-1-1- Prince Rupert Daily News eWs Friday, May 15, A' ,4 T World Government Urged To Establish Lasting Peace p 0 Gift Problem Answered By v Chief's Abbey Seat Confirm VANCOUVER 0, Chief WU-, Chief liiei hf'rv.ir'.. .. liain Scow, official representative by the Travel Bureau of British Columbia Indians to the Coronation, has received confirmation of his seat in ing tw0.Ju.TlnM PnrnnnMrin hnunrl CanRiiiftns He leaveT; " Styled In The 1953 Manner Ladies' Blouses Wallace's Blouse Depurtment is showing this year's smartest blouse styles for all sizes. Wallace's stock also includes all prioe ranges. WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE now are busy with the problem ' Westminster Abbey of what to take over as gifts for juver Mi. TODAY end SATURDAY WINNIPEG (CP) A countrywide Canadian organization is moving toward what it feels is the only solution to establishing world peace. A quietly-confident professor from the University of Mani. !oba. backed by a number of leading Canadians, is leading j he World Federalists of Canada is an effort to build public feel-in'; for a democratic world government. Prof. B. G. Whitmore of Winnipeg, chairman of the national executive committee, says if world rule is settled by another war, there may be nothing left to rule. An elected governing body is the only alternative. resides Mr. Whitmore, the executive committee is made up of vice-chairman H. A. Miller, a Toronto music store proprietor: Mrs. G. J. McFwan. an Ottawa housewife, and Clement Roles, engineer and lecturer at 'i" tmi "er.Utv of Alberta. Sponsors of the movement aro Senator L M. Gouin of Mont--enl. Dr. N. A. M. MaoKenzie f.f Vancouver, president of the University of British Columbii: Senator ,T. T. H?i? of Winnipeg. Mr. Justice Ralph Maybank of Vinnipeg and Alistair Stewart, "CF member of Parliament for Vi"nipeg North Thr.r-h publicized meetings, roadn;!Ss and pamphlets, the r j , p. s si ', .- relatives and friends. Most travellers waver between the praetical and the "less so," according to advices reaching the United Kingdom trade commission office in Toronto, which include reports from the British Travel Association. Authorities say that butter, meat and sugar are high on the list of "mast welcome gifts." However, a young British girl who has been in this country for two months says food would not be at the top of her gift list. Her V- Mm X. tl r" ,fc I mm mf I MICKEY ROONEY llllllIIIIBIIIllIIIIIBIVlXliailllll. ! MMniUH IviHAfftLLVJ (is - j,V M "i , , U TOTEM ' " W .Matinee Sat. - , I Kniihhiw 'liiMr Thiitrf older women friends would receive nylons, yuungei' women would get cotton dresses of unu-i fL' dm H. l (P.-Bhs-gmV Nu. 'M2 TAKE l'IJA3L'RE IN ANNOUNCING THEIR COiUMAlWIS BALL TODAY TO SATURDAY l,Ull sTINsoN has been elected CCF leader in Manitoba., succeeding William (dcottyi Bryce. member of Parliament for Selkirk. He was chosen at a meeting to draw up a CCF platform for the June 8 Manitoba election. During the last session of the I egislature. Mr. Stinson was CCF house leader. Ike Agreeable To Conference WASHINGTON r President Eisenhower said today he has no objection to a conference of top leaders of the major powers, but that he would first like to see some evidence of good faith from 'i' Poviet Union. sua! design, or novelty jewelry. Canadian or United States sport shorts would be given to her ii'r-folk. t "Men in the old country, particularly the younger ones, are turning more to American styles," -m. IM '-lk CORNEL WILDE CONSTANCE SMITH "rmiu is ureing formation of a union of Atlantic nations, which he professor terms "practical vilifies for now." It pl'o It working towards the -form' of th United Nations harter. The WFU would like to ee some proposals adopted to l!ow the UN to act more in-lependently. It wants wider r- ' forms brought up and debated. These would be designed to give the UN control of its own army so that an effective joint gov-1 erning body could be set up. To be be ''J ct ThQ Elks Hcnid Monday, June First Tickets available from Elks members IV v . " -Til J 2 V tit she says. Airline tickets stipulate a' maximum Of 65 pounds of bug-j ga.rc, after which excess weight ! charges are applied. 