"TTjn Aires'-. Prince Rupert Daily News !ay Reflects and Reminisces Saturday, April 10, 1W4 you'll and 177 planes destroyed, irank-j But it was not like this more t!y 45 you've realized never be the man you once lin D. Roosevelt nas neen (leaa ; man a century iiro in South Af- for years and an America:! iul- Mean waters, there were wivpj mlral has followed him to the and children therealso lathers herearter. He ha'' "rit'en a mid husbands. But under or-book. publication viilch. he tiers to stand fast Instead o declared, would create a seitsn- ! KwimminK. 378 soldiers held for- As I Sec It ti-l.wl. I J' ill Bomb Bomb Bunk OTTAWA . DIARY ' Now that rank-and-file M.p.-s h;ive cli'P.sld thp lalrst Abbott budget tlicy huvo drawn th. Mmn-wliut gloomy moral that, just so long the genirul public Iv.is plenty of money in i.ts pockets, it miKlit as well rosi;;n itself to paying hih taxes. In other words, tax cuts def- tion. The bxik Us nev. U-ihk read ami it far from tl 1. nation while the transport broke1 : up about them and they di- itipiwaii-d uin:.ii( sl-aik iiil'cU.'d hnppd you might be comments h Vancouver press contemporary. But. you've learned to accepl yourself for what you are. And while ynu continue to set your ,"hts hik.i, you aren't ridleil with so many Built complexes. You wouldn't be young aijain il you could. ' Nature knows what she's doinsj. And ns'ns has Its compensations. What you'v-1 mi.s,sed on the swinps, you jet on the roundabouts. J, - ... ' -f ' -i. ... Hard to r)eue'c, ye '1 a.pcars . to lie a fact, there r Re ssiat. farmers, but they possess no ! land. That is the properly of I he Soviet. When Ivan actually Fly onnn iii. . i initely are being reserved for dn- A GOOD many letters are pros.sj(,n llmws Thtir )m.pos(i coming in these (lays I then will .stimulate business by i . ,i ' , , I ' J briiiniiiK alioiit. lower prices anoilt the 11 homo. i which will serve as an inceij- Somc of these are from people 1 live to consumer purchases. who are Renulnely concerned; about the fate of mankind, in In the old days back In the the face of (he tilanic tirma-! limes of Ilohb, White, Fieldina . I does farm, he is told win n. Who was it said that it seems iwlat und how to do It. Very unfair to expect a dog to lik-v (,w n.1V(l a horse r ,.ow A on when nobody else does? ' j ,,,.rf st,..,k, or practically any 'kind of meat Is unknown. Black I.KTTIVO HIM KNOW ; bread In l. ,UpK'. How to h.ve T), WA- , ((ins,. foi and ! hutii'i' : ..s not vet been (li.-cov- he NEW 5 Hours $44-85 One Way riiunu 7!i.i hcaVici 3 Spel him tJ Canadian (Pocic ered. ' lint lo .su.nd an' oe si ill to the Uiikiii'cad d i iil is a damn lough bullet to chew." So wrote Rudyaid Kipling lui!' ago end its well remembered yel. Every now and then, the sea tells another drama. The loss of the Birkenhead, In 1852 off Capetown was one. The Titanic was anot her, OMINOI S HIT VdK And yel another was the burn InJepeDdeiit dally newspaper dvod to the upbuilding of Prtnos Rupert ! ad Norttura nU Centra) British Columbia. , Mrgibar of Canadian Presa Audit Bureau of Clrnulatlona s Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. i -w Published by The Prince Rupert nail? Newi. Limited. !i J. F. MAOUR, President 11. O. PERRY, Vice-President auoacriptlon Ha tea: i oaMer Per week, 25c; per month, tl 00; per year. 110 00. jV-.titt J mall Per month, 7Bc; per year, B 00. ;b6 thorlzed a aecond class mall by the Poat ornca Department, Ottawa !e" (j Conquer Cancer J T HIS MONTH the Conquer Cancer Campaign is 'I' underway across (Canada. I The H.C. objective is set at $1200,000. Prince J Rupert's is $2,000. As new niethois prompt an increasing number i of those afflicted to seek expert help, this money is kwperatfly needed to enable the B.C. Cancer Koun-Jilation to erect a new boarding home for patients ; taking treatment at the B.C. Caiict-r. Institute in ;! Vancouver. ' . It is needed also to further the three-fold program of the Canadian Cancer Society's B.C. division, the aims of which are research into the cause and cures of cancer, welfare for needy cancer patients in B.C., and an educational program to alert B.C. citizens to cancer symptoms. "The Cancer Foundation and Society in British Columbia depend entirely on the generosity of people in this province to carry through their flails,," W. H. Malkin, provincial campaign chairman points out. "I would like to remind our citizens hat cancer can strike anyone. But fortunately ach one of us, through our time or our money, can trike back at cancer." Most of us