. 1. ( OKOIIGE DAHtS fMXf$&':-' j, Filchock Sure West Will Win Cup 1ST AUCTIONEER pI' Blatt 4( and fed IT? dui Holds Little Hope hor Kiders nrrfrnn By WII.F IIISI i-r-f game as the score indicated. , substitution of a tackle Roger Filchock said Ills team was in Savoie for Ross McCallum. "nrPt'u hart fii'i)vi hnt 'ti.aVA : Vl.hflr eair) r- lnt l.a ... SKATIN Canadian I'm, staff WriK' REGINA CFPearless Frank Filchcck says -the team tlwt wins in the Wpst this year will win the Grev Cun " h., fc,IW,tiv. start, Junior- going out there and really play was "very proud" oi his boyjj this, ball." . year. Winnipeg has most player in "We didn't have the material, good shape. The only switch from and I think some of them knew. J3L Wednesday 3 ncuut'suuy is expected to be a n. am iney sun aia a wonoeriul job." t Prince Runert Daily News BOB PARKER LTD. the most hopeful of fans concedes him a chance of carryin the Prairie banner Ea-st. The old warrior with the wobbly legs and stiff right arm le.1 his Saskatchewan Rough :-irirs Into the Second immo "t h Saturday, October 31, 1953 Open Friday ... Saturday ISP Basketball Meet Set For Tuesday THIS IS THE PLAY in which halfback Billy Vessels of the Edmonton Eskimos was injured in a Western Interprovincial Football Union game against Winnipeg Blue Bombers at Edmonton. Vessels, a leading scorer in the WIFU since being imported from Oklahoma, is being brought down on the Winnipeg 25-yard line by guard Dean Bandiera and end Bud Grant 1781. At extreme left is Buck Rogers (56i who is coming in on the play in which Vessels suffered a fractured muscle attachment on the spine. Winnipeg won the game 17-8. Western Interprovincial Font bull Union semi-final here today I against Winnipeg Blue Bombers I under what appeared to be insurmountable odds a 38-prant ( deficit in the .two-game totai-j point series. I Only a miracle couJd recoup the Jstunnins 43-5 loss Riders suffer-j ed in Wlnniieg Wednesday night An important meeting of the Prince Rupert Basketball Referees Association will be held in the Civic Centre, Tuesday, CIVIC CE CLOS Saturday f REMEMBER WHEN By The Canadian Press SPORTS ROUND-UP Iiy GAYLE TALBOT Harvev Pulfnrd f Otta.-. uhn ' o "a L l mov j, at i p.m-. Med talder-oni announced today. Former, present or prosper- ' J. oojv.uit-wiui into t;ie I , . won fame in many Canadian final against Edmonton Eskimos sports, died 13 vears aeo todav. 'Rut. fnn i ti,i r ' NEW YORK (AP)-Siens Of the times: There He was a defenceman with the capital were riaht ix-hind their Basketball i tive referees are invited to nt- tend as is anyone who wishes I to become a referee in any of Lnampion -tl Super- t 7:4 . famed Ottawa Silver Seven, j team as they have txen all sea- was a slam-bano; hockey game at Madison Stiuare Balloon hjkMiijtj v. ujj ui nail " Son VS. A , : I CANCE century ago, and also shone in the proposed busketball leagues this season. At the same time Fred Jonev ' fe)r)( $22.95 football, lacrosse, amateur boxing and acquatic sports. ijaraen tne other night between New York Rangers and Chicago Black Hawks. Interest was so slight 'hat the management didn't bother to open up the Wednesday BOB PARKER LTD. ! chairman of the Prince Rupert CI (Basketball Commission, an--? inounced that on opening nighl, '! iNov. 7. Columbia rellulnto nuin' 'The Home of Friendly Service" There wasn't scratching room in the 13.000-seat .stadium at' Taylor Field for the game and it seemed the players would have to move over for