Prince Rupert Daily News Monday. July 27, 1953 -ri v . Chi Sox Still Threaten, Brooklyn Boosts Lead . They'll FRACTURE Yon is BLACKWOOD on d3riclge By FASLEY BLACKWOOD DONATIONS TO LITTLE LEAGUE TO BE RECEIVED AT NOBLE'S The Little League baseball association, gratified by public response to its appeal for funds, announced today that public-subscriptions will be received at Noble's Electrical store. Official receipts will be given donors, the association said. A Little League meeting will be held at the Civic Centre tomorrow night when a progress report 611 the present series will be given and problems ironed out. Regular league game between the Chums and the Mojb: will be played at Algoma Park tonight.' i Louis last June 13, the White Sox would be languishing In fourth place instead of doggedly hang-, ing on to the runner-up spot, 5,4 1 tfm 1; 1 1 kMRBW t .. , v Mr. Masters Withholds Acc To Set Contract It's not easy to hold back an acc when declarer leads a singleton from the board especially when the contract is a small slam. Yet that play is often necessary, as in today's deal. Brash Brash had had such such a a big Miss Associated Press Sports Writer Chicago While Sox, despite a 2ia ppninting home stand, represented the chief threat to New York Yankees' bid for a fifth atraight pennant today. And they owe it ' to one man pitcher Vtriil Trucks. ' Thanks to Trucks' four-hit 4-0; shutout over Philadelphia aftr the Athletics had taken a 4-Sj opener Sunday, the White So were able to keep pace with Vlie; Yankees who split a pair With Detroit. Were it not for Trucks' eight straight voctories sinfe he joined Chicago from St. 7i ia j Wallaces j DEPT. STORE: iW ,trT"r "-r, Todoy to Wcdntsd,, ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il lCJ ' " rois , Si ml fOTEr V a (mi t rM mmi u H, lengths behind the league-lead-ins New Yorkers. I While all American League j clubs were dividing doublchead-I ers, Brooklyn Lodgers opened up a huge 7',2-same lead in the National thrashing Milwaukee Braves twice 3-2 and 2-1 before 33.421 fans the .largest Ebbcts Field gathering in almost two years. The bewildered Braves retain-' ed second place only because j St. Louis Cardinals whipped Philadelphia's third-place Phil-I lies 8-6 to leave the Phils eight ! games off the pace. New York's j fourth-place Giants remaind 9!'z ! games behind despite their sweep 1 of a doubleheader from Cincin-; nati; 10-6 and 5-1. j Boston Red Sox dropped the : second game to St. Louis 8-5 i after copping the opener 7-5, rc-, mained in third place In the Eskys Split Twin Bill Against Terrace Nine Esquires spit a twin bill yestcr- 1 held 1hc Esquires scorelrss for day when Terrace invaded Roosc- throe Innings with a one-run velt park for a scheduled double- j lead his teammates had garnered header in the Prince Rupert 'in he first inning. - " baseball league. Terrace won the The top of the fourth saw Es-aftemoon tilt 6-1 and Esquires quires come to life. With one North dealer . Both sides vulnerable Nurl h (Mlw Hrn-li) S A J 5 4 2! II A K 4 l-10 C A K 8 5 I.M-t MustrrM a - ( htMlipllMI (Mr. H 7 hand that she decided to make It as easy as possible for her partner to respond. She therefore opened the bidding with one club instead of a spade. Mr. Champion got off to his best opening, the queen of hearts. Dummy's ace won and Mrs. Keen took two rounds of trumps, ending on the board. She then led the 10 of diamonds. If Mr. Masters had won with the ace, the queen could h;ive been pushed through Mr. Champion's king on the next lead of the suit. Eventually. lh'-jack of diamonds would hw (Mr. H- H 8 5 3 mm wJ II 9 J 10 7 2 K 0 8 0 4 3 I -A took the nightcap 4-2. Monday to. Wednesday U - 8 4 3 I ' down Alllugham singled to short. Hawryluk filed out and Weston collected a free pass. Doubles by Petrow and Bill brought In three runs. Lctourneau, who had a three-hitter up to that time, gave up nnnther run to Terrace nn two American, IV2 games behind New York and a half-game in front hmilh (Mr, kin-it) 8 K Q 1U 8 a H -7 8 2 1--S J 5 C 10 7 Tht bld(llli(i: North fcii-st - Gmilh 1 C yna 1 S 3 II Pass 3 8 4 NT Pass b V 8 S All puna GCOROE MONTGOMERY In "Jack McCall Desperado ALKO JOHNNY WE1SSMULLEU in "Savage Munity" foi- hits in the bottom of the sixth. 