4 " 1 l.l.h,, -fx.,, . Jjkl - Friday, November 1j, Jj3 7 CFPR Father Jailed For Shooting Young Daughter KAMLCOPS CP) Kasubura Masuda, 60, was sentenced to 10 years in penitentiary when found guilty of manslaughter ir. the death -I his 17-year-old daughter It was his second trial. At t to Cunudu YucVtsn p.esei.ii- TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA no n cert R E Of U EST PROGRAMME MAC MORGAN ARITONE - tonight CFPR-7:30 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 f Li 'J'- , is. ! A , ' 11 tt A H ."i U i - THE DAILY NEWS" "CIRCULATION" TODAY 344! LAST YEAR 3176 1 "'-- T 1 ,1 first he was convicted of murder and sentenced to be hanged. The charge followed the death Aug. 7,. 1952, of Mrs. Johnny Bing, who was killed in her bed by a shot fired through a window. GBlEZDOTETr 1 his advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Governmeat oi British Columbia. . CHOP SUEY ... ...CHOVVMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. - Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 13J -M ...... , RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) FRIDAT M. 6 :O0 BID Good Sports Report .ia nupper Serenade 30 Smiley Burnett Show 46 Musical Prosrram 7 :00 CBC Neiti 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Toronto Symphony "Pops" Concert 8:30 Ford Theatre :30 John Fisher 9:48 Speaker's Choice 100 CBO News 1010 CBO News 10:15 Canadian Short Stories ju -jo t-arane or cnolrs 11:00 Weather Report litlral Materple-e 11:0!! Miioir Till Midnight 12:00 SIn-olT IjATCatAV , AM. 7:1X1 Mlislral Clock :30 CBC News: Weatper lerirt 7:35 Mnxlral Clot It 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:1.1 Morning llevotlons 8:3l Kerord Album O0 BBC News and Commentary 9:16 Saddle Serenade 8:50 CBC Stamp Club 9:45 Stu Davis 9:58 Time Signal 10:00 Who's Herb Gott? 10:30 World Church News 10:45 CBC News: Weather 1 1 :00 Saturday Date 1 1 :30 Message Period 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 Folk Song Time 12:30 Portraits In Sound 1:00 Musical Program 2 :00 Trans-Canada Bandstand 3:00 CBC News 3:10 Week-end Listening 8:15 This Week 3:30 sports College 3 :45 Armdale Chorus 4 :00 Now I Ask You 4:30 Curtain MelrKlloa f 5 00 Dad Taylor iiic rtiiyinm fais . 5:30 Parade' of Bands Canada's wealth comes from trees. OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 46 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Fully furnished rooming house business. 14 rental units plus suite for owner. Lease. Profitable invest-ment. For further, details write Box 851, Daily News (3te) BLONDIE jtiii oWtntiXMcnt it not published or dupUyed by the Ltqwof Control Boarc! Of by lh (juwirnmcnl q) Br4nh Columtu p BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL Investors Syndicate of Canruli Ltd. and Investors Mutiml ol Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIK Ph. 3!!4 315 THird Avenue W. Keprcsentiittve for Pr;nci; Uurtcrt Tt-race atid Kititmit KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST 527 Third Ave. Phone 212 IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS SCOTT McLAREN CI-IARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 603' 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 .O. Box 374 For Extra Value For Christmas Giving FAMOUS WATCHES Bulova, Hamihon, Elgin, Cyma, Mercury and many others. See our many other Gift Items ONE-THIRD Off AAA tv I tf m. r rlMlNdVIM Luxury Steamer - Prince George " SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service For reservations write or call City or Depot Office, I Prince Rupert, B.C. ViandVsoff Your Friendly Jeweller) BOY N THE ,7-1 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING ' SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling local, Nation-wide and ' World-wide Shipments. ' "MOVE WITH ASE . . ,SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. PRECISION SAW FILING ! , All Types of Saws .Sharpened 215 