who mv , "b was WN'roaching "at. ; ti0n tar Passes IS E. v .'s y ' i 1 - 4 I AiA- 'v i 1 'ft ; 1 , THE ROUND-UP By LARRY STANWOOD Cards for AS! OccasBon Sma l and cheap is how this department describes the attitude of city council in refusing to recognize the valor of a har.d-; jful of Prints Rupert amateurs, TORONTO (Ps George Mac- Namara, a lormer hockey star J who headed one of Canada's! clggest construction companies, 1 died. Monday in Miami, Florida, 1 j where he was holidaying. He was j ' 65 and a native of Penetungu!- shenc, Ont. IwacNamara started his hockey career at Sault Ste. Marie. He ' later p'.ayed with Kitchener in the old Trolley League before j moving into the National Hoe-key League, ivj was a bruising ' defence player. lie. and his broth- ! er, Howard, were called "the : dynamite twins." Anniversary . Wedding Boby .... Sympathy Appropriate is the word for cards ct who have accomplished a tcr.il. e feat in Provincial sports history. H doesn't make any difference what, type of uiuuicur f-puru oi.r youns men participate in it depends on their aptitude - but superiority in it shows the w:ll. Courage and ab.lity to win out ov.-r opposition. They are the type of men we need in a .!-'.;- Mil And t; think that the decision ot the council is binding on the citizens ol Prince Rupert in fact, a reflection of the majority rttitucle! We must give full credit to Al-r.ermen D.irrow uomez and Bert Glassey who f. It h was "only nj-Uil" thai llio city should allow Mm? appreciat.or.. It. isn't the money angle involve it "a the principle. Maybe the city is b: okc and car't afford $100 or less as Aid. Glassey voted for a token p.esentaticn of, a p p r c c iation. how much dovs a kind word, a liirmal note or a public handshake cost? Is the city of Prince Rupert so down on its upfiers that it can't afford even that? A large majority of Prince Hu-pert people are sports fans. We are known as a sports town' in a lot of places. Who will agree with Alderman C-orge Casey who say.: "I'm not very much enthused happily, over tlie way the Vancouver are rrince R:ipert Elks Boxing Club's Champ B.!l (Mouse) Morrison, and THREE CHAMPIONS one more than last yea gr.n Go:c!cn Glove.; entlrd f-r ik.'m Saturday nigh . i:icy Light-Heavy King Andy Mashall (left t , Midd rweiplv. G!3r (Tiny i Carlson, who won the heavyweig it crow Remember when? Howie Mounz, one of the all-time greats of the National Hockey League, died in a Montreal hospital 15 years ago to-ni'-jhl at the age of 35. The Car.a-dien.s star, after 14 seasons in the NHL. had been staging a great conirback when he ,sul Iced a broken' leg in a game at Montreal, dying of a heart attack a fow weeks later. i Ijcratc way. These five boxers, coach".! along by a yown-io-earth cl:i-: zen showed a lot of courage t: , go down into a strange city with i all the strikes against tlrom op-; portunity and training facilities, j ; public support and majority; j competition in order to show j the rest of this province that Prince Rupert can produce cluim-; pions. " ! It took a lot more courage than i that held by the council men 1 Iw.io last night refused even a ibout these fighters and I don't j tokvn recognition of these boys' think many other people are." ! accomplishments. . ' Enough said. ' j.'arods of Rupert's Post Hoop Stars Tonic,'.it a', the Civic Centre a own floor in 1948 and again re-novel basketball shuw is one tained the championship against sport fans will not want to miss.' Kamloopy :.jtj in 1S19. Jack has Not only will the best of present many years of colorful and ex-hoop material be pitted against citing hoop history behind him. Ex Line-up Nominated The line-up Challengers coach ; Al?x Bill lias chosen for the ex-Ih'.bilion hoop set-to tonight is ; as follows: Wnite" Davis, Flaten. Rupe j Fo'k stad. Morgan. Lindsay, Cal-i clercni Moxley. REDS Webster, Mathews, Ol-json, Spring, L)on Scherk, Dom-jinatc, Helge Holkestad. 