11 t mice Kupfil Uuily New peers Council 21 JlvaiUl. DiL November 13, 1953 mi W Chief f m 'Steam "The "East Africa College;" Engine;" "High Mark;' Coasters." MOW s Lodge i ii j ""' rf 1 mi - r -. I w 4 o o Special Sv L Prince Rupert lodge Shoe, at that group' tv ice 5 Meredith On Ford Hour Film and stage actor Burgess Meredith will be starred In "Married Bachelor" on Ford Theatre at 8:30 tonight on CFPR. A top star on Broadway before moving to Hollywood, Meredith will be heard In one of his rare comedy roles as a young and happily married man who is forced through circumstances to pose as a bachelor as well as the author of a best selling book on marriage lotion of officers. Twenty-one films are now available for clubs, associations and individuals at the Prince Rupert film council, it was repotted today. Listed by the council are "Eye Witness No. 19;" "Sing with the Commodores;" "Birds of Canada No. 3;" "Family Tree;" "Behind the Menu;" "Penitentiary;" "Wonders of the Deep:" "Building for Tomorrow;" "New Faces Come Back;" "Peoples of the Skeena;" "Small Fry;" "Training You to Train Your Dog;" "Craftsmen at Work;" "Choral Concert;" "Kiko the Kangaroo;" FOR THE FIRST TIME f riceis named were: Al tit . ' 'r 4 ' v . . ' J', " I 't 'J t : . ' , . 'i ; - a ff' ",".. . ' .... st.A ...f . : ! f Ti tuding KlllBiii, niuiui loyal knlgnt; trie Evangelists Rev. and Mrs. C. R Cobb will aain hold two specia: services this Sunday at the Pentecostal Tabernacle, 202 Wes' Sixth at 11:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m These well-known preachers wil also hold meetings at the churcr throughout next week Tuesdaj through Friday, at 8 p.m. ,ii n iiiire: fin Murray, sec- rlc Pavlikls, treasurer: julkestad, tyler, Dusty mer guard; Frank iiplaln: John Currle, Urt Olsen, Historian, If V AM lit 1 V I I - I Kraupner, Severlno ead and Ous Stromdahl, ers j.eeting the group also nl a ; ; ?' for a big Variety CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBride Street to be staged here on iovember 29. I Lipscomb will direct 1 which will feature Moose whist, Saturday, Nov. 14, 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. (265) Museum open week-ends Saturdays 10 to 12, Sundays 2 to 5. (265) At the Co-op Bakery Satur id News day: Chocolate Pineapple Cake, only 50c. Don't forget to try our Cinnamon Honey Bread for that extra treat. dt) . 10 The Dally Ne-wi Canadian National Recreational Association Sons of Norway dance, Fri- I IKS Installation of ; Smithers B.P.O. Elks place Tuesday with DANCE 1 members of the Elks Miners Royal Purple j-nt at the Smithers V - t- ollicer was L. H. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13th Legion Hall Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 tmilhers, district dep- cxalted ruler, whose includes from Prince day, Nov 13. Whist 8 o'clock.! Dance 10 to 2. Music by Mike: Colussi. Everyone welcome. j (264) j S.O.N, annual banquet Sat-1 urday, November 14, at 8 o'clock ' sharp. S.O.N, members and es- i corts, Sonja ladies and escorts only. (264) i I This Is National Blind Week. I Canadians are asked to assist ! the Canadian National Institute I for the Blind In helping the! Mind to help themselves. The CNIB Is appealing for financial I contributions to promote this work In Prince Rupert, dona-' tions may be left at the Bank of Commerce or at the Dally : i McBride ana Williams ' "y. Y f .. v .SSa. i -if m.4 i Coffee Donuts Admission $ 1 .00 per person U1 conduct lnstalla- -lonirs at Williams 16. Quesnel Nov. 17 :,ce Rupert Nov. 25. installed for the en-were Mr. M. Peterson, . Photo by Van Meer Studio TUE FIRST CUT, traditional custom for brides and grooms, Is performed here by newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sllversides whose wedding took place last Friday night in- 8t. Andrew s Cathedral, The pair, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sllversides and daughter of Mrs. Alice Turcotte" and the late A. J. Turcotte have taken up residence at 667 Hays Cove Circle. bier; Mr. A. Parsons, Co'ton Vilfon Loom Carpets . For top Carpet Quality in a wide Color Selection see our widely representative samples now on hand. - Prince Rupert Distributors (as appointed by Jordan's Ltd.) Ac RAE BROS. LTD. ti ruler; Mr. E. Fran- News ollice. (265nc) .,1 knight; Mr. a. on. loyal knight; Mr. lecturing knight; Mr. fTTJ n ITTT k