4 Prince Rupert Daily News - Saturday, March 1; 1952 ' '; i v T Northern Boy Making Good in Real Estate Yam U ypert Firm 1 wftfmg A 22-year-old Prince George-born young man decided six years ago that Prince Rupert had a future and he wanted to settle down. That's when Allan Armstrong decided to go into business here and today marks the sixth anniversary of Armstrong Agencies. mm.--,,, m. . u u w " wt r , ' ' A graduate of Booth Memor- - . . ial High School, Mr. Armstrong; JS Victoria College, work- Mi Jr W - i -attended ed in a law office and at a ra- v. . ..to :tauon ana sola real estate. Reflects and Reminisces j in y nnce Kuptrv, ne nas Deen j active in community work and sports and was' one of the original founders of the Prince Ru-t pert SKi Club. He negotiated 1 the purchase by the ciub of the t r - ' Al V Vs Yi ' . L - K ys II.; r'"'- The well being of live stock in Mt. Hays army camp from War Canada, particularly in .the west, Assets. r in the public eye just now. in a business like real estate, Contagious disease-is' the cause, which is probably closer to the Investigations are revealing what pulse beat of the city than most . lould be known and, in due other businesses. Mr. Armstrong time, doubtless, the general sit- realizes what this city needs uation will be on a satisfactory . most and in December offered basis. Possibly there are many in , his name to stand . for election Prince Rupert today,, quite un- ' as alderman, aware of the fact that there was He polled the largest vote of a time when numerous cattle 'any single candidate in Prince MERCY FLIGHT Marie Mazerolle, 8, suffering from a ruptured ;'Jipt mil. , is lifted into an R C.A.F. helicopter at the snowbound Ml a p of Point Sapin, N.B. F t. Lt R. R. Ritchie, the pilot, and !i Thomas Hovraft, right, both of Edmonton, hand the child 16 Capt. James Gilbert, army doctor who parachuted into the village. The chiid was flown 30 miles to hospital at Chatham, . B., where a successful operation was performed. (CP Photo) . grazed on this townsite, ana Rupert history but he never ! there were well filled bams. Now took a seat in the council. His we have scores of young cow- qualifications, along with that boys but no horses, steers or bulls 0f another alderman, were ques- ' and milk corals in bottles instead tioned on a technicality and he ; of cows. resigned. A small tournout oX i electors at the by-election did Clerks in some of the shipping llul ietUrn him. offices are sometimes extremely Regarding real-estate in Prince well-informed persons. My old Rupert, Mr. Armstrong sees as friend Captain Gustav Olsen tells one ereat disadvantage for Dros- i HISTORIC TITLES OLD INDUSTRY RTWTT Canada and Upper Can- The first census of new France ndawe respectively known as in 1667 included 20 shoemakers 'qpffotfa Ea&t" and "Canada among a population of 3,215 West" after the union of 1841. persons. ALLAN ARMSTRONG, Owner and Manager ii!IJ!iTp!i,'i!M!i,lir :ij';iiHi!Mn MiiliiiliiiliiiiiHisklliFiiiiiriiliil'iiiliil!!!! me that he recently wanted nectivc home-owners the lack of some special information and mortgage facilities. asked one of the cierKs wneiner f-IOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS they had the Encyclopedia Brit- Celebrates Sixth Anniversary annica in the office. "No, we haven't," replied the young man,-but what do you want to "The only way that people will ever be abler to buy homes on a large scale or build new homes is by the establish-' ment of a mortgage company here. And I think it will have to be established by local businessmen," he says. know?" Captain Kettle. TRY IT If you have missed your paper, please phone your newsboy. If you do not know your newsboy's