kows PROVINCIAL LISHA3Y, 113 VICIOHIA, 2. C. L 11. Doily 1 27 ifi-6 let NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V55 10.2 feet Published of Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" eliyery L4g 6.4 feet Phone 81 VOL, XLIII, No. 85 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 10. 1954 PRICE FIVE CENTS I I y. ,V : "A i " 0Q(P. n n Cify Olxsrall . 4 Resolution Adopted At Emergency Meet By ERIC SANDERSON Party Leaders Hit At Ottawa Policy By LARRY STAMVOOD The two-month-old battle by Prince Rupert to keep its 40-year-old drydock and shipyard rushed into still another crisis today as local Liberal Tarty leaders placed their demands for action before the federal government. i Most outspoken was T. Nor- j operate our drydock and shp-on Youngs, president of the va'd ffr the last 40 years, then Prince Rupert District Liberal ! there Is even greater reason to 4 . Continued operation and maintenance of the Prince Rupert shipyard and drydock "in its entirety" is demanded by the executive of the Prince Rupert A, Liberal Association. It J; The special committee will meet next week with Bernard Allen, CNR representative in the ?ale negotiations, who Is due here April 14. The 40-ycar-old plant which is spread over an. area of 17 acres lias been operated at a J Uociation. who stated flatly i connnue to maintain and op- erate It duo to our evcr-inc-eas- it a cpeelal emergency cxecu live meeting last night: loss for the past four years by ing position In world shipping." The executive officers declared "great disappointment" that no far the Canadian government has not intervened in : 'V..::.;:;-; V?:; firO: J,V::.:!''..:V' - I i l - mmmtmuM. f- II the CNR. Operation was subsidized by the Federal Public Works Department by an agreement which expired March 31. A resolution making the demand on the federal government was passed last night at a special emergency meeting of the association's executive officers. It was airmailed today to Transport Minister Chevrier, Prime Minister St. Laurent, Fisheries Minister Sinclair and E. T. Applewhaite, Liberal MLA for Skeena. It is a climatic move in a battle by Prince Rupert' organizations and elected individuals to forestall the sale of the dry-dock, announced by its operators the Canadian National Railways last January. The resolution emphatically calls on "the present Liberal goverment of Canada to keep faith with the declared ' policy steps by the Canadian National : r "Any government that is so lacking in appreciation of the potentialities of this great north country as to take such a retrograde step as allowing th" piecemeal disposal of the dry-dock . . . can never expect to receive the support of the electors of thbi area in future elections. " Walter Smith, president of the city Liberal Association and chairman of the meeting, said that "there is no question that the drydock must be kept here. JS BLACK RtNIiLE lxiks more like a ball of wool, ui;tju Shepherd dog. Th pride of Its owner, Railways to sell the drydock, "in spite of the mountain of evidence that such a move would be a fatal blow to Prince Rupert." Mr. Smith told fellow Liberals that "there Is no reason under the sun that Prince Rupert shouldn't get its share of shipbuilding which Is going on elsewhere in Canada." J exhibit iit a recent West Berlin dog show. S Sale of the plant was to have been completed by April 1, but plans to let it go were given a six -months hoist by the federal government after the wave of protests. , " - NO REPORT Although it was reported several weeks ago that a spokesman for a New Westminster group would arrive here shortly to complete details for the purchase of the drydock, no report of sale so . far has been conr , firmed. Backs Legislation CAPITAL POLICEMAN" Eugene Barratone accords, red carpet treatment to this squirrel, a Capital Hill inhabitant that became confused by Washington traffic. A Washington park habitue, the squirrel was apparently in search of new feeding grounds. "It should be put into first class shape and be utilized. We need a shipyard as well as a of Liberalism and with the people of this northwestern part of Canada by assuring the con rise Criminal Code The latest move to get federal government action concern-. Ing the future of the drydock follows a fieht which has been small bnat