Prinre Rupert Dnilv New? Saturday, April 10, 1954 tig'nest of any Car.adlan treri is the pjtren cedar, of-which a pubic foot weigh? about 19 lbs. KlftKLAND LAKE, Ant. "-. Sam Mason retired from work as a mine patrolman ui age 'irift rt IliA wimo linin rptlrpH n Boxers Guests L ndma.ster of the Kirklanc! f Of Rotary Club iGaglardi Promises Terrace t lei- : ke Citizen's Band. He was bandmaster of the Halifax Rifles coming to northern On- Personal Survey or Roads jllc TERRACE The Rotary cluo this week entertained as Kiiesls Ab Hart, nianatfpr. and Ronnie Earl and Ronnie Fownes, local boxers who recently brought TERRACE A pri i.Use of p A letter from E . T. Apple-first-hand ' survey of Highway 18 whaite, MP for Skeena, request ing information on the import- iropmes j m v...aBc by J works minister P. A. Gaglardl s hox ne card sponsored in Prince ... OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dawdle 303 Third Ave. W. Phone Green 960 was received by the terrace andiance to this area of the Prince District Board of Trade at its Rupert drydock, was referred to Rupert by the Benevolent and Protective order of Elks. President Nell McKerracher welcomed the boys, and also quarterly meeting here. the Industrial committee. :: :.,: 4 In letters to the board, Mr. Gaglardi promised early lnfor- three new members, Lloyd John 48 PLYMOITM C 1 1 m 4- door. Fuiiy eti.iipped. In beautiful condition tl?ti 49 2-Tone A'.IO AUSTIN. - Clean car. New tires. ' Priced to sell , ... VA SI A.4 AUSTIN Lovely shape. tonr Lloyd Evans and Rev. M. jinuuuii un me piuuuseu lucaiiun w rv'rnnnell who were inducted ! survey of the Terrace-Kitimat n STETSON A Pixxl rleal at SS33 . ft. by vice-president B. R. Dodos. Siggle Ostrom, Swedish accordionist, who had a small part in the film "Hollywood Canteen" and has toured much of Canada and the USA, and who has now settled irv Terrace, was the chief guest and demonstrated on his instrument appropriate Swedish and Italian numbers. Terrace Rotary Club will meet 50 I'LYiVIOt'TII 4-Door. Completely overhauled, new tran.smisiilon. road, and a visit to Terrace, after the present session, to see "at first hand" the condition of Highway 16 and other district I'Oiuh;. Herb Spencer, industrial committee chairman, won support of the meeting in a million that the Western Steel Company of Canada be contacted nith the Miggettiun that a steel sniclli" be built IT Fine new tires tt3W v y few-' j , THf MASK OF THE WORLD'S MOST MMOUS HAT The Sirivm "cinhiontrf-to-fii" . k ai her h hem the siamlartt ui . hjl mmruri fnrVivrr 70 )ft. in future on Thursdays ut o:Ju p.m. AUTO SERVICE I here, due to the large iron ore potential. Am tittssmUir ll'OHT who plays the part of a mill ionaire junk man in Little Theatre's "Born i becomes violent when Billy Dawn (played by Shirley Hill) starts to answer him pair play the leading parts In the ha rd-hitting Broadway comedy which opens iixt at the Civic Centre. Curtain ti me is 8:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Harry King returned this week from a six-month trip to England where they saw the Coronation Illuminations at Blackpool, and had a pleasant time with relatives and friends. ' ii WHAT YOU CAM DO AT HOME WITH m YDOCK Id from Pa' ) City Kindergarten Kiddies Stage Concert For Parents ,,s It Is the declar- , ! the Liberal Party: l ! ., i- t ro i SYL V APLY D0FiGt AS PIYVJOOdI Popular Student OUELPH, Ont. CP) Jeanne Oguwa of Hamilton, Japanese student at the Macdonald Institute here, won the Women's Athletic Association special award for the graduating student who has made outstanding contributions to athletics 6p all pans ui v-a..