1 ' v-.. . . Prince Rupert. D lily Newi 5 Thursday. Aprt' IP, 19S3 Uaiions May Lose ,'"' $ -v ' I . II if 4 He that buys land, buys many stones, he that buys flesh buys many bones, he that buys eggs buys many shells, but he that buys good rum, buys nothli.g el ;c. Teacher Shortage Shows up In Remote Rural Districts TORONTO (CP) Ontario tendent of education! Indian af-schools can use 1,300 more teach-! fairs branch, Ottawa, said every year than they nowjtaji parents need general getting F, S. Rivers, uperin-! mation. Lack of it led to misun- :parate identities ATTENTION Hy BILL UOK8 ( .,ii.idi.ni lm Blalt Writer Young Fellows Who Ara Lv,XiiVi:i:, Germany (CP) The anny i.s ..-.., w ....... ,- "tj" " ; . 0 ,v ? I -sw - - "V,,- Is' tendent of professional train-! derstandlng and suspicion and Ing in the province's education ; made it difficult to educate their i mm Looking For DRAPE SLACKS Awn UV 10 I'liaugc lilt; uucignauoru 01 its r department, said We'ir.e.day. j children. But, he 'added, tho profession! Another problem U to reduce' won't lower Us standards to ob-1 barriers that tend to segregate tain them.. ithe Indjan ptQp from the rest Mr. Rivers addressed a meet-! of the population. Mr. Rivers ing of the elementary schoolaid. Mast Indians were educat-j department at the annual con-led on the reserve. j ference of the Ontario Educa- Rural teachers have -.pedal MAVY RUM foot soldiers here. Annoijnrcmciit Ir expected xn that the batti(,i. com-Mrtslnu the 27Ui Cna!In Infantry brined will be redesignated and t)it their ron.ilituent omnenle will lose their separ-tt- identities When the fnrce was raised In 1B5I Its three Infantry battalion li tional Assoclauon. problems to cope with and to He claimed there U no short-1 overcome them they need pa- age of teachers in urban centres tience and understanding. wtp built around a framewor such as Toronto and Montreal. :C. O. Stogdill, a school pvcM iabardlne and. nylon miitiice "AH the cities stretched along atrist and chief of the Toronto nt; ' - J- ' ----- . .. "j of companies from 15 pare "nits, each retalniwr lu Idt- uter revistEnt, non-cresab!e. the Great Lakes are Eettina an board of education's child ad- tlty. iu armored squadron w I erfeot style and fit.'Beauti 111 P,.. t " ' M id 1 t ' : , ! -'$ I ' " : adequate supply of experienced justment services, said, luaciiti. but .JiutUge hO'Sj Toe UuoUea and julepiytM up in the remote rural districts." department heard Dr. Raymond Mr. Rivers said the education Hatch, director of guidance a? department nas hopes of off- j Michigan State College, recom-setting the shortage. Reasons mend schools to stress five Included: Increasing number of, points. rSMIinR -IOHT AT MON1 KV . ) Pv TV.Ilard Morln, chaplain of the Montreal fire department, and his English-made automobile painted fire-engine red Until recently Father Morln hurried, to fires by taxi or street car, but firemen tot.k up a collection and bought him the small car, complete with a red flasher light. Sil.50 ery Ipecial AIS ... Irawn from 10 armored units i irnms Canada, while six reserve j rmy field regiments provided j troops for the gunner rctjiment Thesclea was that diversifying t the- manpower sources would fa- j dilute rcerultinK, Unit commanders Required unprccedent- ! ed administrative headaches as a result. j siuoents reacning graae li. more B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Ave. W. . Between Belmont and Royal Hotels Pioneering Spirit 'Gone' Students should be taught the! three Rs, how to maintain their i health and develop good charac- j teristxs, civic responsibility, economic efficiency and human relations. This advertijcment is not published or displayed by The Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. CONNECTION IG.NOKM) In practice the parent-un! married women taking up teach, ing, teachers remaining In service longer and emergency measures to train more teachers. Problems that have to be faced in educating Indians were described by R. F, Davey to teachers in federal government schools in Ontario. Mr. Davey. assistan tsuperin- v!Says Ford Company President "onnectlon is being inena.sini Iwnored. Instead of belitK called the Victoria Rifles company or the Koyal Hamilton Llitht Infantry company, for Instance. CoinDunles are referred in tn the GOING TO PAINT A ROOM? IT WILL PAY YOU TO Wonf o good job-waltt and ceittngt . that will keep their beauty through the yeon? SUPtR KIM-TONE it rich at reve); tough at rulier, at easy lo cftan your pmK thower curia mi. 16 mart, tiew. reody-to-use tftadet; or rnferma for an almott endfeu rang of colon. Rhys M. Kale, president of seek their fortune, thousands of Ford Motor Company of Canada, young Canadians swarm across Ltd . has caut-ht a lot of attn- J the border into the United States Uon with a recent address en- to scratch for opportunities not titled "A Planned Journey to -half as good as those which lie Oreatness," Canada and Cana- rlht under their noses at illans being the travellers. home . . . L Here are a few quotes: "Are tnpy blinded by the ; Wht puwies me is the fact fauied gold bricks that lie in the i JUIIN 1)1 1. VMI.KK ir. li't a- knmlrUed 'Party' Trains To Cover Canada This Summer ilment j usual army way "A" or "B" . company or whatever the designation might be. j Luck of liaison between the .parent units and their com-j nnt- In Oermnnv actually Is I -ontrlijutlnn to their fusion Into j oroper battalions. I I.t.-Col. John IJclamere of Toronto, commander of the lit i Canadian Ritie battalion, re- n.ai wniie iiunnreas or young , Greets of New York and Chicago Americans come to Canada to j that they cannot see the pre- Widov VANCOUVER Two "house i cious opportunities of Leduc and Kitimat, of Lynn Lake and Burnt parties on wheels." sponsoted J by the Maritime Provinces As-1 . j is in Estate CBC Wins Creek, Cr to ume but a few? are our boys getting sociation of Edmonton, will roll j j ifru that only tlie Queen's Own ; A n-jrn- Hifle. Toronto, arid the Vlctorl soft they prefer the gaudy com Program I Kines, Montreal, maintain con- fort of a New York office to the rugged, adventurous and Infinitely more rewarding life on i nection with their companies In ; Canadian National Railways this .summer. j j The "Overlander Special 1953" j will bring people from the Marl- . time provinces and New England I states to the Pacific Coast and i Awards ha. Ixen set Ciiurl by Mr I on Hie ground by perjured 'il matcr-:"..! notii-e. ; s decision ir (ira -e Irene i.'.e, BC, tt i e: tate of her Canadian Bioadcxs-ting Cor Canada's new economic froutiers . . It Is painfully evident that we need a generous reinfusion of the pioneering spirit tnat made Canada great. "We seem to be smothered by over-caution. We don't seem ' wuiinti to akc t nances . . . . '2.45 wit "t X2Z IX 7 r- ! Want tm fcep down your cof? G" coa covers most svrfrrres wa!!pef&r -s paint, wood, plaster. Vhal's more," don't haw to buy any pr;;rifr or under coaler. And wttt, dumUln SUPLRK?M-lOt' your original paint investment hilt dlN '"' T. Want to save lime and trouble ? it: KfM-TONE goes on quickly and smoothly, ' without a froce of stroalc or hp, with brurJV or Roflar-Koater. And of course you ovod the fuss of applying a primer or under- "' cooler. (jive yoor intms cfilorful whIIh irtA, , ceilings you'll love tn live with. Ask your dealer for SIU'KU KKM-TONET You'll be oi'c J you bousht ffie best J ,, western Canada for a three-1 week trip. The train will leave ! Moncton on July 11. i Another train, the "Bluenoe ! Special" will take people from : B C. and the Prairies to the , ; his unit. ' We never h"r from th" Ite-I "inn Rifle, the Winnipeg Rifles 'r, the Reyal Hamilton Liyht j nf intrv-rmr letters aren't everi ; irknnw'edped " ! He added that only his QOR company h:id a one-locality n-vor. 