V Or 1 leds aud Reminisces t t r n n ay ml l" 1 I K U A. Perhajjs notice groups of, well that he and I become two I J f you commodate all M I O - I LIXUW , .,,,' nH rnnnot but hear, of the smartest men llvlnn.- 1 cliil aircraft. .,.' 'J? Prince Kupert Daily News As I See It if ... ' Friday, May 13, 1953 by voutw . 'u,ln I KRRIES TO ALASKA BACKS CASKV MI'.ETING snatches of conversation which Josh BlllinRs. tell they are new to Prince Ru-i . pert, and, for that matter, new Under the title "A British Sub- llnrU- . u mjcpcnacut dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding ot prlno Hupen and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Preaa Audit Bureau o circulation Canadian Dallv Newspaper Aiuoclatlon. Piihllahed bv """he Prince Rupert Datlr News Uoiimki i. T. MAtiOR. Preaident H. Q. PERRY, Vlce-Prealden wvi i, W Editor, iPollowlnR Irttr apiwnred In the BphUIc Tlmea ) to all Canada, win inai no,cct I Was Born," the -"-- first half i ne uany news: , , , , , ,,, , .," ,,7. ..V V It-., I more ".ere na come a cll;ffJl Subscrlntlon Katea: Your editorial of May 6 re-; Fdilr. The Times self fresh from British Columbia, donald. was presented over the garding Aiaerman ueorge Casey j Ifs time Seattle siartea ininK- 1 nnnmiu, side of the clobe. , n,M n Tiif(inv pvninir PanuHa'i By carrier P?r weeit, 2fc: per montb ai.OO; per year, 110.00 fca -T 6f mull He- jionUl, 7d:, per year, 8 00. WSf j eutaoTlzert aa cond claaa mall b tna Poat Of8o Department. Ottawa. "agcaj. H evtr thWe for b change, it is r)W and his public mee ng: . u t g only and felt Minister Chief jg j "ew one language first Prime and Your first objection to this trade. With construction of or the tne strange, aomenow, cml.h,,, in innr one way or Arrniieci .v,!..,. oi f confederation ne seems to be based on the .., i huge pulp mill at Ketchikan, the mrt of Prince Rupert, British another, a touch of friendliness glected nothing. Thp story of his iCase of Dr. Felton might be appreciated. I informative and engaging career j listens well. Canadians, having the data (and a.'l have noti are totem lnat mu,'h nctter and more fully Columbia, has become a real threat to Seattle commerce. Already, the rnllcar ferry terminal is being built to receive NOT WHAT IT WAS Japanese are making THE government of Can-; ada won't allow the Englishwoman, Dr. Mon- aovisea. the tonnage from the Ketchikan i poler in Japan, and shipping pulp mill: other tonnage will them across the Pacific for gen-follow this to obtain terminal eral marketing. The original rates within 9(1 miles of Ketchi- .skill of B.C. Indians in the mak- iica Felton, to visit Canada Prince Rupert welcomes the decision of Ottawa to construct no airport here, the site to be on CLOTHES for the kan. Many businessmen in Seat- , ing 0f totems is said to be stead sneak a though It is a fore- ti rte. llninir Ilnnleasnnt. to hear t1hy Island if the survey is lie that outside Interests (I presume you refer to Investment capital will be repelled by such a meeting. It reminds me of a similar hue and cry that .was raised when Gerry McUeer stuck his neck out to clean up Vancouver. But what about the results? . I believe thev were well Justified and not by "the end justifies the means" but by the Bible-based reason of "showing my people their transgressions" which in public life today is carelessness on the behalf of the general public In matters of civic, provincial and federal to speak. 1 The Minister of Citizenship, ! u.i.i.diy a vi ry li velheadcd fcl-1 low. says this is because of her Prince vet doubtless not far from the s:ui.--factory. It is planned to ac- ione conclusion that 11 t!." .rllU.. ' Rupert will Iluw tak ".subversive associations." He adds that "; he doesn't have any special cluii.i on Canadian HANNOt Kill UN Pltf Alaska trade away from Seattle and they seem reconciled to th.! thought on account of the Communist grasp on its waterfront. This is untrue und unneces. vary. High-speed ferries from Seattle to Southeastern Alaska, carrying railcars, trucks, autos, I'nm limn-In I nnH liiviiru.ftkuu All wool. Less than It was under the Crown that Britain's free institutions were born and brought up. Magna Charta, signed 5H0 years before the liberty-vaunting French revolution was, it is true, a forced ! concession. But it 'did not shatter the crown. Odds Against Oppositions 1 factory cost. Pair lAC-SIIIKTS- Heavy wool. As far as the few public- ! n:l.;pllfriir pnn lamniln u-illi Seg. $10 00. Now 'THE SWING IS TO .pirlted citizens who run for Prln(.e Rllp0rt with the co-clvic office are concerned my 1 0p,.r.lUon of all rail and other "Whcn a man comes to me i That does not explain why a Ilritish citizen i.; excluded from 'coming lo Canada to make ; speeches which some Canadians want to hear. The issue Is not , "special claims" but fundamental riKlits. i True liberalism is based on I the Immortal dictum, "I di.