- I j Murray and David Anderson, all giving recitations; Joan Wilson, j Lynn Smith and Joy Turner, , vocal solos. I decentrauzauon oi , those means in ; snterprize has not i irotit and friends of students at the Merry Morning Kindergarten were entertained at a conceit party open aes-lon Wednesday. The youngsters presented a program of gons and recitations to win approval of their pioud parents. Taking part in tne p ' ;ram were: Terrie .lclyor.c ., Bryan I ; . ntial services; Joan Wilsan ar,;l Joy Turner, duet; Christine Murray, Shannon Ward and Teirte MeLoney, CKo; Bryan Washburn, Ronaid Torjh and James Wood, tilo. The whole class formed a chorus for several songs after the foregoing de-; does demand that I 3' irtv remain iaun- j Washburn. Biliie Wasyck, Lynn Smith, Ronald Toiuh, Susan I which refreshments were served bv Mrs. H. Anderson. Mrs. W. Loucks, James Wood, Oail Kirn- j MeLoney. Mrs. W. Murray. Mr.'. baucr, Douglas Wells, Christine i E.Turner and Mrs. ,'. Wells. i 4 uasic principles by j jl.e operation of the . i drydock and ship- 1 4 entirety as It has : 1 iii yeais; ! I the Prinre Rupert if shipyard has dur-tS:iy years assisted in f'.ent of the north ai-i.-h Columbia and i invaluable asset to !.,! stability Of this You can eorry out th home planning ideot yoy v . admired in your favorite magoiine, mokt smart ( furniture, or remodel an unused attic or basement. , It's a pleasant tpare-time pattima and you II . ' proud of the profeMional-lookino, job you de with eosy-to-work real-wood Sylvaply poneli. 1 - -r- DO-IT-YOURSELF or HAVE-IT-DONE you save either wifl With Sylvaply, most proiects ore well within the overage man's ability to handle a hammer and jaw and when you "do-it-yourself" you save money," When you "have-it-done" for you, you're still ahead,. Sylvaply' s time and money soving qualitiel reduce" costs too, when a professional carpenter or contractor does the' job. YOU GET PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS . Because of Sylvaply's tough, cross-ply construction, you can nail as close to the edge as you wish. v Sylvaply will not split, crack, break or chip. And, Sylvaply's immense strength and durability makes every job you do a permanent improvement. Lasts a housetime. - Fast Passenger and Freight Railings from Prince Rupert To Vancouver Friday and Church Youth Planning Booth Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Kilimat Friday C:00 p.m. To Kemano Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Stewart, Alice Arm Sat At Craft Show j Plans for a booth at the Civic ! Centre potpourri craft sho'i were discussed when members urday 0:00 a.m. . I 'his north country i ,i terrific develop-j) i and sea, both ac- ntial in these post- To Masset and North Queen 1 -t. 3 v IS r -A it ,. tiA- Charlottes Thursday 6:00 a.m. March 25th. April 8th ; of the Anglican Young People's DINING PLEASURE indoors or out. . and 22nd To South tjueen Charlotte! rv Annnn 3 Thursday 0:00 a.m. April 1st, in Ivis it Is felt that i the facilities ot a ipert drydock and I A be marie by the !i js of the Canadian tr.ships departments and yari-nt s have been sent Association met Thursday nignt, . Their booth will be one of many at a tea and bazaar to be j held in' conjunction with the I Civic Centre's craft show April. 28 'to Mify 1 ' ' ' ' V , The group iho iecided to postpone a dance planned for L 3 SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS ..v.'kvfV' 15th and 20th Passenger Reservations Freight ISookinffS LES SMITH Prince Rupert Agent 09 Third Avenue Phone 5C8 serving B.C. since 1889 i i How tlif family grow! The rati graxt' ton. Join thr tlioututd of rntlnt.iuts who me adding rooms nnd sfinif-wvuiK buih-in, huildtng prrmatirnt hrniitv und ia.iluig value tnto thrir hotitr wtlh Svli'tiply. lies soutt" to pri- the end of the montn. oecause .Commodore Cafe, (ivnLimi and re-' of ths civic venire snow. i Their greeting card sales bus iness was