1 X f rn t cnnn. If Thursday, April 16. 1953 Indians to Demand Share Of Provincial Sales Tax 4 FATAL TO 27 PERSONS HANOI. lndo-China A two-engine tiaii, -t,i. and burned on the bank of the Red Rwne. , ' ' " ll!rf killing 27 persons. v The left cnlne on the Dakota raui-m f,re takeoff. The plane was on an airlift f iif lrol1 .,80"c ! beleaguered French strongpolnt of Na San. j VICTORIA (CP) British Columbia Indians j will demand a share of the provincial sales tax rov-' enue for development of their reservations. I A resolution to this effect will "'V . , i '.tics" be presented at inc convention of provincial tribes from mainland points and Vancouver Island at a convention at Hazel- ' t ' 1 ' m 1 mm 7 1 -t . t 1 1 .1. .1. v : -""if up vmr liiioiiii unU n Unn.' v, h INCOME TAX QUIZ ton, April 25. More than 300 delegates will attend. Provincial Labor Minister Lyle Wicks, as well as officials from the federal fisheries and Indian affairs departments will attend iw i 1 luiin, ins. 1 mi ki nw iioMf r. ..n i ..1 1 m &r. a -..1.... 1 . 1 cmiiklv r'innv any ffanti 11, ,1 , k,.r'' the meeting. Among resolutions to be submitted to the floor of the con ii.jn. VuU cv SOS. Kc,midih VnM r m-;. .Jlf!Dfli J Hi! TWi. . 11 fibni aitj rrr-HJWUwU iin: k,, ,(1 Oi.ljrr, 1 l,.ut- ..,!' folltltl tliat Qrr.tm.l MJA U till mH m jul tU .tiw r ilitMe i. Q Due to illness. I was confined to bed during the whole of 1952 and. consequently, required a full-time attendant r,n r include in mv medio.il vention is one asking tU.t the j Indians be given the same liquor riphts in the province as the white men. Aniither resolution will ask TWO SNirtKS of the 3rd Battalion of the Princess Patricia's undergo refresher training In Korea. The muxtm mat pratUe makes perfect is well understood by these men who carry out danscrous rvslgnments forward of frontline troops. Cpl. A. O. Kcnney of Eeelcy s liuy. Out. points out a target from a h:!H-p position to Sr.ii)er M. V. LcBUnc tf Orleans. Ont. V expenses the wages paid this that inji.,,lS be exempted from full-time attendai.. ; paying Income taxes. A. In such a case the taxpayer j Ttlp Indians claim that In has the option of claiming a , a(.cor(i.i we with the terms of You'll tlrt Hi$h frmimf from your lni-l .iil (. v,j im ii1, l n v,ii Ihv lum linn "t'nrrun" m k-.-i llf.k I-I -r..ll,y ... 11V l.N I.HN IKK ill' Mllli r Tlx- mum.ili, ui'imlut nrkw irw.ii jut ,-IB omil"'.l'l- l ''ar. Ti'" III J r,llar (iij.l ru!U ! r Kill ihv ri.iv g'l-liN,,irn fur ilit In,. i,i I'ic- lnrt - ilhimt irftmti'j. Tmly, Uiml' f 11 1 ll Jvvloo Sltirt Mi rt fav. Just a 1(111, k fi!i-- ,! 4 wink oli'l tl iilH's r-!i'lv lo w, nr. Vl t,(. iiriT of 1m tiirt in Lmmlrv liilk nlum-! W,., lti a II V I). Nvt"ll Mufi tmtrtr nti rt.iu l,irt y-idl lnm ov, r. Ilur lum our-$li'i',- ra "' Ik DONLD GORIOX. president of the Canadian National Railways ' of Mr. and Mrs. W H. and his bride. Noma Hobbs, daughter flat deduction of $500 from (he um-on between British Col-his income or including in ! umt-ja and the federal govern-his ir.cdieal expenses the mPnt they were to be treated wages pai.' to such a full- . ,ls "liberally" as they were un-tim" attendant. dcr the British government. If mv win- and I each earned -t,r tiii .'loxn ru'e thev were and we have two i over $1000 ,rom t.,x aion. children, altos 11 and X may , . . - Iwir lo.t llnix- rn li mi: I.H Pll'i f'Ml I,., r, ti .4,- c ,-i(i!'il i.tr lum. Ait-1 li ii t ' n,K! , r,.,llv for we each cUim one jf the 1 children and thus be entitled I to a $2000 exemption? ' A. No. Sin-e