-aerce Hiith-ely with what you I say, but will defend to the death , your rifjht to say it." bUUAL CKtUII. IHtl'SS anil VYOKKMn hut is off to them. Not that they advice I find old, die kind of advice he wants and then I give it to him. This satisfies him so All kinds. Prom transport services entering Seattle and of Seattle businessmen. . The ferries will be costly.-They must be of the best and very high Sliced. They must have both WEN'S SEMI-IIRISS (IX1'OKIS-I,otso() MP Proposes Give-away price. t uuiinri rim uiui luxury uccom- , . !5 'air ;A Significant Day ' "TODAY is Citizenship Day. In a country like I Canada which, until recently, never had a citizen-; ship of its own and now finds its new possession is a privilege sought hy thousands all over the world, the occasion has special significance. Other countries of long estaMished cultures and character are inclined to stand jealous guard over ; their citizenship. Strangers are not invited to share ,, it, and those who eventually do are always slightly I suspect. In the fixed traditions and way of life of such countries, the adaptive process takes too long. In addition, the economy is very often too strained to permit many newcomers. In Canada these obstacles do not exist. Cana- dian development is at such an early level that even ' those who have lived here all their lives cannot say exactly what it means to be a Canadian citizen. Versions will vary from province to province, city to city, and farm to farm. We might agree in general that it means we can live freely in a country of promise and have a voice in its affairs, or something to the effect, but beyond that we cannot add much unanimous thought for the simple reason we do not know who or what we are in relation to others, or even to ourselves. We are getting there, but we have not yet arrived. There is nothing upsetting aWit this, just as there is nothing upsetting about being young. But we can understand our developing character better if we realize that Canada is not made up of the descendants' of its pioneers. Fortunately something new is heing added all the time, and the country is growing up with a steady infusion of fresh blood and fresh ideas. ; It is this that gives Citizenship Day its real significance. As the Citizenship Council is doing in Prince Rupert tonight, special efforts are being ' made everywhere to acquaint Canadians with each other. In this way we can. better appreciate the rich complexity of the national character which is the best assurance of its future vitality and breadth of vision. BOYS' WEAR THE ODDS ARE DEFINITE LY AGAINST ANY OF THE OPPOSITION PARTIES SECURING ENOUGH SEATS TO ASSURE STABLE GOVERNMENT. SOCIAL CREDIT IS THE ONLY UNITED PARTY UNDER TRIED LEADERSHIP THAT CAN SECURE A WORKING MAJORITY WITHOUT POLITICAL LOG ROLLING. DON'T BE MISLED . . . HOYS' SHi ni kS, Pi Regular $1. SO Now, only lOVS' P.Wi'S-Forsri DR MONICA FET.TON was one of the women who went behind the enemy lines in North Korea and came home peddlin? a line of crude pro-Communist propaganda. I received some of this propi. sand mailed from East Berlin. It would not deceive many people, for It recorded how Dr. Felton and the others had gone Irom .village to village and simply accepted as gospel truth all the wild tales of "atrocities" they were told. There was no attempt to check or sift the facts simply uncritical puhlica- all have as their motive the welfare of the public in mind, j but regardless of motive, being human they need both the support and the constructive criticism of the electorate after the elections as well as at the time of the hustle and bustle of political harangues. , , When a man or woman is