are sufficiently aware of the mer-iless quality of this disease to need little persuas-m in helping to fight it. For the size and urgency f the cause, the amount licing asked is small. When he one-night drive in this city comes due, let us elp to the best and most generous of our ability. own. Pocked wiUm,,,.; lioni on all hj, , 9i' you quid Vrclor'. van Ika, j a Kinaneo Minister used to budget simply from year to year. I He wasn't too concerned with ; economic conditions, for the Tea in that the current i labor-i ale theories of the relationship ; between budgetary policy and the general economy hadn't yet j been born. His aim was to keep ! taxes as low as possible and to keep liovcinmcnl buieacraeies s mindful of the. fact that they I were the .servants and not the; musters of I he people. Today things are different. This is the era of the economic! expert in government, with Parliament existing mainly as I the administrative agency to ' carry out the policies which his I wisdom devises. Instead of j currency being geared to the; ,UUH m nient race, now siiecdiiiB up. But others. I am sorry to say, come from people who have swallowed the Cominuiiisl propaganda hook, line and sinker. These usually urge an immediate cessation of H bomb tcsls, and later an international agreement to "bun the bombs." This program is so plain, downright silly that I urn astonished that anyone in hu rlnht senses should serlou.ily sutrtff.st. it. I.KT US consider for a moment what would happen if tto Communist world propaganda line won out, and the great powers did agree effectively never to use atom bombs, or hydrogen bombs, or the rumoured nitrogen bombs, in any future warfare. The practical consequence of the junior, fifflcer on the ship'.; oi.ufce was becoming more an I more rattled. As he stared! chead trying" to pierce the I gloom he saw a dim fi;ure lean- I ing over the rail some yards; Iioim the ship's prow. "What do' you think you're doing -.it 1 1 your ship?" h" ; T.red. ;'on't you know th. e!'.. ientary rul". ol .seaman-'! !)?" "This aint no .ship," came the ; leply, "this is a lighthouse." 1 The dramatic critic started lo ! leave in the middle of the .second ' , act. ' "Don't go now," said Ihe man-, ager, there's a terrific kick in' ! the next act." 1 i "Fine," was the retort. "Give it to the author." ' 1 Till' HOOK IS OCT ' ! warn in the w.lcny. Catalogue. Gel yo,,,, McRAE BROS, ing and sinking of the troopship raiipjie wmurusn on Algiers a lew' weeks ago. Abandonment w as conducted in a calm and or- "The Store That (Ici ly way. There were 1,286 of i Phones ( mrShn, actual needs of the transactions of trade, its volume now Is regulated in accordance with intrl- that decision would be to enable the navy, 125 women and 87 children. Four of crew died in u boiler explosion. Throughout, there was rigid discipline on the i decks, under ominous clouds of ' smoke. ! Daily News Classifieds the Russian army to sweep weMif. """T monetary polu-y over all Europe, the middle cast, ! m u " "V The attack on Pearl linbor by Japanese during the Second World War cost 3303 lives, 1,27'.! wounded, two battleships, three -mailer type of vessels damaged iand down Into Afriea whenever T A I . 1 . GENERAL ELECM All Aboard CS- vu tut on lfc Buttcrkep -k Door SheU k Full w,dhf Ky ;. V.. MOKTIMOIti: A bank in Vancouvir where I it felt like It. It would also eh- " " sble Red China to grab off such .' !?rma' "n! 1'' " l"e thei!'' ,lh' y ure rcdtelribiited by neighboring territories as South , Korea, Hong Kong, Into-China.! wl?,,le ol trumfer pay- Slam and Burma. i n;e"u surh ' owances, , , , old age pensions, and various China is only prevented from produ,.,.r subsidies. Since in-open, direct, all-out military in- (luslry v)ews n,st of Ult,sp ,J-lV. tervention In those areas now , mpnU as all ad(U.d L.(B1 ulKl because her rulers know that : iu l0 Blud(.s up pric4SJi covt.t. she could not undertake such lhe rtl)lhir lllw.,ys nas ln action without bringing all-out Ul a sllbstanlial el.m. nt of in-war to the world In general, and j fluU,m ,,. wll,;( h aU e,m.4i,m(.,.., to China in particular. havc to pay, with the burden ' falling, us always, most heavily 1 DO NOT agree with the British ; pon those lrilst able l0 it. HUIIIHIIH!fitfWfi; U7;7 -5 i i .1. w. fi '- M V i n r ," . f trr i 1 .W..':. Ml n i h .--.."; I'Mii. P 9.16 cu lt. "What about I hat $3 12 of Mortlmorc'.s you have In you.-bank?" he probably asked. 