Kay Reflects and. Reminisce: Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Thursday, April 16. 19a3 by im iiMepBdrut dally newspaper deoted to the upbuilding of PTlnoa Rtipcn and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Auim Bureau of Clrcula'tona Canadian Dlr Newspaper Association. PuhlUhed bj ''"he Prince Ruert Dally News Utnltwl i. T. MAUOR. Preeident H. O. PERRY, Vlce-Prealdent t; " ; r i r : , ' s :V. . s t: ... .. f . . ! ."V. - ; i No two men couiil have Decn nn-u man .ivh n ilium leans a f(1tit.i ,,,, mure dlfferen'. than the late isn't made up yet. lie m-ans he tarlo to .u,..t tw'. 11 Mar.hu Smui and Dr. Malan. has et to a-.it his wife. order ol iir(-!-(.(iJ.K. ' ' viv-i Oerard Murphy. Tlie Mar-; '' plumtie- 8d 1 shiil, bi'iillant and lively, won Quentin Itcynulils te'.Ls about alre. Kut knu4 ' r eitlv fume Malan. dour and the Er.glWiman, Arabian and that the wlnwt t f pliaidliiK. became premier of Yank who were conversing- on a '-"'d back iri,t 'K South Africa at the ajre of 74 Ca.-iablanca street corner when "uld bsrll-, w, SmuH was Britain's friend and a spectaciiiar Oriental beauty S't nothliii. a fje of Germany. Malun ad- ankled by The Rr.alisnman ex- r , miii-ii the kaiser and Hitler, al- rlauni tl. ' By Jove!" The Arabian Mri TurL P l.-"Cy Clniftre Bubscrlptloo Kalea: 1y carrier- 1 ween, 2Sc; per month 10'-; per year, aiu .niwi uu moo fi nnnth ISr. Tvr vtar. t8 00 SaV w. aVW& jtnorlzert as -cond class r-.all Ue Poat Ofe.ce Department, Otuwa. - i Social Credit Moving Fast though he haa lime in coiiuihmi murnirreu a rrveiam ny n.ian. f ArM - "'- I with either. I'Jrte Yank breathed wiiuy, By compares Blue tJ - - umi.iritjw in -u - w;iunuiHiK. -'"la II htartt I f ' - mm. . ' , I0NE can say for sure how far Social Credit u Nil TOWN I'On GOPlltKS The Alberta iiopher, nieiitlun-' noiter Flumcrfelt. Junior f:l in this column a few days Chamber of Commerce, apeak-back mlRht be able to settle inn here this wet k. relerred to N' Offers $100 Reward A FEW DAYS before the 1952 election a Social' Credit candidate who later became a cabinet minister told a mass meeting: "I don't know much about Qoinff as a national movement but likewise down In Prince Rii)Cit, but lor the grandeur uf scenery around lack of dryne and warmth. A Prtnce Rup it In the course "1 foimer prairie resident, who his many Intercsiiru: reyiark read the ."tory, ay that a a Any number of prominent vuit-. .f nil rule, ihe the les ies rain rain there uinr w is lor ura i.rs have navr u u'so mi spoken jiiiv n m nere .r uirc uui. ti nopners, the better they like it wttnout aiiuxuu lu miinc uwnn. -.,' jj . Just enoueh to row (train Is ity doubtlew reii!l.i-d this but b ;? 5 q ute sultuicnt. Too much moU- never .tien'umeil it I! there was ,J t.r, would mi-?.-, a short life. win, hever, there was no Nr tfk concernlr.it It. chan.e any' hint We usual!" have tar wt murn , ' "'' month left at the enJ of the, ID.MOM UYONXET. oldest and one of the best known Canadian artists, approaches his Wth birthday firm in the belief that painting Is a recipe for longevity A former secretary of the Royal Canadian Academy, he said records show that many painter;- live to an old age. He arrived in Montreal from France in 1875 and painted until two years aRO. it is it is moving none can deny, that, wherever going, fast. It seems scarcely more than lasMveek-end f that B.C. was startled by a political invasion from j Alberta w hich went on to capture the seats of gov- : ernment. ! To some extent the confusion caused by the suddenness of it all still remains, but apparently Social Creditors have no intention of halting, while the situation becomes clarified. In the same way that they dashed from Alberta into B.C., they are now jumping from this province into Manitoba. The , ' c-hief organizer for the party there is Peer Paynter who until recently was