PJlflflffui mEi services U LfU ' ' i m , Presentations 1CBC Plans Special FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Easter Services HRlSTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Wnue West Prince Rupert, B.C. of the First Church of Christ Scientist. in Boston, Mass. SUBJECT: of the radio stories broadcast In Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, April 10, 1954 H, DliEAit, AnU VEAin KtALf GOOD FRIDAY CANTATA STATNERS 'CRUCIFIXION" Combined choirs of St. Andrew's Cathedral and First Presbyterian Church under the direction the CBC'ff "Way of the Spirit" series last Christmas. The St. Luke Passion attributed to Bach will be performed on the afternoon of Oood Friday by a CBC string orchestra and the Toronto York Memorial Col- EASTER SUNDAY - j It a.m. Topic. "The Rcfiurrec tlon What Is Meant" Two Anthems by choir. 7 p.m. Topic. "The Resumx!- ; ', MooWhat it MeartS," ,' ' - Solo by Mrs. Tsykw, 'i . Anthem by .choir. . Services every Sunday at ll a.m. iday School every Sunday at 11 a.m. . Unntinn rtn Cannr M A r, J TORONTO CW Canadian radio and television will fill the air with fine music and religious drama during Holy Week, culminating in the Joyful message i of Easter. t . . , . ! Among special presentations ; Is a series called "The Passion-! of Christ" to be produced for i the CBC by Esse LJungh. This of Mr. Peter Lien. . ' : SoloUts: Mr. Percy Young. Mr. J. g. Davlc. Mr, Roland Mlle3. Mr. Keith Dewltt. of each month at 8 p.m. Room open Wednesday and Friday 2-4 p.m. lCKiate choir. Other Bach w,orks ! played by the Stuttgart Cham-! ber Orchestra will be heard, ' from a BBC transcription, at 10 p.m. EST on Good Friday. People who can't get to church on Easter Sunday morning will be able to hear services in many localities by radio. The CBC television will show an Easter mass from one of, the Montreal Catholic churcnes. ' The traditional Easter parades will occupy most radio and TV audiences during Sunday afternoon but the religious theme returns on Sunday night. The CBC will televise the historic-moving picture 'produced .Ly, Cecil B. de Mille "King of Kings." WHAT IS SINGSPIRATION? Simply the fathering tofmthr of Christians from si) denominations In an informal meeting of hymn-singing, testimonies and special vocal and insf-rumontal numbers. It is held AFTER the evening services, every other Sunday even ing In various churches. ' EVERYONE IS WELCOME , to at-tna te necnnd INTER-CHTTBCH SINGSPIRATION ti be held SUNDAY EVENING 9:tO p.m.: at the REGCMR 'BAPTIST CHURCH HEL BAPTIST CHURCH PasUtt fourth Avenue East and Bowser Street ' , i ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Avenue West, McBride 8t. " Rev. II. O. Olson, "The Just Shall Live by Faith" ; , COME AND WORSHIP EASTER SERVICES hD FRIDAY SERVICE, 7:30 P.M. l a radio series over the CBC 'rans-Canada network April 12 :o 16, at 3:35 p.m, PST,The four versions of the Gospeh-Mathew, Mark, Luke and John will be presented as dramatic , readings with a narrator and an acting cast. . .. : ,A i .... ..' Narrator' for'' ttis stjiti'Vii Leonard Crainforu, associated for 25 years with religious drama as actor, producer and manager. Crainford came to Canada a few months ago. He helped manage the Festival of Britain in 1951 and previously was general manager of the Shakespeare Memorial theatre at Strat-ford-on-Avon. FINE CHOIR ParsioiiBottcsdlenstT ."' . . .. :, ASTER SUNDAY SERVICES: Id no a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Easter Message: "OSTERFREUDE" 7.30 p.m. Evening Message: "DAS OSTERLAMM" Good Fridoy April 16, 1954 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Special numbers In song. Easter Sunday '. April 18, 1954 v 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. Special numbers in song. 7:30 p.m. Sunday School'' Easter Program. V' i ' ' ' I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Easter Week Services YON'E 13 CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME TO THE .SERVICES REV. A. HART, Minister Music for this series will be Palm Sunday, April 11 sung by the St. George's cathed ral male choir of Kingston, Ont.. n SALVATION ARMY I ItASl It STREET Monday, April 12 7 p.m. Children's Church . 