Prince Ruert Daily News Saturday, August 29, 1953 WAl.-ACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE EZIO PINZA In ENDS TODAY 7: - 9: p.m. ft TONIGHT WE SJNG" it IV (Vx K SI BLACKWOOD on bridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD ri d:i 'i.flWj Cnn RADIO DIAL p M Ix 1340 Kilocycle .Sahleet to ChBX) .VWWM V.'.-VWArAArrW 8ATDRDAT t. 6:00 CBC News 5 :0& Pentleton Peach Festival 6 30 Soiree A Quebec 7:00 Hit Parade 7:30 Ray Norrls Quintet 8 :00 Vancouver Theatre 8 30 Musical Program 9 :00 The Homesteaders S 30 Western Hit Parade 10:00 CBC Newa 10:10 CBC News 10:1& Loyd- Arntzea Folk Songs IS - 'Y ' !:.. . fc. V S -5. i Dale's Unorthodoxy Incenses Mrs. Khule SALE : BOYS' AND I GIRLS' VEAR Barbara Suivwvck As Mr. Dale scored game and rubber, Mrs. Rhule acted like she thought she'd been cheated. Mrs. Rhule bids exactly according to the book and plays every 10:30 The Music Bol All I Di W Z?3 7$ convention known to man Wallace's Dept. Store with the queen and knock out last heart stopper while RICHARD CARLSON M m J3i !i tela ! she still had the ace of dla- Thp wav Mr. Dale played It, Extra "Oriental City" "Sports We Seldom See" Carlonn STARTS MONDAY Next Trip - FLY points for your two no trump bid," she said accusingly. "Your richt bid was one spade." "I'm old-fashioned." smiled Mr. Dale. "If I can get a lot of points on the score I don't care how iimny I've got in my hand." Mrs. Rhule sniffed disgustedly. How silly this man talked. Of course Mr. Dale Is a great play-stealer on close hands where he Is not sure of his partner. To preserve good partnership morale, he would never admit that. However, on this deal he knew as well as Mrs. Rhule did that he had overbid no defense would beat him. If Mrs. Keen had taken the ace of diamonds al trick two and led a heart, he would have ducked in dummy. Then he would have won the next heart and ttiken a club finesse toward Mrs. Rhule. Even if Mrs. Rhule ''7 Evenings 7: - 9: P-m'TT Ck5 T E M A f AMOl'S PLAYERS TIIEm! When you go by air you reach your destination faster and more conveniently. Flying time from Prince Rupert to hid tne queen of clubs, she would have no heart to return to her partner and the game TOIMY RAY MII.LAND - ARLF.NE DAHL :25 7 9 in - - p.m. "JAMAICA RUN" would still be safe. 32 hrs. 44.85 1 3 2 hrs. 212.85 14'2 hrs. 162.25 1534 hrs. 203.50 VANCOUVER HONOLULU CHICAGO MONTREAL - SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT ONLY a little. JOHNNY SHEFFIEi in ALAN HALE JR. in "TRAIL BLAZERS" 'BOMBAANDTH! MVKN'A HANSEN climbs to new heights In the motion nicture world after winning a film contract with Universal-International. The Chicago beauty was chosen "Miss U.S.A." In the recent "Miss Universe" contest. JUNbLc GIRL' Lt the Canadian Pacific Airlines age:.t help yiu pian your enure trip. He will gladly make all arrangements, provide complete through ticKit service no matter where you want to go. Phone 705 for information and reservations. Sterling Area Convention Seen This Winter LONDON (Reuters) Com 11:00 Club ,-l240" 1 :00 Sign-off BUNDAT All 8 :30 8unday Morning Recital 0 :00 BBC Newa and Commentary 8 :15 The Question Bos 9:30 The Concerto R:5fl Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Oardener and leather Forecast 10:15 The Cotton Sprouts 10:30 Music for Worship 11 0 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Report 11:30 Religiou Period P.M. 13:00 NBC Summer Bym. Concerts 1:00 Open Oolf