principal Social Credit field ; ; representative in B.C. His assistant is also a British - Columbian. ! j i Although the approaching provincial election in Manitoba is regarded as a stern test, party lead- 1 There are nine In President Eisenhower's cabinet, ehtht mil-' n .n ' sai.jc. ; pliimlKT Which money," as the housewife re-ma'ked to herself when tug of the latter part of April P THE cJ- ETTERBOX mmmmmmm' mmm LAC K OF IMt KEST . ,.. .. ,...,,,, p Hr.l. I .uiifwrr lumi d: St.r Marmniir mli,,K,H,,. imif1 Ukr tl- ,j , ho'Lrv 'lr, nu (, Hi i t: Ikiwi.t "All-ii. . , winnv -wt Hav.rf , . , ,4 . , . . nftl -.iM,tn 1 I )i 1 1 , .t M T 1 Inill I ailVil. - !;!,-! , al.!- niartihi .1 .. v It ti..ifl., ((Uaji tin livur tall i a ; ,.,! , t l"fl !th UK imtrr j.-i.p 'lit liah'lv lia-t r tagr -lt.,i. it.t IW liu.i t Hh I i. ami lt).y all Uw. IH i : it i IM1ED Parliament Hill By Edward T. Applewboite, M P., Skeena Social Credit, but I intend to study it." j So that more people may get the full truth about the Sochi! Credit theories I will gladly print in this space staitinenus by any one of the BC cabinet mii.ters on the so-called A plus B theor-1 ' em, national dividends, or "just price" fixing j I particularly invite the two acknowledged top So. red expert on the monetary theory Hon. Eric Martin or Lyle Wicks. Their manuscripts will be printed ex-j actly as received, and witho'H comment by mt in that issue of the paper. The stwce available is same a ! this article. JUST TO ADD to the fun of the j election campaign I also hereby offer a reward of one hundred dollars cash to the first Social Crediter who can prove the authenticity of either of two anti-Jewish slurs which were scattered by tens of thousands across all B C. In last year's election. Even duped church groups handed them tut. The first slur-smear appear? in a leaflet by Solon Low national leader of the Social Credit A I write this r-oort. Jove the ending or deicrreo uepir- ers are not holding up the show to await develop Aspeslet of Telkwa is here with ciution and the removal of most The Editor, ' us for a week, representing the material controls. the Daily News Smithers High School. Joyce Is Overall the 105J proKra.nl as an ordinary rttlen who ' 1 delightful girl and my wife shows only moderate Increase nas be,.n following the power and I nre enjoying her company (p.m 1952, but there are siu- (1ue;,tiin. it seems to me thai very much. No. I'm not gotrtu nlficant changes among the ,,1C .ow,,r Commission Is nit 'o spoil her fun by telling what .tors The 195J estimate f ; very enthuxlastie In auppiymK he Is doii!. or who she Is public and private expenditure prnee RupTt. neeting down nere. 1 m gouiR lg s,,mf $3WJ,tJ00.uou niknt r 1111:1, w( a, iM (. nrcessary ) o leave that for her to do when ir,y it is expected these In- wnd sixcial del gallons u vic- TOASTMASTER Now $22-95 Regulor $32.95 CLEARANCE .he gets back home. creases will be mostly In trad" Inti.v.ew them? And tuna to Any old-timers of Stewart. ; finance and commercial ""'r-we find we are in the da-k to many questions BC, who happen to read this Icei. housing, mimnu. quaryin will be interested to know that end oil well?, awith housing 1 few days ago we had a visit showing the biggest Increase. party. It is entitled "Men or 'rom Don McLean, son of Dun- , - Gib" Weir of Manitoba, chi. I Coming fmm a district where power was supplied by the Commission. I feel I can speak fro-n experience. People have no bargaining power whatever; they pay the rates they are asked, or (lui los will be nr aiii . . . we bate fuxnil OM-r- l-M k' d . . . Mil? a I' left . . el ' Taulnn at an McLean, for many years a Literal whip, has Introduced 1 -,tew-art resident. In fact, Don , bj entitled "An act to inenr- ot his schooling at Stewart. He poratc Canadian Dlsnster R"hf ind his wife and children were fan. Incorixirated." which