PiiiKc Kupert Dully As I See It CLOTHES andSHot AT THf I ftWtCT Dft,., . VW Friday, November 13, 1553 " f rv'BLtPR!CEj Jl Independent daily neirspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert mnd Northern and Central British Colurnola. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Assnciaticn. rublLshfd by The Prince Rupert Dailv News Limited. J. MAGOR, President H. G. PfcHrlY. Vice-Prt-sident - THE LETTER BOX - CANADIAN CMON ESSENTIAL bv the membership, hive con- pension by President BengouRh The Editor. :i-:en:ly p;ovtn correct, and ul the TLC rwHw nies- The Daily News ihuukl Mrs. Warren or anyone sages of support from many in- The letter headed "The Real tie wish to debate any of these j dividual unions and win receive Issue" published in the News of mutters in public the union will many more. It Ls respected an 1 Nov 9 over the signature of tiw. t i-Jly provide a hall. Any policy tdmlred from coasi to coast, a Ken J. Warren requiies eo..t- i ti ' ocuteU by the L'FAWU his 'fact well known to President comment mainly because it did one object, and only one object ! Eengough. although, since it is njt present the real issue fac- in view. That is, will it advan-e i u good union it ls very much ing fishermen and shoreworkers the interests of fishing industry ' hated in some quarters, in the fishing industry. Rather, workers and at the same time -po Mrs. Warren and to any like all appeals to prejudice. H.: ovanre the interests of the others who tire in a position to Men s Windbreaken All wool, double front and hak patterns, Reg. $14.00 Now, each Men's and Youna more Subscription Rates: .y carrier Per week, 26c: p-r month. 1 00; p-?r year. flCOO. nii. t-sEL For dress, seml-dreJ ' ro,ti y mail Per month, 75c; p-r year, S8 W. "Vtii'-' .uthorteed as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. allored. f"" 4 Priced from t4.Z5 . $1(1 I-ady senators t very carefully avoided lactn ! Men s Dresj and W. l . ( ' n .ciian people? Huch poll i? i : participate in the work of the and the effort expended. to see ! UFAWU I would extend a cor-tlt.'y aie irui-lenunud lepies. n; dtal invitation to du so. This can 1 VT .' Big selection, all good quaiit, s!. ' s,iuem;nts presented ia- L rurnvDnnv VLIvi BOUl t I t. have stead a slanderous attack on th 1 L'uled Fishermen and Allied mot in m,T travolo cme )riiro;tk patrioti-m. a fact which 1 hW" " , J .Workers Union, its officer iinti could well be remembered bv 1 . . . . . , a . . ... -'i glad at the appointment its membership. to the Senate of T'inpv al lssue lacing fi-'i lllg industry workers is tli -cme of our most vocal and tub-lliumping poliikians and otheis who dish up the froth of jatiiotiMii wnliout any of the : ubst.ince. be done either through becoming a' regular member or by joining tiie Women's Auxiliary Find out for yourself what kind of an organization it is, and f you do find something you don't like then go to work in a proper trade union way to bring a correction. See for yourvlf hor ITl .i MtN a WUKK SHIRTS Good selection, well tailored, lots of wear R, Real Saving Price -nT'''"rs" MEN SWEATERS V.DUU$3 Pullovers and buttons, all wool and aa mixtures. Real Values VU.UU Xfi Hodges. " ; oreaa ana Duller question i Nancy is one of the ablest I fist prices- 's " ' kM. imblic people we Lave in Can-I condltlons- Tnere ls no n,"ed lJ uda. and is respected by people : tmment on lhe btlu!iL i of all political attachments and , nvp been "ved by fishermen. A Canadian union with ikiideti by Canadians is .MEN'S SHOES i - i nUal in the fishing Indus- Teal union democracy, Canadian try. something which Prince style, functions. shoreworkers, their wives an. I rone. ALEX GORDON, Business Agent. UFAWU . . families from the work of V..' L'FAWU. This is a fact which Is well known These benefits have been the direct result of the unity established for the fiist time among fish workers by the Senator Nancy will be a very useful addition to the Senate, which already includes several other outstanding women, both Liberal and Conservative. ' For dress and work, strongly built, good fit. ill bargains. Work Shoes io . Dress Shoes CC ffft and p BLANKETS W(X)1 mixtures, nylon reinforced, large size, HB f brand. Ri-r. to $1200, Now, PAIR . 