esquire; Mr. J. Good- Combination Light, Beacon Ready Shortly For Kitimat M ain; Mr. G. Kidd. ln-Mr. H Ramsay, outer C. E MorrLs, secre-Mr. P. B. Emerson, A new combination light and i house, now roofed and Insulat-radlo beacon, designed to guide ; ed, which should be ready for shipping into Kitimat and Ke-! occupancy next week- .ronn;.rI!!!,n0OnbeC0mPl,teanCl! StWi,rt B"a SlaC Construc-in operation tlon Co ud Vancouver con- I'Z mar'm; tractors- should have the job r.t agent f for the Department of 1 ,itH k .u. r... nn A m mm r of viiltlng Elks from including Mr. Vern -president of the Association, attended. . oi officers at Burns carried out by Mr. "Smoothies" by Grandmcre Transport, who has Just return-I .ear" Mr. Beketov said, and in ed from an inspection tour of that case the lipht. .m,M n IN 3. light stations along the coast, mm ,,nraiin t tt hoii ion of life member NEW LINE OF TOP MERCHANDISE made to Mr. E. Fran- reports that the new light on nt janr. fa Y' H. Briesness during j Mclnnis Island Is nearing com- i r- " .J Pullover sweaters made from the finest lambs wool with the appearance of Cashmere at a traction of the price. Guaranteed Shrink Proof and Moth Proof. No.'T g in appreciation of i""' "u s"""1" in opera-ey have done on the tlon l tne beginning of Janu-Honor I arv- scrolls were re- 9 members for their ! Bruce Rogers, one-time exec THE ORIGINAL LA-Z-BOV iance during the past utive oi coiumma Cellulose here, will be llghtkeeper at the new installation and has al- Potatoes Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op Kaien Co-op $8-95 Hankinson ready left for Mclnnls Island to represent the department during the remainder of the construction project which started last March. He was llghtkeeper at Egg Island prior to Joining Columbia: id Bag Delivered ress With Matching Stool Made to rigid specifications o f construction and finish. O Longer wearing, finer appearing Phone orders welcome dian Club Cellulose, and since leaving that firm has been at Green Island, 27 miles north of Prince Rupert. The . big installation at Mc- ' Pure wool Worsted Rupert Canadian Wednesday night will dress On IrtfrnsMnnsI , i ft "4" ,C H ,1 , . . . t "4 4 IK. r Wjl if , J j . j r i 1 ' i -1 i I t i 4 S , .1 .i "... ' 1 tv - ': r.i '' J I Cardigans in Grey, Wine, Blue and Navy C. Hankinson. man- be sure to get fio station CFPR here. f kinson, in his address n nn Is Canada," will international field of $825 O La-Z-Boy's Automatic Mechanism gets to the comfortable angle you desire . . . and stays . there: O Resillient tempered steel coil springs and amply padded with thick soft cotton felt. f an Broadcasting Cor- o 0 Innis Island, In Laredo Sound, j replaces an un-watched beacon which has been in operation for j some years. ; The new set-up will include a I concrete building with tower to ! house a twln-diophone installa- i tion and machinery for a radio beacon. The twin fog alarm will i be operated by compressed air. I There will also be two four- j bedroom houses, one for tlv; ! lightkef per and family and one j for the radio operator and fam- i ily, and a two-bedroom house I for' the lightkeeper's assistant. I Rounding out the small cluster I ' wnicn he was engag- 'Ime. '"for his speaking r hankinson is the and president of the WATTS &NICKERSON institute of Speerh. years' experience as '"structor and nrin. MEN'S WEAR schools in his home Scotia, anrt W beautiful convenient inexpensive WdlO fnr 1 S z f 'adian Club of buildings will be a boat-house, landing pin Worms an:! storage space for fuel. The building most advanced to date is the lightkeeper's F;d in the Sons of Nor- IFp3 (F vy y? pa 7j7 rjrp sLit & VJ L lift In 1804 n?is(ercmon Part first imported andbkndedtk RUIR tubicb is today a bouscbold word 12 assorted 59C Big Yalue Box 01VV 1 00 ZS Assorted IfFlarried d3aclielor" STARRING . BURGESS MEREDITH ONE WHOLE HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTED BY... FORD of CANADA IPaP PM. - FROM RADIO CFPR - 1240 K.C. BOB' PARKER "LIMITED HAVE VOIR NAME PRINTED ON YOt'R CARDS 24 HOUR SERVICE only 75c DOZEN oi Rum your money M cRAE BROS. LIMITED 'The Home of friendly Service' Your Local FORD-MONARCH Dealer Phone' 6 or 36 "THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" IUVI r!. f Board"6"' "0t publlshed or displayed by the Liquor -i mo uurernment oi unusn lommuii. . . ' r - i