name, call the office before 5 p m. One of Prince Rupert's youii(;.'st busiiicssmcii. Arguments are not infrequent Aimsiiont, .started the business known as Aw concerning the speed of cars in Only real estate financing Agencies on March 1, 1940. At that time Mr. Arm: Prince Rupert how they are ' f ' " . . Hi-nee ea,,tinn done in Prince Rupert has been war. In association with his sister, Mary. Three and; on a limited basis for local credit and care. Just to perhaps satisfy years age t his association was terminated and sir yourself, pause some day any unions, says Mr. Armstrong. But owning one's home is a Allan has been so.j owner and manager. JKOI TE 1 Jimmy Davidson where near the junction or sec Street f?reat boost to a community, he ond Avenue and Third WiitU and Nirkt-rson's to Frl.'zeH'f Motors: Fulton Slrest iin-')ii: K'.h Ave. W'e.si BOO and 700 Blocks UIU.1UUU3, as it. Kives ueriuaii- ence and stability to the popu The bus'ness was originally founded by the Thomas MCIymont about 1910, bring one of tht rca' estate offices hcic in the early boom days. A flu.i bcl.:vcr in what the travel folders say ; and watch for whatever is on wheels as it tutns westward from McBride Street. Glance at your watch and note the time as the vehicle passes you. lation. "And when you have the majority of people in a city owning their homes, they will demand rrincc Ri pei t located "where the mighty Skeeni 1 a high standard of civic admin- By and by Skeena will be dis- into the broad Pacific," Allan Armstrong not loin tool; a gamble on undeveloped and raw land onF covered Little newspapers away Oration. Also, they will taka i back in towns (not cities) in bettcr care of tneir homes and :tl! TK 2 Raiph Olsen. Ulue W J Iii-nriai) Street: l 480 (ith East to Seal Cove JitOVTR 3 -Vii li.r Mas!.n!al(. , . I ix ah ,-s' 2f,-l077: 2tici Ave. West 941-1028 inc.lud-' iiu St.ii Street; 3rd Ave. Frizzell's Motors to end of 3ra I West. llOlT 'v'ncV'vWMf. r.lne 3 J 7th Ave. West 704-1427; 9th Ave. West 102-609. 806-861: i Fulton Street 700 Block; Tatlow Street 805-823; Comox ! !:'. TK 5 .fiiurtv Stt Lcan, Ueo o22 I . Itn A.-r V.9.l;V(l0-44!.; 5th Ave V rsfl05-51S; Hh Ave. wv.-t J03-3:; Dunsmuir S'reet 21 1-421; Tatlow 51J- L i' "' 'T.-'?j midd e states carry two column Piopervy. headline stories about the great Mr- Armstrong forecasts that boom in Northern British Colum-1 Iuture residential site of Prince bia There used to be a time when 1 Rupert will move to the area the same sheets were not quite soutn of Fairview Road, rur certain what part of Canada vacant, and believes that area, including Section 2, to be th; B V was in ' best in property for homes. ! Had conservation been adopted A real estate agency is a vital about the time Jefferson sent service to both individuals and i Lewis and Clark to explore the, the community itself, is Mr. west, the United States would Armstrong's conviction. i Avenue East, as a home buttling subdivision. For: O'.vned by tl. CNR. this property Is on the north s. ; Fouith Avenue East. He had the land subdivided Into lots and st building on National Housing Plan. Two oi the h which he financed himself are R. ncially agreed ' ;',ni')HS Ihe fir.' sl In the City of Trincr Rupert. Always n strong point in the sale of real rst! view from Fourth Avenue Eat Is a great booster ol o.' Armsti-nnc Acrnrirs. Prinee Bunrrt. harbor, ri Piare; AKliew Place. r X 1 4 1 :f- 'V ' r ,?. ',,' r- i, .rftS.'W ! f V I' U) ... Is 1 :' i ' - t. v ; KOt'TK (i KdwarJ Kkalapsky i bih Ave West lll.j-537; 9th Ave. East 110-270; McBride Hrert 113-708. ROrETE 7 Peter Brn, Blue 971 J s M Ail of Sectluti. 