1st Ave: W. Phone 908 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS FOR SALE MISC. WARNING! Men, do you realize how little time you have left to buy your Christmas suit? In order to give the manufacturer t i m e to make up your made-to-measure garment, you should order before November 20th. Every suit or topcoat order taken at our store from now until that date will carry with it a generous bonus offer. Yes, we will give away a man's beautiful wrist watch, with a one year's guarantee a 1 1 a c hed, with every suit or topcoat order. With Mr. Garnet Hull in charge, our made-to-measure is satisfying more and more customers each day. I ORDER AT ONCE TO BE SURE ART MURRAY'S MEN'S WEAR EASY washing machine in good condition, reasonably priced Call Red 896 1136 6th East. (265) ACME adjustable dress form, $12. Hand Singer sewing machine. $40.00. Blue 448. 265p) SMALL English car, 1948 model, some repairs necessary. Price $250. Phone Green 982 (265) 3-SPEED portable player with built-in speaker Ideal for children. Phone 946. (267) MUSKRAT coat, size 16-18. Like new. Call or phone Suite 2, Helnerson Block. (268) 1000 FEET new shlplup, cheap 1(113 7th Ave. E (268p) RBMINOWN. ype?yrijisr, $38.00, Green 848- ' ' - w'-; (267p) TWO fox terrier pups. 1021 2nd Ave. West (265p) 32A FOR RENT MISC. TWO cabins. Phone Green 400. Apply 2000 11th Ave. East. (2681 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 can 63U 6th Ave. West. (c) WARTIME front door. Green 551 after p.m. - (263p) 35 BOATS AND ENGINES FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Noon of December 15th, 1953, lor the purchase of the hereunder described motor vessell, together with gear and equipment situated thereon, belonging to the estate of Isaac Chris-toferson, deceased: Name "S C. 83." Length 29 ft. Beam 7 ft. 8 in. Depth 3 ft. 3 in-Powered with a 10-14 East-hope gas engine.. Boat Is presently moored at Port Edward- Highest' or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms Strictly cash. Signed G. L. Brodie, Deputy Official Administrator of the estate of Isaac Christoferson, deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (270) HOUSE BOAT ready to move into. Entire hull constructed of heavy planking and in top condition. Bunks, table, chairs, stove and sink included. Very reasonably priced. Apply Caretaker, Yacht Club. (265p) 12-FT. plywood boat, brand new, with oars. Suit 10-h.p. motor. Only $90. Phone Blue 192. (tfnc) Classified Rates J-ire time 4:30 p.m. flay previous B piinnraiion. 2-itlrd, 3 cent per word per In-Sulmi; minimum charge 60 eenta. Hi, Notices, 50 Bents, Cards of flanks. Death Notices, Puncial f, iicen. Marriage and Euagemett uountrments, 92.00. ul Display double prls. I No Refund , will not accept rspinalbtUty i lassined ads inserted Incorrectly JumliT wroiK Classification unlea 4):.cailiin of suca errors Is received .fiiii 2 Hours ui un i luseruiw. Want ad replies i We are holding replies the following News boxes: 1807 815 8 28 - 844 Replies must be called for in person COMING L VENTS .nadk'n Legion card party, i 4 ar.d 18. imrmiRe Sale, P R. Business Profi ssional Women's Club, 7 Open at 9 a.m. Opposite m Gift Shop on 6th St. irk Tea, Conrad United Nov. 10, 2:30, (281 iflun Annual Banquet, Re-brancc Day, Nov. 11, at 1:30 gion Remembrance Day e. Nov. ll, at 10 p.m. ,rd Party, Catholic Hal ..sday, Nov. 12, 8 p.m. Door '..rd Party. St Peter's Church Seal Cove, Nov. 13. Ad- lun 50c. LOB A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 13. A. of the U.F.A.W.U. Rum- anil Home Cooking Sale, H. D,E. Fall Bazaar; Thurs-November 19, 1953. nja Fall Bazaar, Friday, No-r 20. ws' Dance, Nov. 20. Elks' yal Purple Fall Bazaar, Elks e, Nov. 21. t Exhibition and Tea, High "l Nov. 25, afternoon and i8. f O.T.M. Fall Bazaar, Novern- lesbyterian Ladles' Aid Ba-i, November 26. "iheran Church Fish Dinner, 28. ited Church W.A. Chrlst- t Sale, Dec. 3. ' thedral Fall Bazaar, Saturate. 