completed after which refreshments were served and various games enjoyed. nee oc it unani-; ' ci thai we, the it Liberal Associ- Vim itfii Ufiiid.oiuf nuldoor furni- Utif with duuible Sxli'afiln. lUotd this itittdv table and benih rt vnw. riljov it all summri long. It's eay! Your lumber dealer has a free plan. liit that the present anient of Canada 7JJ 1'laiiaj rXtltuI with the declared ralism and with the (J at SL lower northwestern part iiv assuring the con-I uon and mainten-i Prince Rupert dry- Ynn ran do better: more professional-looking job when you use Syhmplt. Utiilt-ins and other home improvement projeds ItXe this are easier In build, taster to finish when you use Sylvaply I'lvwooit. mpyard in its cn- . . TIMES HAVE CHANGED Antiquated moving methods are really out of date at liiulsay's . . . there you'll find the latest equipment available. In this day and age SI1RVICK is essential. F.quitimi-n'l and service gn hand in hand to ensure that Miss Nancy Lund, whose marriage to Lloyd Jesse takes place today, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. T. K. Latch, 1235 Park Avenue. The guests enjoyed several names of bingo after which the many lovely gifts were presented, a puiiycorji,tvd.lK)n, Be" freshmrnts were served by the hostess. Inxitcd guests included Mrs. E A ade rs viuir move is tonsninriy ui.ii;. GO MODERN GO . . fold .i5P!dTiBuJsej;, I'l'.Ht Drive. Saturday I (851 f '.irtls by Cnutts now Mi RAE BROS. I 1301 fl Norway meetine. Kakorudg, Mrs. H. A. Newsom. Mrs. S. Orlmolfson, Mrs. I. Keis-man. Mrs. E. Drom. Miss Phytlis CANADA'S BUSIEST BUILDING MATERIAL Professional builders insist thot the mal:ials they use meet the most rigid standards ot quality. Th fact that . today Sylvoply is going into more new home construction than ever before, means thot this popular material passes every lest for appearonce, value and long life.. Big, lightvre.ght and strong the feet by 8 feet panels of Sylvaply are available in o thickness for every use. help for the handyman! SEE YOl'R SYLVAPLY DEALER Have ycu got a project in mind? Visit "handyman headquarters" in your neighborhood, your dealer will be glad to give you advice thot can save you money. No writing away lor product information or plans . . . your Sylvaply indsayh Taft, Miss Florence Renwick, Mrs. W. Baushaw, Mis. K. Ren- I'; 12 8 p.m. Mem-! 1'IMtHI.IM.f.W nttend. (SO) iek, Mrs. i. Emerson, Mrs. K S. Berkley and Mrs. R. R. Thor arinson. i. ami utile instance aiovniR v 'Leac it to Lindsoy's" Your "Allied" Agent FIRST Sl'BWAY '-'aiion Army has a Mp bod, or camp cot, ";s. Have you one you ''B and would like lo a needy family? f s crib, please. Phone 1 (U) The fl-.-it underground rauwa' was opened In London, England lrl 1863, with .steam trains running four miles. dealer has a good stock ot tree roiari displayed tor your convenience. He i also displaying the new "take-home" panels, in more than 45 different sizes and thicknesses from 12 x 36 inches up. The.e smaller thrifty panels ot Sylvaply are handy for small jobs and repairs . around the home. pill MtMtl PA lira 11 See Your JOUCH! UCM! FAfV 10 USE GENUINE WOOD PANEtS 1 PLYWOOD DOUGLAS FIR SY1VAPB.Y d local ROOFING and SIDING Experts GREER & BRIDDEN SKVIIIG lUMtfl OIALIUS HOM COASt tO COASI MacMILLAN & BLOEDEL LIMITED Jendezvous MOHtifAi come iondoh wmojoi IOONIO VANCOUVtK , CAIGA1Y tOMOHION WttNIMO LIMITED 215 First Ave. W. Phone 909 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LIMITED Terrace, B.C. Phone 131. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 116 - 117-58 r; Competitive Prices jt Instalment Payment Plan Guaranteed Workmanship mi k'Ll SLAMD CITY BUILDERS' SUP lorge selection of asphalt shingles, asphalt siding, asbestos siding and shakes to choose from Prince Rupert, i,C Phone Black 820