yj. -s ? .mens Auxiliary Open District News;Women in India, Have Last Word in Home j ' SpSt 3 I i . i .1 J i At m,Un5 of tne Terrace TORONTO (CP) Women in , Canada, aald thai it has tx vti , fesslons long before wester,, wo-! T "!. ' J , VH: nlia AAPel In L3tnPnrAl! lr" Unlt- pniad over by India have the last word in the the men who hive encouratff d ; men, but were not particularly D J kAl I HATTI I" rm . 5 ' lUCJ 1 ' T 1 a 1 j Mr E 3. Laird, and held In the h',mf-. Ur. Lakshmi Rao told ; Indian women to enter the pro- encouraged to go into business DOd IU IO VVeeT Kll I I I K.U l I '"' ' , Auxiliary of th ProckU-r took the f hair due to' ,( Mrs L Nev hoiuter ' mPmbers of tne Toronto Wren j fessiong. j and financial careers. i A l D I I' , ' , - H p .- W ! foU.donla yesterday the JlMc., of President Norah j plans v cre laid for the " local AMOC,aUon' She cited the ca.se of her sis-1 'The men lke to fel they f DUmS Lake DADItTC li their 41st an- E. Arrald. i ..,,., 'Here In the west many per- ter, a medical doctor, who when have control of the money," nllnlrS TNf H ? m-ri "'t'e in St. An- Branches of the f-r I,-,! I , , q r Canter CamPalK"" son, have the Idea that indYanjshe attempted to pay fees at said Dr. Kao. The 1953 annual convention I UMUILO 5t4 hi' . jnj auxiliary served a Vinrhe, n ' thl" montn- The quota women are kept in the bac:-! medical school was told It was Cr. Rao Las spcv.C the last of tne Associated .loruds of i. wmw. h. r r" ."- ' ;,' ,tnt underway ,(lPr wm,.n Dr Q p,dd ' fc-t "WOO. ground as obedient little houw- j hot necessary as women were three years In Canada and now Trade of Central B.C. will be ki . SSZtTtiSutrmtS iSSi ' ' ?' rate Communion of , Miller Hay Hospital gave a' H waa arranged to hold a pub-' keeper. But actually the Indian j being encouraged to become doc- is doing postgraduate work In held at Burns Lake. ubi.wt r? "'' ' "" ' ,r, celebrated by Bis-1 resume of how by prearhinr ' l!c m"Un n the IOOF hall woman Is queen of her house-1 tors, bacteriology. She Is also a don j Date of the convention will be fi wv i HSHlJSSSi Vj t V Wtts and assisted byjteachinf, healing and clothing I , "rli 21 at wll,, h a reP"n of the hold and has the final say in "However," added Dr. Ra at Whitney Hall, University of announced later, Duncan Kerr, ' -V?- ' : Tm-ming of St. Peter'a Christ's command of 'Feed my ! Vanco"v'r conference will ba everything concerning It," she! "they had to atop this aa they Toronto. secretary, said In a letter to all ff- "." mh k -'. - seal Cove. I sheep" had been carried ouVE'ven b th "'Kfte. Mra. New- '! were awarnped with prospecUve ' i members. J'',", 'XX ewj? - ."C-. i-' , lWp,nhls;rmon not-,mong thP n,,,, for the paat?' A cj?n,: '" A to .professional life, Dr. ! doctors." The maple leaf has been re-! The 1952 convention was held ZT&tiZ. ZZZ'tZ. 5Z"Z J'' " ' i ivanc-e of Christianity 75 yt,ar. d shown. The campaign wil! Rao. who Is the first woman of r She :jd Indian women had garded as Canada's national last August at Smithers. and at t. 4 tr mi w.. - 1 the past 1U0 years B,ghop Wfttu gayf ; endwlth a tag day May 2. ! her race to rece;ve a PhD in been prominent in many pro- emblem since at least 1847. Prince Rupert the year before. -. . tf -.. : T,iill haWhad tr""1 ,n the afternoon kyw " ' 1"" . ff r.r" -u . . , no .'