renalr vard tinued operation and mainten Airport Committee A revision of law, live years Jack McRae, former Liberal j entered by private citizens, fish- lvt 11 iniru uuu itiiui reauiiiK. An amendment by Davie Ful ance of the Prince Rupert dry-dock and shipyard In its en In answer to protests and rep MLA for Prince Rupert, and 1 . mg inff erouns. groups, th me unamDer Chamber of has passed the ti.n iPf-Kamlimml to send the il code t back l into Commons ml?! com Presldcnl "f the Skeena Liberal commerce and city council. tirety." resentations from the city to th Ottawa government. Transport here still are a Seeks Survey Report MANY PROTESTS :,') be cleaned up. Association, caiiea ine proposcai Mr. Youngs said he had an removal of the shipyard "a j answer to the government state- Announcement 01 the propos ; week approved Minister Chevrier said: "It is felt that the work Carried out by this drydock In the in it tee on clauses dealing with habeas corpus was defeated 94 to 59. Another amendment by Stanley Knowles (CCF-Wlnni- covered In its survey. ed drydock sale by Donald Gor vhich bolls down backward step. jment that the drydock cannot He said: "our economy Is dc-! ooerated economicallv here. J. T. Harvey was elected chair don, CNR chairman and presi 1 -tions in the pendent on our waterways. We -x wouid nke to point to the man of the new committee. J 1 7M sections. It peg North Centre to study scuuy fur- ui-: - nra.ln'llu Hint mrKOm Umv. ..i i - i t F. Magar was named vice-chair ther sections dealing with mis- industrial i,.,.i expansion nnrinH period we i . ... . .... . - ... . dent, on January 28 was met by the greatest storm of protest ever waged in this Pacific Coast port. latter years does not warrant the expenditure of public funds for r substantial annual fleficits and the very large expenditures' required to rehabilitate the plant and equipment." built and refitted In the yards man, and Charles Foreman sec ' m,; f t study at various Jli by two royal fU Senate, Com- chief and criminal breeches of contract was defeated by S3 to retary. Other members are Dr. L. M. Greene, Norton Youngs. Most recent move, until last :r,ittees of both 59. of Victoria and North Vancouver when they could be handled at less cost in Eastern Canada. So what's the matter with handling them in Prince Mayor George Hills, Pat O'Neil, night, was the suggestion by a Neely Moore and Aid. Ray Ma- Lean. special city drydock committee that local businessmen and organizations themselves try and purchase at least part of the A fact-finding committee was : COMMISSION APPOINTED A royal commission to redraft the code was appointed in 194J. i A second royal commission took i up the study in 1951 and brought i down a draft the following year. The draft was sent to the 8en- He said that Sir Wilfred Efforts to obtain complete Information on the results of surveys for airport sites In the Prince Rupert area will be made by the city's newly-appointed airport committee. This was decided at the committee's first meeting yesterday. . The federal government will be asked to release details of its recent survey on Digby Island, while the RCAF and private companies known to have been interested In an airport here also will be approached Tor all available information. It was further agreed that, if the need is indicated, the committee should have a survey taken on Its own behalf. Particular reference was made to Delusion Bay on Digby Island where preliminary investigation has shown that an airport might be feasible and Mr. Chevrier said he hoped that a purchaser would be found who would operate the plant . . , to take care of local requirements. No such requirement, however, was included in the terms of purchase. Here is the resolution as drafted by the special Liberal executive meeting last night: r "Whereas Sir Wilfred Laurier up first thorough' af riminol law since ijj as adopted in 4 10 the Senate. $ Progressive Con-r(s made two at-l:iy night lo ob-.Ifiation of certain ii the measure was Laurier and the Liberal Party had a vision for Western Canada when the drydock was es have ever known. "If there was a good reason t'J Tanker Here From Halifax Two visiting ships are in Prince Rupert harbor today, one a grain ship of Greek registry and one a tanker out of Halifax. The Nicolas Kairis of Greece, skippered