.Prince Rupert Dcil .ii Saturday. Ap,,! Rainmakers Win 62-47; Oldtiniers Battle to Tie HI, IN THIS CORNER DICK AVRES utNtniur CORING sti MONTREAL (-Despite Thr., . XU iOli' j Maintaining a driving pace fi-cm start to finish "Bo-Me-Hi : Rnmmnkers last night whipped Red Winus. MontriMil nnimHio.- v..' f'nx EXHIBITION t BASEBALL , Philadelphia N 2. Vmhlnnun A 2, j ti. . ! puishiirKh N l:l. Phll:wlillil A 4 j D.KUMI A 1. Milwaukee N a Nt'W York N 0. CU'vi'land A 1. , Niw York A a. Brooklyn N H i rlncln;itl N 5. I i troll A 10. ClitciiiiO N U. Clili-wu A 5. KyiiltU'iL- it 3. Toronto it a. i RtMEMBER WHEN j lly TUP Canadian Pivm j Marnier Jack Adams of De- j tioit Red Wings was suspended ; and Detroit players Kdilie Wans; end Don (ii-osso were each lined With fhort and long shots for a Intnl of 19 points. Ron Ciccone led Bo-Me-Hi with 13 points followed closo.y oy McICny and Dickie, Vibore. is wli.hin 11,1. ' iir- ' "Mwiiujj ai.si Senior B champions MansunVs anotfe. Cup playoff record, total points 'lh Oinrpas 62-47 to take a 15-point ; Krlstmanson with 11 each. Man- h-v.mm., ...... n. in a semi-Una Mm. ' it(if the Brums. His first mark, a goal ln in lh,i wiped out April 1 by Oordle Howe of Z goal in nine seconds in i game between 11, ', Msple Leafs. Moore set, his second foils scored is Hem goals ana s nl; 17 free shots In 30 attempts. R 'lnn'akrrs netted 22 field goals i.Md made good on 18 free shots i'i ?8 tries. Both teams were (nool on fouls with 21 each. 5. points for a single game when h ,.!, . " 8 .... .. un Old habits and plays of yester- ; jjoo alter fintio assault oil- nef-( goals and four assists. This lean in the two-game-total-Timnt seiies for the unofficial cily basketball championship. In a well-played Oldtiniers game the Southern European squad staged a third period rally to catch the leading . North Europeans and end the game Irt a 19-19 tie. .lack Evans' high school squad rclixed only once during, the entire game and that was iu.st after the start of the second quarter. The Rainmakers set live, snaren nv inur n nun.., . .. . .. ,...... uw Moore lr the three so far played attain,. . 1111 & vcti wpre duspiaycd as the Northern squad took a 7-2 first ; quaver lead In the Okltimers ' gninc. ; Tome of the pep gone ln the ( vend frame, the Southern crew i :e'ived tlnmselves with garlic " ' ""a. 1 11( ti, i Mel Harwood during tne fourth game of the Detroit-Tor- i onto Stanley Cup final 12 ycarsi ego tonight. That was the year : Del'pit won the first three gomes and Toronto raptured , the next lour and the Stanley i Cup. ail up a first quarter lead of 18-9 n ice and cheese lo hold tne GORDON MACK1E, 32-year-old Winnipeg-born coach of Canada's bo'xing team for tle July 30-Aug. 7 British Empire Games at Vancouver, believes Canada stands a good chance of winning some titles. Internationally known as a conditioner of athletes, Mackie last fall was appointed assistant trainer of the United States Army football team at West Point, N Y. He nas boxed as an amateur and a u,iu men wiaii.sc.iis spameo x ' NYrt bl inders to a 4-4 tie Kay Spring and Danny Bill, )y S(,v Donlinalo the see uBorn orougni me score up lo iH-n The Omegas never got that close a'jnin lion Ciccone. aided by . tiiT came back utions in Ul';. third outscoiing their winded oni'onenls 7-1 to load 13-12 at r.rm.y .,,..,.,.