you and your wif -I rach e a r "n e d ever $1000. il v" I ball l, Hobbs of Montreal, cut their weaning cac iU..u....b '.marri.lge at M0mrral. After the reception the bridal couple left for New York where they will sail aboard the Queen Mary for the French Riviera. They will reside in Montreal. Million Per Day Spent On Oil, Gas Development EDMONTON ' About $1,- whole should be self-sufficient CO 000 a oav is being spent in : in oil possibly within f.ve years, Western Can.u'a on- oil and gas R. H. C. Harrison of Calgarj r2 iu -r il, li, i'him. niiui- I ','1 V Iff I V I'f ltl.lNZ IIMtV 1 I., II V id i 15 i ,.lll it' I'l HtDS? JI. 'U l.ve It," m, Sni ili.t ' (t.n'in' w you ' m nir- W. Itmllif tn' rtil 11, Itif iW'V f,.. . i ,1 f,r liilv Ml i.f i, .;, f."n ti n 'nii,iMa I C'-'l- I .1, iv i. lltlltt fif. 'j Mii"inst H' HI J m,.,r l'-il.--o i',rA,ki'l ,n , in ,.!! m kii-i,n, J v.iii line to il i t-k" lii-m llie tin ?:m WP I nr, 'IH,'ie !,.,i,fn, !-I,,l-g sn-l I No '!"' 1. ,n I1 i"r "' " ft ,1,-vPinnment and Canada as a said Monday j l" Mr. Harrison, president of the Canadian Petroleum Association, TO THE ECONOMY-W5SE DRIVER . . . I nji.y the tmif irl of 613 Car Performance and the Pleasure ol Smol' Car Economy together with the Srrjo, Exciting Make this )uur new car year with a '53 CONSUL Ccr.su! Sryl'ng Sei'in fit Convertible. re.:t drive it today at Bob Parker Ltd. "The Ih.mc of Friendly Servi.-e" ' I!'. ; addressed more than 1.000 engm- Women Hold neither one Is entitled to the additional exemption os a married person. If you wish to split the allowances for th children, you may caci claim one child as a dependent n:.d be entitled to an exemption of $150 in addition to vour basic exemption of $1000. . If my wife or dependents are livipg outaide of Canada, do I hive to give ar.y addition il information for purposes of claiming them as dependents? V The n imes and addresses of dependents supported by yo-J during the year and livin? ouUide Canada should r.e given. In addition, some evidence of support, such as , . , Sli I,' , i--r ii-- I.:ii 5 U ! --llU t'-li-y l,KI-i m lB- eers, geologists and others at-; i tending the annual meeting of j ' the Canadian Institute of Min- j j .ng and Metallurgy. "In 1946." sa.d Mr. Harmon j "there were some 20,000.000 acres ; ; being actively explored for pet-1 ; roleum and natural gas. At this 'time, there are over 150.000.000 ; Several Top U.N. Positions UNITED NATIONS. NY. Almost one-filth of the professional pos'3 in the United Nations Secretaiiut are held by acres- The timing is difficult to forecast but it would seem quite rhr . t Of Thi$t tw'M l '4 :. BHT. f" 1,1 L MMii.M'.IK " '-I "i til 'I.,- IN- I, in I--. K-ii-i-' . t' " i j . r " i '.''(!) ' '' ""' ,'' 1 ''''"'' '-ur j "' itt,iiviiu.ly t,-ii in r- ' I S' fcw! ' "jft i.. p- in- tU ! Ixr.r. ot l..,.;. f ii,,..- iwi..-t... ii- i' - JW 4T Vll'fl fl-.i Ii., .Tig !l'! 'S 'l i' V ,.-.! '! l,-ii.l'r'..i v ii i tmn of ! . Il ' s' ' ' ;:'; mnitif p.iii l nl I l...w hn" H l.n. ' - '! ' i.ut It Imw Im Iv-nn-a . . . ! l.-lv nu-i',J. itf-ri u ml tr r--n-.. Sarioa .iintl ! OmlJmu l.iting . is ' i " i '-; women, a recent report by Sec money order recciots, will be rpcn-.u -d h-id y uld be sent retary-G e n e r a 1 Trygvie shows. Lie possible that within the next f ive ' years the Prairies will be capaote . Txwvlt.Mr.fT nil emint tn ffltia- i with your return. Information on me p a r t "' "ment. " aa 8 requirement. ir, Ti k a-nrlc was v.'-, it k rnmmis- i "Darin the current yen, ai.i ii i- VjiUlil. !