8 p.m. Young People. TUESDAY, April 13 7:30 p.m. Bible and Prayer ; Hour. "The Bible on the Table" Film. Fellowship Hour following. GOOD FRIDAY 11 a.m. Worship Service. Come with Your Family. Envoy Charlie Dee Special Gospe Meetings Set For Citadel 10 a.m. Senior Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Service. "Behold Your King," 12:15 p.m. Beginner and Junior Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Evening Service "The Crucifixion." ST. PETER'S a.m. ANGLICAN CHURCH directed by George Maybee. This choir has been invltMt to sing at daily services in Westminster Abbey next August. The Wednesday night show on CBC is the Easter drama "Spark in Judea" by the English playwright R. J. Delderfleld. adapted for radio by Joseph Sehullr The play deals with the role of Porf-tius Pilate In the crucifixion. ' Good Friday programs include a Montreal CBC production by Rupert Caplan, "At the Cross," a meditation In dramatic form written for radio by Clare Slater, recently arrived in Toronto from England., Miss Slater wrote one Seal Cove PALM SUNDAY ay Service ... 10:45 April 17 Youth Rally . . .. 8:00 EASTER SUNDAY 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. : i A week-long series of spee'al wpel meel inrr.s is plannvd at) he Salvation Armv cfl3d,l un- Ministerial .Association of Prince Rupert rial taster Services will be conducted or ;v CII.Mtl.IE IJF.E of Calgary, Alberta. ANNUAL SERVICE of SOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND er the direction of Envoy Charlie-Doe of Cslgarv, Aita. Mr. Dee will open the scries with a youth rally, planned for Saturday, April 17 at 8 p.m. in the Citadel, rrncn to 'ounT n-n-ple from all churches in the city. , He will take part in special services Easter Sunday and con-t'nc 'he Oosoel met"ms throughout, the week, with sessions schedulad for 8 o'clock nihtly. The series will end Sunday, April 25. wih services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p m. - 10 P.m. Service of Holy Baptism 11 a.m. Palm Sunday Family Scrvicfc. Special service for the children in the parish hall during the regular ser-, vices. Pictures and story of the crucifixion. . v 7:30" p.m. Evening Prayer. , WEDNESDAY 7:45 p.m. Confirmation Service GOOD FRIDAY 11:45 to 1:15 p.m. "The Seven Last Words." Guest soloist: Mrs. Hanklnson. EASTER SUNDAY 9:30 a.m, Holy Communion ' 11:00 a.m. Family Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer. Prof, eAior leei Evangelical Witness Waiter 11 OF THE ANNUNCIATION 1 SERVICES . ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Wednesday, April 14 8:00 p.m. Treacher: Rev. Canon B. Prockter, B.D., 1AY: MISTY STONES Moonstones are a mixture of potash .and feldspar, getting ..neir nme from the diffusion of. r..-Pontifical Mass: Blessing of Holy Oils Procession. , " 8:30 p.m. Holy Hour (all night voluntary vigil ) Rector of St. Andrew's. " ' . h- LONDON. Out. .