-,. ism Mor-:(tlP three-quarter mark. Pushed nsnn and Dick Nickcrs.m put I , n, limit Nn.ih r.,n,.u. r,.i,.,h Yesterda Smort Family BATHURST, N.B. (CP1 Rose Pcaire, high school student, : won (he annual or:.;Jilcal contest sponsored by the . Hotatry Club here. Last year her twin brother Robert took the honors, and a previous winner was her older .sister Mary. up to 30 to 19 by ; h..k t0 ollt.Score the Sou Ml 7-6 I he count half limp. in I he last quarter. Verne Ciccone led the Southerners with 10 points while Jack Play was fast and rugged during the second half with Danny Bill fouling out in Ih? third quarter and Bob McFarlane collecting1 his fifth penalty in the final stanza. The Rainmakers were outscoied 15-13 in the third hut Bill MeChesney's crew sti'l I railed 43-34.. Doug Sankey added a six-point quota in the last frame pottln" Nelson Needs Tie To Enter Cup Finals By The C.ini.rtiail Pit- by the Prince Rupert Little The,ilt ON STAGE Monday, April 12 -Tuesday, Hp Luxury jiuomer Prince George SAH.S FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Torts Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WF.DNK.SOAY Midnishl I.inrisay with 5 was top man for -lh" North. . . ! N.irlll l.nroM Anj.',ua MrPhoe , Jnck Lindsay 5. Bob Armstrong a. Mc l Molkotstart 2. Twl Arnry 2. Herh j flinVHU. IHKila Pierce Sid Alex- I under 1 Total . 1H i xiutli i:inoM' Niek Mawmt. Fre.i ' C Odeioili 2, Verne Ciceone 10. Jei ty I'r'tt niiuzo. Scv Dommato 5. Hf.jo Utirvich. Nick PavllV.li! a. Total !.. tl oi-i.nV--Hill J. Sprluic 1U. Olseu 5. Ilare.litf 10. Pumas i, Walsh 2. Me- j railane 2. Total 47. i ItaimnaUers KrLstmanaon II. Sankey 8. Talt 4, McKay 11. Ilclln I, 1 II t'ueonc 1:1. O Morison 4. NUker-viii . W Mcirrmon I. Total 8U Itelerees: Vi'ine I'lLcune. I''red t'til- : Cilom, lilitce r'orw.o-d ; Nelson Maple Leafs find Ihcm-! three beautiful field goals from selves in the comfortable posi- well out, Ciccone and Reynold tion of needing only a tie tonight , McKay added four points apiece to capture the B.C. Senior Hock-; o the high school squad went ey Championship and right to after points right up to the enter the Western Canada Allan' final buzzer. Otip finals. ! Manson's Ray Spring vas too Leafs take on Penticton V's'at 'marksman of the game sinking JBaskctball isn"t dead in Prince Rupert t j a long shot. A lot of former fans just don't know vhat they're- missing und thinps look even better for next year. J Take last night's games for example. i The OJdtimers showed that loVe of a game dies hard and vhilc there are 15 stiff and aching bodies creaking around town today, wondering whether It was worth It, the oldsters put on a good show last night, ijtill showing speed were Verne Ciceone, Boola Pierce and Jack Lindsay. There was nothing-wrong with Sev Dominato's shooting eye either on two occasions. Still in pretty good shape Is Nick Pavlikls, but both referees Ciccone and Southern coach Fred Calderoni found that playing basketball extended them a trifle more than umpiring. Incidentally t lie first two fouls of the game were called on the self-same arbiters. Bruce Forward, who was "reffing," seemed to pet a fiendi.sh pleasure out of the situation. Angus McPhee, still pretty cagey along with Lindsay, chalked up four points and little Bobby Armstrong stink a nice field goal. Northern Europe's coach, Art Murray thinks tonight's game it- in the bag, but Southern pilot Calderoni was just as confi-ii nt. "If the garlic sausage holds out, we're home iree," he said. ; . .. Regarding the fast-paced Senior' B-fligh school series, Manson's Bill McChe.sney was a trifle stunned by the set-back. His team has been practicing reasonably often whereas the high school squad hasn't. Crucial exams for most of the senior students are underway and sfchoiastlc ties have taken precedence over athletics. Rainmakers' coach Jack Evans, was quite gloomy before the game and after watching the pre-game warm-up was &ure that Bo-Me-Hi. was due for a shellacking. His team threw his pessimism in his face and hold a healthy lead for .tonight s final in the total-point series. However, "it will be a different story tomorrow night," McChesney told us after admitting that the Rainmakers were by far the best team on the floor last night. .-'J'.'