the standing-room customers. The crowd was expected to number close to the record 15,565 fans here Thanksgiving Day, despite a forecast of near-freezing weather and nos- For action try 1 ! tet wi" P'ay a visiting Terrace Injury-Ridden Canadiens Not Worried t ; ' '; 4uaa ana uoruon ti Anderson v .. . " ,4 : Will meet Maiuutn in ih ft. balcony. The previous evening more than 15.000 had paid their way into the famous arena to witness a wrestling show and satisfy themselves first hand there ' was nothing phony about their ( favorite television ment. BELDIE ALLIVSO.V, 17. has : lng night feature Mixed 'Spiel Semi-Finals Start Tonight The season-opening mixed been chosen Miss Balmv Beach sible snow. White flakes which swept over the field Friday were exoertert tn By The Canadian Press Montreal Cnnariipns havp thp make the surface -.slinnerv bv and will represent the Ontario Rugby Football Union team in the Miss Grey Cup contest at Toronto late in November. She la five feet five Inches tall, has dark hair . . . but you can see for yourself. j LAST NIGHT'S HGHTS j By The AMuwUtrd Pl'iss i NEW YORK-Teddy Red Top Davis. 130'2. Hartford Conr, outpointed George Araujo. 133' ,' : Providence. 10 bonspiel at the Prince Rupert r( j : 2. . National Hockey League's longest injury list, but few tears are game time at 2 p.m. Filchock mnrt his r-..iiiinr, Curling Club last night moved L!"..D?Ine' y?U the being shed on their behalf The Stanley Cun chamnions (Friday night after Riders watch- travel to Chicago for a date with j Vta l.i t-t -vl .-. t l . . .. . tr,...i. 4 i ea a mm or the first semi-final game. He didn't fiav Saskatch- into the quarter-finals in tlu7b ,?"tJ'r. primary event with three games 2! RucUlerham's rink, in nnoiherl",, L.P.J,': .but 1Uh tosses 'c HOME TO RVE BURT nc iiWl-lOtC .Dial A. nilWM Wi- night without centres Dickie ! ea" co,u'd i not , P"11 the f'tball Moore and Jean Beliveau and I upset f the year asain.'rt Bnmb-delenceman nnnr HnrW n,.t I ers although he admit tod it was EUROPE FOR XJhRISTMAS! unset ean.e Rririprh!,m-. 7 . u"l'"y 10 a coniederate who !, . pianKs it down somewhere in 'they own a four-eame winninir i "?ol"8 to be tough to get all TYPE Ihe vicinity of Ihe spot istrenk the lnnt ,,fih v-ar, I ,nas PO"tS back." For certain u.- hum He said the film shuworl seen ' and a four-point bulge over 2nd Annuo! Chrlitma iMAASDAM Nav. M them miss by three or four feet 'their nearest comnetitinn Riders weren't as bad in the first SPICY direct from HAIiran (trom Now Yolk No 21) to Southampton, to vv. . on a 15-yarder, but have yet to' The history of the Habitants see a coach go yelling out in is studded with occasions when protest. Probabiy it's none of ; substitutes proved the undoing our business, but it does look a; of the opposition. The most re-little silly when the same of- J cent example was Thursday iicial a few minutes later calls , night's performance by Tom for the chain and gets down ' Johnson, who switched from his and sights like a riflum ir i .lefpnep er.ft t .,, You cant qo ALL-OUT last night was Bill Anderson, going down to defeat with a final score of 10 to 8. Alio! her fight-to - the - finish ;?ame was on sheet two, where Barney Eyolfson vanquished Rusty Ford, 7 to 0, with Eyolf-son's final rock breaking a 6-6 deadlock. The third game of this draw saw Wakiey and Ostertag stage a see-saw battle in which the Wakiey foursome finally dominated with a 10-7 count. Last night's three winners now advance to the semi-finals, opening tonight at 7 p.m. with BROWN KJ -L see if a first down has been ' scored the two goals that beat j made- ! Toronto Maple Leafs 3-1. j I Even with the loss of all-star If you feel k --vr JM C J U"' J. Li . jf- ill .v "V- i . "V "V "5- -' : f " b 'St ' " f- ,5. '. 