1 must reply by the next mail. I wouldn't want that bank t. v.el hi trouble. I'll leave Hie money in Ihe account, just to help the bank along. A man who can forget money m forget anything. I have a young fun. .Some day I inigH. -e- used to live, sent me a cheery HI -I tie nole to announce that I had! $3 12 deposited in an aeeoui'i that I bad forgotten about. I was excited, ot course. "Ilcaiis! for breakfast all this week In- stead of j)orrl(H',e." I .shouted. No- body heard me, thank !oodi;es. j "Interest Ire.m time tu lime I Kissing Handi IV. . - 0 Regular W SPECIAL Canadians to Get Ijioics.soi oiacKeit wn) reasons that as both the U.S.A. and Russia have enough H bombs to blast each other's bit; cities right off the map, that therefore the I H bombs have cancelled earn ha.s bei'ii credited lo your count to November 3d, ';:., ac-1 eive a letter irom a mrsiy or but boarding school, a.-, follows: 298 S Jobs Building 'other out, and will never he ! 5-Vf.ir H'amt used . ill I l . I your pass bixik does not appear to have been written up loi-soniP time," the note said pol-itel "We have no wish to disturb your account In any way. Indeed, He would like you to ma!: greater use o." our service " "Dear Sir: 'It may have escaped your j notice Ibat you left a .small b;y I hi our keeping. Food has be vi .supplied to liim reaulurlv. Ac-; rordiit" to our last, calculations on Ft b. iiai y 27, 1UU, he Is cred-; Ited with a height of t.vo and ! That Blackett theory has even AldSKa T 106.106 'nfnUf At" 'OTTAWA, (CPi-Ai-rangoments il Z I n W r, T m bomb? hae been made to cive jobs to .y,euCf nf:?..fCh oUler..?l,ti Canadians in the const action & fff. Phut I RUPERT RADIO 313 Third Avenue West .V..' i 1 " -r. .. . . t J . j. f ' j i i t .. . ' ' ' v '.- ; ' ! " t"" 'V ' . , ' - ''v v if '- ' i; " - -t , ..-i-r - t yt a," . - .4, ', .... .; - I '.J ' . " Z 4,-" ' - I' I ... ; .? . t ...... .v,..,.,. ...aj. uc i,. a (wuu i of a Alaska pipeline, : DRTHODOX members of the Hungarian communist party may in future only kiss a lady's iand if she is elderly, according to the Hungarian fouth movement newspaper, Szabad If jusang. The ontinental handkiss, says the newspaper, is other-vise ' superfluous. , There are hidden dangers in 'this edict; Who s to decide when a lady has reached an age that ntitles her to a handkiss? No man should be expected to trust his judgment in such an important matter. He might bow his head preparatory to Ranting the kiss and receive, instead of a gracious -mile, a ringing box on the ears. Indeed, the news-jiajKr shows a curious lack of gallantry, for, as it should know, there are no individual "elderly" ladies. Hamilton Spectator. l was nattered, but lintlyi one half feet and a wei -ht ,i" annoyed witn my.seir for fm :;et-1 31) poiinds. i ir-.suoie iocui aggressions, sucn ! ! as the one attempted in Korea - but with Improved techniques! for .such local aggression. I unu sucn u .siiiai. auiouni m "'(. have na v.ish lo (l is I ur o This theory is insane, and obscene. The only real choice is v.'ouio nave neen a tar more pleasant surprise If I had mmi-aed to fori-et $ J.I20. or $312.0110. Nevertheless, it was touciiinc. lo think that a bits institution like a bank was tenderly caring part of which gi along south- 1 western Yukon territory. ! Labor Minister Gregg said in ' the Commons the right-of-way j now is being built and part of; the work has been awarded to 1 two contractors in Whitehorse, Yukon. Canadian labor Is employed on that part of the work. He told Elmore Pliilpott iL-j Vancouver South) that orders' have been given lo prohibit the , entry of United .Stales labor, ex- your account. Indeed, we' wish you would feel free to (lep.t.it, i ny other .small boys you happea 1o have. Ilo.vever, the Canadian Chil 1 Labor Act requires that we le-port all utt.'c boys on our hand... unle-.s their unemployment insurance books aiciyned at reg-ul.'.r intervals by parent or guardian. Please sign and return the enelc icd book. j between total international i peace und no international 'peace; between a genuine agree-j ment which will enable UN tn I start building real world law, or jlolal war, which may well an-i nihilate half or more of man- lor my neglected $3.12, and min- isterir to ail Its little needs. j "It is ... a requirement of the I Canadian Bank Act that we re- j port ai jouriU ill v.hi"h no transaction ha.s taken place for a specified period ..." I jklnd. ! I I i SUPPOSE THAT hi the days of1 JH Disarmament Committee PART-OWN of more H I . - mm t cept key construction personnel. Built by United States interests, the pipeline will run from Haines, Pacific coast harbor on Alaskan territory south of the Yukon to Fairbanks, Alaska. So that was how the land lay. , "The little boy Is currently A government bank examiner I erno'oyed as a niyht shift jam-had been raising a fuss. 1 tor." knights on horseback some re-foi'iner or idealist had been converted to the iniquity of war, May Establish New Sub-Group ONE HUNW, f ' ,, --I"" t hi'; l I ter Nehru t ) thi SPtCIAl OLD mt furl nuian n P i arna-. !'