!,,..-,, t j .j x t t.s.w n 1 niaj-f.iwpaii. rT,,.'.. .-.i, m-mi ir 1 "d. , The c-hrli-i ","',lon on ''-''"nary work in h .f i" V' $r h tne tnns y lo hear j Indu U((jn(t c)lored prturf.f I, . t f . r ,.r,., In )h, ! which he had taken while In I )'Vi'imim,m i im iiih. 11 . 1 n 1 1 : ttt,- . u VjjTTT ' m U I J ! '.- i ksU Ensaiiia Sll . : j Terrace; Mrs I Nelson and Mrs ) J Nj L U U M U E k ? U- BUNCH CARROTS O 21C 1 f , I M J Zi A A. , B. Francis of Burns Lake; Mrs bunches f r1 i v IVmST ' No. 1 CELERY -f C $ P-TA !"-;.vtee CRISCO OC APRICOTS Lb - ah 1 IIUW HriXIWU in -'I I and Mra. I U J. Hadwen of Kitwan- WATERCRESS CZo f . i ,, and M- O. Wynn of Woodcock: 1 IU M t, ! I Bunch JLO Hi ' compre-.: ' lp' dl wi l R.uUnl rL.v. It. ;, pltT- V Wf.ole, Berryland, Choice, 15-OZ " nr! or 'he B C Par-' Mrs J- Davis of Fort Fraser and T "Mi , 'Vrcrteratmn-. annual C. Cope, of Cecil Lake. ...... , . -. . . - - PINK GRAPEFRUIT d'-c 9fTC ' . . "V-- : f KRAFT DINNER lyj BLACK CHERRIES 0 ,dOS IV - of the j . I LLC SUNKIST ORANGES O Qc I ,, s.h'"i Parent-j rAJft,. Henley's, Choice. 15-or JaaV stae ut' - ! OaM.3U V V- v : VM'iatn at thelrj 'wQQCI -- '. fC;5:!nurn,i FRUIT COCKTAIL ACr SPAGHETTI mjZ-" $3-9 h 2vIR !::,!,!1,;0,!v,'ri lmrx,r;ant br, ,wi Del M 28-- - ubb,, is L tms JJC 1 i Anyone Inu-resU-d In plavinp . . V r jbawball for Commercial Hotel ; (Sm ' " 93 i rnMTF1 A I7N ss na ) PRUNE PLUMS O 1 faiv ;, , lv one sponsored At the Co-op Bakery. Frldayi tJjUl) i fl I J M) r rlUnU ILUIIU I i;n. 3 V - " ,iIA.'that requesting, nd Saturday, by popular re- f' T I II J1 M II ( Z, lI"5 4JL ,, be u.corpor-i Quest, a repeal on our Mwln Vit S U I JJ MtlV DtdtlQ lOSVCS lC Nobob, k, L l Choice, 1 15-or. e ... Mai ,rV?.!T' v; rf"i;S"cMrr on,y 49f" ,WMi : s LuutJailiy Sa lhtdl - 1 ! ? . ,flpTem Attention, badminton play-i f-t -" ,,it..nudP-TAmem- u " erAnnual u.urnament begin. " ; -XTre ThuU.2ApPruW..En,rtM C(kp . iRPFAn M I Y MOTHPROOFER BOMBS $l-05 f 0Jii It J I DIxLAU iVll A M "' !, ii'anurUlval. spoke: Arlicica for Hospital WA il i fM . - A If . ' " the ursent need for. Rummage aie may be left at': rjj , M . M V I . ..... Uk f I INSECT BOMBS I .05 t l UJ: 01 town parttci-'oid Mquor store after 2 pm $ Woodbury s Mm V Wild Rose, White or Brown, Bog m mt Each . - t f cmunj festival, and Friday For pick-ups, call 190 or l , , 1 3 T. ' ... , i a memiMTi to open 7. ,90.:, i AERO LEMON OIL i Oq If Tf I a r""""";. Son. of Norway Whist and: I:' ' fV H H rV T fj SI ft BoU.e - f Vj. I Oil W U PASTE WAX d : de.de.r to donate Tll' A AERO QqC T O dJ .r.-'j "tu;; a" ) rllj i( r Toilet Tissue Roll (f Tin fl 5r. ; ; W Lb Z NX UU ' ; f --S.mmebytM,k' ; " " SCRATCH COVER POLISH 22c i.-O 'm that the P-TA f 1 4-ox 1 r-r-)r-1r-,r-Lr- r-,r-,r-1-(-, -I . , .,,..