has cre lor a few hours from Tren- jj0 Wjtr the dispnsltion of1 ton where Don Is now. with the moneys which were volun- .... .. .. . ..... ry 11.. I t n n ..tttn..f a. ..11 1 Money?" The cover carries a I quotation (m:u the Psalms. But, pane one. iir.kle, takes the usual indirect innuendo crack at the Jewish barkers thus: , "In 1790 Maier Amshel Rothschild said: Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not w. ho makes its laws'." else. As a consumer puving domestic rates. I feel Prince Rupert RUPERT RADIO AND ELECim Mr run e ue is a iij"b v""i tarliy suDScrioea ior i-ui f" - . a a..., m th iw.t n the RPAP . . ,.,t .,1 the R. d " . I . Box 121 Talkine to Mr. Howe a couple River flood in Manitoba in 9M onl' th,;!.J,r!..ll' h." i.rtr A Phonff 644 5 I believe the above is a phony. H days ago. ne expresses inc Dui wnicn wnc i.u. - wh d(jnt ,)f our rltv greatest satisfaction with th' pended. ! council put more stress on the way the Prince Rupert elevator ( naJWnuch as th i.ui.ev ().lEracefuI roads and sewers'1 a fake, a fabrication A similar slum-smear appear? s pcnui muiv;. nut contnouu-u inini an uvi't wh Fir lily, if tlk Commission li in another leaflet, also scattered giving serious thought to more " 8da fr0m " the Cmtrd fil.it. , . . - .. ... . . ... ... . . not inieiesieu rnuuKu m "i- last year oy scores oi tnousanas adequate lire prawTiiuii iur iur frof!1 Great Britain anu iroui . . u tn- ments there any more than they have been waiting , ' to see what happens here. They are hard at work 'n Ontario where Solon Low, the national chieftain, is heading the campaign, and a build-up is also going on apace in Quebec. That, at present, is the eastern limit of their crusade. Analyzing Social Credit's prospects as a federal i 1 power for MacLean's magazine, Blair Fraser makes this comment: "If the pipe dream comes true and they win their maximum estimate, Social Credit will have about 40 seats, more than the Progressive Conservatives salvaged from the wreckage of 1949. But the Conservatives have gained ground since then, so a Social Credit gain would have to be accompanied by Conservative losses if the job of Opposition Leader were to change hands. "Of course there is always the possibility that the Conservatives might win the election, leaving Social Credit to fight it out with the Liberals for the Xo. 2 spot. Social Creditors do not take this possibility very seriously." Although Social Credit's accelerated pace of organization probably makes its chances seem better than they really are, there is sound reason to expect that the party will improve its position substantially in the next federal election. Its novel victory in B.C. gave it some useful publicity on a country-wide scale and also, no doubt, was good for morale. ;The big catch is, of course, that there is another election in B.C. soon to come. The results of this will have an important bearing on the future of Social Credit as, a national party. Consequently, the people of this province are right now in a position of influence on national affairs which even Quebec would riot pneeze at.; '' ' S ? 1 iwiuunuui ou. At is inut.ru ciinnji. ov u . 1 - ... many Owl' r ruuilima mi iiitMi.K "The Hand That Rocks the taken to that end i i am t,,d, Greece, those having dialled, what gives people rra-sun to believe they will build an V I t K ' I-, IP" . 4 .11 5-' I ..... ' ' r 1 , V - -. ' ' f. if V - n, - i -1 w 1 V- it 4 - ,flt 1 . "A t V Jt wraure anu is signed uy r-riicsi jt was ol ercal inte.esi w me lo OO wnn uir cunei u..u i.nu eMnslt iv. ,,.,., lei ill... une Jiom II"'" Kill HfinM Uf P II c,iv cliohllu j .r .l. r,.l mn.lliio H i ... v . 