I Saturday, August 29, 1953 GEORGE DAV.LS AUCTIONEER Phone BlacU 846 and Red in BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL LEGAL KOTX'fcS LEGAL NOTICE CANADIAN NATIONAL IlAILWAYS ! CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS WESTt"RN REGION WESTERN REGION BKALED TKNDERfi will be received at the otlice of the chief engineer. WuinlpeK. Manitoba, until two o'clock. Central Htandard Time, in the afternoon of Thursday. September 17th, 1953, ior tile construction II 1 1 V, m I KEITH H. TUCKER' OPTOMETRIST SEALED TENDERS will be received at the office of the chief engineer Winnipeg, Manitoba, until two ; o'clock. Central Stnndard Time, In the afternoon of Thursday. Ueptem- ber nth. 193, for the construction ; of reinforced concrete, concrete block, and brick express office and shed, Prince George, British Coluu- i bia. Plans, specifications and form of j contract may be seen, and form of tender obtained at the office of the chief engineer, Winnipeg; dlst-! rlct engineers at Vancouver and Ed- 1 527 3rd Ave. Phone 21,2 of frame IretKht ailed. Sir X (Hi . and platform at Terrace, British Colum-1 bia. Plans, specifications anil form of I contract may be seen and form of i tender obtained at the office of the chief engineer. Winnipeg; district 1 engineers at Vancouver and Edmon- iEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS , - v . , ' i r - w-v- ; ic . t: : ton; division engineers at Prince Ku and i monton; division engineers at Prince j BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway1 Cafe pert. Kamloops and Victoria; C.N.R. agent at prince George. PHONE 383- . MESSENGER i. PICK-rP AND DELIVERY Classified Rates 38 COTTAGES, CAMPSITES THE DAILY NEWS" Rupert. Kamloops. and Victoria, and 1 CN R agent at Prince George. j Tenders win not be considered ' unless made on form supplied by tne time 4:30 p.m. oy previous Tenders will not be considered unless made on form supplied by tne railway and accompanied by an accepted cheque drawn on a chartered bank. In Canada in favour of Cana .ut)iit:!n. t.ed. cent oer word per lo dian Nutional Railways, equal to live railway ana accompanied by an accepted cheque drawn on a chartered, bank In Canada In favour of Canadian National Railways, equal to five per cent of the total amount of the tender. "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3378 LAST YEAR .; "33333 HUNTERS! This will be the last season (or . hunting Oeese. Ducks and Moose on the Tahtsa River. Enjoy It with Alf Harrison. Make reservations early. For full details write: A. J. HARRISON Box ISO Burns Lake, B.C. (A8. 12. 15. 19.22 26 29) IF YOU WANT A " CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent or Trucks Mid Equipment 1-n. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS in; minimum jnarge ou ctum. Notices, 50 cents: Cards of y., Death Notice. . funeral ,.'s, "Marriage" and Eniagement ...mmtiffltt. 2 00. i Display double prloa. No Refunds will nut accept responsibility issifled ads inserted Incorrectly per cent of the total a.nuunt of the lender. No bid bonds will be accepted with tenders 1rtr this work The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. j. r: mcmillant. Vice resident Winnipeg, Manitoba. August 27lh, 11)53. 11 BUSINESS PERSONALS Z8 FURNITURE FOR SALE Steomer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Forts Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN No hid bond will he ffrrifp with tenders for this work. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. R. MCMILLAN, Vice President Winnipeg. Manitoba. August 27th, 1953. (Aug. 27, 28. 29 THREE PIECE chesterfield and UNWANTED HAIR-Permanent-lv eradicated with finca-Poin n,r wrung classification unleis -.,1 Ion ot such errors Is received modern bedroom suite. Black Z134. (202) 24 hours 01 nrst inserr-rjn. The most remarkable discovery of the age. Saca-Pelo Is guaran r 39 HOMES FOR- RENT 29A SEWING MACHINES John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR On Vacation ' JALES Repairs Rentals. Singer VACANT 3-room self-contained suite. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342, Red 958. eves. (lti Sewing Centre. Phone 864. WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service MIVKK tl. ACT Notice Of Application I'or Certificate Of linirveineiits IM !!l! Bee Kructiiiiiul, Kuue.- 4. I.D. Jillillee No. li. and Lot iHU-i Jut Fractional. Kange 4. 4'.l. Kiiby No. Mineral Claim. Situate in the Skeena Mining Division. Where lfcated: On the north (C) VANT AD REPLIES ' J2 FOR SALE MlSC. teed 10 Kin the roots of any hair and contains no drugs or chemical. LorBeer Lab, 679 Granville, Vancouver, B.C. (H) RE-CHROME bumpers, grills etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu!" Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome! Lasts years! Send $1.98 or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (225) HARBOR view apartment In Elizabeth. Possession September 1. Phone Black 2134. (202) For reservr- tlons writ a IN RE ESTATE OF PER ERIC HELLMAN, DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Per Eric Hellman, late of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, who died on the 15th day of June. 1953, I require all creditors and others having claims against the said estate to send the same to me 4 'tV COMPLETE coffee shop equip call City or E;po O'B" I Plaice Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERSON j Y two-room i fork of Khutze PIver. Lawful Hold- PARTLY furnished ment. win accept car or equity on house. Very reasonable for cash. Phone Black 2134 fe are holding replies basement suite 1440 8th East. er: Jamel Goodwin Campbell of van-(202D) " couver' BC- Number of the holder's ( free miner's Certificate 53441 P. properly verified at the address I (202) LIMITED 'rCi-REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE I J'-T Phone 96, Evenings Black 898 'S the following News boxes: THREE rooms and bath. Adults ! TAKE notice that James Good-only. Seal Cove No. 7. (205) ' mPbei 'r v?nUT 1 ; Free Miners Certificate , No. 53441 w F OENERAL Electric refrigerator and National cash register PHONE 18 your Northland Dairy, lor dally delivery except Sunday. By looking after your milk your milk will look after you. Keep It cool. All milk guaranteed. , (H) 48 HOMES FOR SALE Phone Black 2134. (202) intends, at the end of sixty days, but not later than one year, from 765 Replies must be ailed for in person vrollontlthe dat hm''. f "PPty to the eXieiltrilL M. ,.,,. p,.-,.rrtB fr f,., if 1a ., f,f POT BURNER oil stove. Excel SIX ROOM HOUSE, lent condition. Apply 70 Cabs Improvements x for the purpose of (202 SCOTT MclRENf CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phoae 347 P.O. Box 374 mentioned below on or before the 31st day of October, 1953. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law. having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. , AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay their indebtedness to rr.e forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 27th day of August. 19S3. GORDON FRASER FORBES, . Official Administrator, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (Aug 28, 29, Sept. 4, 5) THE ELECTRICIAN D. Ouyatt. House wiring and electrical condition. Close in. Cement basemnt, coal stoker furnace. Nice lawn. Phone Black 924. (202p) 1948 Dodge sedan. 133 5h Ave. West. (203p) COMING EVENTS- RANGE in excellent condition. Phone Red 142 or Black B53. irjua, niu amCiim yvest. Phone Red 185. (214) (207) fhedral RummagJ Sile, obtaining Crown Grants of the above claims. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action, under Section 89 of the "Mineral Aet'4 must be commenced before the Issuance of sucb Certificates of Improvements. - . DATKD this Viot.h day of August, 1953. JAMES ooodwil:: CAMPEEJX (Aug. 21.28, Sept. 4,11,18.25, O-.t 2,9c) SUNSHINE baby buggy. Good condition. 