1 provided a parking place Webt !,-, I'll.,. In the afternoon a ninth-Inning uprising by Terrace put an end to a pitchers' duel between Esquire's Sharpe and Terrace's Mathews. With an -unearned one-run lead gained in the fifth Inning Sharpe had a no-hitter up to the seventh inning. Two hits and a walk by Terrace saw the game tied up. Mathews held the Esquires to three hits up to the top of the ninth. The roof fell in on Esquires when Burton, Terrace catcher, laced out a triple, unnerving Sharpe to the extent that he walked the next two batters. He Esquires added an Insurance dummy s small heart, run in the seventh inning. Spring, I 'But Mr- Masters did not play who had booted five chances Inis ace of diamonds and here th two games and gone hitlcss in1 his reasoning. First, Mrs. four official times at bat, singled 1 en was not laying the hand to centre and Letourneau got,down and claiming the rest, so safely on on an error. Spring '"ere was still something to bo ! of Cleveland which came from i behind to nip Washington 7-8 i after the Senators had won the opener 4-3. The doubleheader between Chicago and Pittsburgh also ended in a split, the Cub.s win-1 niiig the second 7-3 after the ' Pirates had eked out a 3-2 tri-i umph. ! Gus Zernial's bases-loaded ! single with two out in the eighth YARD Champion had the king of diamonds It was imperative that he be allowed to win the first trick in the suit. Lost Complete Show CAPITOL 8:20 p.m. a FAMors n.AYi its thkatk 'came home flurtnn a double plav 1 uu,,c w "f ' Risking the slight chance thati There were no tricks for the J j GOODS then struck out two only to have he might be letting Mrs. Keen make seven-odd, Mr. Masters ducked the 10 of diamonds and after that Mrs. Keen had no chance for her contract. broke a 2-2 tie and gave the A'b their first game 4-3 victory ovefr as Pacnai grounded to second forcing Letourneau. ; In the afternoon game Math? ews struck out eight and walked four and Sharpe fanned six and pave nn Iwn fre nwes. In t.hp defenders In clubs. If Mrs. Keen had either one or two clubs dummy's acc and king would take care of the situation. If she had three clubs, then Mr. SCI CHILDREN'S SHOES by ea ranee: Champion could have only two evening game Oray struck out The presidency of Chile, changed hands six times in 1932. seven Esnulrps and wa ked two "" " ""J wcic ,wi: quu.-.i R. Paulsen's single bring three men home. G. Paulson got on on an error and then stole second.. Olson doubled two more runs in. Esquires failed to rally as Mathews struck out Bill, Sharpe popped out to Mathews and Al-lingham. pinch-hitting, grounded out to Mathews to first. In the nightcap, Jamie Gray Letourneau strick out five and walked two. and jack, they would fall under the acc and king. So, if the defenders had any chance at all, their only hope was to win one diamond and Box scores: ' FIRST GAME i Chicago. 3 j Washington scored twice in ; the ninth to defeat the Indians in the opener and gave Bob Porterfield the victory over relief pitcher Art Houtteman. ; Homers by Wally Westlake and Bob A vila gave the Indians the , second-game victory after Wash, ington had taken a G-0 lead over ! Mike Garcia. THREE HOMERS Jim Dyck third home run of I the day .scored three runs for' i the Browns In the seventh inn-I ing and broke a 5-5 second-game tie. The Red Sox took advantage Esauires AB BASEBALL Thursday &:45 p.m. Commercial Hotel vs. (.onion Si AndrrMtn 0 one heart. If Mrs. Keen had as 0 i good as K Q J In diamonds, ob- 0 i viously the defenders could do 0 1 nothing about it. But If Mr. J STRAPS ; coots J OXrORDS 2 j Now's The Time To Sew And Save i : Of Course at... j WALLACE'S E S DEPT. STORE E Pachal. 