1 1 i.n ,f I 111. munpv feel V". ? '-u "" " - ""i-- ' . niaf Mr Thomas Is. alter ait uiuereni. version oi me same of the prince nuperi oeiierai tnai ine unesi-iiut-ii yni.i.ii - available to ail smear. Hospital Association. I Una my- should be mad just one individual who W' i paid $718 84 to express his opn Ion that they - might " But sti l we beg them t come In1 J. H W. ; The second paragraph of the self taking a much greater In- the people of Canada and not : first inside page reads: terest in the hospital since I be retained In Manitoba w'-.tre ; "Baron Rothchild said: Per-' was chairman of the Modern!- the disaster occurred mit me to control the credit of . zation Fund. I am sure we all r weir told ".- .it ' j the nation and I care not who wish Bob Moore every success as mlsu,.(, compl' i.ii nt.i'v to h: makes its laws'." ' president. hill w as passed by the Manitoba i Now I have spent a great Nnthlne new at the momen. Legislature Oib gave us a very "01dit40;50,60?" ,many years studying public jn connection with the Pi hire. 1 nteresting history ol Red River 11.- Volf rg VXlTi JKAQOIt rioods; tne records snow uiai . Hoods have occurred in tl..s T:;:Ztrr.X.ZX?"'. area In the years 1852. 1WH. i wrZ'.jr.rZ-Z.t"M "' 1882. 1892. 1904. 1919. 1548 and 1 ;;:,';,,;":';,:":rr; Jf) I tt -t lr. .ti -Wi ! questions. I have read all the ; Rupert airport I intend w Social Credit books I could get, speak on this when the appro-; ! as well as those of other ecu- 1 priate item In the estimates Is i nomic theories. I have studied a j up for discussion. At that time i great many reference books on : I hope to get more Information the anti-Jewish question. as to the department's plans for ! I believe that Baron Roth- ; this year of 1953 I EE LIES Phone 266 Office opposite Post Office life for comfort ; for style for quality for the pride ' that comet from' owning the finet child, or Maier Amshel "Rothschild," never said any such i thing as is attributed to him by Messrs. Low and Hansell. I hasten to add, I do not believe that either Mr. Low or Mr. Hansell would deliberately spread an untruth, or even a half-truth smear-slur. I am glad to say that my i representations about the nee-Ussary rehabilitation work for j the Prince Rupert Drydock and i Shipyard have been referred to I the appropriate officials in National Defence for a full investigation. As I am sincere in my belief that this Is a matter of New Schedule storting Moy 1 ) Rather, I think, they them- i vital concern to the whole of selves have been victimized, they Canada. I propose to keep the Leave ,1 OTTAWA DIARY FAMILY SHOE ST01 have been too gullible to accept ! subject active, at face value, without checking, Let me review very briefly some disguised anti-Jewish pro-j the latest economic Indicators paganda handed to them by some ; ff,r January and February, and Prince Rupert By Norman M. MacLeod LIMITED P.O. Box 638 12:00 Noon for with connections to KETCHIKAN In a lengthy open letter which wartime cabinet as successor to' wily propagandist. I nonslder two major Influences has created a considerable stir Col. Ralston by defeating him in 0n gross national expenditure in these pa-t one Garfield Case tne memorable North Gray by- BUT PchaP I am ron8- Let's; for 1953. namely federal govern-hus a somewhat daring suggest- election. That achievement won i all know. If so, I will gladly, ment expenditures and new-ion for meeting the tidal wave Case recognition as one of the Promptly pay the first person ; public and private Investment f WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAGE SPEED COMFORT SAFETY Now Millions of Men Using ws I IIC of propaganda which the Liber- snrewQer brains in contemporary . uv-. oe hundred dollars cash ; Politics Political circle,. ov Although many of the major . 1 him fu marks But the "proof must go back wide against PC Leader George personally for1, Drew bringing about the victory. 