5. iristmas Carol Festival, Dec-1,1 9 i Tuesday and Wednes-JJV to 9:30, Civic Centre Iwtion Army Home League anS Sale, Dec. 9. (280 "t Girl fllllllo rnninann In. f itional Dinner, Feb. 13.- (280p) PERSONAL The Dramatic, Challenging Film ORD OF ALL wil be shown at the REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH FRIDAY, NOV. 13, 8:00 p.m. ;u are welcome to enjoy a ny sing-song and this u i co'or movie of the ! 'Phil Sunderland, and experiences at college. . (ltc) NT a kms pX Alcoholics Anony. Box 343. , (284) -!!SS PERSONALS feyo.rled ad in this P rote ii e ecnomlcal six Ke 21 Words 'or S con- ' ' 80 nnd in .C(ecutive dayi v rememhoe -on.. SWT ad8. K wail.0 and Bardentng. ttus- Tan i.. rockeries i-nnlr iftipn u.es'. 'awns and fenr 35 BOATS AM) ENGINES FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Noon of December 15th, 1953, lor the purchase of the hereunder described motor vessel, tocrtther with gear and equipment situated thereon, belonging to the estate of John Boivin, deceased, late of Bella Bella. Name "Mayo." Length 35 ft. Powered by a 16 H P. 2 cylln- der Vivian gas motor. Boat is presently moored at Ocean Falls-Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms Strictly cash. Signed G. L- Brodie, Deputy Official Administrator of the Estate of John Boivin, Deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (270) 36 ROOMS FOR RENT SEMI-FURNISHED light housekeeping room. - Very central-Phone Green 241 evenings. (265) LIGHT housekeeping room, fur- nisned, witn electric range-Box 850 Daily News. (265p) LARGE bright ' housekeeping room. Phone Green 727 after 5. (265) LARGE rooms for rent. Unfur nished. Phone Red 297. (265) Housekeeping room. 937 Am brose Ave. (265p) 37 ROOMS AND riOARD BOARD and room for young quiet gentleman. Nice home. Non-drinker. Write your particulars to Box 845, Dally News (269p) 39 HOMES FOR RENT WARTIME four on Overlook St. Furnished. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (266) 39A SUITES FOR RENT B R I G H T unfurnished apart ment, rreieraoiy aauu lamiiy. Please phone Black 277, Sum mit Apis. (268p) TWO - ROOM suite, furnished and heated. Three minutes from Post Office. Blue 409. (268) 3-ROOM 'furnished suite. Cen tral location. Phone Green 241 evenings- (265) THREE-ROOM unfurnished suite. Blue 393. (269) TWO-ROOM suite- 537 8th Ave. West. (265p) FURNISHED suite. 621 Fulton St. (267) 40 IIOMLS FOR SALE MUST BE SOLD Owner says sell by the 15th. Here Is your opportunity to own a smart four-room bunga low, full basement with oil heat. Newly decorated. Bright tile cabinet kitchen. Your down payment may handle- Armstrong Agencies Ltd. . 307 West 3rd Ave. Phone 342 Eves. Red 958 ,---' (ltl aix-Jttmrarr good condition: On comer lot. 920 Hays Cove Ave- Full price $4700. (265p) 42 WANTED TO REN TWO-BEDROOM house, close to town. References. Box 853, Daily News. (268) THREE- or four-room furnished apartment- Cox 854, Daily News. (tf-nc) 43 LISTINGS WANTED List your house for quick' sale with . H. G. Helgerson Ltd. Real Estate and Insurance 218 6th Street Phone 96 or Black 899 evenings. (264) 44 BUSINESS PROPERTY TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Two-storey building showing a net revenue of over 20 per cent on full investment. Offers will be considered. Exclusive agent. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. Phone 96 (264) REVENUE property tn Terrace. tv iciciiuc jjcr iiiuiui; $ju. Full price $15,000. Shows over 20 on your investment. For further details phone Green 252 SKEENA Hotel Cafe, Terrace. Fully equipped. Going con cern- rnone Black 937- (264) 45 PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE or Trade r80 acres on Terrace-Lakelse Road, 7 miles fmm . TnmM SnniwH. mately 5 acres cleared. Offers to box MS), Daily News. (264p) GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black S46 and Red 127 U BUSINESS PERSONALS 32 NATIONAL Machinery (Jo. XJm-lted. Distributors for Mining, Sawmill, Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Inquiries influx. Oranville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) .CENTS for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd.. lor oxygen, acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage &- Storage Ltd. Phone 60. c) WINTERIZE your tires, 2 in 1 ' -winter cleat or sawdust tread. KNUTRON'8 TIRE SALES H SERVICE, 811 Fraser St. Phone Red 548. (288) THP! ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 8th Ave. West. Phone Red 165. (265) PLUMBING, automatic oil heating, sheet mettl work. Phone 543. Call 630 6th West. Letour-neau. (c) RICHARD SEPHTON, District Agent Mutual Life of Canada. For life insurance counsel, phone 438. (263) WORLD'S FINEST CLEANEft ELECTROLUX. Phon Blue 970 for Parts--Sales Service. (c) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. 8. O. Furk, (Stone Building. Red 633. (20m' WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. (tf) DRESSMAKING and alterations. Reasonable. Phone Red 224. (267) MAGAZINES, uoveiUes. fcddle's News Sttuid. ) NEARLY everybody uses 69. 15- FOUND - PAIR of glasses, Armistice Day, in front of Bus Depot. Owner may have same by paying for this advertisement. Call T.M C. Office. (It) LADY'S handbag. Owner may have same by paying for this advertisement. Phone 231- (265p) li SITUATIONS WTD. MALE . PART-TIME janitor work. Box 856, Daily News. (269p) 85 SITUATIONS WTD. Female WILL mind children for working mother. Box 855, Daily News. 269 1 BABY sitting. Phone Red 245. (2bi) 26 BUILDING MATERIALS PHILPOTT, EVlTT & CO. LTD Phone 651 or 652 INQUIRE about our budget plan for your home . improvement. No do" tittsrnent: $iooaio;$?,oop " tl'Rii FOR your fuel requirements: OH "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTT. EVITT & CO LTD. Phone 651 or 652 (c) 34 29A SEWING MACHINES JALE3 Repairs Rentals. Blngcr Sewing Centre. Phone 884. (c) 12 FOR SAL MISC. NEW CHENILLE BEDSPREADS . AT ONLY $500 EACH FROM FACTORY TO YOU. We are now offering you the very closest and finest Chenille bedspreads available. This spread is completely tufted with Corduroy baby chenille No sheeting showing First quality. They come in elaborate multi-colored flower patterns or solid same color patterns. In all shades and in both full double' or single bed-size. At only $500 each, sent COD plus postage. Order one and save many dollars- You will be amazed at the value. Immediate money-back guarantee. TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box 904 Place D'Armes, Montreal, Quebec. (Nov 13,27p) ELECTRIC heaters, hot plate, radio, record player, electric motors, coal and wood range, and heater, cordwood saw, warehouse dolleys, auto parts, radiators, heaters, batteries, tires, motors, etc. Furnished trailers-Apply Midland Pines, Phone Black 739, Box 34. (264) POT-BURNER oil stove, worth $275 new. Used few months. Sacrifice, $150. Green 2119. (264p) LARGE Burpee pressure cooker and Burpee canning machine. J, -Already in Training WHII.B. IN THE wMDurof-me), TO KEEP HOUSE?) .F$y SckI-V - ' " V" NEATLY JJ -.f aL By CHIC YOUNG CCX5KIE.THE l I SAW SAW HIM HANDSOMEST vw pies JUST MOVED J ACROSS STREET ; 8P& Kf i 0 By ZANE GREY KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED f ,Lt BSLO'lVM VijiJ ii it, , Hu'TMmie R rTf ifv fSit: Arts. .1 . - . & - Iir i - 1 ft. - 1 t1! 1 ' 1 V"" f 1 1 . ( ' i- .... 1 i ... - LI'L ABNER Comes the Dawn(incj By AL CAPP But, mawor - honest I -then IySpon' X vokl riitfpfi""i J rK7!"r.T." . 1 a ABE MINT RUN .M S HIS IrSSti-y- dS5 ) CaJHT HOW A "-'- C THE HEART OF JULIET JONES " By' STAN DRAKE THEY1?E BEGINNING , j I lrJ CUTOS-TV. 00Oce..ajT 1 I V I TOUNEL6IX J e a 141 riA THEV'LL COSSACK ASliN- ,., . VA CF AV.Jv f "t tl , , S '.' VI Ml 1 ! !H Sl5' I AM FAST BECOMNft N M H l JcS S ?J jcM U S 1 ' hV TLIM: a 1 mv th town's peas , 1 111 f v e f v. j -'y iiT. iMBr M y m $40.00. Blue 448. CitJDpi - ij -