PROVINCIAL LI23.1ST, 113 MORROWS 7ICT03IA, E. C. -TIDES- t Apul 17.1 Uj3 Time :-;.,i'i-"1 ' . 3 l.r 21 8 feet 14. U 18 4 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRA! B&TTiaH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 2i ij . M :ys 7 2 8 5 feet feet Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. S3 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS Phont e 81 V. n - . I We Brown Chosen H3 uanamaie DS0ulJll(O)U K f ' - i i i r , . it fr : : ' ' ? V ' i .' ", ' - , , . i i-, -:; , :. ., . ; . 1 " " li? era o n r? n r nnj V V?' - A ) First Bid in Politics de by School Board Trustee ;hur nruci' 1'rown, I'J-year-old Prince Ilupert iu,t i,;Kht won the nomination as Libera! -(. fur the June 1 provincial election. He de-Uk McKiit', former MLA and Liberal candi- No Issue Insoluble . r I. lunc s election. la.-t iiominiitmK con .:mi:.:m u.-ly endorsed "after b.iUulliK! show- President Declares By The Canadian Press WASHINGTON President Eisenhower challenged Russia's new leaders today to practice the i- -n h. d received the peace they preach by agreeing to end the cold war. n Columbia "If we are to have a Liberal overnroent In power after June 9 and If we are to have a Libera! member for the district, It In essential that as of now all of us shake off the- complacency with whirh we seem to have been satisfied but not uceess-ful during the last several years." He assured the meeting that he would give "unstlntingly" of disarm the world and invest their savings in a global fund to start a war on "brute forces of poverty and , i- r A' . i r:i,fM'. ilate the win-M- M' K.". the loser ,', (.,iv two nomlna- .- (he I:-T. i;r"ii 'ii"t bid In ).- is ml-i II known In work- ,lS i f-si.inunlty . r 'if the school board s.v candidate Ptiw Kuiwrt 13 years .. - ..dent and In 1B44 ! io the Car. (; ..:(! Forks, he grd-x lush school and In "The alternative," he said, "is it the worst, atomic war, and at est unending fear, which finds Riots I I I i. 3 MS f 111 I his time and effort "during the i humanity hanging from a cross of Iron." campaign ana following my election " He called for a "tre-mcnrtnun amount of help from every member of the party and from all other who hold with The President, said if Russia is willing to take preliminary steps Including Independence 'or East European satellites the U.S. would agree to wilrk toward a world disarmament plan which would ban atomic weapons. Be spoke at a meeting of the p-nvinnal normal i the principles of Liberalism. h h he taught for firm determination, , (.,n until 1S37. ! a complete spirit of co-operation t. 1 three yean . and Industry on the part of eacn iy TJ29 . and every one In order that thl? ..!: Hch fol- j election may not only be won ii -rniiution. Mr t-Ut that we will be given the if convlnred most overwhelming majority In r, tli- tlueshhold the political history of the dls-,u! o( Liberalism : trict " , Follow Bombing Peron Survives Blasts at Rally By The Cunadmu Press ! BUENOS AIRES CAMPAIGNING for survival of the Prince Rupert Museum was started this spring by the Credit Women's Breakfast Club when It presented this team of showmen Pat Bolton and Mel Thompson who produced the variety show, "Impressions of Proceeds from the show, S300. was presented to the mu eum. Ar.nual meeting of Its directors takes place Monday and the club member are urging a big attendance. THE 111TH VESSEL TO BE LAUNCHED at the Port Arthur, Ontario, shipyards Is the lake carrier E. B. Barber, 574 feet long and weighing 12.000 ton. It is built to carry 450,000 bushels of grain or 13,500 tons of iron ore. She was christened by Mrs. E. B. Barber, wife of the president of Algoma Central and Hudson ' Bay Railway Co., purchasers of the new ship. The vessel cost about $4,000,000. American Society of Newspaper Editors, and he declared: "No Issue between Russia and 'he free world is Insoluble given only the will to respect the r:ghts of all nations." Meanwhile, at the United Na For Co-operation Playground Named 'George Casey Park' tions, the Soviet Bloc, speaking through Poland, today withdrew Its catch-all peace package which has been strongly oppos-?d by west. j Rioting pro-Peron mobs (Stormed unrestrained ' through the Argentine Socred Labor Minister To Speak Here April 27 A new playground park to be munity affairs here opened In the end of the Aid. Casey will officially open The plan called for an im- i capital Wednesday night mediate cease fire in Korea and 1 rf " city within the next few weeks the park which is expected to be,; would nave lf fl the prlsoner-of- : and early today, burning by the parns board win oe oui- completed wiimn a wees. Fiay-; war issue unm aIter the cease ' , i :i.: One of the first out-of-town . it was announced today by Soc- nil r.i.'d for co-; "He was defeated laxt year .n kM-ping the com- mainly because of his accident !rc of malicious which prevented him from ms mud clinging In getting around," said Mr. Mitchell .! 