Champtonsnlp 1:30 Critically Speaking 2:00 Open Oolf Championship 8.00 CBC News 05 Ask the A'catherman 3:12 Weather Forecast 3:15 UN On the Record 6 30 Distinguished Artists 4 :00 Sunday Chorale 4:30 Chamber Music 5 :00 Winnipeg Concert Orchestra 6.00 The Dasy of Sail 7:00 CBC News 7 :lt Weekend Review 7:20 Our Special Speaker 7 :30 Little Symphony Orch. 8:00 Howard Cable Concert Band 8:30 From the Operas 9:00 6ummertlme 9:30 Vesoer Hour 10:00 CBC Newa 10:10 CBC Nwi 10:lo The Romantics ' 10:30 Music by Melarhrtno 11:00 Weather Report arul BUjn cfl . MOKBAT ' '' M. 7 .DO B C: rfihermen'a Broadcvt ;:l." -.Musk-al Clik 7 :J0 CB3 News: Weather Repor ?:.1. Musical C'lmk 8:00 CBC News: Weather 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8 IV-l ittle wnrert 8:30 Morning DevotlOR9 8:45 Musical March Pact :00 BBC Newa and Commentaxj 8:15 Keyboard and Console 9 5 Time Sign-. 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 "HI!" 10:45 Sons of the Prairie 11:00 A Man and His Music 11:30 Message Period. Rec. Int. 11:45 Scandli.attan Melodies OLD COtNTKi Qamdkut (Pacific North dealer North-South vulnerable. Nwth (Mr. Abel) S K 8 4 H A 8 5 D Q J C A J 10 9 S Vt e-t fcat cMrv Keen) (Mrs. Kliule) S Q 8 8 J 9 8 3 H- J 9 4 3 H 10 2 D A 7 8 D 10 9 6 4 3 C Q 6, f C 7 3 !MUttt (Mr. Hale) S A 10 7 2 H Q 7 6 DK 8 2 C K 8 monwealth finance ministers FOOTBALL It sends fJ tj are expected to hold another AIRLINES shivers ud 1 conference on the problems of the sterling area towards the LONDON Results of soccer end of this year, an authori onrl tirlflpft . i .ir your ribs at T V I if IL the same time! Tlie bltldlnt,: ' North East South West I C Pass 2 NT' Pass 3 NT Pass Pass Pass "You didn't have enough mm tative source says here.,.,.. The source said dates and revenue are still unsettled, but consultations on these questions are taking place among Commonwealth capitals. Richard Butler, British treasury chief, hopes the Commonwealth ministers will be able to meet before "the end of 1953 to review progress made since the last economic conference In matches played today q the United Kingdom: . ENGLISH LEAGUE 111 iK.IMI I ston Villa 2. Arsenal 1. Bolton W. 2. Liverpool 0. Burnley 4. Sheffield W. 1. Chelsea 3. Charlton A. 1. Hudderslield 5. Portsmouth 1 Manchester U. 1. Newcastle V 1. Preston N E 0. W. Bromwlch 2. Sheffield U. 3. Blackpool 4. Sunderland 4. Manchester C. 5. Tottenham 4. Middlesbrough 1. WoiverhainpUMi 3. Cardiff C. 1. Ilhl.lnii II He also knew that his current partner could handle the average contract well enough but might fall down If the contract were exceptionally tough. M-G-M aiOMU London In November and December. 1952. Crnntford 2. Fulham 1 It is possible that the next fs v conference, unlike the previous VAN With his two no trump bid, 1 then, he was trying to get to play the hand, if the auction ended up In game at no trump. As you see, he was successful. Mrs. Keen opened the four of hearts and Mr. Dale let It run to the queen. Now the routine play at no trump is to go post-war meetings, may not be held in Loudon and Lnstend take place in a Commonwealth capital. Australia's Canberra is PM. 12:00 Latin American Melodies 12:15 CBC New! - . 12 2S PTORram Rexnme 12 :30 B.C. Farm Broadcast. . -125 Rec. Int , 1:00 Afternoon Concert 2 30 Trans-Canada Matinee U:l." Rertrd for im 3:45 B C. Request Roundup 4:15 Maxlne Ware Sings ' 4:30 Susannah of the Monntles 4:45 Songs from the Past mentioned. 