. ' 'But more to the point. Tonight's games 'fold ui. basketball for the season. Next year is a long way away but a glimpse into t)ie future .shows that there is some fine Senior B taienl coming up in the form of Rod Tait, Rey McKay, Doug Sankey, Bob McFarlane and Muddy Sedgcwiek plus several other Watts and Nii kerson players. Bo-Me-Hi will lose several of its' stars to ibc and other higher halls of learning next fall and it could We that Intir-A will not be the colorful league It was this ymia. But time will tell and it's our guess that next year's fjoiuor B loop will pack 'em into the Civic Centre. ' j ; TOST SCItllTS Don Arney, scheduled to play on the North European descent team last ni'rht, was unable to make the team because he was down at Shaughnessy hospital getting a check-up. The April 14th bout between world lightweight champion Archie Moore and Jimmy Slade has "been postponed due to Moore suffering an injury to a nerve in his left foot. The non-title bout will now be held May 12 . . . New York Rangers of the NIIL will piay an exhibition game in Mont-magny against the Montmagny Junior B club tonight . . . Tiger Jack Fox, well-known for his crowd-pleasing fights on the Pacific Coast and southern B.C., died in Spokane this week. We saw Tiger fight several times In Trail, B.C., and while he was "a ham an' egger" towards the end he knew his trade and win, lose or draw, ho always put up a good fljiht. He was only -17. Loss of key 1953 New York Yankee performers such as Vic Raschi, Billy Martin, Johnny Mize and the uncertain status of Mickey Mantle doesn't seem to phase Associated Press sports-writer Joe Reichler, and he's picked the Bombers to take their sixth straight American league championship. He says that although the weakened world champs are ready to be taken' "there doesn't appear to be any club in the American loop strong enough to do it." Reichler, who spent seven weeks with six of the eight American league teams this spring, picks this probable order of finish: 1, New York; 2, Boston; 3, Cleveland; 4. Chicago; 5, Washington; 6, Detroit; 7, Baltimore; 8, Philadelphia. . Comfort ami Service Koi rewrvattom wrltn ni ot 8:30 p.m. CIVIC CENTRE Book Reserved Scots ot the Civic Centre, $! Gcncrol Admission $1.00 COMKUY ENTEUTAl NMENT FOP. All ACES t rail CUT nr Di fK't Prince Rupfrt. B C. NHL President Has Worries About Moving Stanley Cup mm Trail in the sixth game of their: best-of-seven semi-final series. Nelson took a commanding 3-1 j lead, with one game tied, Friday , night when they downed the V's ; 4-2 before u packed liou.e in; Nelson. Big break in the tightly-play- j cd contest came at 10;3ii of the third period when Marty Burton i rapped in the winning goal on i brilliant play with Herb Lov- ttt. Burton drove one from Just, outside the crease that eluded goalie Ivan McL'elland, who thought he had it covered. j CITY CHAMPIONSHIP BASKI TBALL MONTREAL CP Some of the bedevilinent that is continually harassing National Hockey League coaches fastened itself today upon President Clarence Campbell, who doesn't know what to do with the Stanley Cup. For the present emblem of hockey .supremacy remains In a Montreal jewelry store enshioud-l with Ifs. I If Jean Beliveau and Doug i Harvey, cripples, return to ac- i ' tion, can give Montreal Cana- dlcns the needed zing, the cup- I defending champions won't be scven cup final will be all tied up at two games apiece and the cup stavs put In the iewelrv store. Fifth game Is scheduled Sunday at Detroit and tne sixui, if necessary, will be played here Tuesday. If the Wings take tonight's nissl' OmpiHll must load the cup on the hockey-special Dc- , tioit train in orden to provide for any contingency. Coach Irvin said Friday thnt Bellvcan and Harvey will be back in tonight's game. The towering rookie centre and bumping j dofenreman missed the third I game because of leg injuries. 