elected, it isn't a matter of "Now I'll go ahead and do things my own way." Rather it Is an continual seeking of public opinion i cross-section to do the people's will In the matter of ad. ministration. Personally. I don't believe you will lose a thing by Mr. Casey's meeting, but rather gain. If you will look into the personal careers of big business- executive; you will find a good deal of originality and daring and far from backing off from a good clean fight they will enter into it in a spirit of "may the best man win." This interest in pub- modalions to compete with Ciln- AApmOfll adian vessels which are booked ,V1C"1' for a year ahead. Seattle must -r p I have high-speed ships which arc ! O VYST UG3Q , both woik-horses and luxury shlP"- ! LONDON O Sir Jocclvn I.u- The plan has been called fan- ras. Conservative member of tastie and costly; it is admitted Parliament, has launched a that it would pay out in the 20,000 appeal for a memorial Jo end, but where will the money men and women of the f Simmon-come from? If Scuttle loses Its! wealth and colonies who fell In Alaska trade, there will Just be the two world wars, no money for anyone -It's as I si. jas(.Vn proposes that the simple as that. The ships would memorial take t lie form of a new cost one tenth the cost of a rail- lflRh Altar aml Baaeriin in St. Sunday wear. ! Big assortment, liw i HOYS' OXI OKDS Br. Well made. if tots of wear. From... I Paul's Cathedral. Baldachin Is wajf iu ruu.sKa unu wouia ae-liver commeice there from Seat the canopy over the alftir. MARK YOUR BALLOT Look (or the M tle In a third the time a railway , "No one can forget how the FIRST CHOICE. j tion of wild and unsubstantiated . charges. But where our government I seems wrong is to assume the i people of Canada are not intel- I ?irrinl t.nrtmY tn iiHnrn c?,i.V. i rTT.ji...iiU,iJ U -4-' .'' . ' f - a.- -".. iff, I V , t O , I - i .f 4 f. v -1 v ; m H A a. . ' 1 4 r ... 1 f. Aft 5 . v . could do it, on account of the topography of the territory traversed. Such ferries could handle 4.000 tons daily southbound. ThfV Uiftitlrl unlM'.iM in Cuotllr, Dominions mid colonies rallied to our aid in both world wars." 'said Sir JocWyn, announcing the proposed memorial. "Few realize that in the last war there were mm SOCIAL CREDIT I k speeches for themselves. The ex- I lic mertinff between cam- II 1 s4PtVnk i elusion of Dr. Felton will help i nentive lo ulg business! . the Communist-front Peace I'm sure that most capitalist lwo sualties from tlm Empire reload and be pone in six hours This :ulv-ltl:i-im-lit 1 li.Mlrll by the llrittsh Cfillllnbli Hoclal Crrllil Cam-pul-ui C. onimltu-t'. oin the enterprises agree that freedom w,tr. nn J. . ri,,1vil, overseas for every threo fi of speech at any time is part j innov.nr- ,n..k ' ,r, Th. United Kingdom, or that 25 per of democratic procedure, and to .,,, ri,.iivnr m K-,.t.v,iun in n cent of the pilots in the battle ... .. . l. : 1. 1 . i .1 - my wuy ui uiiiiiwiiB rwu. .u- is indulging in this freedom in i Council for a good many peo- I ! pie will ask themselves "Why i are they afraid to let her ! speak?" j On the other hand, speeches made here such as ,Dr. Felton i has made, in Britain would sure-j ly convince more of the too-I credulous adherents of the j Peace Council of its true nature j and true purposes not world THE '53 NASH RAMBLh hours and with proportionate of Britain were Empire volun-;:peed to other cities of Alaska. jtec-' Without some such service, Sir Jocelyn, tw-ice injured as a Prince Rupert will obtain our fireman . during the .wartime entire Alaska trade within fiv j bombing of Britain, has formed years by establishing a free port ; a small committee to collect in Prince Rupert. It's in the funds fo-the Empire war mem-cards, nriai. calling the electorate to a public meeting , inbptween, campaigns. - Right or wrong In his views, he is within his . democratic lights to keep the public informed. Or do you prefer the "order-in-councll" type of administration? As far as his "moral right to 'flaunt' his views In the face of With custom accessories which cost hundreds ot i extra an other cars now as standard rttiini(-nt NOW AT A NEW LOW PRICE Phone 555 peace but Red propaganda. THERE ARE. three ways for a democracy to deal with Communism: 1. The Parliament of Canada could decide whether Communism represents a fundamental threat to democracy itself. If so, it might be made unlawful to belong to the Communist party, under any name, or to any of its fronts, and all its works could be prohibited. 