. 5 VICTORIA REPORT , 3- J. ruA ... Prince Rupert Daily fliews As I See It Thursday, December 31, 1953 else but the Premier. I mostly thev r i., . .. VICTORIA. What a year IP:i3 anyone was for political uproar, confu v-.. , v,t iauat .Ul'-'f nf IM..H such fiEht npiMnn. If -i- the tremendous upsurge of So- by sion and bitterness. Old-time ;d-tlme political pouucai Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert m -.. and Northern and Central BrttUh Columbia. Member of Canadian ps? .vjdlt B'jrrsu of c:rcj:.-.t:oiii P- Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. " Published by The Prince Rupert Daily New Limited. J. P. MAGOR, President H. 3. PERRY, Vice-President reporicrs " i4ik piuiuiu, ntr iu ana so we sav in such personal) name,. so powerful, her persrn-'all: "Thanks a lot for X Wliai I ean't t remember remem VOi: S ret didand bitterness and hatreds as en-! nitty so dynamic, helped more I fight." gendered by the successful entry Social Credit to the top. into provincial politics of Social The Premier knew it, and was " Subscription Rates: if carrier Per week, a5c: per month. 1 00; per year, 1C.0A if mall Per month. 75c: por year. 8 00. itiiorW-ed as second class mall by the Poat Office Deportment, Ottawa Year of balance Canada's Year Uf vt ; ... 7 f 1 ' j ! " . 4V' .. , I 1 r. ; i t a f grateful; Mrs. Rolston showed a fine personal loyalty to him. . And, after the session, almost corkily., one might say, the Premier arranged the Victoria by-and who wouldn't have been enraged, under such cricumstanc-es? He was now as humiliated as the Liberals had been humiliated t-y him last June. So It goes with politics. You never can tell. One day the pub-lie Is hucBlng you. and the next It's kicking you, and often for no apparent reason, which makes the situation all the more baffling and frustrating. One can't now look very far Into the future. Mr Ounderson Credit. Let's look bark on this exciting year. Premier Bennett's minority government of 19 members met the Legislature in fcrbruary. It was a long drawn out session, talk, talk, talk, bicker, bicker, bicker, all sides with their eyes on the electorate; the government tottered on the v;rfe of defeat several times, but it did not happen until the night of M-irch "M It was then t;r- povcninient crashed on the floor of the House, the combined opposition, plus Social Credit Mr. Price of V a n c o u v er- Bnrrard voting against the Rolston Formula. That did the trick, because the , in v, - I IT SEEMS to me that the I year 1953 will go down j in history as one of new hojio for the human race. I In 19S3 the two great world power blocs uirneri, at lea.it I temporarily, toward p"iice. j Our war-weary generation has ! be come deeply conditioned ; r.gainst over-optimism arid false I hopes. Yet the fact remains th.it j both sides saw the folly ef con- tinuing the war in Korea. What I has been true in Korea could conceivably come true on the whole world scale. Like two weary wrestlers, the two great power-blocs could call off their exhausting struggle i out of sheer recognition that i neither side can impose its will i on the other, except possibly by j outright world war. Both sides : shrink back from the prospect !of world war, for a world war Will resien !li flnnnr n-iitilctm. Rolston Formula was major gov- j on tne ,,ve of Fe)ruarv.s SOSiSUm emment legislation. It was a when there's another hv .Pwtin dramatic moment, not unexpert-j ne may b(, prr,suarted run ; ed, but a shook, nevertheless o:(hfOKh believed he reallv Is the government when it cuine.110t intcresteci m politics, that It was the first defeat of a BC i.;s nni M. wr.nni fri.,rtuhi for the Premier that makes him ; government in more than 50 years the first since party gfv-ernment came to this province in 1!)03. want to carry on. Politics Is strange in more wavs than one It rnulrs nn hlti J--. f i V ' f' ft ! 1r v" ',"TT V JEAN noiTHER (left), bachelor notary from Laprairie, Que., who was elected in the Quebec riding of Chateauguay-Hunting-don-Laprairie In the Aug. 10 federal election, is the youngest member of the Commons at 27. He Is shown with the oldest member, Rev. 