709 5th West. ttholic Dazaar, October 8 FOR estimates on Interior dee-oratlng and Industrial painting, call Columbia Painting Company,' Green 884. (203) '40 HOMES FOfi SALE t204p) PRECISION SAW FILING x 4 kah fall bazaar, October OIL heater good condition. Phone Green 660. (203p) THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. - 1 S All Types of SawS Sharpened IIS 1st Ave; W. Pbone 809 The 400,000 inhabitants of Helsinki, Finland, made an average Sri V nouse wiring and electrical repairs. 149 9th Ave. West. ' Phone Red 165. (214) 33 SWAP TRADE Al CTION SALE Timber Kuie X-.THMl of more than 500 phone calls per IDE. Fall Bazaar, Thurs- iNovember 19. 1953. f. FOR SALE Neat new four room cottage, centrally located with gas range and oil heater. Price $4,250.00. Terms. For 8ale Cottage on Beach Place. Large cabinet kitchen with electric stove. Modern bathroom and bed-sitting room. Oil heater. P.ice $3,000. Terms. R. E. Mortimer, 353 3rd Ave., Phone 88. (204) There will be offered for sale at last person " y vear Public Auction, at 11:00 a.m.. on i f.jdian Legion Laaies aux- B E N D I X automatic washer. Trade for small boat or cash. Box 771 Daily News. (202) Full Bur-xar. Nov. 4. WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER ELECTROLUX. Phone Blue 70 for Parts Sales Service. c) x- VANCOUVER 7ia Waypoints ' SUNDAY ES Camosun, 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coqultlam, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS August 12th and 26th SS Coquitlam, Mitlnight, FOR SOUTH QUEEN . CHARLOTTE ISI ANDS JOHN H. ENGAGEMENTS 34 WANTED MISCET.LANEOC. V I and Mrs. Victor LewU BULGER PLUMBING, automatic oil heating, kheet metal work. Phone M3. Call 630 6th West. Letour-neau. c) to announce the engage-of their youngest daughter Friday. October 23, 1953 in the of-llce of the District Forester. Prince Rupert. BC, the Licence X-58951. to cut 2,435.000 cubic feet of Hemlock, Spruce and Cedar on an area covering Lot 1312 situated on Walter Creek (Ford's Covei. Portland Canal, Casslar Land District. Three (3) .years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." 8IX-ROOM HOUSE, full basement. Price $4500. $2500 down, balance as rent. Phone Black 814. (202p) ma Laura, to Mr. James ' CHOP SUEY . . : . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Dally except Sunday) . I WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap Iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd., 250 Prior 8t., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAcific 6357. (H) l it fern Intermela, of this city.- Irist wedding will take place omelrii WILFORD Electrical Works. Mo-,, tors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. (tf) 42 WANTED TO RENT !ay, September 19 In the it r. an Cathedral 7:30 p.m. . (Up) v4 V. x FOR ONE YEAR a cellar or basement with easy access. PUBUO ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax snerlnlint R r Fnrlr i'HollvYfOodCate SS Coquitlam, Midnight Aug. 19th and Sept. 2nd FRANK . SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Aver.ua Phone 508 CASH FOR Scrap, cooper, brass, batteilcs, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. - (c) PERSONAL Further particulars may be obtained i from the Deputy Minister of Forests. Victoria. B.C.. or the- District Forester. Prince Rupert. A29 , 85, 12. 19. 26, 03. 10. 17 I Third Avenue John Bulger Ltd atone Building. Red 593. (20m) For Outside .Orders Phone J.33 ( . Must be frost proof and have good drainage. Write to Claude Dohlcr, Smlthers, B.C. (202p) NEARLY everybody uses,9u. : i- 1 - t IE kittens need good home, lone Black 337. (203 feCSINKSS PERSONALS 35A MACHINERY FOR SALE 16 LOST 8ELF CONTAINED three room unfurnished suite or small house, near Post Office. - Quiet BERLIN 94 Planer thoroughly overhauled with factory new LADIES wrist watch Wednesday evening. Finder please leave at Daily News. Reward. (202p) P'OTT, EVITT it CO. LTD I Phone 651 or 652 ' " six-knife round top and bottom cylinders, side spindles, six knife side heads and new rollers and couple, non drinker3. Box 767 Dully News. (203p) FOUR ROOMS, bathroom, close In Must have by September 1. No children. Box 768 Daily f !RE about our budget plan new shafting. Post Office Box 18 HELP WANTED MALE ; your home Improvements. 