2 jj ,!:(;; TK 8 .limmy .Inhnson. (jreen l61 third in the wotld, provides a magnificent view II mis property. kiiU ' Pacific Place; fcCNR-Fishermeil'S still, to a great extent, be the "Many new developments in game sanctuary it once was. The communities have been directly vast and beautiful region be-. responsible to the efforts or pio-twe-en the Mississippi and what j M' sive realtors, who have taken today are the states of Montana, unimproved property and de-Dakota. Wyoming, Oregon, Idaho vclopcd it into woll-planned and Washington was the Creat- residential sections which arc wilderness. a credit tc the cities. oi s ' inoiviauals can place their Watc i 'front F oaisi. M.. Arnistnmc'g offices, 307 Third Avrniir are mudi-rn mid up-to-date s any in Ihe cih. M nindow ailvcrlislns and office front give a ple1 first impression nf Mnartness. In addition t "l mm iii , HiM -.at i n.l', m ni. urn iti.'n r . ,iinnim mini 1 IMdvin Bjirnson, Green 113 8th Av. Ea.st, McBride to Hays Cove Circle. F. 1 Kirhard MarDonald. Blue 339 4th Ave. Est 237-736; 5th Ave. East 301-719; Cotton Strset 511-516; Grern Street 411-416; Ebcrt Street. estate, Armstrong Asencies handle property mansti MRS SHIRLEY SMITH,' Stenographer entire trust in a responsioie agent for he will work for their imprests. ' lie explains that the TODAY'S COMPARISONS Civilization, of course, was In cvitablc. Settlement had to ex ment and all types of insurance except life. Pn.-ilvitmiMn fr,i- in rliilnni,if.til flip Dinner'' pand. Wild life could not expect realtor is more often a moder- KOl'TK !l l eI.e Mind h. B'aeli 2S5 i Pn!;ott Ave.- l.st and 2nd Overlook; ' Pumutt Pirice. Herman Place; 1'otirth Avenue East, Allan Is Justly proud of Ihe Po to tj wholly disregarded or spar- aw oeiween ine person selling ed. The frontiersman had to live, a home and the one buying. Yet the fruits of an indifference "In the first place, few people U fomething vital can be seen other than those in this profes-today. Enough rigid restriction, slon, can put an accurate value 'through the past, of the will to on their home when they in destroy and exploit, could have tend to sell. ROl'TK 12 Jimmy Moonhead, Red 335 ' . 11:1, Ave. EU.sl 3X-18.. Krederick St Sherbiook A.e ' ' t made since he look over. He has turned oier c J1 00f 000 worth of real estate since 1946. A Agencies Initiated the idea of converting the A t.ativ!; Euikling into the Elizabeth Apartments. i sr; DMAi.iir. M '. Armstrong stronclv advocates 1 hat V mac. happier contrasts when -mey may price u ioo nign one studies results in 1952. The in which case they will have difficulty In selling, perhaps not p ty of it. (! TV 1 1 Kni'tv ry, (ireen 25S i tt Ext 22:--247 : 2nd Ave. West 137-341; 1st Slreel J ni-22ti: Market Place; 3rd Ave. Daily News-NaUoni. , Motors. ' ROI TE 13 Rvhpit Jensen. Black 9S5 ! 5th Ave. West (135-735. 741-745; Pnrtlen Street Frar r I Street BlKgar Plart. Interested cither In the uurchasc or sale of real' il.ot 'I!-. IK I'ihiiIi Killioin. ;rcn 911 sell at all until they are forcd to come down too low. "Then, again, a home owner may put too low a price on his house and he loses out." AGENT'S SERVICE When a buyer wants a house, he can discuss his requirements with a real estate agent who wil! try to get just what his client wants at the price he is pre t'li Ave. Vsifi E."-t ;i:.1-5.-K: K'i-2': in Ave East 101-246. 7th Ave Huu.sei Strpet Politicians Writing Mow By ALAN HARVEY hUcU'Ihlj I're.s 6tnn Vwilcr I f CP Tf ni-llaln lirmr should get In touch with a reputable firm and lea" matter entirely In the hands of those who arc la" with busine-s transactions in that field. "For til?; few people who conduct a succeslU' estate transaction for themselves," says Mr- Armsl; "theij are many, many more who loe moncy'Thf on the staff of a real estate firm have many P' expe icr.ee In that field and dral in matters of rfalf every diiy. For instance, Frank Wilson, Sales Managft Armrtrong Agencies, has had 35 years of expenew rcat estate. It'H TK n hu li l.indstrom, : wn Ki 6th Av?. We.