5' BOYS' SWEATERS Big selection, pullovers and zipper fronts. union. Attempts to disrupt the THLRE is one other public'1 ufawu however Ineffectual, Kupcit fishermen realized many i V.u.s apo when they broke away j from the Deep Sea Fishermen's , Union of Seattle, an organ!?!- I tion which, if I remember cor- 1 lectly. was a part of the Sailors' Union of the Pucific, which in turn was an immediate predecessor of the SIU. The Pacific Fishermen and Allied Trades Union is the name on a charter granted by the Seafarers International Union to the Fraser River Gillnetters' Association. Contrary to Mrs. Warren's letter, the PFATU is therefore a i will result only in a weakenin; of the efforts to maintain an I wumau uiai l WUU1U UKe lO fee in the Senate and I think tens, of thousands of other Can- Lots of wear. Regular $3 25. NOW V MaePhail, Canada s first worn- , ,,, ... .. BOYS' PANTS d,h.iii)(h win au.1i auiue ine lr.- For school and dress. Well tailored, sa mm U) Real good value Ptld 5iJ son of unity has been learned the hard way in the indu.;.i and will never be forgotten by the overwhelming majority. Sound Leadership Needed THER is no cause to mourn the early death of the police referendum. This was a pettifojrjrin!; question which could have stirred up enough froth to obscure the fact that the real issue in the ap-. preaching civic elections is not the competency of the police but that of the city council itself. There is evidence of extreme dissatisfaction with the manner in which our affairs are beinsr handled; While there is a good deal of conscientious effort to stick to the business at hand, juvenile bickerings on the council have become so common that it would almost appear they are part of the . agenda. Moreover, they have reduced public respect , for the council to such a level that good candidates for election may be difficult to find. It would be decidedly unfortunate if such proved to be the case. Sound civic leadership for Prince Rupert is perhaps more imperative now than ' ever before. Among other things, there are pro- ; nounced cleavage lines running through the electorate which have split if into opposing factions. This is possibly 'tJe'iiost serious development of all. When a city as small as this is engaged in fighting 'an internal sociological warfare, its hopes' ! of progress are virtually nullified. There are certain ! to be factions in any community, but there is no i reason why they should square off at each other in blind hostility. A council offering fair representation to all interests is part of the answer. The rest of it lies .; vvith the members themselves. Men and women of ?ool temper and common sense can, no matter how : divergent their beliefs, achieve positive results ; where quarrelers always fail. .Scripture f-ctSAage for Jotlay 3 t'StiaU not God avenge Ms own elect?" St Luke 18.7. i n MP, who sat for 19 years as farmer member for Grey South. It is perhaps a very difficult, and perhaps politically impossible, thing for any leader of r political party to abandon the time-honored nrartir rf or- uanauian section of the SIU. a BOYS' BLUE JEANS Elastic waist. Sizes 2 to 7. Reg $2 00. ft Now, Pair (l KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check-up and tune-up . . . and we'll winterize your car too. You'll be pleased with our service. No defence v necessary of the onion noted throughout the policies followed by ihu uniu.i : Canadian movement for its over the years whether in th- strike-breaking and scab-herd- BOYS' WINDBREAKERS Zlpiier front, all wool. Less than factory price pointins only faithful party ' field of negotiations, of sought me-mbersTo-the Seliate'Trf!ir'fter legslature, of conserva was rertarrrly not the-rnterrtlon f tion- or ln tne field of of tlie Fathers of Confederation ! naUonal relations such as fish ! ing activities. Within the United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union dem-I ocracy exists to an extent found in no other. Cannriinn tiwlu BOYS' LACED RUBBER BOOTS Good quality. Regular $3.50. Now, Pair wno designed the Senate on the ' " coumn 11 and foreign trade. These i,.,. union, all the critics to the con-cies, discussed and decided upo.i miry The UFAWU since its sus- theory that it v,as always to contain all the best and most mature political brains in the country- But if the present piime minister ever decides to Liave the disappointment of