nut Kupeil L'ui!y Nt,, Friday, May 15, 1953 Visitors See Library At Hospita Fine weather favored the many Art Hickcrson: Mis. It. B. SkiU' I ant Celebration Set visitors who took advantage of Open House at the hospital on Tuesday. Ner and Mrs. Harold Whalen. In charge of the kitchen was iwrs. O. Bendlksen who once CVCL Visitors also had an opportun as"i generoujiiy oonaieu ner lty to visit the library and see ncrvlces. Coronation Day 1(, latest celebration in the history of Prince this service in operation Under convenor of the tea was Mrs. the capable direction of Mrs R. Sidney Elkins assisted by servl-G. Moore, chairman of the lib- j teurs Mrs. W. F Stone, Mrs J A rary committee, library service: Macdonaid Mnj Chaji star, is carried on twice a week. Op-!Mrg. c s Foreman and Mrs. W. erating the library carts andig Kergin. visiting the wards were Mrs. W. I '. TO li Ml Ai is planned ior coronation Day June 2 i-i:... u ,..;n i... i mm imt'cn imiuulii nm ciuwnea in vvestmin- bey. - 0 ' ) h Iff ''I '..n; : i w ... . T J jo which will stretch n six rltv blocks Is the u,e 0f the celebration, J a commute of city m unci orgurtotion ativcs hearted by Frank In every de'ail ARROW GABANARO is designed for more comfort Attend S. Kergin, Mrs. H. A. Breen, Mrs. j. Stewart and Mrs. A. M. Hurst. At the nurses residence the Women's Auxiliary had their annual Hospital Day tea. with m s Ciement, matron, and Mrs. L. M. Greene, Auxiliary president, receiving guests. Mrs. Ralph Hood was cashier, and Mrs. C. H. Elkins was in charge of door prizes. Three pair of stockings were won by Mrs. N., and a strawberry shortcake was won by Mrs. A. Brebner. ' Mrs. C. C. MiUs, Mis. L. V.T. Kergin and Mrs. A. M. Hurst were In charge of the home cooking table. Presiding at the tea table which was gay with spring flowers, were Mrs. R. G. Large; Mrs. on Party IN CANADA -C.CM. PARTS ARE AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE IN CANADA f C.CM. IS COMPLETELY Anfleld, Indian superintendent "We expect It to be the big rest celebration In the history of this city ... a real bang-up event . . , and we have no alternative plans. "We have ameed our plans are too big to change on account nf weather. We'll go through with the program, rain or hine," Mr. Anfleld said today. About 35 floats will take pa-t in the gala parade, along with -ontlnRontii of the Navy. Sea Cadets, Army, Air Cadets, RCMP md U.S. Navy. Three U.S. Navy ships and a Const Guard PBY plane will arrive here to take part In the wade. Total complement of the three ships Is 30 officers and 320 enlisted men: of the plane, four officers and eight -nllsted men. Native Regalia person enjoyed tti' u.j.i,.n Auxiliary card thf U'tiiun auditorium, were winners: -arson ana ahii: jvcik- ARAFOID COLLAR looks great, feels great, open or closed . . . with or without a tie. ,t; Mrs. A. Astoria and sen. crlbbage; Mrs. H. fv and Mrs. George it. s cf the October-April rre Ms. M. Simpson, Mrs, M. Shrubsall, li y-s. Krause, bridrje. re of refreshment have a UUUV IMIIII The regal look in this gown comes from tucks and pleats. n-ng rentes suggest this magic treatment for home makers who want something stately but inexpensive tor coronation parties. You can learn how to use the machine tucker yourself in any sewing centre. Use any strapless top and