8 Prince Rupert Daily fj,.wr J Thursday, April 18. ltoj 3 till SCREEN FLASHES Action Expected Shortly to Deal With Ijritain's Growing Slum Menace ' 1 3jcS .;- v.-;;1 LONDON (CP) Montreal M;irc Sheldon walked puct a certain movie house In London's r.y AI..W IIWtVKY Canailnin Press Sunr Write with B-iUin's growing slum on their hotwdng list. Where any menace As thines stand, some particular person stands on tins ,, i ..,, ri..,.o,. int.i slums list di'oonus on such things as i I.ONTON (CP) Lejisuttive ac- , ; length of time in the district xr. . . or i wn ttoti is cxiectea r.-j: to deal specifically, the government and number of children. : attack will bo concentrated on nmjKLY t MAM'E . aH IBS B TUB i the complicated rent restnctlon. Jhig svs,em cr prioriHos. the Leicester House, then stopped ; anil stared The object of his attention ! was a hu-.e. l.iruer-thun-llfe- sle picture of Marc Sheldon. "If jus' cue of those fluke.' savs trv youiu Cunjthan. actor, known to Monuenlprs ai Joseph M ucel Shnrko. Kheloon has only A snmll part In "Street Corner." acts. peRgtns tne reins 01 iim-i ,,,,,,...,,.,.,, weckly. the Econ linns of homes at pre-war level. At Wallace's Of Coursa MADE TO omist, notes, means it is "largely chance that determines whether a family lives in a dream-house or in a erimv tenement " Of Britain's total of 13.30O.0OO occupied homes, it Is estimated that more than 2.290.0O0 are Although conditions vary, the main difficulty is that in many ca-scs rents are too low to justify! repairs being mace. j Under the present set-up. there are ir.;;ny oddities. Two fit j ft MEASURE the inn i-p-n-s nlrt and an- different families living in ;ame house may legally V pay other 4.000.000 more than 75 years old. Mast of these unfit hcr.'.rs are located In the chief industrial centres and in the '.Q V ... varying rents. Similarly, a person who obtained an infurnished apartment before the war may-pay about one-fifth of the sum charts ' .i i neighbor who took a fit --.isned: that is to say I'll I i m i mining towns and villages, caus- ft ing the left-wing New States- f 1 I the film the poster artvertlM'd. hut the poster Is no eye-catehini it's practically a Lortdon landmark The dark, 22-year-old actor even rstes more space on the poster than the star of the film. Clt'.jh a pnfffy rummint. Rl'clrion ply an American soldier in ' htreet Corner," a story iiX'Ut Briti h pollrewomen that also features Anne Crawford Thoucli In- h is onlv a minor . j part. he'J headed for better things sn Dr.N r or hkxv a ! Sheldon came to I-ondon ' , "strictly on spi-c" In January I yn, after a year Ht the New ! York Arudeniy of Dramatic Art. iwon scholarships at it London London's s Suit fp Special Wj April! 0 fettj April 17 gt! FREE man and Nation to comment, -ThU decav is eating out the heart of industrial Britain; for the disease is located at the cen-s of our economic life, IL with a few sticks of furniture i in ) Tru-e anoiuilie 3 a-" caused by, i rer.t control. Anothei complicat- 1 i ing factor is the system of sub- i sidies. whereby municipal au-l thnri-ies Dav part cf the rent of ; where liTJ-st ci me muuauiui working class is born, works and new houses for certain tenants dies.' i. Royal Pork White Shirt THOMAS Roval Academy of Dr; ft ra.natio Art. ; JJ a si-ven- y nn Anulo- f t and now ha. MKiod d vear contract with be sure to get, :3 THE LONDON IT.STIVAL BALLtT C'O.MPNV will share honors with New York's Metropolitan (;wra Company and the Boston Symphony orchestra at Montreal's ' Musical May ' festival in June. Principal dancers are ballcrma Nathaii? I.e. IL nd premier danseui Anton Dolin, shown in costume for the classic "Giselle" CHAPLIN SURRENDERS U.S. RE-ENTRY PERMIT WASHINGTON 9 British movie i);r,edi..ri Charlie Chaplin has surrendered hi United States re-entry pcruilt Indicating he does not intend to re ume residei.re in the US The action was announced by the justire department which last year pasted a stop ortier a;a.t.st Chaplin at all Amrrleiin portr attei he had gone to Europe on a visit. 2. Any $1.50 Tie J 3. Any Adams i $6 to $8 Hat ! For 10 Days Wallace's Men's i Shop offer HIKE a Shirt. I Tie and Hat with any Men's Made - to - Measure Suit order. Come on in. ( WALLACE'S ! Evcninq Shows 7: - 9: p.m. fOTE American company Music Cor- ; pnratinn of Amrnn i Sheldon sprnt lu years of his. ( hikihond in the ProU-stant j foster home centre. Montreal. I He has won his way to a good ; contract throuch a combination of lucky breaks and talent "Mavbe next time I'm postered ' In the west ei.d. folks will know 'who I am." he said In an Intrr-vn . .Ie now Is under consideration for three different film j parts. 