'i - i ' ?- i I ! r . i .. . j ' 4 f. r, 1 ! ."-7 .... . - v j T.'V. ' t.' " ' 4 ." ' 'All It v seems w.a uiuy only yesterdav yesieraay that mat ! defenceman ' Harvey, who jiu suf Hovre. and Kotltordom lor oil Europe. Pertonolfy conducted by BART MENAGE Monoger ol Holland-Americo t Wintilpeg ol-fic. ond your geniot host for the voyage. He "II lote core ol all irov I arrangement! on tho Continent -ond w.ll toe tiol everybody enjovl o floppy prelude lo Christ, mos in the homeland I -Other personally con-ducted Christmas soil, ino Iron New Vork , RYNOAM tto.11 0 Ireland. England, ''ance. Mollond sui- a quiet youngster named Mickpv ' fered a knee Injury in the lane Mantlo u i . . . !..t i ft- ALL IN Kuuciernam nuuucinaui meeting meeting Evolfsnn tyoitson. ohuwcu up at the loroinu game, Wakiey drew a bye into the Yankee training camp at Phoe-! coach Dick Irvin considered finals which will wind up at 9 nlx' and Promptly set off on? j himself so well stocked with T0 ADD FURTHER JOY TO THE HE EST OF ALL TIES... THE TIE OFHOST GUEST...HAVE BURTON'S DELICIOUS, D.m. Monriav ! 01 the Kreatest nnhli,-.it v...;i,i . blue-l!n blue-liners that he called ud a JOIN family and friend, in th homeland for 'h joyoua. feotivo holiday aeaaon' Sad on ahip. deeigned fo, comfortable and conomical Touriat travel-f.,,, for food, iood wn-vic. and immaculate clMnlinoaT Her. you hav.virtlul, ,.,.,,,., pr, upFmit claw (39 passengers) from $225. on,Book EARIY with your Travel Agent. . "...J VUJ1U- In the secondary event, com- ups BJven a rookie in this gen-prising one-time losers forced eratin. The kid from Commer-e n.. C .1 ... . I OHO n .... . . (jnia., couian t m . hoiv, i, QUENCHING ALE ALWAYS ON ICE AI i ui uic primaries, rive games were played last night with re- ThM days moil people Bwt mvfcf ruf, wt, mo,., ,lp ,u. Thl, trm bod; nd brain tntiu, .hniul fitiww ., tm l.h.roM I. lod)t i tente lmn, kwtrti rwi.t,n. wrwork, worry-m, of thcw n., Mtrt nwm.1 kidiKjr Klion. When kxiiwr. ,rt u of rder, eicew acids and waXrs remain m the lyilfm. Then k.cluthe, disturbed rest, that "Hred-ouf (wry. headed feelmf eflen follow. That's Ihe time to tdie Dodd's Kidney Pdl,. Dodd'. stimuUte the Indney, to normal ,c(kh,. Then you ee better-sleep better-work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pill. .1 an Hrwe rmmttv. game's next super-star. He had everything. uirs as iouows: READY TO SERVE AT A MOMENTS Stewart, 12, Meighen 9. But after three f 11 II Cfl.j i-nrtt. Warren 4. Bere 10 j centre, Gerry Desaulnir rs of I Montreal Royals,x as a . ment. Canadiens meet Wings in Detroit Sunday. The Wings, the last team to take Montreal's measure, clobbered the Canadiens 4-0 on their last visit but have drop- j ped 4-1 and 1-0 decisions to! htme on the raod. I Toronto Maple Leafs, tied; with the Bruins for third place, VsiaV ie iact no longer can be escaped that he is a comparative disappointment. He possibly can hit a baseball farther ih,n CHOOSE AN ALE AS YOU WOULD CH FRIEND... FOR THE FINEST QUALITIES IT'J GOO0 TO BE 0N MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG . .. SSI l!.,rr,,.i k. , . VANCOUVER nn.sjuvtK WELIHUN JHII " n"r"p nrouvrr 1, ii.l". v 5431 other player, and