Friday, Mr,Vet).: 1,1. ' -'iliftk " j .. Kid Gavilan Razor Sharp For Battle With Bratton BASKETBALL f tt - '-; : 6:45 Junior-Sports Shop y, 0fm CHICAGO (APi-Kid Gavilan, New York two yrars ago, will yet, making the 147-lb. limit with- 40 per cent of net gate and TV.j It will be the third meeting of out any strain is a soud 11-5 fav-1 8:45 Girls'- -Froity r , ,on't8 Foods yDn, orite to retain his welterweight, the two. Oavllan became the championship tonight from a third fighter to fracture Bmt-UireiUening and determined ton's jaw In their first scrap, and I oh nny Brat'on ' Bratton also broke his hand in I that maul. Later in 1951 they to be The fight which pi.milses a scorcher, wUl be revised and!"" , ' ? overweight non-title Chicago that was ruled broadcast starting at 7 p.m. PST.t draw. Gavilan claimed he was rht.a ;hi ,.t(-H t. ,m a i. the a victim of a home-town de-Chicago boost TV and Ls exoected to stadium crowd to 11.000: vision. with a net gate of about $130,000. In 114 lights, only Ike Williams Bratton, who at 23 has been and Carmen Basllio have floorel in the ring professionally forj .he U. Brsuton has been down nine years, will receive 20 per ; ' onlv once, conked! by Robert Earl cent of the net and $10,000 from in 1945. He got up and chilled TV cut, in all approximately , Earl In the third round. ; $36,000. If Bratton ever needs a vic- i Gaviian, nuking hi seventh ; tory It Is now. He kn"w he ha." defence of his crown since tak-i everything to gain, and a. loss 'ing a 15-round decision from j would slide him back into the Bratton, then the National Box-I category of Just another weltering Association titleholder, in ; weight on the peanut circuit. :f . i -.JtLX'c ' He, "tip SCATBACK ROLI.IE MILES of Edmonton Eskimos Is stopped after catching a forward pass in the first game of the Western Interprovincial Football Union finals against Winnipeg at Edmonton. Winnipeg quarterback Jack Jacobs made the tackle. Miles scored lv.o touchdowns In Edmonton's 25-7 viiiory. Winnipeg guard Buck Rogers 56 and end Ron Vaccher i left background I rush over to the play Eskimo end Frank Anderson 70 1 looks on. Finalists for Grey Cup Unguessable WATER truth about tells tKe whisky As Seven Teams Remain in Running It's just two weeks to the Grey fending champions, are out of Cup final, seven clubs are In the I the running for a playoff berth running and. with the exception ' and the best they can do in their of the two Ontario Rugby Foot- j fihal season appearance is snarl ball Union teams, there's hardly up the final standing, a soul who would guess as to the Argonauts meet the Als and a probable finalists at Toronto j victory for Toronto would send Varsity statiium November 28. . the Montreal team into second Put Seagram's "83" to the wiieritft Vi'ater, plain or .sparkling, reveals a whisky's true, naiural flavour and bou(uCt. Seagram's "83 Girls, Inter-B Cage Loop See Action Tonight Junior, Inter-B and Girls' cage battles are scheduled tonight at the Civic Centre as the Prince Rupert basketball season nears the end of its first week. At 6:45 Sports Shop takes on Ormes in the boys' junior division and an hour later the second round of Inter-B play sees Sunrise Grocery tangle with Nelson Bros. Last Saturday Manson s took the Inter-B opener by downing General Motors. At 8:45 Frosty's Food Lockers meet Dom's Department Store quintette in the first game of the Girls' league. The league schedules, including Senior B, up until Just before Christmas, are as follows: SENIOR B Tuesday 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 p.m. Nov. 149:00 p.m. CCC vs Manson s 179:00 p.m. Gordon & Anderson vs Manson's 219:00 p.m. CCC vs Gordon & Anderson's 249:00 p.m. Manson's vs CCC. 289:00 p.m. Manson's vs Gordon & Anderson's Dee. 19:00 p.m. Gordon & Anderson vs CCC 59:00 p.m. CCC vs Manson's ' 89:00 p.m. Gordon & Anderson vs Manson's 129:00 p.m. CCC vs Gordon & Anderson 159:00 p.m. Manson's vs CCC 199:00 p.m. Manson's vs Gordon & Anderson INTERMEDIATE A Tuesday T,J5 p.m. Saturday 7:45 p.m. Nov. 147:15 p.m.