by Capt Ellas Galetas. arrived at 10 a.m. yesterday from Yokahoma, Japan. She started taking on barley shortly after her arrival and will leave soon named with Mr. Youngs as chairman. Other members are Mr. Moore and Dr. Greene. The committee will hold its next meeting April 23. It hopes to have enough Information shortly for the submission of a comprehensive brief to the government on the whole airport drydock and maintain service to fishermen. Aside from the loss' of facilities to shipping here, removal of the drydock or its piecemeal dismantling is viewed as detrimental to the fishing fleet which has been serviced In the past by the drydock. and the Liberal Party establish tablished here. "There is no reason why that vision now should be a mirage. If the drydock goes, we can resign ourselves to becoming a museum piece of the west coast." Mr. McRae said: "Imagine! Aican shortly will bring an ed a drydock and shipyard in i ate in 1952, but the Upper : Chamber did not complete study. ! The code was redrafted by the i government and after consider-' ation by the Senate it was re-I fern d to a Commons committee j which proposed a third draft, the present legislation. ' Now, a 27-member Commons-1 ''.'nut committee is studying whether and how the code should Prince Rupert to develop the lighter jwrfjr north coast of British Columbia and foster trade with the Orient; for the first open port In Japan, "Blue Rain" Splatters North Detroit Homes Her 35 men have two police dogs ocean freighter into this area every six days, the Ketchikan barge Service is just commencing, and there is talk of demolishing the drydock." less costly than at other sites. he amended concernine capital i aboard as mascot. and coiDoral punishment and! The Unitanker, sister ship to The government will be asked specifically if this ground was "izes will open in i here Monday with! lotteries. The committee started work a few weeks ago and some the Imperial Vancouver, came through the Panama Canal from Halifax, picking up a load at l-'it'T charges and' DETROIT W Astonished De- high. (See Drydock, Page 3) Trade Group To Visit Osaka Area TOKYO A 60-man Cana iwt count to be San Francisco for delivery here, parliamentarians feel It may bike two years to complete the Job. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL She reached Prince Rupert at Y M. Coady is ex-f ' c at the sessions. One unofficial theory, for instance, was that it might have come from the hydrogen bomb tests in the Pacific. There was positively no expert support for that one. Civil defence launched an in Library to Close The Library in the Civic Centre will be closed from Tuesday to Friday, inclusive, because the painters are moving in Tuesday morning,, library officials announced today. It will re-open Saturday. Too, the legal defence 01 m- 1:30 p.m. yesterday. Skippered by Capt. Strang, the Unitanker court house at!su,llt' 10 criminal charges and the problem of criminal sexual has been plying the east coast psychopaths are being ' studied j for some time but served origin-by royal commissions. 1 ally on the west coast. n case is srhed- 1 the parade of 1 ''U'tf. Geoiire. ' troiters are talking today about their "blue rain." For the time being at least it seemed of as much concern as the price of coffee or other such major problems. The "blue rain" made Its appearance here Thursday, splotching hundreds of homes on the northwest side. But Detroit was not the only place. Davenport, Iowa, was another. Houses were flecked with tiny blue spots. Some of It was purplish-blue. One handsome white house here was spattered. Science came up with explanations after excitement had run LONDON O; Results of soccer games played in the United Kingdom today: ENGLISH LEAGUE Division 1 Arsenal 3, Liverpool 0 Aston Villa 5, Burnley I Blackpool 2, Manchester U 0 Cardiff C 2, W Bromwich 0 vestigation and determined there wag "no cause for alarm." BLAME TREES Elm tree buds that's what it was in Detroit apparently. Dr. Joseph G. Molner, city health commissioner, who advanced the explanation, said the sl:arRecl with man-'"HiiecUon with a I f'lood Bridtje near I ,,- Day, in which ' of Terrace was f i "Ji-rcs a,-,, against I J ,k- Houston log-i dian trade mission to Japan, headed by Grant McConachie, president of Canadian Pacific Airlines, left