he did hit two Newton 8, Matthews 4. Johnson 8, Moore 7. Aston 5, Manson 11. Ford will meet Ostertag and Shier will meet Taylor at 7 p.m. tonight. The winner of the Ford-Ostertag Rame will play Anderson and Manson will meet the winner of the Shier-Taylor game at 11 tonight. Stewart will play vuai nome runs in the recent world series. But h. oie ,., engage New York Ranker in iiear setting a new series record for strikeouts, and he was no Joe DiMaggio in centrefield home-and-home set, starting in Toronto tonight. ! cm Mntiflnv i c.-ifi-u I Mickey will undergo an opera- l Pto f0R fnt HOME te-l jerg ana Johnson will meet Newton at 9 p.m. , The three finals will be played Monday night. The draw committee for general' curling, to open following u" "gnt knee. If it is successful, the boy may yet go on to fulfill every promise and make one of the inrct ;i . .. '6L,Iv oai- lite5- lriajjigi,. announces th?it f'" in tne game-has ilas overflowed, overflowed, and and that that "only only f 'UnDTClJl AtCrC: IN BRITISH COLUMBIA'S JUNIOR & SEKIOR HIGH SCHOOLS WIN VALUABLE PHIZES! ENTER THE 19S3 PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY ESSAY CONTEST. I--1-1 IHf0RMAT'0N SEND COUPON TODAY! UP TO PAR 1 I r ssawey I BIYiUV D oil i i the first 48 paid-up women will be accepted. To assure entry they should pay fees to Fred Aston. First draw in the round-robin will be played next Saturday and rinks participating will be advised. rVUO fidl sharp FIRST AID FOR MINOR GUNSHOT Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check-up and tune-up . . . and we'll winterize your car too. You'll be pleased with our service. Canadian Pulp & Paper Association WOUNDS 805 Uom inion Bldj., Vancouvar 3, B.C. V I A v.. . - , "J i mform.lion .boul ll,, co.l.'il ,d p,i, ! 1 I I . i Km L&WmMkk ! ZZZZZZZZIII : 1Pi Superior Auto Service Arm hdbh or ler m Goalies Shine !n WHL Games It was goalie's night in the Western- Hockey League Friday Vancouvtr Can vks' Lome Wor.sley whitewashed Seatt'a Bombers, whose Marcel Pelletler iid not flinch when called on to stop a penalty shot. In two games, only three goals 'ere scored. The Canucks edsfii the Bombers 1-0 in Vancouver arid Victoria Cougars and Saskatoon Quakers split the honors 1-1 in Victoria. Woraley turned in some brilliant work to get the shutout, his -irst since stepping down from New York Rangers. Tonight, Saskatoon is at New Westminster and Calgary at ( is WOUND A" TREATFO wiTumiT a TOURNIQUET IP IT ONLV OOZES OR DRIPS BLOOD. LAV A STERILE DRESSING (OR MAKESHIFT) OVER THE WOUND AND APPLY PRESSURE WITH yoUR HANDS ON IT, AS ABOVE, UNTIL BLEEDING IS STOPPED. IF SO, WRAP DRESSING WITH A BANDAGE OR CLOTHING STRIPS ' THIS TREATMENT MAY BE TRIED ON BODY WOUNDS WHERE A TOURNIquet can't be used. Carry a kit for emergencies y,J!l Close, Mil nJ IS mm a I : . iwi I f-T El SON style-leadership. The Jl ' f 1 wlvfel'S M I Sletson Custom V, illustrated retail,. A OL "m-. '5 V3Sm I ' s biul.-in crease under all yrV .,,,,'' kX I conditions. These are V ' 'V&gS?fr just some of the 17 r l Y reasons v. I.y more people wear ifc I fiV V , STETSON HATS A .SS ''' I IJSSK v .. Stetson Hal, ore priced jrm , f5l) A? J S ' . .. , Thin -wlverliMment in not published or aisnlaywl by thp Uiuorfon' " Govffoment ot, liri'i-h CWumU ' y LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 , MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling local. Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nfJ Park Aye .' . ', 'if i