'hat it is daily be-1 Mr. MrRae suffered severe leg j ui-iiunii ol more and Injuries In an accident at K-: the I-itx ral party U mano Bay last May which killed x v. ;t of one of Its Alex Hunter, managing editor, -iii ;a the province and severely Injured John Magor, ' th th:s in m'.nd I publisher of the Daily New. rhiKviieare JuJltwl p. h. Unzey nominated Mr Brown, saying he had "a flim is a i&; in the af-j conviction that Bruce Brown ! ni' n will be victorious " lasers ' the flood. I Mr. MrRae, s)eaking In his on ti fortune . . .'" jown behalf, said he was a "Llb- ... .... - 1 , . t !at daily named the "George Casey ground equipment, supplied by; flTt iuu oajMiig "PP"011-'"11 political speakers here in the red campaign manager Art Mur- Park. It was decided laNt night the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, al- 1 Centres in a Violent alter- coming election campaign will! ray. it, i t ,oe iyie wicks, social wreuu main iu me vumuiug cti minister of labor. Bill Murray, Monday, was nominated candidate for Socuii Credit in this riding. Following his address here. rally addressed by Presi Crew Abandons British Ship Mr. Wicks will address a meeting here on April 27, "by 'ready lias been ordered- - " Naming of the park, known' Pat Forman. parks board during loiulructlon period as chairman, reported to the meet-the "Plai" playground, will be in that last night "30 kids were In honor of Aid. Casey work In Playing ball there." the community. The 77-year- The parks board Li looking for old alderman has hud more than some Interested tennis player to Mr. Wicks goes to Terrace. Haz- dent Juan D. Peron. The government announced elton and Smithers. that six persons were killed and Meanwhile, George Sihs. CCF cr'.n nuw is mat !- , . , 25 years of service on city ' coun- j He sa d he had heard rumors 92 injured in two bomb explosions that stampeded a crowd MLA of Prince Rupert, is reviewing what went on In the t;v the rli!,p:it.. fill. "UD ana flown me sireei inai , and ., "... ed In numerous civic com- gathered Wednesday In the city' central Plaza De Mayo. Peron "line cut" the Rotary tennis court so the boundaries may be painted and the court opened for playing. "That all we're waiting for. someone to line the court. The surface Is in good playing con short Legislature session which ended in the sought-for defeat of .the Social Credit government -v-'-s by both nom-Uhere Is a saw-off between the ii.p;iorters which In- i Conservatives and Liberal here - vigorous dlhpelllng i "I am not accu-sing this party .... ... IJ V. I was not hurt. T r Jk v; - ' - . "Nw . inC.. ; ' . i i 1( t .-'- -. - v '. , ... v - .! . r f iK- A' 1 ' T . h "4 4'- . t f i A " ' : i: '. - .A. , ; , . , I . - i : ' t . m . 1 ... " . An. , 1 . ' inr, .' v SAN FRANCISCO t An engine room fire early today forced the crew to abandon the British tanker Menestheus off lower California. The 7,800-ton ship sent an SOS reporting the fire at 12:45 a-m. An hour later, the American freighter Navajo Victory radioed the Menestheus crew "took to life boats." Headquarters of all Argentine headed by Premier W. A. C. Bennett. umors !of coalition oui i wouia oe a iooi opposition parties except the noted; nol to nay that I'm fully aware Communists went up in flames Mr. Hills will report on the t P-e nomln; Oeorce Mitrhell I 'ipirt tor the for ' who 'Of these rumors. Ministers Probe Douk Terrorism Legislature session at a public before raging mobs that chanted rmer "I want 10 wu you J naa nu h:.s his proven proven him. himself. ' part In them " dition now." said commissioners. Tenders have been called for painting of tennis court fence, ; also painting of the McClymontj Park Gyro swimming pool I Commissioners hope to open i meeting Sunday night at , the Legion auditorium. The CCF member said today tmber Reviews Record The ships were 130 miles west of lower California and some "viva Peron" as they looted and burned. The fashionable jockey club, centre of Argentine high society was also put to the torch. Violence marred what had been planned as a triumphal celebration for Peron. The Plaza De Mayo meeting i NtUSUN Aiiorney-uenerai ; nic pai iu inc nrai iui.uic-.ijt 600 miles south of Los Angeles. following his return from Victoria and Vancouver yesterday that "Social Credit has not livec" up to any of the pre-electior Robert Bonner and two other paralory work already has oegun M.Ki alio it was modern apartment, thereby re tiere had been a sum ilcvlng a serious housing short 'members of the provincial cab- there. A concession for sale of j hni-i fifw to Nelson Wednesday I hot-does, hamburgers, soft; CiiL ''red -in f(,ur figures aiie here. than an avcraee "But my main qualification, I ! for on-the-spot conference re-: drinks, etc., was granted to lea Sick Prisoners Reach Kaesong had been called by the pro- h lm nme to see that believe, is that 1 had no part In ; garding renewal of Doukhobur , Gofers and Joe Owens, 't Jak MiJUe got the Coalition which brought j terrorism in British Columbia's! Peron General Confederation of Labor as a demonstration of MVNSAN P The first group LVLE WICKS . . coming here of allied sick and wounded from united support for the president promises.' "They (the Socredsl coulf have passed a lot of legislator In the Interest of the people o this province had the govern ment wanted to do so." Mr. Hills cited as example the three per cent sales tax re moval on meals and children' clothing and the increased tax ation on exploitation of nature resources. North Korean prison stockades j about the. detent ol me uoeruis ; interior. " I'.i.'t in their either. ' at the lust election." A.hes of three more incendiary f""tht. ' stated the I Mr. Brown also raised a few , f jr,,s , the sl( Valley area '''''' : rumors. were still hot when Mr. Bonner, 'ae reviewed .Mimc f I "t have heard It said I hud no, Lands Minister Robert Sommers now battling to control soaring prices and end a meat shortage. The hurled bomb suddenly arrived tonight In Kaesong, just six miles from freedom Communist staff officers said Air Cadet CO On Air Tonight by the provincial 'right to stand for nomination half of the first 100 to be traded interrupted a fighting speech by Peron. After a shocked pause, Peron completed his speech, adlibbing Malan's Government Returned PRETORIA (CP) Three main , opposition newspapers today conceded nationalist prime minister Daniel Malan's victory In Monday are non-Koreans. As part of the program for Air Trucks which entered Kaesong ! in Ins riding while here tonight unless 'I cleared 'lie liotisp. He named myself first with the Conserva-'in the Queen Char- j lives, whatever that means. Warktopping of the j "That is a malicious, nasty, a imiiAay here. rotten and untrue rumor. I have "'!" times as much: nvir luirt nnv nnrt whatsoever on the blast and blaming out actually were the first of two side and underground enemies ; convoys, which had joined a few 1 miles to the north. Cadet Week, Dick Garrett, com-' mandlng officer of No. 559 Air Cadet Squadron In Prince Rupert will speak tonight over CFPR at 6:15 p.m.- on the incentives held for Argentina's troubles. The CCF to a man would hav supported ' these bills and Mi Bennet knew it, yet they wei' not brought up for passage." Mr. Hills said that "only b: utmost persuasion" had the So cial Credit government brough ftp for passage the non-con troversial bills dealing mostl; with government constitutions. A third convoy was reported the South African general elec- :7o air miles northeast of Pyong- and Provincial Secretary Wesley Black arrived for the surprise meeting with police officials and the executive ccuncil of the Nelson Chamber cf Commerce. The consultative committee on Doukhobor affairs also was represented at the five-hour meeting, during which the attorney-general said It appeared significant persons suspected of being involved In new 8ons of Freedom terrorism appear to be among those opposed to leaving Canada. RCMP reported Wednesday night that three homes were destroyed earlier at the com- Government 111 this riding by in any dPal with the Conservu-"ll "' in my time of , uves and I challenge anyone i curing any other , here tonight to esUbllsh and that KOeS for ! ferently." " "'m.wlf '' i Mr Rrn.n SHH he had been out to boys to become air cadets. yang, the North Korean capital. lion, possibly with a doubled These include training and maiorlty in Parliament. The Nationalists, with hall May Seize I ' n wul. he had no ex- approached by "several indlvidu- flying scholarships, attendance at summer camps and exchange the number of contested seats counted, have won 16 out of 19 visits with other countries. i-.uiKs lie naaials who I know to be Conserva-me board of school i tives." telling him If their party C U4!, an(j said he rtlrln't nim a i-nnriirinte here President Eisenhower's talk on key seats in the 159-member lower chamber they needed for an over-all majority. -WEATHER- Forecast North coast region: Variable cloudiness today and Friday. A few showers in the southern part tonight and tomorrow. Little change In temperature. ' Ji'iy pnmd of my parti they would vote for him . . . Elevators OTTAWA Prime Minister St. Laurent hinted Wednesday foreign policy and International Baseball Scores WEDNESDAY Pt'L Los Angeles 3 Hollywood 1. San Francisco 11, Oakland 10. Sacramento 5, Seattle 4. Among these were eight ui new scnools "and that Is as it should be." affairs will be broadcast from divisions which they captured he Also speaking In support of munities of