10 some convincing book or At lit See Your lKriil Travel indicators of economic activity reflected a seasonal slackening between December and Janu GILLETTE S aocumem. ii can v tusi oe nan- mmmmmtammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi sell quoting Low Low quoting Case advises. In effect, that ! His current suggestion that the PC's should admit frankly : the pCs, instead of simply bc- ary, their levels were consider Douglas. It can't be second- j ably above January of last year. the truth of much of what the coming indignant and furious wlth some exception of which hand, second-cousin hearsay- over the Liberal propaganda Liberals are saying Enjoy Extra Shaving Convenient With Modern Gillette Dispensed or a tale that A told B that C I commodity prices in general are against their " leader, should """",u Here's a sample of the coun- i I told D and so on to XYZ i the mast Important. Non-dur- ter-progaganda line for the PC's i 3t it .an i.T. i I" case of dispute re facts, liable manufactures contain items ,.k.hiH somewhat lower which he urges in his letter, to . : will accept the word of the LI- which were For tne re r v. hich a Toronto newspaper gives I rT,ir nrnnaVH, branan of Parliament, Ottawa.1 than In January of a year ago. two-column publicity on its edi- t ,.L L. ...p.! ,. o i ncl, . ' of the Provincial Librarian of , namely canning and preserving. . w an' ...-ii. torial ' "1C V1CWS wnicn neuuailt, . . ,,h Lorain mllllnir tnhacco nroriucts page political circles have been expres- iU.v., K'1 VI It V, It IV -iiJt (Xl lull J I fca ...... r, - I Vancouver. and paper products. "Maybe Drew 1s not a 'hale sing here privately for several aloof, you ' .convt5 . Cilletl.Blu.BU.-',, wrapped. .Ln-"' permanent d,.po . kf.r eifcH-f ; A larger share of increased STOCKHOLM, Sweden (CP) Investment Is forecast for sec-K. O. Pettersson. an electrician, i tors such as commercial and recently made his 140th blood financial services, affected by fellow well met.' but he has a weeks past. great heart and Is honest with! The whofe sad situation, as his fellow men. His former col- Ottawa political crleles view it, loQfyiiee in th. Clntai-ir I anlcU. i i. . . . r-,. llpf- r M ( o ... .... &..,.- ,s wlal lne rmvcii i anyone Vinnat inn turn r.,!m tV.fu .1..,,. j ... .... . . . , JnSllOH at the Sabbatsberg , Hospital here. Altogether he has i The geographic centre of the donated about 75 quarts of j United States Is in Smith county, blood since 1934. 'Kansas. . r.ntETTE Dlr' ' j sKinea in ine an oi propaganaa, taken Into his confidence. May- j or even with a limited under-be Drew is not a -good mixer' standing of it, connected with or 'diplomat,' but he gets things their otherwise elaborate organ-done. After all, he is not en- i ization. The Liberal nroDaeanria . tm 1 gaged in a popularity contest: offensive against Leader George ' his is the serious business of I Drew so far seems simply to have government. Canadians should j bewildered them and left them ! realize that the Liberals cannot j powerless to resist or strike back. possibly win the next election i Garfield Case Is the first amoncr EXTRA rnutiaiirurp V,-VTV-". v. ......... viva-'-'. AT NO V VV , LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . , FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA MNDSAY'P Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. , Phone UQ ir 68 Cor. 2nd and Park At. EXTRA COST ) payalQtv I CANNED FOODS and George Drew and the Con- j them to suggest that they should servatives offer the only possible i take the propaganda In their alternative." 'stride and do something to turn Garfield Case will be remem- i the tables. Many on Parliament bered as the PC who modestly I Hill think that the PC's could altered the course of Canadian j do worse than pick Case to fill history when he made it impos-1 their urgent need of a compe-!ble for Oeneral A. G. L. Mac- j tent and not-too-easily daunted Naughton to continue In the 'director of propaganda X ' A 10 blades 50e "r 1 1