'Dan Mclvor, Liberal member for Fort William since 1935, who will be 81 next February 14. Hence came about, then, the i enmities, but also loyal and general election which the Pre- staunch friendships. cou" ed" V openl0 byhurS As WC lo0k baC' 0n hectic would let loose forces which neither .side could even calculate in advance, much less mi .. ( HUM W1IIVH Kliu IIUVC ' run for office, who have talked THE more I study the War of 1812 tHe'm'6r? I ffdpe that the war in Korea may act as it. did. Neither the British1 nor the Americans won the War of 181;!. Both sides learned the hard way, that the other side in that war F ANY one year could be picked out as the beginning of the great era expected for Canada, history nay show that 1953 was it. t While the year brought continued strength to :re Dominion, it directed many ills against those ;ountries which are looked upon as senior partners. The sickness commonly called MeCarthyism -rvhich grips the States is probably of a temporary nature. Most friends of that nation hope it is. Hut iC roay be discovered there is something, seriously ivrong when a country can drive itself into such a state-of fear that even its leaders become suspect. Against this, it should be remembered that 1953 siw the U.S. taking new initiative in world leader-sljip.Tln particular, President Eisenhower's proposal itir control of atomic power was an entry in the annals of statesmanship. Z 'Britons continued their gallant recovery at hOmeV but the need to police their possessions abroad and to meet their foreign obligations still exacted a kiJiing sacrifice. Even at this, late date they :ooke,i life a people just emerging from battle. Z Meanwhile, however, it must be remarked that they" provided the world with its most inspiring spectacle in the crowning of their Queen. It ;vas heartening assurance that, whatever their material problems may have been, their spirit remained excellent. Z France, paralyzed by strikes and politically confused, had a tragic year. Although it would be quite untrue to say that al giher, pountries had similar misfortunes, 1953 sapped a bit of -strength here and there until the leaders at ' any : rate looked less formidable. Even tH mysterious 'Russia, which at times appears to defy the elements, proved vulnerable when death toek Stalin and, with him, a whole regime. Again, inp East Berlin, its weakness was revealed in no uncertain jray; i t Z Canada alone of the more significant, if not the largest, nations pursued a reasonably untroubled course. Although increased unemployment and a 51 umber of serious labor disputes were points of warning, the country continued to grow in population, enterprise and leadership. -.t.ii . from the hustings, who have been leaders in public opinion. They weren't In there fighting to entirely promote themselves; flection. He was positive Mr. Ounderson would win. He would show those Liberals! But Mr. Ounderson didn't win; he lost by 90 votes. The Premier was enraged 1 1 '.;? i' !t the combined opposition, particularly the Liberals. How Mr. Bennett wanted to oust the Liberals, once and for all! The election was, in June. The Liberals had a new leader. Mr. Liiiiig, who took a terrific gamble and lost; the CCF hud a new leader, Mr. Webster, who lost four seats, but came back as the Opposition. Mr. Bennett's Social Credit was re-elected, this time with 28 members. The Premier would have liked OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. A.acLeoc On Parliament Hill it is jirt picture capital assistance to de- another New Year. By and large "'rice industry is scheduled to '"disappear largely. In the past the me nation's nations statesmen statesmen see see no , , yeaj. u dropped from $12o,000.- reason for looking forward to quo to $60,000,000. In the com- 1954 with any particular e!a ! ing year it is doubtful if It wiil tion. On the other h:m..i ami i reach $20,000,000. DerhaDs more iirmortant thev I These two Items offer worth- .'jt had the permanent power to inflict terrible punishment but ! not outright defeat on the i other. Canada stood wide open i right next door to the fastest it while scope for a tax cut if the naii growing young giant in all the world. There was never a time in the whole century between see no reason for viewing with apprehension. i finance minister wishes to take Busiriesswisc, It's not expected cdvantage of them for this purpose. The general belief in fed- the end of the War of 1812 and WRINGER WASHERS AUTOMATIC WASHER the beginning of the world war it" be quite as good a year when the U.A. could not have'the one nowcWn, But the more, but now he was safe. He i had two big disappointments-defeat of Finn'ice Minister Oun- I derson una Education Minister. Row on. It was a bitter pill, buti Mr. Bennett took great consolation as he contemplated what ' he had done to Liberals and Conservatives whittled the Lib- ' with almost ridiculous ease. tempo of the economy will re- i LaL" "5,1 1 " 'LI jh HERCULES But from about 1815 till" 900,i main eU above the long-temt ' --No So theie you have It The Ntw or later, there was never a time average. maior unempioy- .... r....., TT .....JwMit nmh em is nn the horiim Year may iaCK the thrill ami 0 era!'