1 j-'V- '.- t . 'I 4 ; J1 ;. '", : ? I 4 J,' -I- ... ' t' i ..." !. '.jji. , " . , f I, 1 -;,f .-. r1: .. ... 1 , it.. ' v , .... t f v i each other, but also the best of , FfC(! calderoni will probably talent of yesterday will meet- fce best remembered by a daz-perhaps for the last time-on the inig ing shot in the Navy Drill same floor. ; ,Ia, nere during thc second Such nanws as Jack Lindsay, Qrlcl War when American Sey Domhialo Fred Caldcronf, .rinrd Forces met Canadian Helsc Hjlkestad and Hob Moxlcy yirmed ,.r(.os in a R ,d Cross j '.-ley all mean something to tf,jvt exhibition game. ocal fans who watched and 1 . . , , 1 launch fan rooted for the home team only a "av.e, ?, uiand old-timer on the floor him- - ir am J. g0' i sell, loves to tell the story of T-ii.-. "re..xed list" becomjs ac- i h(, F.ed shot at the hoop from tive once again tonight as they ! behind the centre Hnv with the round out as formidable a line- .Cre 50-49 end the final whistle I , p.?s,one wants 10 see on a bas- goirg while the bail was still in tetbal" court. .in? air ; Ths encounter has been nam-) F;fter. hundred people tensed I cd: Ken Challengers vs. White ! nnon -mm it hoH no t Vin m n I a n bal' clubs. This will tv thc last tirr.- Ru-' pert fans will see Challengers on the floor until after their trip to i .-ompjtc in the Senior "A" semi-i finals and then the finals in (Vancouver, if successful. This advertisement w not pullihed or displawl h: iioard ur by the Ouveriiment ut iiiitisli Cw .'..for first .class spare-timt training ... at naval pay for time spent ... good sports activitie: ... physical Titnes . . . good csmrodtv Play a man's part in the deforce of freedom. Now is the time! i '- f $r i ! I Challengers. The lme-up con "be j wing .:d on, hit the back board found elsewhere on this page, i and dropped through the mesh. Here is a summary of some of a perfect two points which won the old-timers who will fill im-: tne game Tne rest ls history. portant places tonight. ; Aft3r the crowri )Ccovered from One of Rupjrfs tallest, hus-, , m:ntarv shock, it broke out kiest and most colorful guards,' D-.r.demonium - - nished the Sev Dommato returns in shorts floor and heaved the Rupert and sneakers and will receive a team on their shoulders. . . . loud applause there is no dcubt. . . . , , , . i Helgc Holkestad and Bob Mo- Many fans will remember Sev ,ey arP tno lv;o olhT la crs who as one of tne original "Grotto" wcr.t bc forctten scon in local playcry, a standout for Standard mortc hf.rthVnnnH rw i.nm fcMn,-ltair.ai.,. jlagl-, . ! I,TV iniiijlii-lirMl rtl lir W",r-i'v i and oa'rs- 1,al'?r years C'-PS family ot cagers, wi-1 be' iVmem- a stalwart member of the bered for lightning speed as a Lt.oi CL.U3 AWARD honors are shared by Princ ..u,'.rt's Coach Joe Ward (left) and Haney's Ccach J.m Langston, shown admiring the trop $ presentee! after the Saturday night Gloves ..finale by an Active Club official. to run ."ArcuM5 ONHOwrjuo!' ADVANIAC'.S Of .C.N,(J IWiwW. '' NAVAL RECRUITING OFHO H.M.C.S. CHATHAM, .PRINC! PHONE: 526 first Rimert B.C. Senior B" Championship team, and the fol- ; lowing year as well. Jack Lindsay is another champ who starred with the team that rank Alberni Athletics on their forward; Mox.ey, a veteran of the Tuxi; team in 1931, played throughout his time in the Canadian .rmy, then returned to side with Savovs and later fcr B.C. Packers bo n weil remembered Thumb Down Curling Results courage them and our youth today needs it. I think a presentation of some kind would be, very fitting." j Then Aid. George Casey rose' slowly to his feet. I "I don't see what there is to' be so enthused about a bunch1 ecep : FrizseSS s M WANT ADS,...,.. MEN'S CTKLING UI.Sl l.TS , Saturday 7 p.m: Roerson 9, Kellou-h 8; Matthew 7. Holliston 11; Eydfn 9, Wllhon , ; : '"Sip.m. 