V MUSIC... DRAMA... ART and BOOKS f Prince Saturday, Rupert March Daily 1, 1952 News NAZI CAMP STORY . were trying to stay alive a tiMl longer. 509. one of the group with' "509 lay beside the pile of dead I more faith than the others. Uxk between the barraeks. The pile the lead in fanning the sparfco"! " ; was higher than usual. The pre-i life that flickered feebly in each, jvious evening there had been no j ' The novel Is "Spark of Life," bf dead. 503 lay near them because Erich Maria Remarque. Remarque . , bread. This alwavs showed the 1 apparently engrossed in develop- following day in the number of ing his main thesis, has blurred ,i wet cold wind was blowing. The his characters, possibly deliber- Idead protected him against it." ately. They are not as memorable ITac place Is Mcilern, a concen-1 as those he drew in "All QuieM (ration camp in Nazi Germany; ihi western Front, ana Arcn oi ! the time is 1945, when the Allies ; Triumph." but his picture of life were moving toward victory, and j at Mellern comes through wnn a small group of Jews in the camp 1 all its horror. ,.r P3 mj. ' : Gifts Thar ARE DIFFERENT m S "an . - n CIATION ls ie;inirci quicKiy uy uu-se yuungMCis, ; ,r(l stops, background of the story Is read to mi a ODELLING with paper machc is fun although these serious facer emit;!)' by Daily News cameraman might belie this. From -r.gts . lo 10. young ters find their Saturday mornings educa-!i:nal at- w'c 1 as enjoyable at the Civic Centre. Here are Jessie Kite warol Sashak and John Bond. Next week make it a po the funiiiiiiH ".v. nins imiliT Bruce, orac.e A oom siuaeni Bar- ft.. Chi Daily News Staff Photos ij;t if instructor. to see our lovely artificial flowers and Mexican . fealher pictures. INDIAN CRAFTS JPV.il' EXPRESSION group lets imaginatiori;'run riot as they (!csc ibe in r. ncil and color what they lavcglcaned from a '.story read to them. Heavily steeped 'In "concentration are j mmic Bremnei . Lone Gordon and Robert Yamaria. ' lion the BOOK SHELF ! Practically the only source of lr. of itself worthy of either pen. I book reading material available Circulation of books among In, Prince Rupert is the Public the tccn-aged has jumped from iL'brarv and. a'though not the a high of 150 a month three I civ Expression Easy Way Prince Rupert t- ! Film Council FROM BIBLE "Sidelight on Rook of Pro-vrihfi.' by A. D. Power, TOTEM POLE GIFT SHOP 21 1 Sixth Street Develop lasie Month Review ! latest work in fiction and non- ycarr. ago to 600 a month today. krt and Culture The current block of films for N,'ir?h and April showings In-ciudc some of the best to reach i-rn, (icai or .suiay naa wen lKUm is avai'.abij there, cir-focusscd on the Book of Proverbs, euation proves the fclliwing arc the latest oi which. "SidelighU on jne most rc;lcj-tl. Book of P. over W by A D. h ,,. VVv.J ., , ' KKNNl S DAI il 1 1 R R rowe.. has Just been published by Longmans. Good for an evenings J by Mao de la R'he (Canadian) entertainment for all those who: The twelfth Cook of the Still- among favorites in this group arc authors Carolvn Keene, for girls, and F. WV Dixon, for boys, both writers of mystery novels. There has been a lack, however, of new books in the library for this group. A recent non- vk Sprat t and this mont. Helen Tr.ipp end Ili len , here this sea.-on. Thvrc are seven - bfgins the six- j Olson. (features In all, six of which run inriy. pointing to a ; "We enjoy this hour wry i 10-mlnutcs or over. A four- HEC!PS Julna series is a warm- tee of oncc-wma- mUch. It is so inu-resling to sec ""u,t ... uu yuan . u. . nhmlt. ,h oriins famous 1 sensitive story with WI1 corner of wnicn i,0w these young children absorb snews mc source ana Dcmuts or 1( - n enigmatic section of hearted '.l f tion Kal.hari ira Ann -Scott's the Bible. The author verv clever- '- -ncs AT ranipCQ UJUin. mUSIC ailU SIOI ICS BO qUICKiy, i uninuiiil .mmiil 111 mc .human body, and shows some ri with dark locks they say. good, if short, skiing shots in