! down to four members, a ...'. IV MECHANISM: WlltJl llir DI1UM1 r,IlipiIC BlllIU ' . .. .. .. ... . ,vl:.mnl r, a nnllnnii nf r.nt. have nsprt Its spa snnrpmacv internationally, it Will Oe humiliat number fur them in li the post-war boom. It will be I rg to reneat what hart heen Hnw Of peace. It also v,'i!l cne of tension and continuing ear 01 greater competitive i . . "... ...... . :iivps were were almost decimated: armament Burdens. But the i """"" .. ... '-:m:ixxm outstandingly efficient, dependable guaranteed fur 5 years. the only Automatic to rive you 7 rinses yet still uses , less hot water. best-lnlormed diplomatic ex- 0 more important factor in bus- only one was elected. ' The Premier had wiped out all ' traces of the Coalition. Never! perts ajree that the situation : will ,iin f,n-7on in t Via ' n. OHCy. BUI 11 Will DC a more befc.ru had the nubile made so ent "cold war" phase that no t JJ'- ls L it should be no agreeaole. clean a break with the political RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644 in the War of 1812 destroy even Washington itss BY 1953 the build-up of the land torces of NATO had proceeded to the point where the Red army could not .-weep across all Europe. But by 1953 the Russians had atiio won some approach to a balance of power, with the U.S A. in atomic weapons. . ( It seems to me that these two past. It was staggering! people rea What more can a sonably ask thm shot will bt fired which ' will echo arotind the world. Leaving the realm of these reasonably safe predictions for peace, wii'n Now the Premier was secure. the added prospect of a tax cut iind good assurance of employ- a field of more ventur-some r ment? conjecture, it may be prophesied ' hopefully that 1S54 will be a I . i.sS ' ? I t f - ' but irritated because Mrs. Rol-j ston and Mr. Ounderson lost. He j would get them elected! He, would arrange by-elections However, soon it became known Mrs. Rolston was fatally ill. The i year of tax reduction. On the Union Urged physical facts account for the jurfacei tne erounrts Ior antici Although it is too bold to say that the rest of the century belongs to Canada, the evidence is !af cle"ly i,ic1atPd ?,y ir Wln" apparent. The ordinary ex- j O KejOin Tatherin? that our rmintrv will nw,,, m ; ,.f. .u. H. 1T F,T "I'PW" "f Bovmment. Instead I TORONTO (CP)-Charles Mil! , . "vv"l'Jr i m of earing, have climbed recently e rd, Canadian president of the ant part of it. p. ....! ui wunu as a rP!;u t nf iv ini renses tn Premier would wait. Tn mld-Scntcmber came 'he autumn session. We saw the frustrated Liberals doing their best, a best which seemed, at the time, hiehly Impotent, but whlrh later paid off when IJberal Mr. Gregory beat Social Credit Mr. Oundoison In the now-famous Victoria city by-election. During the session Mrs. Rol- has been the balance ot!the rivil SPrvice and armpi pcwer',. "I lthe e"JulUbrlutn 01 i forces. NATO is going to be an power. That was just another I rwri ,ratpr wri,.n ,iHnr tv,., Scripture faMuge for JoJay "For ye have need of patience." Heb. 10:38 United Steelworkers of America iCIO-CCL), has appealed to Canadian members of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Und.) to rejoin the Canadian Congress of Labor. The Mine-Mill union claims way of saying that when any , con,lng. 12 months, ;nce male- one power threatened to become rials .supplied to it will have to come from new production in stead of. as in the past, from , a,)out 30 0()0 Canadian mPmberg j ston died, a deep personal loss to r.urplus military stores which I Tne CCL and tne steeiwork. the Premier. She had been a now are exhausted. Large gov- i . .,, ..J ,i bulwark to him through the so strong as to become world : ruler Britain lined up a defen- sive coalition sufficiently strong ; to checkmate that supremacy, j That i.", exactly what Britain has done again. REFLECTS and REMINISCES ernment expenditures upon th" to all Mine-Mill members to yars' wn(,n ne was ln rebellion break away from this dhlnte- j afinst the Coalition ..More than grating union and rejoin the! ; .' .. ., ' St. Lawrence seaway and Arctic ; radar defence are In the offing. Nevertheless, there are some bright .spots. The 1!53 national po something and do it today , tired of discussing' one subject if wyou ish to score that hos- it is alwavs m Hillary To Lead CCL," Mr. Millard said Tuesday in an interview. ROOd lODIf. talk nhnilt. I hp nthi.r ft income mav be. as much as a r Fred E, Dowdie - I ! i r forest Tn the 'pulp 'and pap i wnii i hd dollars are 'to find and, Willlarh Noakesi aged' 82. died WELLINGTON,' SrIS TV' hls nome about a week ago. Sir Edmund Hillary, Hillary, the con- nrfttte1' 'Minfsrf r Doi'iglas -Abbott limits' grow at least' one billion Rupert Radio & Electric OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 3rd Ave. Phone Green 900 tie passed away In, his sleep. A estimated. And in the military .new trees year by year. W queror of Mount Everest, will I income newspaperman ne serv-jead a New Zealand mountain i -j' i ru as euuor oi tne Brandon Sun. Not often has one lived for that length of time, and been able to carry on the ex NONE WHATEVER nce a totem pole stood ln the mitre of the space at Sec-on's Avenue ana Second Street. Tliu-re was next to no traffic arm plenty of space. But that ws umpteen years ago when creasing that junction meant qufck eyesight, swift walking, perhaps, a jump or so and not a gn of a totem pole. acting duties he had chosen. Paul Maher, a Newfoundland er, says he had noticr-d thai in eering expedition next year to the Himalayas to try to .scale one or more of three unclimbed peaks. The peaks are Makalu II, a subsidiary of the larger peak which is 27.790 feet high; Pen-tagtse, 22,060 feet, and BarunLse, 22.5H0 feet, which the climbers will attempt between April and June. The pulp and paper industry is making an increasingly more economic use of its wood England, more attention was Oh Canada, How. I Love You Oh Canada, how I love you.. Your people's hearts are true, With your wide openspaces, And your sunset's lovely hue, The beautiful Rocky Mountains, . And pine trees, which heave a sigh, -Your swiftly running rivers, and salmon leaping high, Yes! Canada we love you, Because you stand for right, And one and all. we're with' you,. To uphold this country's might. T. O. Wardrope, Prince Rupert. paid to how you ate that mat tered. The "approach" was everything. For example, when breaking a breakfast egg, he wore the expression of a man about some excellent translation from the Greek. t SmoOUiOY HOW! KRS r A polygon is a man with jore than one wife, preferably living. In some parts of Nevada, Ah&jlyjiave to irritate grass p make it grow. F'or fainting: Rub the person's chest, or if a lady. ub her arm above the lumt! Thank You! Citizens of Prince Rupert YOUR READY RESPONSE TO OUR APPEAL HAS BEEN A BLESSING TO MANY PEOPLE OVER THE CHRISTMAS SEASON AND HAS RE-BUILT OUR FUND FOR WELFARE PURPOSES IN 1954. '1 Premier St. Laurent, it is1 understood, will visit Europe and possibly elsewhere before parliament reassembles next January. The Prime Minister can use a change of scene. Unlike other Canadian notables, it's quite infrequently he crosses this or that ocean. Of course he travels some, yet Ottawa remains the home town. ( Porrje people still apply beef slfcjik to a black eye. Neverthe- lew, at present prices, most fojjts apply it internally if they ca una tne money. What will become Canada's NOTICE i KAIEN CONSUMERS CO-OP HARDWARE GORDON & ANDERSON - GORDON'S HARDWARE - KAIEN HARDWARE will all remain CLOSED on SATURDAY, JAM. '2 One can drive from the waterfront up town but the day is coming when what Prince Rupert already possesses in the way of streets linking Third Avenue with the railway station will -seem too few. Traffic is increasing and many cars are much larger than what they were years ago. THE SALVATION ARMY HAS FOR ITS 1954 SLOGAN "FAMILY YEAR" AND WE INVITE ALL FELLOW CANADIANS TO ASSESS THE VALUE OF THE FAMILY AS A UNIT OF POWER ,IN OUR COMMUNITY. SET UP THE FAMILY ALTAR. PRAY TOGETHER MAY 1954 'BE'a HOLY NEW YEAR FOR ALL lagest military camp is already under construction, but pioneer filers of the St. John River vailey cannot get over that sen-FiJJve feeling. For almost a cou-p of centuries, they and their dcendents lived there. It was hne, Indeed. This isn't. rt Ci- HAVE EITHER 3"he wettest village in the Uaitea States Is ln the state of Washington, it being 150 inches. AW the dryest spot is what is IvfiWJl-ifis Death Vaitey in Nevada. Of course. If one becomes Canada has an army, a navy and an air force but next to no merchant fleet. Transfer of ships to British registry could mean, ln an emergency, a grave enough situation, and at best, a temporary arrangement.