1 l'l..ni-. n.py tufcf. int0 Jr,e United Kingdom a total of 50 pound? of food, made up of not more than 10 pounds of any one commodity. This means, for ex-j :imple, lo p(unds of meat, which : mis be cooked meal. Candy is no longer rationed in ! r.ritain but chocolates are still . i 4'.-, welcome. ,( Tfiafi -fhe marf erf buy I ever made'7 TECHNICOLOR Plus far I (in 11 - News : rr.-'.-.xmsa m 'Itrcalh f UiKaslrr' Evenings 7 - 9;08 CA P 1 TO Yellowhead Route Favored For Highway Saturday Mat. 2 - 4::25 a a Mors pi Avntsnin rnoT ixwss Uu. iti.t-um ike GREER & BRIDDEM LTD. OTTAWA (CD Fred M icDon-lld 1 L Edmonton iia.sti sild in Commons the Trans.Canada lighway link through the Rockies should be over the Yellow-head Pass. ' The more-southerly Kicking forse Pass has been chosen by .lie Alberta and British Columbia governments, but Mr. Mac-Donald said the Yellowhead route would be 111012 favorable from the standpoint of terrain nd weather. Sec us to discuss that new construction PRIZED POSSESSION! Villi! IP W fj fry- ik -,'. V J Oldtime CNR Employee Retires VANCOUVER-One of the larg . DE LUXE If MP ins lliig 4 .Whatever your trucking job calls for, you'll find the right truck to do it, efficiently and economically, in the greatest line-up of Ford Trucks ever built ! Ford Economy Trucks are all-new from the tires up . . . Driverized .all through to make them more comfortable, more efficient, easier to drive, smoother to handle than any. other trucks on the road! New Driverized cabs are planned with the driver's comfort in mind, because a relaxed driver is a good driver ! See your Ford dealer today for Canada'! biggest and best truck value ! j est gatherings of CNR employees :vcr to witness a retirement pre-j sentation, yesterday honored j Thomas iTommyi St. Lawrence, 1 :hief clerk to B.C. manager! lames J. Behan and general superintendent R. H. Robertson. Retiring on pension after 43 , years on the railway, of which 23 years were spent In Vancouver, Mr. St. Lawrence received a I pirso of money from Vancouver! i it -. ( ' t J 4 1" 3 . .r -r vy .;" 5... . V 1 .- . I 9 t: IN ITS New- DECANTER mm wmm ism l If J r jr a v: , j employees. Lorn in Wllmslow, Cheshire, Kngland. Mr. St. Lawrence started railroading in Winnipeg In 1010. y Wm uWWmi SWB i! i I B7i "': a0ui. Extra Gang' Worker Dies A 57-yeur-nld "extra gang" worker on the Canadian Wa- "'we. Now! This fine ohl In k y totms n ytt in a Ix'iiiitifiil tlccaiHtr , . , I Honal Railways was found dead h,l,.' ,'r. 1 "tm. at 1111 iidilinonul toil! $!lhmmy-i Xrtfl LTJ r-smcoNviNTimAL Lfe ciSf n near the tracks at Salvus, RCMP said here. A coroner's Inquest In Terrace concluded that John Turklch had died of a ruptured heart. This advertisement is not published or displayed to GREATEST FORD TRUCK LKE OF ALL TIME! . r iiriusn t.u.- loniroi noaru or oy ne uovrnmir SPECIAL F-7M CB FOBWAUD Tiurk Mil, Gv -ll.SOO Ibv Mj. r, c w - 3H.CHKJ Ibi, CLEARANCE F-6W1 :,CHO(H BUS M KV.W.-ih.OUO 161. 8 5tRHS-6.V.W.' 4,000 TO 27,000 LBS. G.C.W.'. UP TO 55,000 LBS. 17 WHUlBAStS! 4 GREAT V-8 ENGINES! OVtR 100 MODELS) NEW EXPRESSES! NEW PICKUPS! MW PARCEL DELIVERY! NEW CAB FORWARDS! NEW "BIG JOBS "! f-WO "BIO JOB" Truck Mi G V lr. J.000 lbs. lrwlor-lrslM Ma. r, C W -ib.HUO bl BLOUSES i k COOO DtrvtHS MTVt SAFE TWCKS .V MAY IJ SAFT MONTH Carry more and carry if farther ...for every f rucking dollar SEE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER ONE FOR YOU AT LIMIT DOM'S DEPT. STORE '. -t ; i. .j. '' . . "' rr, :.. i;