'The soldiers in the j other companies may come from ! anywhere In Canada, regardless ' 'it the company s nominal af-' filiation " d Edward Maritimes. A. C. L. Wrarner. the CNT-'si iTJT.n',."t down oar throats fori tgeneral pxisenger agent here , 'ops? that a good many Can- said that Vancouver passengers for this special would travel to Edmonton on regular trains In time for the "Bluenose's" departure on July 18. udians have fallen into the Idea It Is the most Important th'ng in the world when, as a matte'' of fact, the k.i d of recunty they H .th'ufcir.i? tt'Mt is a Ainat-i'naii'c iu 'the aixillljon cf taxes " :tf !,! h the (utlsc :f :,(.;:: ! the 8imp-::; !? .iincham in a w cranted to y. .r: h :'). l'jJ'J, by .' J j ' .. e A j!;y Mor- ; ;. t..i 1 been sep-i :." t ti;::r. but had fti..:.. .;(! iielure the ' i:'!iT";,!ii were ! Mrs Simpson said poration programs have been given five first awards and five ' honorable mention, in the !7th emeriran yJ hltion of Educational Radio Programs held by uiMnute for tclucation by Fadlo Television of Ohio State University. A Vanf-ouver-pHxIuced s hooi broadcast won an hmorab mention tn the competition II v as ' Working Together," a four-rail scrks on character ed jea-tlon tn the t.ite: medt.i'.e prides scripted by Christie Harris of AbboLsfoid. BC. and produced by fiaymond Whitchouse at Cl'C Vancouver. Fir.t aw aids, the Institute's h!:hc6t ri'OBm'.lot. went the VH'. seri"s "Suiiimer Failow." a sequence of plays and dix-umon-tarif s, for " ef fectiveiy in'.erpr -ili.v ru;al problrtr.s i an c;-.er-U-lnlng manner for the u-hr. niXONfi TO BATTALION' Hence the men are beeinninit o feel thev i-loi:g to the 1st Canadian RiIIks. he said, and not to )u,st one of the romoanies. When men are potted from one eomptny to another they hive the headache of changing bstdtfrs nd shoulder fla.sh'-i, and local feeling now has so dis- ppeared tht they accept such postings without demur. This ii importsnt as most units insist tn a man changing his company , on rromntl' n. t-. r h. ... .... 1 ' .J" ,"! ..,. " ' ' . . '. i . , " I f . I-- " ",. f . .t .' - - X" 'r ' 25-.? -.r " l 4 ' t. - v ' .T ' r - - ' -, v.'- ' . .' ' .". , 4 ' ' 'I .. ' . t ', : ' S - .r '4.'. . v : J. . 1 ; - ' ... , ' ' f ' ." ''. I I I I -I ri ? " ' ; i ,K i.. ' ti i i . "" i ' ")WSir ' " "T ' nil Mt-ni-imiiMmjeMLiiM &"'''' V ill tCS t I'.i n (,t the decree )r hu!,uid's death i'.-V-i SPECIALS 518 Dorlee Cintntn Sedan Heater, defro-ter and radio. Licensed $7375 Mission ends Th- business of rhanglnej as well as the rural audience." Profit 9.-.0 Prcfif-t Sedan A? i": . . . llcenred-A Oayd Euy at .... $695 Kl Austin Sedan A nice car, priced right at $1075 clip and mail ''rh-s ind badges is minor in the Infantry and rifle battalions rom pared to the highland bat-tTllon, where kilts and bonnets also are Involved. I t -Col H A A Parker of Toronto said: "I have officers who are North Nova Srntia Hii'hlanders by d-v end 4ttlh llchlanriers bv nlcht That's be-au.se when they bought their erge dress and mess kits they vere . 