9:0(1 Rainnukm TONIGHT 8:00 South luropcans vs North Kuropcuiig Stengel Calls Yank Victory CIVIC CENTRE GYM Adults 75c Students) ; NEW YORK (P Casey Stengel nredicts that New York Ynnl:ep so badly off und coach Dick Ir- ! will win their sixth consecutive 1 vm ' 00 "WW If Gordie Howe, Ted Lindsay, j American League pennant "1 . 'I i - , ,7.."-1 , i H-.f - - ' .,4" ' t 'if" ' . " - , " . .. v - Vi ll I' V,. ' 1 t' . ' , i, -.i , " ; vr . . , ... jr. '' i s-!fv , 4r? '':i - -v-ttf vsr ' " 1 ': ,' -i- -V ., '", ' ;-iy- fj Cv "V , A,'':'Y L . if' '. CARDSTON, Alia. (CP) Chum, the "sceinu-eye" dim owned bv sightless Ernest Oanzinl, formerly of Edmonton, died us a iv-.sult of poisoning. It was not known who set out the poisoned food. ! Manager Al Lopez forecasts : Cleveland to win the flag and I pilot Paul Richards declares liis i Chicago White Sox will beat out j both the Yankees and Indians j for the championship, i In contrast to the variance of Red Kelly and other stars shine 1 In full-season form the worries of the favored Red Wings und coach Tommy ivan will approach the vanishing point. 1 More specifically, if the Can-adiens win tonight the best-of- .'W.'.Y.VW.V.VA'W.V.W: 0 381 .W.V.V.W.V.V.W.SVA' Persons read the Daily News ever opinion Irt the American League, practically all eight pilots have tabbed the defending Brooklyn Dodgers as the team to beat for the National League championship. ' We are champions and we should do it again," declared Stengel, winner of five straight pennants. "I don't see any reason why we shouldn't . . ." NEW EASE day in March LETTERBOX HOSPITALITY TOPS Sports Editor, NEW 6 s-CONVENIENCE CANADIAN LEGION SUNDAY BONSPIEL Sponsored by locol merchants, has announced the draws as follows: 8 a.m. Horley Lewis vs Bill Anderson ' Bill. Baxter vs Jim Andrew Elsie Anderson vs Ted Parkf?'- 10 o.m. Bob Bone vs Bill, Stewart 'erry Lemire vs Lou Bone Tom Prokopow vsByron Lofgrcn c 55 mm R7 i For Return Bout Deal Completed i ! SEATTLE (P A deal was com- ', pleted Friday night for Seattle's !; Iliirry "Kid'' Matthews to meet J British Empire heavyweight ; J champion Don Cockell in a re- . ! The Daily News: ' ! . I The curlers from Burns Lake i j that were at your bonsplel this ' I year all feel that the hospitality 1 of your Curling Club, and also : I other members of the club, was ; i the best offered to the visitors i ; of any place they had ever been ! to attend a 'spiel. i We thank . these people for i this wonderful time and hope to', ELECTRIC STARTING L0JLW t 1,. c ( ' m U ;hift turn bout in London, June 1. Persons read the Matthews' manager Jack Hur- be able to attend another year, t lev sald ne'e he "reluctantly" i Daily News ever Would you please convey this nilt agreed to accept an offer message to J. Laurie and execu- ; made Thursday l :ht by British ; tive for us. i fight promoter Jack Solomons in L. C. MONHARD. a transatlantic telephone con-Burns Lake, B.C. I versation. day in March 195 I '3con1'01' i v$$r OVER 30 Jp Tj, A m.p.h. yet Vjtt" 11 LL IT TR0LIS Ck-X II J" FITTED FOR , SJr REMOTE JT CONTROL MANUAL START TOO 1347 Johnson SEA-HORSE 35 H.P. OUTBOARD MOTOR T1M TO tr 0Vft ( .i before to More readers than ever Spend EASTER Weekend in Alaska! Leave Prince Rupert ... Saturday, April 17, 2:30 p.m. Return to Prince Rupert . . . Monday, April 19, 1:15 p.m. For Reservations Phone 266 ELLIS ABE? LINES Office Opposite tbe Post Office Worm weather . . . family picnics . . . Sunday drives . . . they're on the wav. And that moans it's time to have our master mechanics look your car over, and make adjustments tor a bpring and Summer of s-m-o-o-t-h motoring . . . Drive up today! read the contract . ad you p'ace AT NO INCREASE IN COST OVER 1953 if Calculated on daily average circulation March 1st - l1'1 Jahnatn SUPER-SERVICE "AT TI1K (OltNCIt OK Si:('OM) AND SIX'ONO WIIKRE TIIK SI RVIt i: IS SL OM TO NOM;" Love Electric Limited '' Cow Bay, Prince Rupert Phone 15 Phone 386 ot 3.3 Persons per Household. :.' '.' ".. 'i t -V- nit