(f A geog- raphy professor at the Unlver- j sity of Western Ontario says the j chances are nine to one In favor of a rainless Easter Sunday here ! this year meeors permitting. R. W. Packer announced this finding after 300 student-hours ot woik o na study of April rainfall in London for the last 38 years. April 18 Easter. Sunday this year has had an average of .078 inches in that time. By contrast, April 17 has had an average of almost six inches. The effect of meteors on rainfall was suggested by a theory of Dr. E. G. Bowen, an Austral-Ian physicist, Whose work led to the London study. ' Dr. Bowen found that peak rainfall in Australia fell on the same month every few years. He found the stone dates had peak rainfall In Africa, South America, New Zealand and England. fr.. Mass of the Pre-sanctifled. I .n. Stations of the Cross Sermon. AY: I a Easter Vigil Services and Midnight Mass. SUNDAY: , f 8:00. 9.00. 10:30 (High) . . . ; fsiONS: i V'" ; , ;irsilay-4:30 to 6:00 p.m., 7:30. to 9:00 p.m. fiia-After Holy Hour (French-En cltah) . 3 45 pm. to 6:00 p.m. . '"'. ' la.v-4:00 am. to fl-nn nm. ' v' " - - ; . . . : m iii-uhn " ' To the Glory ."Mm of God... t confessions Saturday evening) . directory Service 'n mH ('him-lir ftt 11 a.m nil J:3 i.m. HiiihIut School at ..in .,.ni ihnwn ST UNITED CHURCH I '' k ill 1 W ' ' ' 7' . i I .i, it if jut M i si i -i".: ".'.:,. a 3 n ?: L.-?v:-".ia . .. ,,- Sith Avenue West near Fulton i'.KV. LAWRENCE O. SIEBEIt PALM SUNDAY N.I.II (tlllhllHM, 4th Are W lit rivmsmutr St. Holy Cominamou 8:30 am. Simrtay School 2:00 p.m. 'anon Basil. S Prockter. B A., B D Rector (Blue TOOl I'lKNT BAI'TIHT Blh Ave. E al YfniliK 8t a.m. Morning Worship. R'-rmon: "The Llernal Purpose" Children's Story: "In Paris." Anthem: "it Fell Upon a Summer Day" I J . K S jL tiaJ K ? il . Jjf- Good Friday, and whose Power ' l--.. ' Minister: Rev. Fred Antrohua - lOreen t. p.m. venlnir Wont-In S'llfT PII:HBVTt'HHN 4th AveniNe Fm : x Be. E. A. WrM, D D (Green 983 Mm : fiermon: "We Must Choose" Anthem: "Ood So Loved the World" COME AND WORSHIP HKST I'XITKD 836 th Avenwe West sjhiitv w. . i 1 1 ; ' -r v .yr str mi lit f ; i, " i iiin.ii.!: at. first united. Beginners "S . N VV - - f 1111 We call uDon you to . . . I KO. L- u. tncnpr i (Oreen 813i j """kii.v ATIIIN AHVIV ' t Fraer street . t:pt. and K.rs. O. Frayne Suuday tkbuol 3:30 ) hi (Black 3691 and Primary at 11 a.m.; Older pupils at 12:15; at Conrad United Hall, all at 11 a.m. GOOD FRIDAY al a.m Meditation: "The Earth Did Quake." EASTER SUNDAY " Kasler l iimilv Wnrshlrv i hi ' V 7 nil If J ' " , t ST. MIL'S UTHKHAN 5th Avenue at MBrlrle atn-et Pastor: Rev. H. O. Olsen (Black 610) KT. rtn.H'S ,N:I l N Mral Vnve ' Bnnday 8chml 11 :00 a in Kvenllig Prayer 7:UU p.m. Uvciajv: rivv .'m. ii. ,u,,i.. tlncutulK'(tt) - Sermon: "Life" Begins at Easter" 1 Children's Story: The Gift" Junior Anthem: "Let Every Heart if . Rejoice and Sing." "i-t'aMcr ErrniiiK Worship Easier in Word and Music. . ' IP The Saered Cantata: "Day of Resurrection." Kenney. 8uiul.it bcliool 10:45 a.m. ruin i n.ut) S. . ( I.. A. Tiwrpc . (Red 66BI II . fll ,'6 -XV ' i !& 5HM v n t .w-. m . . . . . ,1 j' i i ' W.v t-i IX ' - IT RUPERT BUItMtKi iKttNA I Wtl A I x '',1 J AND GROCERS GROCERY Z ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL CHURCH ' , ti4i4LV McKAY'S SPERO'S :; VIS v VIl l4 GROCERY FOOD MARKET ... PS(iM f twi FOOD STORES LTD. ? ' . V.V V h RUPERT Vi ih$-k Wv PRINCE ; J: slllTVliKN ' ;ftv XX FLORISTS ai;; " W I V V TrV y X ORMES DRUGS LTD. PALM SUNDAY Services at 8:30, 11:00 and 7:30 pin. MONDAY - THURSDAY Services dally at 10:00 a.m. GOOD FRIDAY The Throe Hours 12:00 Noon to 3:00 p.m. Addresses by the Rt. Rev. II. O. Watts, Bishop of Caledonia. EASTER EVE Preparation at 7:30 p.m. EASTER DAY Holy Communion at 7:30, 8:30 and 12:00 Noon Festival Service at 11:00 a.m. M : in Children's Service at 2:ou p.m. Evensong set 7:30 p.m. ! THE RECTOR WILL PREACH MORNING AND EVENING i.i ' " " .