-North Star vs Watts & Nickerson 17 7:45 p.m. Watts & Nickerson vs Fraser & Payne 217:45 p.m. North Star vs Fraser & Payne 247:45 p.m. Watts & Nickerson vs North Star 28-7:45 p.m. Fraser & Payne vs Watts & Nickerson Dec. 17:45 p.m.- Fraser & Payne vs North Star , 57:45 p.m.- -North Star vs Watts & Nickerson 8 7;45 p.m Watts & Nickerson vs Fraser & Payne 127:45 p.m. North Star vs Fraser & Payne 157:45 p.m. Watts & Nickerson vs North Star 19 7:45 p.m. Fraser & Payne vs Watts & Nickerson INTERMEDIATE B Tuesday 6:45 p.m. Friday 7:45 p.m. Nov. 176:45 p.m. General Motors vs Sunrise 28 7:45 p.m.-Nelson Bros, vs Manson's ' 246:45 p.m. Manson's vs Sunrise 277:45 p.m. General Motors vs Nelson Bros. Dec. 1 C:45 p.m. General Motors vs Manson's 4 7:45 p.m. Nelson Bros, vs Sunrise 8 6:45 p.m. Sunrise vs General Motors 11 7:45 p.m. Manson's vs Nelson Bros. 156:45 p.m. Sunrise vs Manson's 18 7:45 p.m. Nelson Brxis. vs General Motors JINIOR Friday 6:43 p.m. Saturday 6:45 p.m. Nov. 146:45 p.m. Bulger's vs Sea Cadets 20 6:45 p m. Annunciation vs N.B.C." Power 21 0:45 p.m. Sport Shop vs Bulger's 27 6:45 p.m. Ormes vs Annunciation 28 6:45 p.m. Sea Cadets vs N B C. Power Dec. 4 6:45 p.m. Sport Shop vs Annunciation 5 6:45 p.m. N B C. Power vs Bulger's 11 6:45 p.m. Sea Cadets vs Ormes 12 6:45 pm. Sport Shop vs N.B.C. Power 18 6:45 pm. Annunciation vs Sea Cadets 19 6 .45 p.m. Ormes vs Bulger's GIRLS Friday ,8:45 p.m. Nov. 20 8:45 p.m. Dom's vs Rainbirds 27 8.45 p.m. Rainbirds vs Frosty Food Lockers Dec. 4 8:45 p.m. Dom's vs Frosty Food Lockers 11 8:45 p.m. Rainbirds vs Dom's 18 8:45 p.m. Frosty Food Lockers vs Rainbirds. IN VANCOUVER DRIVE AN AUSTIN U-DRIVE Lowest Rotes By Day, Week or Month Phone, Write or Wire BROADWAY U-DRIVE LIMITED (janaduui H'mL This week-end the list of probables will be cut to five and possibly four. ORFU finalists, Toronto Balmy Beach and Kitchener place and a semi-final playoff with the loser of trie Ottawa-Hamilton game. A triumph for Montreal would send Als into the final best-of- Waterloo Dutchmen settle their ' 0 Seagram's, Shi I total-point series at Toronto 'hree series against the winner of the repugn ruuer-ngor iais j Sunday. The winner gets a trip set-to. BAview 1616 Broadway at Oak This advertisement is not published or displayed byftt Control Board or by the Government of 8iitiiii CcwJ Daily New. Wan; Ails Get Results (west to meet. the-Western Inter- provincial Football Union champions. I If either of these clubs defeated i the western titleholders, it j would be the upset of the cen- tury. The ORFU, long a power in j Canadian football, has been re-! duced to a farm club status in recent years and is now looked upon as a breeding ground for ! eastern Big Four clubs. The WIFU championship is .down for decision at Edmonton j Saturday night. The split-T Ed- I inn 1 11 mm- IW- i nlniim. - i ' a .3-f . ... j-mrtii -i fn-n i m.i .... mi Ml -fl't. . if SELF-DEFKRTE 2- AUTOMATIC if- RE-SET MANUAL monton Eskimos won the first ! !of the best of three games series! ; and Winnipeg Blue Bombers with i ' tackle Dick Huffman, a tremen- i i dous defensive power, evened It ! , Wednesday. J In the East, the Big Four , games at Toronto and Hamilton j i have captured the imagination ' of the fans. These close out the schedule and a three team first ' place tie is possible, but not j likely. j Montreal Alouettes, Hamilton i Tiger-Cats and Ottawa Rou;;h Riders are deadlocked at the top ! of the standing with 14 points1 Ml f Wr1 0 DEFROSTING !s not the most important thing to look for when you buy a refrigerator not by i each. Toronto Argonauts, de llllMW-i'iiiui'ii wi jiimiimy ir-i' W'u'..!"l " ' ' V i; v jiiiinn- -1 ., '4. "''Wf w Pitching, Catching School Slated any means! But the way Frigidoire meets oil your defrosting requirements shows what you can expect in full value at your Frigidaire dealer's. You can buy your new refrigerator at your Frigidaire dealer's knowing that you not only get such tried and proven dependability ' advantages as Frigidaire's famous Meter-Miser mechanicm. You get all the other benefits of General Motors leadership, which mean the latest, most complete selection in beautiful cabinet design and every practical, useful convenience feature. Visit your Frigidaire dealer's and see for yourself I TO IN5TAL STORM WINDOWS The fall rains are here and winter is not far behind. Call us today to lnstal storm windows in YOUR house. ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AM) SASH MADE TO ORDFR GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Plans to hold a pitching and catching school at the Civic j Centre every second Tuesday ; night were completed last night j by an executive meeting of th'.' ; Prince Rupert Little League 51 'Vi '. .' r -. , -v-- r.- ..i ,;i: ;4C ' 1 .";;: . - . '' r ?, , '-.j , i, ' ';-'v,;'f - t .-? 215 First Avenue West Phone 909 in i mi mi in t ii i i in ii . i i . t i n i ONLY Frigidaire has Cycla-matic ' Self-Defrosting! baseball association. The first session will be held this comin;; Tuesday. The move, to ensure good batteries for next year's official Little League baseball loop in Prinze Rupert, will see last ear'ooafhes choose, the boy they feef will make good, battery material. ' -. . . , - ' " ' ii t iiiinirr- ijjil "Wftfle the" executive 'planned ! , T ' t if o make every effort to ensure sn official Little League here in 1054, it was also decided that a Pony League should be formed to take care of the boys 13-16 years old. In this way the continuance of ball playing in the city will be guaranteed- It was pointed out by league president Art Williamson Unit while Little League officials could not be expected to run both leagues, the junior bodv . No'eontrtJi to set. No jars or , . fc ' . '(,'.-" t . I i,, 1 j ''- pant to empty. Defrost water ie "'I'lpT,,., '"ti;r- .:9tj.-4 -4 - ' ' ' , 4 i "TT0''0'!' f. 1 -m rid of frost befor H tn-ft- ! ",' Ft . , . ' .1 . . lects-without heaters, timer,. 1 l buttons. Has a separate food f sSSSJ T" tgrnfi I freeier where fro. en foods " f ' : never thaw ... rust-proof alumi J i : f ? 1 num shelves that roll out all the . I v way. Cycla-matic Model DS-106 " --TZ " -fc - shown has 10. A eu. ft. food & ' j i v , pace. klso cu. ft. siie. V J 1 . ' I ' X " " , e-w - Wr I - V m l: IrBPli If NAVY RUM ii 1 1 I A rum o unsurpassed quality Dark, but light bodied Delicate Aroma. Blended from a select choice of famous old rums. Ask for it today ! would make every effort to help form an executive group and gain sponsors for a Pony League. Plans were also made for a dinner where medals for last year's unofficial Little League play will be presented. An attempt will also be made to bring Little League films to be shown at open meetings in January, February and March. Officials stressed that for Little League baseball to be asuc-cess in Prince Rupert it was necessary for the association to have not only more members but active members. ' H DEMERARA Great family 1 1 Hml Conventional Automatic Defrosting Rcfrigcrutor defroiti evsry 24 houn, defrost water voporatet, automatically! Never needs attention. You get it in the outstanding, medium priced Frigi. dairo 9 cu. ft. Master Model MS 90 (shown here) oith full-width Freeier Chest, Roll to-You Shelf. Appliames nowimi jEsaJMwaaeauaA I I l! t-r"v -r'l III' '- J famous trade-marl 'hied This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government' of British Columbia. Refrigerator! . Electric Ranges rood Freeiers Automatic Wankers Automatic Re-Set Defrosting Lett you defroit lightning-fast any tim you like! Juit touch tf button. Mechanism starts otjain automatkolly whan defrosting it complete on this Frigidair 8.6 Matter Model M5-66, with full widih Freeier Chest, big H yd rotor. Electric Clothes Dryers Manual Defrosting The defrosting you urt yourself. While defrost Ing, refrigerator stays cold to protect food, yet lets excess frost melt away. It's in three Standard Models; 8.8 cm. ft. SS 88 shown. Electric Wofer Heoten Deriumidifiers Room Air Conditioner! Dei'io-Heal GEORGE COOK ... JEWELLER 4th ANNIVERSARY SALE NOW ON jr 1 " mi' nimm. iiiwiiwjjjjmijjujjn wmmitm fnnnrr-rf iimnim i m txr.snmjtt ftp ra Mffit trnri c EDY'S I ViOFF 509b OFF ) China Costume Jewellery - Vt OFF Wakhes JOHNSTONE & MICHIEL ' Terrace, B.C. GORDON & ANDERSON Prince Rupert B.C. Smithers, - - . .v ;. .. , r. ''---""v 4, - --. i.. ,tj 'ttfI