re- :'A,.irten.. was cx- For their use --- Is a rccord-nlav- lv shows the Fimllarities between : car-les on irom me evenu nar-the in all the main liter- j "ated in "Ret urn to Julna." and read avidly this winter, f jvcral new books have seen .... i j , Jt . . iiit: verses vt.i,M ill ail iiii" 1 1 1 ti ii i 1 1 n. i , 'i- ws I'm lo'v or 18-vear-olfl nor instruct. the ng machine and recordings such : ,JU0n, 10 Q"1, necessary w par- aturM Qf tne world specially S Adclaino, daughter of Renny, the heavy circulation early this year first work with tlje,a Rumpelstilstkln," for in. : "- "" classic and English. He also dls- i A lanre nnxlured hvOerrV Wavne ' A 15-minute film. "Are You ,,.iin fnt.im.islpr of Julna. among juv.-nm-a; uie muni, pupu self-expression lar of which are the "twin" and his orchestra. When the , Jaic ai iiomc.-, gives lmeuigeni of Proverb3 Mazo dc la Roche is a Cana- . . ,i ,-,.r,Ui, iio in niavnH o 11 ! inel hiH k of nieventniff fire and lnn author of Eastern Canada ,,,.,.,. mnl,i r 'There Is no mention of the 11.11W1I1U, ui niiiuuvu JVll H D I It e lifr. nf lifine In fnroifin Innrtc brain anywhere In the Bible." he who has written 20 published inok- and one play. - " id lirst Linic aurmi- v. ... ...w . rs.ujvv, .,--- ;rdav morning hour- amplifying story is read to make ' of fighting it if it should break 'thss.es "here she the tunes and words more under- ; out. The graphic stoiy of a man 0 txpn herself In standlny. after which certain caught In a strange hotel room, no' in a cramped cenor ar acUrd out. w.th both exits barred by flames, Hiows how wen in this desperate learn It is never too early to 'about mulc or art. says Mrs. predicament knowledge and cool- mark.:, "the heart was supposed , t- be the scat of lntelllccnce and i the bowels or kidneys the seat of ; emotion, affection, compassion, fympathy. The Hebrew word for ! KON-TIKI UNRULY FLAMINGO by Thor Hcverdahl LONDON (CP) The usual . Thir non-fiction startling harmony and response of Lon-modern Crusoe travel book takes don's zoo was disrupted after McRAE BROS. Popular Records BELL SISTERS 'Bermuda' 'June Night'- JOHNNY RAY 'Please Mr. Sun' 'Broken Hearted' Local and Western ' ART GRANT 'My Sweet Marie' 'My TsinsiajiBirl' M Topical Records heart is translated by under Slirn. "but wc have to find the i"--""' - ....... Ichl medium for the right ago. asl(-1'- fipd .xelf-expresslon Is a simple "K.vr Witness." scri'-? 10. con- standing eight times and by wis- the reader across the Pacific by the arrival of "Long John," a dom foirx times In Proverbs. As raft. The author, a Norwegian flamingo, who slept most of the in English the heart connotes ethnologist, some years ago con- day but likes cavorting around liahi.H three Canadian commuii- nd enjoyable approach." i it ies the capital city. Ottawa the "centre" or "core of things ccr (! tne inrory mai. i-oiym-mu at nigiit. Alter ueing nrsi put has (neeoidlii" to the Gtvber plant; nni 1k translated "midst '.f-fXpre.'slon stu-ijdii'd Mrs. Fran" inii Ui orcanlw the ,il cck auo. Me is Julia Bund who has rrla.v several weeks. ..at?" he asked, quile i icli Spratt, Indeed, a thin, undeinour- while his wife was and fat. Young John (jirtf imitation may have been onginauy scivieo jn private pen. he now hymen who crossed the 4.000 U(-cn SCnt to another zoo. ml'f of ocean from Peru In rafts - a wilderness town. Terrace Bay, and a floating village, Holberg, I was not meant for places high, B C. ; Although not very low made of balsa logs. When this theory was not accepted by other f dentists, hj set about to prove at' least one part of It that a balsa raft built, as men of the Noblewoman Now Canadian Artist ton over the entire icr in lx;ld st rokes to stone age could build it, could "Holiday at Waskcsiu" Is an 11 -minute film In color, of two girls on vacation in beautiful Prince Albert National Park where they swim, fish and canoe during the long bright days, while II. atrieai in the community hall and other special