'Evans 4, .vlcDowcll S; Taylor 9, Laurie 7; Stewart 10; Landon (default i. ; Rejects Proposal To " Recognize Golden Gloves Boxers , of kids knocking their heads to- I i gether. I i "I think S100 can be devoted roducts-Lt OFFERS YOU THESE City council last niuht threw i to something much better. 1 Market Place of out a motion to give civic recog- j on 1 think verv manv PeoPl' nition to a Prince Ruorrt box-( r'e ure entnusea about these (MUSE D CAR and CLASSIFIED ADS JJ ' Tonight's Draw ' 7 p.m. Ruwbotlram vs Skofl-' merud: Miller vs Moore; Wright vs Wales. i 9 p.m. bai.em.an vs Bouitcr; j Berg vs Rogerson; Holliston vs winner of Rowbotham vs Skal'.- merud. 'i back to the city. He cited, "for instance, the Job's Daughters ing team which brought back ; Jl1, eolng out t0 fiht- either." three British Columbia cham-!T'le veUran alderman had pionships in the recent Golden j,rown a damPer on the motion, Gloves tournament in Vancou-: 11 Awas evldt-ver. I Acting Mayor Harry Daggett The subject was introduced by ' askd to have lhe Municipal Act City Clerk R. W. Long and mo- i 1 reSardlnS appropriation of tion to appropriate $100 for a ' funds for sucn evenls and n was reception or token of apprecia-! not exProssly included, tions "for the publicity and ! Mr- LonS. however, pointed out GENERAL-MOTORS PRODUCTS RUCK VALUES Vrito Tliem Yourself on this Handy Form nonor inree young men brought I " u" several previous occa- ; and the basketball teams to tnis city" was made by Aid. I sions, tne city had made pies-I All but Aldermen Gomez and H. F. Glassey and seconded by ' fntations or held receptions for ! Glassey voted against the mo- Aid. Darrow Gomez teams who had brought honor ' tion. (Boxers who won tne cham pionships are Glen Carlson, Bill Morrison and Andy Marshall, all members of the Elks Boxing Club.) "..."I think the council should' recognize the courage of these young men. They have given this city a lot of favorable publicity," said Aid. Glassey. Aid. Gomez supported the motion: "We should support our future citizens and show them some appreciation. It will en- 194C CMC 2',2-Ton, long whelbase, 2-speed axle, new partial motor. Suitable for hauling lumber ,etc. Full price $985.00 194? CIIEV 'i-T:in Panel New paint job, new partial motor, heater. A real buv at 1 185.01) 1946 CMC 1-Ton Panel Reconditioned Only $915 1949 FARGO 2--Ton 2-speed axle, vacuum brake booster, short wheelbasv. This truck ideal for dump work (body and hoist available). Has van body at present. Full price ...! $1595.00 1949 CIIEV H'-Ton Pick-up. Box covered $1280.00 USED CARS 1948 CHEV SEDAN Fully equipped with radio, heater and defroster, feat blankets. 37.000 miles, good tires, two-tone blue Only $1185 194C CIIEV 5-iPassenger Coupe Seafoam green, radio, heater" and defroster, seat covers Only "$1095 1949 CHEV Two-Door Sedan 19,000 miles, G.M. radio, heater and defroster. Avon blue $1735 1940 CIIEV 53,000 miles. New paint job in seafoam green. Interior finished in leather : $485.00 1938 PONTIAC Has new '51 motor,,excellent tires, body repainted and in top shape. Full price $595.00 WtE ALSO HAVE PRIVATELY OWNED CARS AND TIUTKS AT OWNER'S PRICES FOR IMMEDIATE SALE See our budget plan for financing, , repairs, and accessories Trade-ins accepted on all the above listed cars Phone 871 Ask for John Bennet i- t ,M . . ; 1 1' Number of .Times Enclosed Please Find - (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25. cosf' insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, Add four words if bo: number retiuiied Tonight MAIN GAME 8:30 p.m. Prince Rupert Challengers, Whites (plus retired players) vs Reds (plus retired players) 7:30 p.m. Metlokorlo, B.C. vs Merchants ADMISSION: , League Game Prices ' .. Name '. Address Phone No li