iS irapminn WffiirBcS Mews mm S. I vi V I : (."is- 'VTKr, 0 b fi f V-' ! .. ; r" J a 5 .W I THE RCAF HAS TRAIKMI mnn fh.m 9 'Jlln . ,t7 . ' vMii nii-itw uuicers lor nine nnn i : Atlantic Treaty Organisation which this month reiPhmi.,. i. t.u . ons 01 U J joy are studying at air schools across Canada. Lined up before member n?' An 1 "VIUH.,-. JW"! ,.. im. mi, muuwiu ltum iuuy, jranra, ue Netherlands Norw o . -Belgium. Denmark. Britain and Canada. Rro tsnnun rnH. fc. .day. Montreal, (fifth from left) and l l 'T Flight Ca let F. ' U,go of D h h"m Count , ;from left) both wearing Canadian uniforms. AN UMBRKLLA sprinkled with bin, red roses adds sparkle "to milady's costume when spring showers start to sprinkle from the skies. It is part of the Federation of Umbrella Industries collection now belli? shown in Paris - -. ". u U GKORGE, 3, of Avonside, Chrtetchurch, New Zealand, shows promise of becoming Ue rlls jig-jsaw puzzle : king. He is shown here assembling two puzzles simultaneously He hs bo8.i known to put four puzzles together fr .jm a pile of pieces in almost as many minutes an it yonld take another enthusiast to assemble one. i SiL ML- - 1 . LONDONERS..' LONDONERS..' were were surprised surprised JA J' " t t ; 3- IglK --l .;tf" ' to to -encounter nc6uiter this this bught height and and v- i . . . , - shitiy creature strolling along tHo' street. Tlv mnn Inside the Aluminum foil suit was on his "ity to show off the heat-protmin? qualities of his sluinue attire at a factory roulpmcnt, exhibition. . . 5 ft.RS. CLARE BOm-IIE M CE, U.S. Ambassador to Italy and Oen Aln-ed Orucn'.hsr. head of SHAPE, turn on the charm for the cameraman during the foimtr's recent visit to SHAPE headquarters at Rocquencourt, France. ENTIIItQXEIl ON A MORTAR and holding her Apii pretty Judy Wagner. 17, of Weehawken, NJ., is surma admiring cadets from the Perinsvlv.mia MiHtnrv mi Hri 'n AT,G'Nf' bedeCk6d White cockaf(io others and ochre, are shown as they t.4ced for r Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Ed bur8h during the royal couples recent v,s?t i,wTlln ?"erSltnd' AUst.raIia' 80 of the natives were flown m from he team which named her "Queen of PVC's Pershing Rito picture has been entered in the national contest, spo"; the Pershing Rifles unit headquarters In Nebraska. Taei? ,lmiUUV, o.uuu uiiics uway ior me oc aslon Buams are ucrt to right! r Edward Diffcndal, BalUmoniEn uownlng, Lexington. Ky.: Richard Orabiak, Yorkton Randolph Padula. Fitchburg, Mass.; and Richarfl m Chicago. . , E L tJL HI V l AihitbfAfUt ilVCS I fin P -mm -i 1 w , ran ivn .on or ff tlMOOP TlftTL'l' ILILKT .... . wnen a CNR Mom teal-bound Ocean Limited stru-k ci i 1 i j i an oncn wfkmg f, brigade doused the hot cinders Ir,m locomotive fue sP,cad 10 nynam,te IEITT. AND MRS. KUtVVIN PAixxioC-type rumble sent devised for their daughter, Pammy 13 n.ontn:s. Now they can take her along when they go out for a spin on the bicycles that Kelly recently brought back from England. lUU. ili--,,, M 7 A SPRING SKIRT and pullover outfit In complementary shades of pink, pearl grey and charcoal grey make an Interesting color combination. The skirt has iinely edged pleats that fall straight from the waistband. lip 1 111 r 1 i imm J 111 i - ,, Refreshment Unit of Fir Flm I Just Right For Smaller Horn Todry's handymen host can rut from 'a i"''11 P jt uu.ia ms own refreshment corn- parts run w fr.B right In on the trend Inch pew' wilh fjvlurt to built-in serviiv,' spots design- pieces of the 'J ' ed for the smaller h uii". Vz inch. re0((i: i ue simple I r piywoed,5helvcs. . " " , , B ! hown here cn ber 3 Indies thick ; oar find stools be fitted Into a small area of stool Hips for lor cuJ rusiw"' ' n l)(, I.T.-C.V1DU. HARRY SHORT-I N", 34, of Calgary has been iippoiuted commaiKlhig officer i,l the naval radio station at Fort, Churchill, Man. He succeeds Lt.-Cmdr. Charles R. Iliirlli;, 33. of Halifax. A native Of fctmiaild. I.t. -Cinrtr Rhnrfsn your Hvineroom, rumpus room ish cnii 1 or den. Forming a handsome ten"). lw w,.'.,t "... . f nruiut - lintt t.htl rnn Ha fi I ...!,,.. nllUc loaiurc, is ' t- : iu cunirasi or compliment Dres- nicms -- lir w ent decorative colors -of the A few hours u j ' t V AING "AU KEVOIR" to their, friends, two shapely French Was at onc 1111,0 111 command ; sail,., prepare to got under "way in their boat. They are French c! and "r t'o tai rooms. will see ell Plccl!,pick yum All parts of DoukIus fir ply- pliu'd and nailed, wood are simple to cut. f-om finish. H orimer1 DOl GIA8 BADER, famed leg-M Pilot of the RAF during the BccOiid World War, has written a. book,. "Reach for the Sky " It ohrohicles his career from his.days as "a cocky English schoolboy to his life now at 44 as a flying executive for a big .alt-firm in Britain. ' . , aouBsses Lise Bourdin (left) and Elisa Lamotte who spend served as executive officer of ptmels and can be assembled in t.ivui b- en eveninz. Thirknexx Thickness nf of ton top unit unit can canoes."" be pa" .lif d, LflPir TVPP t ma cn m ,..1, :i .11 ii ., thn . j i . H.1..J t ----- -v uu-iiiiiK wiiiic ullciiq ii iz spvunth C m mAofri..nt "c UCOHU.YCI uuriiitf iiRr i.mrn THIS IS TUS i.xsiDE of the wheelchair coach, designed by Walter Callow of Halifax, a First World War veteran, and con-verted by him into one of the world's biggest ambulances to be usM in the -vent 1 rlixwfr . ; , . . , o w.w.iu imi j cnurll , - . y-4 tllP nf i l - m n a. 3 (rp from Ka-ional Tft:ncc) ides of the bar should be wall' oi y in :h to give a sturdy unit, a beautiful nrn front prn-l otid shelves work pln