-L 2. D-30: Hh -Ave. West J2i.ss7- Rth Ave 'A '. 221-.,;' .; Lutein eie SI, 721-728: McBride St. 413-7-I-4 ; fmlim S: fl'J-- -33 pared to pay. But If this is im- t U(H Ti: is Tefldy ( arc ess , J th A "e Ea--'t Block 800: 8t!i Ave. East 915-91t: 9th A 'e ( East lorm-l 144. 10th East 90(1-1130: Alfred Street: Ha., on Sic 'ei. . filial, 1 Street. i;n T" ' " .....! r.wn kci 6th Ave. East 870-1140. Ambrose Ave. ft r rests in a political vacuum, with f ' , ma loc'- ty' 1 10 w" tr the Labor party exhausted of f,Bent V BP" lnc requirements ideas and the Conservatives am- ?h a jiguously suspended between an ne P8 ? TV" untidy past and an unpredict- ,.ve otf oI ,lme '" fur the ,b.e future, no such calm exists J 'b" P-n p other fields. For one thing, "y,,, , " " 'ta Politici.ms are bursting with a,fh assu,rcd nf of Plotct;tion when n they deal best sellers Best heners. i i Hh nccnsed rcait01s. , This state of literary ferment . ...ri, oi p t , i . .v . . ... i 1 The Real Estate Agents Li- t. coincides approximately with ,... . , . , , .. , , , ,, censing i,,i Board carefully ..,i, screens the last election which left a a canU for Ucences number of Labor legislators loose w 81loul5 u be bon on the market. Stripped of the ,ealtur , with ln his princely stipends bestowed on cJicnt hc , ministers of the crown anything ilcpn 8 .lorn 1.3.01)0 to 10,000 they ' ... j UOI TE 20 Jaik Kudolph, Green 731 I 8th Ave. East. 1036-1944. I ' KOi n; 21 Ronnie Jve-oL Blue 712 1005-2279: llt.n 2nd Ve We.-'t Ui -i3!4; Prk Ave Si net; Water Street,; Beach Place. ! KOV1K 23.-1.tirv Tarent. ;ren 487 The Staff consists of: 8 h We:; 6l -735: Summit Ave.; Taylor Street. ALLAN ARMSTRONG Owner oncl Ma' M TV !4- -!'.r an Koberfs, IJ'ark 40 had to go to work or get along on 1,000 a year as a member of nd A-e v-e.t 71fi 3"d Ave and t'h Street; Srd Ave Mvst Daily News-Watts and Nickerson's (5th St.). FRANK WILSON, Sales Manager MRS. SHIRLEY. SMITH, Stenographer parliament. I first book, due next month. If this isn't something special, folr lowers of Labor's most newsworthy rebel will be somewhat disappointed. -JH ''iiiiili'-KBIriim. I ill II ii jMMfafcjltilIMliiwlln1 LITERARY LIONS Most of them chose writing. J KO' TK 25 (i:n-T Parkin, (ireen tiltu I 'th Ave East 1 141-1475. I UOI TE Zfi Ftankie Stewart. Blue 71(i J 7th Aw. t- k' BH J -lot fl: 1103 Ridley Home; Hays Cove FRANK WILSON, Sales Manager The result is a spate of creative Other names due to appear on work such as parliament seldom dust Jackets include those of Ave 923-1154. ' ROI TE 27 Chiistopher H irvcv. Green 214 fith Ea.it, McBulde Hays Cove Cir. le. Hays Cove Clr.'le. KM has seen. Stroll the corridors of Huh Dalton, former chancellor .he House of Commons these of the exchequer, and John ..inter days and you'll hear the Strachey, one-time food minls- iteady click of typewriters in ter who had a way of brighten- the small oac rooms where ing debates on peanut-growing MP's pass their off-duty hours, in East Africa with pertinent In this frenzy of composition, quotes from Bacon. Dalton is the political left leads the way. polishing off an autobiography One of the literary events of and Strachey, a good R.A.F. the season, for instance, will be broadcaster during the war. has THESE ARE THE DAILY NEWS LSTTLE MERCHANTS THEIR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON YOU Prince Rupert, B.C. 307 3rd. Ave. W. yaii;WUwlwiiiiw publication of Aneurin Bevln's (Continued on page 8)