7649, Prince George, B.C. (It) n payment, $100.00 to News. (203p) J5 BOATS AND ENGINES ', 6 to 24 mos. to pay your fuel requirements1. AUTOMOBILES 47 i- Shell" stove Si Furnace. BOYS1 BOYS! Do you want to earn extra pocket money curing summer holidays? If you do, Just call and leave vour name at THE DAILY NEWS OFFICE for summer paper routes. (tfnc 19 Help Wtd. Male Female -Foothills ti Bryan Mtn. - farinc" Pronane. 1949 FORD, Customline Fordor sedan. Private owner. Quick sale price $1250.00. Phone Black 837 after 6 p.m. (204) VALUES TO AUG. 31 iimmer Stormr Ri.t.ps CLERK. $2480-$2770, for Skeena ills-$loo per ton iiff. f Mountain $1.20 per ton COHOES are running in the harbor. For a Pleasant Outing Rent a,, Boat Deluxe. Phone Red (205p) 1950 CHEV. 756. Indian Agency. Department of Citizenship and Immigration An additional discount of Per ton on " cash sales. at Prince Rupert. Full particu LEGAL NOTICES EER VALUES To Aug. SI lars on posters at the Post oi-flce and National Employment Service. Application forms, obtainable thereat, should be filed CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS WESTERN REGION SEALED TENDERS will be received at the office of the chief engln- and ' NOT LATER THAN SEPTEM- BERiU. wits) UM.CivUryioe hwr, -WuiutP'V.vM-'ntoh'' ' mU."! '.:.Go;t Fishing BLONDIE v-Like Fofher, Like Son By CHICYOLtNG jjj I-lj. '-. ' K ( 6LONP1E TOLD ME ) f f I : I Ti ! I. " ' il'l1 ' ,' " V ff SOUND Y ," THIS ISTHEV&V rf f JpU-- . ' ', 'A asleep . . 1 nShewshimin ) 4 ; , T put the coffee) Ml fT5 Yiy J : -i . - ft TO BSEAKFAST) 4-53 ,IZ---rr' , '- VV -- T .-r-'-r. -, - j Y Y f.t t i M Tl ' ::r-V-,i .(l 1 T , k )Y I; , J KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED ' , , , By ZANE GKY ? EcT ((. SVkvrNi tux kvajWt XmATeine awe ?omc iron. Xcmef.wa we 7DAee&r (m-'"? , J , t i bjr4.. JSVir s Kepsisxmse.'i'M 1 1 fK,irtecKnmivvrMim imas moo uixk rntf .) t.-? ' .r7IRW!M A?' Wffl'tCaS,'' BfKIVf BB LifVmH AWUsmql, FACTOR bPBIV A fOi StLL "ON! j : AyraxiL4(N? .-! -,Y Y" 7' XsEii?, t dsL-' . ' Ll L AtsNfcK .-itvii! MCZrZ3 by AL CArr HAH i r ..-v " Tl i'CV.-VIUT nEVAH MlNOTeMnT I BOr-THARt: FtfHErVlNS - BOT, AH K'NTF.LL )f Oh.cb. ) v t GONMA ) QUESTION.'.' TWAR'$ COUL.ONT WMOre!NU AVI IT A ,J ', I GOT A ij.r.fv,... ..,1-..' i'i SAKE AK VVHUT ' k l-VV'P FO- A EVEN MORE . BE-IT-S ultiArvT LISTEN TO thET V BOY OH ) - . , I it.'P I'' 1 , Li Ait, AT A TIME. LIKE TlME.'P BABY IT IS. IT'S A -Ctr !.') V, Jj . ft ' lTd VI ''' nITH,s''jJ -11 XtJ' tlr HEALTHY r v- . - S ' ; -, iPlpt Wm 'Wf'1- G-MUex. TMltrai stgiqttru mur. m VolnmUslonw thi:0OR.Nj.UP :V(. 'i nemiocK and Cedar Common S4S Per M fbm 4-6-8-10 & 12 $82 00 1 -8-8-I0 & '12 i? B4.00 8 Slllplap .....JLr.U..'.-WJl0 8 & 10 Shiplap .......... 82.00 Com. Rough Per M fbm mzcs up to 8 x 8 $79.00 Com. & Reject Per M fbm .thei afternoon- of Thursday, Sep i. ',' I In 'i :' ". (It) tember 17th. 1B53. for the construction of a sixty foot frame extension to freight shed, Burns Lake. British Columbia. Plans, specifications and form of EXPERIENCED ; grocery clerk. "" FOR ARRANGEMENTS i j . CALL ' ; -: LARRY STANWOOD Blue 319 or Red 815 (202) Apply Skeen Grocery (203) i 1-0-8-10 & 12 Minn w prices are fob our yard 80 HELP WANTED - FEMALE Mi" i ivi mm inr cnun CAPABLE STENOGRAPHER 36-FOOT TROLLER. 77 Grey en 4&J.00 per M fbm for large 1?rLdlreKt from m111- f OTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Preferably with insurance experience for established general contiact may be seen, and form of tender obtained at the office of the chief engineer. Winnipeg; district engineers at Vancouver and Edmonton; division engineers at Prince Rupert. Kumloops. and Victoria; and C N R. agent at Prince George. Tenders will not be considered unless made on form supplied by the railway and accompanied by an accepted cheque drawn on a chartered Immune 051 or 652 cine, $1600. Phone Black 191. (202p) 16 foot Peterborough built boat, 330 8th Ave. East. (204) insurance agency. K. w. uauier-wood