the porty faithful in Ontario, he could make the most DODulnr k jj Superior Auto Service Limited Limited LOOK FOR THE NAME REFLECTS and REMINISCES itilwffnheoyafanoHoU'h : ppointment ever made to the i Wives suffer from just as many valued experience and I pper Chamber Senator Agnes. ulcers as husbanas do. The .same : many a worth while teach lesson. Leave a gun absolutely alone, or ones. fosl. REGARDLESS of whether or understand it. ' not any government of Can- IN THE MAKING pda ever flouts the ancient Should there be a strike, ;.f-:MrBAI.S AND MEDALS nr-rtPal?.d ,appo,nts A- 1 fecting thousands, and which has! Ottawa Ls said to have hund-mon decenrv nrt C ! treated for weeks, a diUer-jreds of .thousand of military Z hV . , ' wm !ent leeling wUl settle over this medals. Any number of men feel WvPhniT iihi. tZ r distriet- 11 would be the differ-: tadllferent, but it's nevertheless S lor ,u the pension MPs(ence tween prosperity and the a fact that p.enty have had, or -';.-. Anro . . . Ilack of it. And that's consider-: do now possess one, and cer- OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY IS NOW IN EFFECT te's. teacher eher wr.. ZLZ .k. JL V V aole- But Dul yesterday yn;iuay :-ame came 11 an an-ttainly prize the decoration. 1 . "..(1 OIIC KM 1113L nnnn,.n . n . . OTT AW A HIADV :351Jf " ''Xl'X'J ? J 1 I r v 1 Y 1 1 I I r IV 1 .,.,. , " " " seiuement is in the masir 1,1 I UlTMX I f?rf-'t. farmer In sweep.. the , it . has . tv, the rin ring of t ..., authority. i By Norman M. A.acLeoc George uiew Drew is is being ocing Crew i;rew himself, mrnseir, the the Con.servati Conservative Many pulp and paper limits contain today more wood than they did 20. 30, or 40 years ago. How Christian Science Heals "Overcoming Disillusionment" KTKN (MO kc Saturday. 10 Is am. Unt. . ;vvr;'iK - ; if,- ' ,1 l.s jut UK . i ;.: ,, f , 1 -'jV .. S !.- f ! - v...,-W,..1 ; : i j.. t ';J.-'"'' ". i' " -1 ... " -J- ! , y ' ... if'ii ., ; , "5-- .' 1., 'i-t av .,; . .... , : i.- . . ryi ' f . i . 5'i ' ,P4'. . , . . ,, , f - . ,... '.-. ' . ... i jt Around Suoouiy lhe other day; a pedestrian apologized, aJter being knocked down by a motor-; 1st. Just another freak of natureJ uerciy arguments of that day, Aggie, the fighting schoolmarm,' declared on the hustings that J2500 per year was plenty for an iv;p. At that time the pay of MPs was S4000 per session For the lifetime of three Parliaments Agnes turned back $1300 per session to the treasury of Canada. That is, she volun- credited with having made a party's only surviving privy : slmw choice in selecting Hon co,m :iUor in Hou.e. lie at-' Earl Howe for the No. 2 ConseN is privy rouncillor.shi.1 , vativp nnt t t, wn"n he was named to the, leader !;,r'I;'"' cabinft in 1&35 as mir'J ..',,. ' i:;ter without portfolio. 1 nTr I -:!!-' ad . , Next best thing to an open mind Ls one closed for repairs Stratford Beacon-Herald. Floor Lamp Complete, from $7 Table Lamp Complete, from $8 Dresser Lamp complete, from $3 Hassocks ' ! 0m $3 Chesterfield Suijes $189.50 to $445 Carpets Many sizes and dualities. Stock size or made to your measure for Christmas delivery. BROADLOOM AXMINSTER WILTON year were ianiy nveo on $2500 per while all the other MPs drawing the full $4000 House of Commons veteran in length of service. (He first was elected away back in 1925 ) He is also, apart from Hon. Mr ence in House leadership. He Mined it in the Ontario Legls- I lature when he Uetoured into: proviiKjal politics for a lew J years after 1636 in an effort to; I roeem OntHrin frrim .Vip hnd Truman Pay 5 , of the colorful Mitchell F. Hep- ! Thirty-two Royal Canadian Mounted Polkre, with their sitrk and nimble hor.es will spend a while in New York soon entertaining in what Is a novel program. They are skilled in a masic ride, which reveals talent and thorough training. Elmore Philpott, on his ny to Ottawa, addressed a puolic meeting in Regina on the problem of unexportable -wheat, and the effect of the economy on the west. Elmore manages to keep him; Hi By 1U30 Miss MaePhail had Ions since learned, the hard way, that $4000 per year was none too much, even for MPs barely to get by on. She candidly told her constituents that if they re-elected her she would draw and retain the full $4000. T.'u-y did re-elect her for 10 more years. lint in 1940 Miss MaePhail met defeat, partly because her constituency was merged with the No Attention ourn Howe didn t succeed in j that mission, but it is generally itco;nized that the odds were! loa'led heavily against him. And it i.s conceded that he laid the ! foundations of provincial Con- i scrvauve party revival imon i To Subpoena A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LI Select and Moil Your Overseas Christmas Cards EARLY! ; Dibb Printing Co. 1 1. liif-V, T.r,,, r.w..,.. ........ I....... i i.w-. w nun, Vitui LJITTW lilLtri Enroute to the one une next next door, aoor, partly partly because, because, maKes,a,it.k: t. President Thfmar said tofiay ,hej J 4 reasonably reasonaoiy busy. Du-sy. tn. lfW.W--'Wfe4tJiiIIouse opening, he ne m bi iglitese yoking Libe'i lsr ndW irwhen he's only half half mi1 publift lrf.i Walter :laeris, ! ' ' way ther. ' ",A Good Place to LViy.. .'. vJctf Over a 'As a it-placement fnlii: hi-w j po.st for the late Gordon Gray- ! don, Howe will be in noteworthy! Phone 327 Third Avenue I THOUGHT that 'parliament Youngsters Dack imitation re will not heed a subpoena to appear Friday before the Mouse of Representatives Un-American Activities Committee. In a letter to committee ' chairman Harold Velde iRep. Ill ), which Truman read to a press conference today, he said: uii:,r;$ to his predecessor. He i.s almott a completely different typ'.- ol parliamentarian. Whereas Graydon always was conciliatory and suave in hLs technique, volvers, and quite a few have their homes in Prince Rupert.! Sometimes one hears criticism,' but on the whole this juvenile ( gun play Ls harmless. Where is: the real boy who does not crave j fooling with a pistol or rifle. They are far loss dangerous than made a serious oversight when it finally passed the pensions for long service MPs. It surely should have made it retroactive to cover Miss MacPhail's 19 years of fine and faithful service to Canada. They should have given her credit for the cash gifts of $1500 per year which ttowe is apt to be blunt, force- "In spite of my personal will ;U" ana regressive. Graydon im-ness U, cn-o,.r .te u,ith v many an oaiect mat could be she made of her own free will ; mentioned. Knowing how to to the treasury of Canada- shoot fairly early in life can give . SCOTLAND'S FIRST SCOTCH HEATHER lIGHTyi for You? 1 am constrained by my dutle: i I d' "VuVtr V " Il0US to the people of the United ,U0 t , , f ,h'V thal V,ry rr'1" . s elfectiveness States to decline to reply " never quite ow,t . . reached maximum grade. Rowe Shortly before Truman mad,-1 definitely won't be as popula-public his letter here, Velde an- I with the government side of the nounced that Truman's appear- : chamber. But he is likely to fiance before the committee had ! very much more effective been Postponed indefinitely. Tto In the light of his well-known committee had called Truman record, parliamentary circles to hear his answer to charges; anticipate that his increased Rrnu,nThCyTeneral Hubert activity in a key post will add Brownell that Truman appoint- greatly to the interest of Housed Harry Dexter White, treas- j proceedings. They feel also that ury aide now dead, as American ; he will contribute to the Con-cirector of the International LY . . . GOOD SCOTCH WHISKY k friendly v . pirit . . . mellow Mid utinfying drink for all ocr-BMOfift. lu Btiperlative merit in due to the unUju virtues inherent in iu production which with fatuwuo CllCLlVeill'.SS in opposition. And that is sonif Monetary Fund, despite an FBI report that White was a Soviet spy. cannot be imitated, and the scrupulous car taken in it blending and maturing by ' tte great dia tillers of Scotland. So make sure il's Scotch and give it a name . imng, that all well-wishers ol Parliament sincerely desire. Available in 26'i oz. Bottle Now on Display LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN SETS And Accessories f)i YEAR COMPLETE SETS FROM UP g25 95 ' HERITAGE to (TTD WORLD WIDE PRESTIGE LAY AWAY NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE Ketchikan with connections to SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE and all ALASKA Phone 266 Off ice Opp. post Office RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC !JI 818 8rd Ave., Prince Kupert Phone 644 Jhit advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Boo