41th Highlanders. Nev.t veck they may ie Seaforth lighlanders I ran t expect them o Kiend $0 to i'.W every timr ' h ive to cross-post them." Parker said lnt"gra!lon of the ' Return Journey." a series on ti r,-hihi!'ntlon of alcoholics for "a superb production of high dramatic appeal without (icri-fle of Integrity or authenticity " "Cross Section." a series on aspects of Canadian Industrial lite, for "a concert of tlie true meanir" of "(iii'-ntional radio . . . making this series outstanding in any field of radio": and to a enc-oca-jon brorcl?,'t, "Her Majesty the Queen." pr riuccd'by CUC to mark the birthday ol Queen Elizabeth. The luftgs cited this program for an intelliccnt. accurate, appealing, interpretive radio report to the neoHn of , Canada on th-Royal Tour. this ordergram TODAY ! 11; irouth Sedan Viil provide thousand! of miles of good traiuorta'.ioii $495 A-Tl.c linU.sh Co- r I'Mcmission fi -al year Ju; t Iw the n.ij-st tuc-!' (.iht year.t of "V,i l.i, .in ,,iy nnd c , ! , :( e I., niret tin ':!t for power. figures for the fM!"d March 31 are 11 anears that !i-ii.,s will be nittrt H. ('iMiiiiiiNsion'r in a .stainliwilioi ' :' '!it nr the rr- ,;' v-herr in I' ""ly be used r ! i i e rates. '"-I bv (he vur-iistii.-i.s f. . the u n. l of r'''M-u:ir The Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. 6 DAY RATE IS CHEAPER THAN ONE DAY ID SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. Third Aenne West I'hnne flreen 217 SAVE tAQHUY Order Your Ad 6 Times , Yuu Kiy only for tiir first four instrtions. The other two insertions arc f'RKK. Kemember the iiiM-rtioris must run GREER & BRIDDEN I Please run the following ad for : days. C.icloscd is ,. in full payment. NAME - 1. ADDRESS : - - ' !.. , : Phone No . ; iplease print clearly) vitiations as battalions was "ru.strated last year by an In-"erlor type of major-grade rom-!ny coinmaiHler and their cap-'ain secondjs-ln-command IIITK 1 IT JOll lie said II had been rUffi-uU o rlei n up some brlgrtde companies. In which even g.tng nil? ieviiltcl, jeensr cf th" poor 'liiallty of officers and 'he reciultinK (tolicy piodii' "This showed1 in poor m:'ii-iniinageiiient. which wis doubly unfortunate becau'se of the pKr quality of man they had to work with." P'iiikI. tin is liicreiisrf" llsl i i. :l1 ,-'.IU to VJ.2i: i i iir.ii lncrea;.t- the correspond- LIMITED Builders end Contractors FOUNDATIONS ASPHALT KOOKINU CONCKKTK WORK INTERIOR and EXTERIOR RKN0VAT10N riiuiie HO'1 Prince Kuprrt, P..C. P-O. Box VA I 'ir.!:i....i, in s custo- i 1 t'lUfr use of T Hi!.n.:e to them it: 1 ,y a" increase In the i J ' 1,1 Tical energy T 'lass, average) n In. ii.nu.,a 1 ' Write your News Wont Ad below. Begin where shown "START HERE." Put ONLY one word irt ' each soace. (Each group of numbers of letters count as one word). Put your address cr phone ., number, or both, in the ad. In case you want a box number, leave space for 4 words (e.g. Box 000, Dailv News , " " I I UUl 1 1 , ilr:i per month to 172 ' while averasri sT.urr in :r.! snirruiai rus- : .' I&rrl I,- , . , ' 1 i'Llr4 1 kt-J ' A5 SEASONABLE AS SUNSHINE . '. . CLACK SUEDE WITH REPTILE TRIM . . . Matching pumps and handbag in the latest vogue. These will be vour favoviriics . . . No. LINES Cost Consecutive Days 3 days 6 days ''f Winmpeg was' '' Indian w.irris 'JP'.d Water." t S1.80 $1.33 ; $1.80 S2.I8 $3.89 Tit earn the rates shown ads miit run consecutive days. CLACK MESH PUMPS . . . This new s'tipmcnt just received is in rcsponss to popular demand . . . You'll love the new coolness, th? most in comfort. NOTE Make your money order or cheques payable to the PItlNCI. Ill'PEKT DAILY NEWS. Ads may be cancelled up to 5 p.m. day prinr to publication. If replies art to be mailed, please ;u(d Ilk postage. ; You reach over 12,800 readers with your Daily News Want Ad. Fashion Footwear l,'tiM "fiu is t pubUsne(1 or displayed by the Liquor "y tlie t'.overnment of Kritlvh oliinilita.