.. I .v nufip,r.n,r-u niiwiiri fwQrdSi or ,spearSr or less d,.a(iiy nient last Rrld.'.y. ' FINE SECURITIES bows-and-arrows? Would that! Nehru wants a:. Immediate RockMoutil umd.sHHj",agt;f raVnt jjf ;fenlo have struck at the real evil? i The only real choice for 5ur; gejicjaUon U rne i'ftrWh-f.V'iifrrie between total war. or no war-- inu iiyuiogeu ,uuinu explosions i- -' $3.55 "I had heard a lot about the advantages1 C full publicity on the destructive power of atomic and hydrogen weapons; private meetings of UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. W-The United Nations dlsarnia- j nent commission Is expected to igree unanimously' to set t a; mall sub-group Jfor 'private alks at once on arms reduction ;nd Htomic control. Diplomatic circles express be-ief that the sub-committee will onslfit of the United States, ?iLssia, Britain, France and pos-tbly Canada. fJcme countries ire understood to favor Inclus-on of Canada because of her ln tha last una)y.'.:s -.je.ween TKit tdvertif ment i? net publi-Jifd' or displayed by (tie tlquof Control ' botid or by the sjovernmcnt ol britith Columbx peac a.sed on and enforced by law , or annihilation which the sub-committee on his Idea; and an expression of concern by countries not having atomic weapons. India asked that his War-Bound Ship jCANBKRHA I The govern -HiBul .. vrdeied Australian Air Force ancj Navy men out today to load military .supplies for Indo-China afleia protest strike by Sydney dork workers. Labor Minister Harold Hoi; told the House cf Representatives the dockers' walkout from the British freighter Radnor undoubtedly was influenced by Communist leaders in their union. He added; - "The government doesn't intend to have foreign policy lake i out of il.s hands." springs from refusal to makej and accept world law. i peech be circulated a.s a UN 'UvideurU from a wide ranfje of companies, uu. how I could do this when I felt I could put In so with . . . only a few hundred dollars, P pi on's.sional man. "Then I was told about INVKSTOKS MlTj" hundred dollars quickly made mc part-own er" , 100 of Canada's finest securities, representing' fieil Industries from coast to coast . . n ,hPS,t yearly of the $1,000 000 In dividends earned tij Mutual holdings. document and considered by the lose connection with British md U.S. atomic production. Friday's meeting of the 12- VARIKI) PRODl'CTS Trinchlnopoly In India ho.s long been noted for manufacture of jewelry, cutlery and cigars. ountry commission was Its first THE ROYAL BANK V. ' :ommlsslon. A.s far as could be learned, no delegate planned a major speech today. Informed quarters said discussion probably would be confined to suggestions for set-tiig up the sub-committee. 'I eight months. Its only ses on last year, m August, was Whether you are investing $1,000 r voted to approval of a report OF CANADA the advantages of INVI'STOKS Ml Tl ' m ,..,i m..(.i nh.nrt All Investors Mutual i' no progress. Before, the delegate is a plea supervised by skilled IN, selected and constantly You'll eliminate most of your investment " ',, om India for immediate con-, ieratlon of a four-point pro- CFVI.ON PKAK The lilghe.st point In Ceylon is known as Adam's peak, 7,420 feet high. have the opiMii timity of making handsome am outlined by prime minis a part- Take this simple step that makes J in1 Canada's leadinft enterprises Syndicate represenlatlve today! GUARD THOSE YOU LOVE . , . GIVE GENEROUSLY ) CHRISTY, T. M. (Tom Office 315 Third Ave. W. takes pleasnr in announcing , the opening of a branch in COTOLVDAY V one of the 800 Branches, . serving Canadians at, .home and abroad) ATTENTION ALL TRADE UNIONS Special Meeting SUNDAY, APRIL 11th-8p.m. Carpenters Hall Froscr Street DISCUSSION OF NEW LABOR RELATIONS ACT. Reoresenratives of all Trade Unions invited, to attend. " tlirnngli: EDUCATION RESEARCH ' WELFARE TREATMENT FACILITIES INCIPAlClHii Make your donations payable to fc'ONQl'KK CANCER CAMPAIGN , f , cja Chairman ' Managed and Distributed W IWI STORS SVNniCATK OK CANAPf()jS, V Kcpresenlallves from " ' -''.' if. Bank of Montreal, Prine Huprxt, B.C. i.' t