2. Canada could continue to for nn appointment .with a sales rcprcscnUlvr McLEOD RAE MOTORS li BACKACHE MaybeWarninq Birlurhe U ftHi rawed by lrr lidnty rtwn. When kidney! gel out l trder, cireu aridt and waitea remain m tUa ystrra. Then batkarhe, diiturbed real ar thai rired-aut and hea?;-headed lerlinf mai "" follow. That'a the lime la take Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. M l alimulate the kidneyi to normal anion. Then you leel belter lleep, belter work better. Get Dodd'a Kidney PJIa now. 61 Many Seattle businessmen will pooh-pooh this idea of losing all Alaska trade, but they themselves will use Prince Rupert in order to compete with business that do use It. The economics of the situation will compel them. Goods will be shipped from the central states to Alaska via Prince Rupert for half the cost from Seattle. With the new ferries, the cost would be the same from Seattle. But no half.way measures will do: no rebuilt ships will do it: they must be the best America can design and build. JAMES M. HAWTHORNE, Seattle. 12:10 Kiiusway, Vancouver, B.C. P ? A left 'li Nnk Statesmen's For So the rest of the elected body," I believe H is his "duty" if he honestly believes that all Is not well in civic administration to bring his views out into the open and let the public chew on them. (Who makes all these "moral" rules, anyway?) With all due respect to the space given by the press to council meetings and committee meetings, It must be recognized that only a very small portion of such meetings can be reported in a newspaper. Two or three columns devoted to said meetings can cover at the best the mere highlights. BEAUTY For Your Hair AT HOME 1 H follow the traditional British policy, which allows even Communists and Fascists to propa f -T , . ganda openly, and to organize political parties or fronts This policy is based on the be lief truth is always able to beat KINSKS AM) DVES BY: Roux, Miss Claiiol, Kolor Treet and Tintz . . . specially prepared : to Ix-autify. -. - I 1 1 r- . . . .... y 7 m error. Therefore I believe there Is a ""'if. iiiin iikvi its and ll.rfTltH,' VIHKATORS : .i. Canada can swing over to,' llW U.S. line which concedes the" right oMJommunlstrand Com", munist-fronts in theory, as per the Constitution, but more and more denies those rights In fact. (Continued on page 51 njed for. further factual infor-m atrotr-brr Tivtn "-BOveriffli flit over than what the press can give. EDWARD W. GREEN. Prince George, B.C. for scalp mid body massage, etc. HOME HAIR CARE HEADQUARTERS DEETH'S PHARMACY LTD. "Hair Needs for the Whole Family" We Deliver phone 19 m S FOR YOUR ! 40. . 0,N"Ai " IW FINNING'S... USED EQUIPMENT D-13000 Caterpillor Diesel Engine. 6DH1879 Buda Diesel Engine. Both engines with bases, radiators and clutches. VAI Cose Tractor On rubber with hydraulic loader. TD-24 International Tractor , With cable angledozer, winch and all guards. NEW EQUIPMENT MC John Deere Crawler Tractor Equipped with hydraulic angledozer and gearmatic winch. GU-5 Skagit 2 -drum Yarder Powered by VP-4 Wisconsin engine. ALL ON DISPLAY AT PRINCE RUPERT OFFICE Also IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New Caterpillar D2 and D4 Tracfor It's richer, robust, fttll-l""'1 Telephone Directory blended to satisfy tbc taste of Ilritisb Columbians. Try it . . . )011 11 like Captain Morgan .Slack Label Rum. fully Aged In Small Oak Cash CaptainMorgan RUM niepdtil to Perfection rrnm Carefully Selcctc liarf Old KumS AUTOMATIC 0VEM TIMER I lvM 0frftf( ! . PUSH-BUTTON CONTROLS 1 ''l&rjrf j , SPACIOUS MASTER OVEN SSLfilU ' i STREAMLINER DESIGN ' S U On Display Now 1V "' RUPERT RADIO j f WaB0 MUST BE IN BY MAY 31st Pleas, submit your chances IN WRITING to the Telephone Department, City of Prinee Rupert. ACT NOW Write ' . . . Wire T V . . . f Phone IIVIIC Finning Tractor & Equipment Co. Ltd. T ". u j P.O. Box 1324 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 577 THIS ADVrRTISFMFNT IS NOT PUBIISHfD OR DISPLAYFD BY THE IIQUOR tonia - THE COVCRNMCNT Of BRITISH COIUMBIA