Tokyo today for a week's tour of th Osaka area. The Canadian group from the Vancouver Board of Trade arrived here Friday and was feted at an official reception by the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations and Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Canadian delegation is in Japan to Increase trade between Japan and Canada, under a new trade agreement signed April 1. buds had fallen to the ground, rested on the damp earth, and had then been blown forcefully in the death of Carlson, also a against the houses by Wednes day night's big wind-storm. Chemicals In the house paint probably contributed to the ultimate coloring, he said. Davenport's analysis was sim WEATHER Forecast North coast region Cloudy with a few showers today, intermittent rain Sunday. A little warmer. Wind southwest 20, becoming southerly 30 tomorrow morning. Low tonight and high Sunday at Port Hardy 38 and 50; Sand-spit and Prince Rupert 38 and Fourth game of the Stanley Cup finals between Detroit Red Wings and Montreal Canadlcns will be broadcast over CFPR beginning at 0:05 p.m. tonight. Detroit leads 2-1 in the best-of-seven series. ilar. Scientists in that city reported microscopic examination showed the flecks were caused by a type of vegetable material, probably pollen spores. Chelsea 2, Bolton W 0 Huddersfield T 2, Tottenhum 5 Manchester C 5, Middlesbrough 2 Portsmouth 2, Newcastle U 0 Sheffield U 1, Preston N E 1 Sunderland 2, Sheffield W 4 Wolverhampton 5, Charlton A 0 Division II Blackburn R 3, Birmingham CO Brenford 0, Luton T 1 Bristol R 3, Plymouth A 1 Bury 2, West Ham U 0 Derby C 1, Nottingham F 2 Doncaster R 0, Leeds U 0 Everton 1, Stoke C I Hull c 0, Leicester C 3 ' Lincoln C 3, Swansea T 1 Notts C 1, Rotherham U 2 Oldham A 2, Fulham 3 . SCOTTISH LEAGUE 1 Division A East Fife 2, Stirling A 1 Falkirk 0, Raith R 3 Partick T 4, Hamilton A 0 Queen of S 6, Airdrieonlans 2 St. Mirren 3, Dundee 0 Division B Morton 0. Albion R 1 Motherwell 6, Dumbarton 8 48. f '' "tier a fist-f"1 April l; Charles 'ima, in t.on. f d(,Hi hereFeb-F11'-!. Saniparc, and f '"'Telkwa native, I1'' (nlia Holland r.i,,'ciriet "ear hw ''ase scheduled ls'i charne of in-2 alist Mervyn ,'f ef Kemano. for "''" at Kemano 'V e assizes 2" last two weeks over tlie, Easter I f Killed f Mishap WW T I J ( k . J .... Local Red Cross Drive Passes Quota; More Returns Expected ,-,; Jan Hoy local branch. At the same time, C. A. Scott, provincial Red Cross Commissioner, visited Prince Rupert to discuss the re-organization program. David Radford was elected president of the Prince Rupert branch, succeeding Mr. Saville who resigned after holding the position for an extended period. Mr. Saville continues his active association with Red Cross work and had a large part In directing this year's campaign. ;riT vnwe, died are getting from the Queen Charlottes and other outside points Is very gratifying." Last year, with the same objective, the drive fell short by more than $400. Later It appeared that the local branch might be discontinued altogether. This caused wide concern that the Prince Rupert district would lose Its Red Crosi services, with the result that various organizations and civic leaders undertook to strengthen the position of the Latest returns from the Queen Charlotte Islands have put Prince Rupert's Red Cross drive over the top, Stan Saville at campaign headquarters report-1 ed today. Objective for this district was $5,500. "While we are barely above the quota at the moment, there are still so many places yet to be heard from that we are certain to exceed the objective by a substantial amount," Mr. ! Saville said. "The support we St. Johnstone 0. Dunfermline 0 ""y niRht frnm When : " SCOTTISH CUP . Semi-Finnl Aberdeen 6, Rangers 0 At Hampden Park, Glasgow: Amateur International Scotland 0. Ireland 0 TIIKFE MEMBERS of a ski expedition made up of seven Ontario skNmountalneers and a Swiss guide' are shown near Jasper Park, at the outset of a 200-mile journey through the Canadian Rockies Left to right: Ted Pope and Peggy Austin, both of Toronto, and Peter Bennett, Oak-vllle The expedition hopes to make history by crossing the Rockies' tremendous Icefields on skis.' Their first attempt ended 22 miles from Jasper when deep snow blocked their way. 13-year-old it sto fPPed frnm the.