4PSV " . Bristol R. 3, Derby C 0 Everton 3. Oldham A. 1. Hull C 3. Bury 0 Leicester C. 5, Leeds U. 0. Lincoln C. 8. Blackburn t 0 Notts C. 1. Doncuster R. 5. Plymouth A 2. Lutou T. 2. Rotherbam U, 1, Birmingham C. O. stoke C. 1. West Hum O. 1. Swansea T. 2. Nottingham 1. SCOTTISH LEAGUE CUP illtlklul. A Falkirk 4. Queen of S. 0 Hibernian 3. St Mirren 2. Aberdeen 3. East Fife 4. The conference will deal with ' . J'- ' ... 'I'' ,t.,, "3 -, . 4,,;.-' ' -', ' U J";? 'aw Jr. x " i V,!- . , .... ... - - j v 9. Tfte f ... ' 1: Itifc ci.nlLt'l' TKAVI.L SKKVlCt" In Dr US. reaction and the United States administrations views on this week s report on dollar-sterling relations made by Lewis Douglas, former United States ambassador to Britain. The report, still to be examined by congress, suggests how problems of the sterling area, of which Britain Is the banker, should be solved. The conference will be attended by Britain, Australia. New Zealand, South Africa. India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Southern Rhodesia and Canada, the only doljarjiounjyx In .the ANGOA V DC Ml SfE(" MONDAY to WEDNESDAY 7 -8:09 p.B. after your longest suit first. But this was an exceptional case. At trick two Mr. Dale made the right play of a small diamond instead of starting the clubs. Mrs. Keen ducked and dummy's jack won. This was all the diamond tricks Mr. Dale needed and he promptly shifted to clubs. Although he misguessed the location of the queen, he was still cold for nuie tricks four clubs, two hearts, two .spades and one diamond. . It was easy enougn to to wrong on the hand. If you started clubs at trick two, you woultLbe-aU fUt4f-yrm -flness-ed successfully against the queen. But if you mis-guessed the finesse, Mrs. Keen would win Celtic 2. Alrdrieonlans 0. Hamilton A. 0. Rangers 6. Ralth R 3. Hearts 1. Partlck T. 4, Dundee 0. Stirling A. 3. Clyde 3. LAST NIGHT'S FIGHTS By The Associated Press BALTIMORE, Md. Burt Whitehurst, I831. Baliimore, scored a TKO over Al .'chlimm, lV,'t, BalUmore, 1. INDIANAPOLIS, Jfii.. X3er ?irker7'1464, Indianapolis, out-lointed Sam Mastrean . 14734, "'ittsburgh, 10. Also Ralph Meeker Sain Forrrt-t PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SiIIPPINt; . . . FORWAKMNG . . STRA0l Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide wl , World-wide ShlpmenU. MOVE WITH EASE , . . SII1P VIA LINOS . Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone SO or 68 Cor. 2nd ind Prj Iron and Brass Castings " Electric and Acetylene Welding : Announcement . . . with regard to I.O.D.E. COUNTRY FAIR CLASS 58 CHOCOLATE CAKE If a Magic Baking Powder Tin is sent with the ex-! . hiblt, STANDARD BRANDS of Winnipeg will award 1st Prize a Hamper ?nd Prize a Hamper CLASS 57 SPONGE CAKE CLASS 63 APPLE PIE SWltT CANADIAN CO. will double prize amounts (or these two classes if Box Top from 8wif tenlng Is enclosed. SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY - KiTUI ttMUW MOMrrt CKTUDM hum im I ( 5CTWet Wet w winter wlndi WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON U8I Plan to Spend LABOUR DAY WEEKEND and a solid roi . . . protection. Tlan J" , rk NOW. 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KETCHIKAN FOR COMPLETE RESERVATIONS CONTACT ELLIS AIR LINES DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS , t' GREER & BRIDDi 213 ri"1 ) Phone 909 Commodore Cafe! Phone 266 Office Oppi Post Office Your Daily Newspaper Gives You latest Product Newst LIMITED .ai " '