circular skirt pattern, five yards of rayon satin, add the tucks and pleats, and you have a ball-gown fit for a queen. for your money r-L :-. W. Da vies, Mrs. YOU CAN BE SURE OF QUALITY WITH C.CM. Juvenile (093 7-12 years) $59" Standard (from 10 years up) .... $J2'' Other models fmm S17.00 t $110.50 on display at McRAE BROS. i - :j.y Mrs. J S. Black. X. Cdr. T. A. Johnstone, commanding officer of HMCS Chatham navy reserve unit here. Is In charge of ihe paradr which will Include the Navv "nd the Greenville and Alvansh 'ndlan bands, also the first dis-nlny of Indians in full native -eealla here in 40 years. . Program begins at 11 a.m. with crowning of the Kinsmen May Quern. The club has linker" coders vi. ,1! tcmixlU. Battery (It) pm. Its annual event- for fh rhii- YOUR EXACT SLEEVE LENGTH - IODE Members hit drive. Saturday, rtr(.n wlth tne CoronaUon Temple. Every- bratlon. Visit School 111 I , 0 lis lia Lh Laa Members of the Edinburgh Chapter of the IODE will visit their adopted school of Digby Island today in observance of Empire Day. Plans at a recent meeting of the chapter also included a irnc. uiai of Norway whist and mccUcd until further (ltl rluiii" Tor 300 Club :..v 15 nt the Armories l) to 9:30. (114) lien llolilmt KlJirrmrn is of larw, fresh Sklde-nns, now avallniile d r,:iv vhen calling w! VVc.itj:il'k." (119) Then the parade falls In winding Its way through the city and past the post office which Is the silntlnr bnse Mayor Harold Whalen will take 'he salute, accompanied bv vmy. Navy, Air Force, U.S. Vavv officials, and Rev. L. O. "ieber. .representing the Prince imert Ministerial Association, nd Mr. Anfleld. rcnrefcntin'T the Indians and th Coronation oinmittee. The rnrnde nnrrhes to the '"iirt House rrounils where th uecn's siM-eeh scheduled for 1 - m. will he piped in through a nubile address system. Wat-hob rayon gabardine; Smart totid colon WATTS and NICKERSON MEN'S WEAR , fund-raising project. Members will take on the cheeking con- j cession at the "300" Club dance j tonight. Members were requested to ! attend church parade May 31. J uiih -,ti i hoc nbliKhef! or ri'A(Hiv(o hy tin; I.l'i'ior f'ontro! ' " ' " "ic Uovt rmni'lit o: Brltlbb Columbia. Ubc-ial leader. Arlluii :ll s al; to yau on May lie Lesion auditorium. is iniHMant address ill be welcome. (115) -rOR ARROW iPOKTJ SHIRTS' Ripeest codfish caught in the ; Atlantic may weigh as much as ' 100 pounds. 21-(Jun Salute 1 " . .4 ' t S - In,-' s 111-! . .Tt '5, I .-"hi e. im. i i . i 7 3 '.. it. L i ... Li ' f " T i - - 1 f J ! - ,.t - f -. . - - - ri.. :1 rJt - M- i 5 C , IK .. ' ' ' ii,, t ; - S ' t. . .t " J- f. - It 1 -h Not Food Plans R.C.A. SAVES YOU MONEY Here's how you can save 1 5 per cent or MORE on your food budget . . yes, a family of four can easily save $200.00 a year on food costs. You benefit from quantity buying, and you also get 'imi. Northland Dairy -Thre will be no i very Monday. May 18. iih nK.t eiflra sliiV'y ur route driver Sutur-(lt) 17. nt 7 3( p m., Iiiem-ilic (.'ongregutiun to-mi tin1 Liiuiii .eneu fill a program for the t.'nt marks the Inde-f of Norway. Everyone i lit) A 1 -tun salute will be fired fUr the speech, either by the i 'iea'-y Battnry rwre ep liy the , U.S. warship. After th" nir.irtn , l.'