Winlaw and Mi-Rae were B. J .Bacon. Bill, dale, bringing to 19 the number 5 to 5;30. A rebroadcast is as one of a "few from the opposition with loss of but one to the united party of scheduled for 10:30. " O Clll7fnHM nrUn VT..lnn Vn,,.,nc nra.l at possible government seizure of the strikebound grain elevat of buildings destroyed in Incendiary attacks since the begin Winds easterly 15. J. O. N. Strauss. ors at Vancouver, but said the v"i t,c former U S dent of the District Liberal As building Into alsoctatlon, and J A. McRae. Low tonight and high tomor Latest returns from Wednes ning of the week. government has not yet reached days voting gave this position: row at Port Hardy, 44 and 54; Sandspit 42 and 50; Prince Rupert 38 and 52- Nationalists 18, United Party Native Cage Tourney Opens Tonight at Civic Centre -ral Association Demands 38. Labor Party 4. undecided 96. a decision. These elevators are required to serve the economy of the .nation, and they cannot be allowed to remain idle indefinitely," he said in the Commons. Mr. St. Laurent's suggestion Mediate Action on Drydock Youngs, president of the District eral department of public works for reoair of this drydock. Liberal Assorlatkm. . 11 -'questing lm-"'''i for complete re-y!'e Rupert dry-'UZ l-i'etinreri hn h was made as opposition members pressed him to call the disput The drydock Is the federal works department's responsibility and Is operated here by personnel of the Canadian National Railways on a year-to-year basis. "We cannot see such an Im ants to Ottawa In an attempt to settle the eight-week strike that has shut off grain shipments Of the races still unreported, the Nationalists were considered certain to win 61 while the opposition could count on only 15 as-safe constituencies. The other 20 are "marginals" hoped for by both sides. Of seats already won, 18 United Party candidates and two Nationalists Including Malan had been returned by acclamation. United Party leader Strauss easily retained his seat also In the Johannesburg area. Both sides polled bigger aggregate votes In early returns than ever before. Atmosphere during heavy balloting was tense. Armed police stood by all polls, but only minor incidents were reported. . Home Built With 2000 Tombstones A gentleman from Virginia bought a couple of thousand tombstones discarded from a cemetery and built hlmseir a nice home to LIVE In . . . But if you like to buy a ready-bulit house, you'll find many sound buys in The Dally News Classified ads. Start checking The Daily News columns today. The very property you have In mind limy be iisted In the paper you're now reading! from the port of Vancouver. for the consolation award. Prince Rupert referees will be in charge of the games. Meanwhile, plans have been finalized by the association for an "award dinner" to be held at the Broadway Cafe at 6.45 p.m. Saturday. At the dinner, to which all basketball fans and players have been Invited, trophies for every division in the league will be presented to season winning teams, as well as Individ m 1 awards which include the following: Bobby Houston Memorial award for good sportsmanship, and Most Valuable Pluyei award. A four-team native basketball tournament opens here tonight In a round-robin contest for the B.C. Packers Ltd. champion ship trophy held by Kitkatla. Three out-of-seen village will be represented and a local team will play under the colors of the Native Brotherhood, Art Murray, basketball association president said. Opening game at 7:30 at the Civic Centre gym wUl be between Port Simpson and Greenville. Kitkatla will pla the Brotherhood locals at 8:30. Winners of the two games go Into the championship finals tomorrow night while losers play Any seizure presumably would portant facility in relation to national defence and Industry be made under the government's Mr. Youngs said that a survey Inst year by a government official 'indicated that the drydock either be scrapped completely, or that It be rehabilitated. "I was told that it would cost up to $5,000,000 for repairs and that this action was recommended by the survey," snld Mr. Youngs. Mr. Youngs said he had learned that estimates of $34 million had been forwarded to the federal government by the New Westminster office of the fed- emergency powers legislation, going to waste at our doorstep. which gives It sweeping powers. CTnt m'lsters. I!,,,! ? at the Associa-!ast n'Rht told I'iereH T t"'k had ""I ! ZV? the '"""(ft. ooo rwpen .000.000 t,(C""dillon- the s I told by t. Norton " A committee will be appointed to draw up the resolution which will be sent to the New Westminster public works office and the 11 cabinet ministers likely But it appeared more likely that for the moment the government would make a new effort to get tne disputing parties tout-trier here., to be Interested