(' UtMHU 'i'ii IU-l 1" Il" liUIUH Mni f4i": .lMU.'1- n rl,,-l'li ol t., w-fil. a Solrtu I)' .iil W ' l It1 y iiIeIDUL average of some $1,000,000 will be i spent every day in the explora- tlon and production of petroleum ' and natural gas in the West. , This excludes the tremendous sums that are being spent in the . building and expansion of pipe- lines, the building of petroleum j sion on the Status of Women. A smaller proporuon uf women work in most U.V. Specialized " Aeencies. because fev eek training in the highly specialized "lieiris required, the report says. , Of the 10 "weather men" on the staff of the World Meteoro-'logical Organization, for example, one is a woman, the report says. Only five women are -included among the 67-member MDN IIU Al ' All ol i i' kvr ' li,. ili liui null ii Mini m " " ' ftM -! I ';- :'" l,mit ln.i nv n h'nir Im4a mi, w i.tiiiiiuiiio. TSwi !.n 1 i'ilv--l i. -"loot ! I hi lii' i- V "I ' Nill Hi y pr- niii.u! An-1 rmii.i il,m U, W '.-i- "i ' i,o n.v li-rl. I h-i " M "'' Uoxn n.v miinK .n tin-ir mm H, chemical plants and expansion of refineries and marketing Since 1947. the oil industry had j vim mil, n '-!' ii' ' v"'"'1 ' spent $1,000,000,000. or $70 per uj tiu. b Urn of the Inter- professional staff "T, .:.T at vouf n .(iuii i. li de- . capiU. in exploration and - t: "h velopment In the West. For that Union. In the World Health Or : !,.! i .., i,,,i i RKM in i sum, Canadian oil reserves had V- eanization 1WHO1, which numbers many nurses and pediatricians on its staff, however. il Ink' 1U-' " " ' '' li, ai.il-, iwit-ili,-!! i, i' 1 ' n 1 THE CRISP, CRISP FLAKES WITH THE DEEP, DEEP FLAVOR Wlirn ytm tvn t:tf of KHIin'i Corn H: k v'i rlth hint r( lntHin itomi ili.it ; r "Thc t'ttdrn tMt r )ui hnkcd . . . fi- h from imii rdtjtnt ovrn." Tl,i frr-hlKM i r ttxum liy miliwnu i f f ,''. will i'iti t,iw-cw nxwiiiin! -rr. . y K, 'it f a'v tun F.kri Ux bfr(kfi. 1 tliir I" x in y-na- Irrtihfn now, of liould ; - r" Vk r a f- been multiplied 40 times, i Premier E. C. Manning of Alberta outlined oil and gas development in the province. He said much of the money invested had come from the United ! " ' '"' k -n m.-.-1-iM FRESH lOHOOK f f f '..Jm nil Vml ill) f' il; f - women occupy more than 50 per i cent of the professional posts. At the beginning of the year. 16 women were members of permanent missions to the U.N., as compared with 332 men. the re-. port notes. So far, no woman has been appointed a delegate "to the Security Council. jj ft lu! 1' fliM l'ir ' States and that Influx of capital j had had a lot to do with the ! present favorable position of the f a,ii-i--,in u s - 1 ral l S '" firnni'l lnUM MiW V. V.--feuttvr ml pPlr Uil. l'in qui.n'i Canadian dollar with respect to U.S. money. Price of Milk To be Reduced at; home - VANCOUVER CP)-Two larire Viiniouvcr err. eery chains an- i nouneed Tuesday they intend to j r"duce the pn sent price of mill: j in their stores by two cents j i -May -1. Canada Safeway said it would ', reduee the prent price of 22 ; cents a quart and Super-Valu said ."it would meet the new price. " A Safeway nfficial explained .that the reduction would be on present di livercd price, not two cents below any new price dis-.tributois might make when Hip ' provincial governnv-nt de-controls milk above the producer - levt'l. , The F, C. Miik Board is expected to hiind down a decision 'nn a Safeway application for a .Vancouver dairy plant licence in about 10 d:;y;-;. The 20-ci nt milk will be sold v In paper cartons i r J Pbone 811 McBride St,