.s h1"" 'iMnlsscd. Kinsmen will provide ' efreshmrnts for the children. I For the nflrrnoon, a shorts 1 iro"rnni has been arraneed 'rnturlne a baseball game be- j 'wren Prince Rupert all-stars! -rid a U.S. Navy team, and a r O'Ter came. j Red Cubun C'ulf U-athcr . . . Red und Eliuk . Brown Suede with Green trim ... All Elack Patent Leather with Open Toe and High Heel . . All TOPS in quality. . . . They fit like a glove. cm A GOOD PLACE TO STOP... Mountain View Resort Good Clean Cabins Lunches Gas Store : t j $9.95 Vlunh the quality of your choice . . . You will reduce your shopping trips to a minimum, and have leisure time to burn ... An R.C.A. Home Freeze", is Canada's number one Freezer Value . . . see it now at McRae Bros. YOUR FAMILY All American Oirls' sIrm-s in "AA" or 'B ' widths now in stock . . . air) PEN YOU remrmbcr our X-rny fit-ing yuurantecs siUlsfac- i "ii mi ii tlon. L E C E D A R V A "I BUY TIRES peott of mind that Fashion Footwear $A99.oo In the eveninu, three separate brnd concerts will be stac--d: on the Court House grounds. 'v the Navy band and Rotary chorus: at Seal Cove, by the Alvansh band, and at Section 2. by the Greenville band. Four Dances Concerts are followed by four 'anres: tnlnt IODE-Nnvy Cor--nation ball at the drill hall; i T,cf! Ion -sponsored ball at ltr "Miditorl'un: a special dance at 'he armories for U.S. Navy per. 'onncl. end a leen-atre dnnrr nd skating contest at the Civk Centre. A budcet of $1,500 has beer 'dopted hv the committee. Pro-"f the dances will aid in defraying expenses. The cltv will mnk up nnv deficit. s wel' -s nre'ent i blir red ensign to "ach rltv school and a souvenlor 'lae end badee to every child. 53 Miles East of TERRACE, B.C. 15 It driving en tires that Cubic Feet at only h power te stop in time. 2NERAL ith 500 Pound Capacity ENT SAFETY hctl Traction Other models at $399.00 - $499.00 - $689.00 2. SAFER STOPPING ISAFfR of . . ,"Twiiiv.iiwn . TRACTON Special arrangements to view 'he nanrie ind provide refresh-nents for those over 70 ore be-'nir made bv the Women's Co-ordinatinB Council. d tfoirt gairiry O VOCAL O POPULAR j mageneralI iVarjriRE j O WESTERN O CLASSICAL INSTRUMENTAL Following pre those in chartc nf arrariBlnR the large procram: Major W. C. Poulton. secretary: W. R. Lonu, co-ordlnator and treasurer: Don Forward, float prizes; Bill Fitzcerald and F. J. Dafoe, floats: T., A. Johnstone, urnde: Roy Evans, parade marshal: Inspector Taylor, RCMP. raffle end police; Alex Hilt, 'nurt Hnucp cercmonv; Peter Irn, bnds: .Toe Scott, school isrMninatlon:' W. F. Stone, Coronation balls and entertainment: Art Murray, snorts: W. B. 'Bailey, native participation: Orme Stuart, city decoration: C. P. Balagno, Rotary Chorus; Aid. Bill Bremner, city gifts. fNUTSON'S T1RE SALES AND SERVICE ft-HOl U SKKVICE The largest, finest selection of Standard, Long-playing, and, 45-r.p.m. K N AT llUKS "wrwui.iw... FORT records in the North of all types of music, will be found at MacRae Bros. Whatever your tastes may be . . . you will find it completely satisfied when you .come into McRae's Recor d Bar. Four sound-proofed record booths are provided for your-convenience. IN THE BRIGHT RED PACKAGE I CARRY s insist on.. PtMABf.1 j .V BROS. i FINEST BRAND OF COFFEE YOU CAN BUY "THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" .foremost In frozen f X)6s Third Ave. Phone Number 6