Agencies. Smlthers, B. C your classified ad In this &t the PCiiilnmindl ulv . . , (202) ia words for 3 con 35 MACHINERY FOR SALE L. - ,U(I, 111 for SIX PftncnnnllB. bank In Canada in favour of Canadian National Railways, equal to five per cent of the total amount of CLERK-STENOGRAPHER with or without experience. Apply to Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd., Room 15, Besner Block. (206) 80. And remember, you F')ne,your ads-Just call the tender. No bid bonds will be accepted with tenders for this work. The lowest or any tender . not RELIABLE woman to look after baby In own home. Box 770 Dally News. (202p) irABflddln8 yourself of necessarily accepted. THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT will accept offers up to September 1, 1953, for purchase of: 1 Farrel Rock crusher, size 20 x 10 B, by Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. This machine located at 8th Ave. West and Dunsmulr Street. Sealed bids marked "Rock Crusher" to be addressed to: Superintendent of Works, City Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C. (202) J. R. MCMILLAN, Vice President Winnipeg, Manitoba. I the easy way. Tobacco P nator carries a "satisfac-" money-hack" mismniu SILK SPOTTER. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundries. (202) August 27th, 1B53. Cnrt6.1- wrlte C. King (Aug. 27, 28. 29) 81 SALESMEN AND AGENTS fJ3. fii w ,-urPoration Ltd Walkerville, Ont. - LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 31234- 36 ROOMS FOR RENT n-" z yx .y j i v n u rifc?nr S3r r I. covering Lot 8lx Hundred Bill '"r """"g, and Forty-Seven (647), Casslar District, said to contain One THfHEART OF JULIET JONES . r ;tam r,Da -. Fm.iT , ;B UIla vontrac- BOARD and room for young quiet gentleman. Nice home. Hundred and Sixty-Five (165) . a n r 1 PTFl I 1 . !!! I T1 V ' . H 1 , acres, more or less. till THAT MUST ) U ' 'I I JULIE? PAN... LISTEN, WJ! IT I f AN WMA1 1 ht t wi I Hi ivwiur FIJ iviiieislanTc Non drinker. Write your partic MEN MAKE MONEY Sell Park-Fletcher tailored to measure clothes in full or spare time. Sensational values, highest ommlsslons, your personal clothes free. Experience unnecessary. A tremendous choice of latest woollen cloths. Write for free selling outfit, Park-Fletcher Clothes. Box 108 Station "N," Montreal. . (It) Uif ulars to Box 766 Daily News. (203p) CAPINQ AND GARDEN. . i .- SSPAN.' ri.f3 WRUNG, I'VE SOT TO 1. -- . ' "- I MEAN I MS OP ALL V Vg, PAP... I V. -;V' , 'tX . Tl -Tr-Fr see oj...ses ; know -jj. Th s ? ffY. warnin mpu... J f. - in Vs slI. rTTTrTrl that s one octwe , a.v . , y 0 .M'.-'i t'v V-V ''-V- m " ilkAt I U TALK TO MOO Yj ( : 'hi EI htgfT U- 4 WHEREAS satisfactory priof ot loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Leo Palltti has been filed In this office, notice la hereby given that I shall. t the expiration of one month from- the date of the first publication hereof, Howe, Kwalls' rockeries, LARGE, bright light housekeep ing room. Suit couple. Cen tral. Phone Green 241 evenings. (203) Ise ue a Provisional Certificate of 25 SITUATIONS WTD. Female Title tn lieu of said lost Certificate. SLEEPING ROOM for rent unless In the meantime valid ob WMiuXAWJ I 'liri u.i'ri. ira j . l Yf u I I 1 i ' i yrrUw -rVr Board If desired. 1005 3rd Ave. htes ru "ping. iree flis- Phone Red 806. Ut Ltd tCanadlan Liquid hni In" ,or, "ygen, acetyls ri tWeldin8 "PPes. poneC6aortage & 8h jection be made to me In writing. Phone (203) WILL baby sit evenings. Green 807. West. (202p) DATED at the Land Registry Of fice. Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 17th LIGHT housekeeping room. 221 88 FURNITURE FOR SALE 5th East. (205) day of August. 1953. A D. RUPERT FULTON, Acting Deputy Registrar of Titles. f8Nriiert Phone TWO PIECE chesterfield suite, . like new. 517 7th Ave. West. 202p) HOUSEKEEPING room. Red 807. (205) (2310) r T""-' ' " r r - ' ' --, , . ...... ,, .... - I lirtrvrcvs-' - . ; - s . -. r, . - .. . - - : . j "Summer Hot? Summer Not so Hot. Be SurefiBf ResultsUse WM Ads!- Q