- ;rt to a local move- Do you like kids? Would you f,l -r-J-JJ-J--r--J-i-J-r-r-ij-i .:. M " ' ,'-' ! suppress the like to know how to lead a Kroup O 1 .1 SHOESTRING POTATOES Olp SCRATCH COVER POLISH vQC I! . W::wtin of litera-'of them? If ao. enroll now In t': I fheese Flavor Tin MMr 8-ot - "' ?1 . -' 3 i '.t1 harmful fori the Seoul Leader' Training I CDrtTrkl EAAnC ' ,' fl - . . i, pad. course, f hone, uui Doumont at I rKKJI.LVt fUUUJ , ... KADANA TEA BAGS 97C WIZARD DEODORIZER QC M " " :m derided to "foot" 1 81 ' Fred Conrad at 117 for . FROZEN PEAS 94 M in pkt Pine. -oa 6 ; ' ( '-.mii i m.crl application form. Course com- i f T.r" ai UJL E L ' ' . f'4 ' kt rEur m'"''M APr1' 27 nd runs every I I - KLEENEX ' 9 OQC THREE-IN-ONE OIL OAp ; ':SS;;y m. j f frozen green beans . OQc KfSU,ar uOli' TMx;L. 'd" ' , r uf E'iucatwn. aol 0 Attention . FUhermen and . Pkt SILVER-DIP COf mmmmm mmmmmmmm ' ' f 'f ' Pineach kerm I ICE CREAM ' sve, .-.a te,, HAVING COMPANY IN? Visit oar port line Vf : ranp?! S.rp'nl: : ICE CREAM 4QC COfJL , ; 99C ..don end pick up .cm. Norwe5fon Canned . $yy$ it'nM attending the m Metropole Hall, Prince Ru- i I uarl..... V' Goods ... They're different. w , "-t : ; perl. Thursday 8 to 10 p m. In I NABOB TEA QC ' f: Mrs W. Murdoch: Paramount Cafe. Port Edward ;i I SNF Look in Our Frozen Food Section 1 lb. pkt Otfv I ! - Ch-- ! : 'j J foi many different varieties of food. DESSERT PEARS ' OAp T?3 -ff&Fl ' V i ' ? """" Choice. 15-o. tin iVv ' S:V,.V Y D t h C I lejlM j fed in. Triple Ceremony j A n P"f2 HFT?(? fl o c ' ri Kl -f- rsss 1 Mppl JIBS iSe J y EOir MJu b vH,v F.,th,r P. E.'bemg aivken. i 1 J BOLOGNA ISC f 1 St Ja-eptvi iJ Whole or End Cuts-Lb. vv ' ' ' Roman j Reception was held at St. ( i fi 4.( Jrh' .' j Jotepha rectory. si RAinrtJA OAn ' H ' - ' ! ainfi a brother. I The three grooms came (o .1 : r - , . : - 1 f " - ' ,: ;' ,. I . t; . , 4 ,,,4 1 jf" ! trrt'ZCr: MAPLE LEAF DEALS DOG FOOD in-' --J-3 Xr-: ir "r i Dgeimg were prin- from Ooahr Blokker. Holland. I 1 II S V Fl . mm a a m-mm ui ' ree young women All three couples plan to live j j pkt. Mople Lcof Soop Flokes, triple size Cftc Sur-Gain Tin IW I BRANDED BEEF Waste - FfCC 1 L'i' -; ' fr,cr, from ,- Smithers , . 1 Silver Spoon BOTH FOR M RB $TEAKS ' U fK ! '7 KMl. 23. became ' 1 pkt. Soap Flakes, Single size !9e' MOKtlAKrNr O "7 J Lb " 14 r'.l -i . Prancu stam. 2. in IJ J.U J.IMUI l IJ j, i Coronation Coaster BOTH FOR I1HIUMI1-I1 U Sir ( SIRLOIN STEAKS QfJc ll hr: 'c and Mrs. Annie I 1 -H 1 1 ia JIlIIIlLJ , , mJm M t V 1 Lb OtJP' l " ; .Hnand. JIl-v 1 Kraft, Porkay, lb f ' Konst. 20 be- -ii'd. MSTU , a---,iM ) T-BONE uc ctca STEAKS v rfi GlC , M f j , ia-HrH MEH i BUTTER J PEANUT BUTTER oc ".1 5lf S "PIP " n Fi"'G,aj""b uz,t 't--J" JJl SLICED BACON )Zf n sri'a:, EGGS CO- MEAT BALLS ' 00- "bil"""i'-'i-b ; !' , Knnst and hu wife, counts .R count on "si Grade A Large, Dozen J m Alden's, 16-oz. tin tmWM .". 't'e J- V'Wia Koppes attend- hmmmmmmbhmmmmimmhbi i4 f . Hw?s DIBB PRINTING MIRACLE WHIP Atzr DOG FOOD )tins)C, x.s weeks Fomi,y Lib,a,y Re0,J ' FlaSJ-K COMPANY pin, Si,c, )o. JC roti JLUnSLJ. CmT 04 Tfm- ; T 8t' J'wph'j Church 111 1 U Vsf VIU ' ' r ; rT JELLY POWDERS Of DUZ - : LCf Favourites ? S 0 OvS4 Nabob, Each ' Sqod Powder, Giant JJ. (mi I eHll fjT. i' "'W I I .I'm forever Biowinfl Bubble. A .- &t Iter? . " .M ' --5 ; U ' FOOD STORES WHm r'i '-I.,. PRODUCTS 1 1 librory of records complete jOyi j jLliJ j SPECIALS GOOD TILL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23rd j