1 So far. nii.ft of entertain-, Matinre Saturday I: p m. (4mw,, ru.m f DEPT. STORE rrs.' 1UR.NER Air. rj IlllllllllXllISill (IKK Douglas TvtI.TM 11DCE0N fat- TR TUI! Pom pwubiimh win p i mtm mm i m tnTt rar-er lias tven In radio, end television He came to Win-! don with no pl.ws. won the first ; Irne Van Kruch scholarship awarded at the Royal Academy, followed this with a Baron Par-f iilio Brant fi.r French aclinu at the academy, am ended his two yenrs with a covited diploma Next followed eiuht weeks In the l tevKtun vrlat "The Broken Horseshoe," a story about doping of racehorses Tills was later filmed, starrlri; Robert neatly, formerly of Hamilton, Ont, and Js still to be released -' Evenings 7 9:12 Sarurdoy Motincci 2 AND YOU NEEDN'T BE A PACK HORSE DAILY DELIVERY SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE CITY. We do not charge for this service. CONSIDER THIS SAVING TO YOU!! SPECIALS GOOD April 17, 18 ond 20. & Ml W1M I III I IIIIIIIBII IliBWMMM . ' II . Britain Quits international Conodion Notional Recreational Asuxitf DANCE LEGION HALL FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1953 Admission by ticket . . . $1.00 eocl Wheat Pact I Cereals Canned Fish LO.'tT'ON CP - Itntaiti con ALL BRAN B I firmed Wlay she will withdraw KrlioK(k, with cookie culler from the International wheat SHERRIFF'S SPECIAL OFFER PIE CRUST MIX 16-ot agreement. "Alter mature consideration CORN FLAKES 4J Kellocn't, the irovernuieat decided not to accede to the new agreement." Food Minister Owylim Lloyd PIE FILLING SALMON Fancj Cohoe, Challenger. 1 ;'s CLAMS Whole, Cloverleaf, 1 lb TUNA Fancy. Solid White Meat, Cloverleaf, ;'s CRAB MEAT with LEMON Eoh For 8-o CREAM OF WHEAT 27c 17c 29c 31c PHONE S Taxi (jeoiije told the House of 27c 41c 39c 59c 5-minutP, JX-oi - Britain refii.-cd to siiin the ROLLED OATS agreement April 1J oecau.se sne is unwilling to pay more than $2 a bushel tor wheat The agree 35c IJuaWer. CORDIALS Malkin's. Assorted Flavours, Pints Non-Premium Paramount Brand, 's ment calls for a J2 05 price, HEATED a PROMPT SERVICE STAND: HF.Mit.KSON BMK'K. MXTII STKIH IT PAY'S TC ADVERTISE Posts Bron Flokes 31c ( and Sugar Crisp Complete Lines of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Featured Daily . Eoth for (Gn Tb?yr ITirsinnu Y Canned Fruits Canned Juices .2 ,r 45c TOMATO JUICE Libbj's fancy PEARS - Malkin's I'anry, Rartlett's. )j-o , APRICOTS Malkin's hoiet, l.l-OJ. 4 69c Tt ,r for 20-ire GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 45c 2 fu Tropical Pride GRAPE JUICE, Welch, Pints 27c COOKIES, Digestive, Peek Frean,'2's... 27c SODAS, Christies, Plain or Sailed, I lb. ..33c COTTON GLOVES, Reversible, pair 39c JAVEX BLEACH, Gallons $1.09 PUREX TISSUE 6 Tor 79c RINSO, Large 35c R1NS0, Giant 69c LUX POWDER, Giant 69c LUX TOILET SOAP 2 lor 17c LIFEBUOY TOILET SOAP 09c WAX PAPER, Refills, 100-ft 29c 20-z 2 27c M fr tor 33c APPLE JUICE Sun-Kype, Wot. CHERRIES King's. Avlmer Choice, 15-oa STRAWBERRIES Aylmer 'holce 13-oi 29c 27c V-8 VEGETABLE JUICE 19-oz. Tin 21c Canned Vegetables CUT GREEN BEANS Malkin's, f ancy, 6 I5-oi. ..: & lrlV ! i sr&r yi i nrifYi ) mm m -wwva-Tk LUCKY! YOU con be the lucky ONE Ea- h cf our stores have a lucky product on sale The first customer to purchase the product receives I'KEK S2.09 worth of menhandise. BE LUCKY - BUY HERE CORN ON COB Aylmer, fancy, 35-os TOMATOES Aylmar, Choice 1 28-oji SAUERKRAUT l.ibby's, 2H-OI 39c 28c 24c and get all these extra 1 JOHNSON'S WAX K Gl".' Sc', Poli'hi"9' 67c .( travel 8,1 uepenaaui", , Air-conditioning.Unv.- SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 I LYONS FINE FOODS Phones1 250 Red 465 MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 Delicious meals, served aboard train. Large, picture windows comfortable reclining seats. Room to move around, stretch your legs, visit with friends. Wide choice oi sleepinq accommodations berths, sections, roometlos, drawing rooms, compartments. Free baggage cnec. . tion (up to 150 lb . .. car mi Dnve-youuclf points. NIT POO -a jbaJHr Whn you liars, 9a by train CANADIAN NATIONAL- CANADIAN" THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE Oil