3b Petrow. cf Hawryluk, If .. Weston, c Windlc, 2b Spring ss ........ Bill, lb .Sharpe, p Sedgewlck, rf . R 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Hawks Trim Chums 12-2 A big fourth Inning slugging bee put a Little League baseball ; of four Brownie errors in the first game to overshadow Dyck's two home runs. Allingham, rf ? New shipment just Wide selection of styles. CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and MoBride Street Complete size range " . . 31 Terrace AB a. Paulson, If 5 Olson, rf 5 lb P. Paulson FASHION FOOTWEAR R 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 Burton, c RoWnson, 2b Mathews, p .. Sartch. 3b .... Erickson, 3b ONLY 45 Min. Oroom, ss 4 R. Paulson 4 game on Ice for the King Ed Hawks, giving them a 12-2 victory over the Conrad Sheet Chums Saturday at Algoma Park. The game, rained out earlier In the schedule, saw the Hawks score one run in the second inning while Hawks' pitcher W. Oskey kept the Chums scoreless. Chums scored the equalizer in the top of the fourth on a walk, two steals and an error when .,kry tried lo pick Allan Majore ft on third. . The bottom- of the fourth saw ! ho Okcy brolhcrs collect singles, Hid an : error slid a homer by Jensen brought In four ruis,' A ifipln by Peterson followed by anoltrr slnile by R. Oskey and a double by W. Oskey and a single by McDonald brought in five mile tallies. TO I iiA'iiv'AClr,,Allv e 5 E 2 37 6 SrXONO GAME F.snuires AB H Pachal, 3b 4 0 Windle, 2b 0 Allingham. rf 3 1 Harttflttktfi. .;ujiVAf.. -fi;. 0! 0i I 0 . ' -v''"' ''hi Weston,, cVi.... 1 '-I vil- 0 Petrow, cf 2 110 Bill, lb 3 0 1 0 Spring, ss 3 112 Lctournrau 3 0 0 0 Hawks collected two more runs in the bottom of the fifth when Jensen and Lambic singled and Via Oilmotir knocked out a two-bag- 28 AB .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 ft. Paulson. If .. Mathers.. 3b .... P. Paulson, 2b ELLIS gcr. Rudolph got the second of the only two hits off 0-key when he honirred In (he sixth for Chums, lie hod previously singled In the third. . Chumn play strain tonight when they meet Moose at 7 p.m. at Algoma Park. LINES Burlon. c - 2 Sarlch, rf 3 Williams, 2b 3 Oroom, ss 3 R. Paulson, cf 3 Gray, p 1 4 R 0 0 :! 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 6 4 2 Office Opp. Post Office Phone 266 2 0 Robinson '. 1 Chums 000 101 2 Hawks 101 02x 12 15 1 3 28 Esquires .... 000 010 000 Terrace 000 000 105 Esquires 000 300 1 Terrace 100 001 0 Umpire, was Gordon Vosourgh. RT. HON. LOUIS S. ST. LAURENT - PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA - . . Condemns Litterbugs VANCOUVEU (CP Don't be a Canada "liUerbu?," appeals the Bri'Uh: Columbia Automobile Association j "A lit terbus," . fays Association! president. Harry Ducker, "is one 1 w ho leaves a trail of paper, boxes and oils of food along the highway." - - . , I Moderation IS 1 in hands. is best ood s in all thing THIOONtr S Anglia $475 Ford Coach $1350 Prefect as Is tlft 49 49 50 '48 34 federally it's Liberal! Dodge aj-ton Pickup with box Kord with '42 $950 Mercury Engine As,s- $125 '" iilllii r mmm 11 milium"""11- 4 THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM $1050 Austin Packard VOTE IL'IBEBAt X k120 Sedan ........;. $3J() MtN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTISE MODERATION TODAY SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. ."his odvrlu.ivi.U It iut p-iaiiihd or ditplad b tkt Llqi-sr CaMral Board or by Covornmont of Iritish Columbia, - "Tkii dvwtiieient U published bv the H C. FMvai-Libeial Cmnpaign i. nmiuitlM"