enler-liiiiiineiits lend variety to the MOMTRFAI. f-.naroness So- m&k the trip. Rut there, upon the middle road. My quiet footsteps go. I do not dream of buildings tall. Or city lights so fair. Vor me - the ' craclous hills at dawn. And wild flowers hlooir.in'.: there. Miliary picture. Mrs. jst fini-liecl reading .) the nur.M'rv rhyme, phic da Romer, former nii.stre.ss h!s hK'k eon! ;rns t he story of of large estates In Lithuania, has jiow lie and five others built the acted hf' mew for the third rajM- and traveled in it from I " -,'o.l-iiU painter in r;;'i' to a small island east, of .'uiuiner evening.-. inute b'ark and white ;V,"'"eai. Tahiti. ; t." I'mjert tor her to recreate a scene Mm the simple story, a definite psycholo-(tion between the self-expression mid An 11 -m COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for Hie finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED and RECONDITIONED 210 1th Street riionr Black 380 Tv;.idanie tie K-aner. as she pre- Tins rev. w m this Imxik can -s ti Ix . itleef. known for be written in four words: "Wow! sSTU DAVIS-'The Fate of the fciying. Enterprise' 'Phantom Waltz' -n New LR Reeases 'Rachmaninoff Concerto No. 3 in D Minor' ' by Vladimir Horowitz 'The King and I' Dinah Shore and cast 'American in Paris' Original from .film 'New Sound' Volume 2 I do not want a horn,- that'.-' large, With storeys two or three. picture, "It's l-un To .Sine,' (ihows . 0 Toronto business girls who ' : pi tlstic .alen' tong before what a book!" the Russians swept e--av her ft ha": spine-chilling, ncrvc- suit for the joy of it under dl .ci ior of Dr. Leslie Bell. make-up." believes Cut hist r. '.it lie cottage fair. The objective of this To house my dreams and mc Thc most outstanding film In home, family, her art treasures tingling, sptru-iiuing acivcmun is the 22-mi.iute. on cvciy page and in every one (his collection and UMU,ur hpr wny ""' of ufc. ' nn,i white feature "Look , of its 80 action photographs, ft "'" ,ln'L Art has aIways bocn an im V- i -mm, h u s the fiction of a Conrad or a give n thought to lure of wraith. 1 ir when the day Is bright. The sea Imusu'U a wondous thrill, pet the children to ill express themselves is this the simplest wiuiik art. It has a "advaniasr in build-r-says the Instructor. ,v,einri':,Uv that fire and P' ttant part of the baroness' life Melville b'.ougnl to reality. It - added that the writing since her childhood In Poland, might b Tn mv mortal hearts delight. flood, wasted resources and bar- en lands arc me penalties ui I love Uv.t valleys, lovo the hills, Tim Ktrnitjj iiini lie between. rimni-n ueveiop an l''y Irani to And find the corner where I IlWhV, openly." No (lwrUi " very iitlle, Is need- The fairest ever seen, tins course and. of BraunPolnUlm. Rudolf Braun 'tee to civic Cent re forest destruction. It describes basic measures to preserve Canada? prime source of national wealth. Scenes of tho wilderness created by stripping land of protective trees drive home the vital : need to halt careless exploita-' t ion, and shows met hods of con-rvation. Including patch log-' "int; and sustained yield. I Another striking feature Is the 12-mluute "Summer is for Kids," I a waimly human- narrative of what two weeks at a MuskHot summer camp meant to a small : boy from a c ingested city area. J-rincc lupcii forhfd' (Member Allied Florists of Canada) . 1st ANNIVERSARY of m:icyick to hie ri;on.K of imiince ki ti ut Din-in;; past year flowers have been delivered to the following countries: BRAZIL, SWEDEN. NORWAY, DENMARK. SWITZERLAND, and the BRITISH ISLES, as well as every la, gc centre In Canada and the United States. SPINNING RECORDS "'f section Uf t)r "I'Kiellin-; class was S.itimlav where r-ni to crcito soinc-l'r hands. A pii)rr made by Mrs. Slim "fii new papers n,ui 'hlfh the children Brought back at the Insistence i ut their i l,u,S of young mns'c lovers are som? of Uhe createst voices, pianists and Ccl'u "I'we Co. Mil. hue vl.itinlui r oiinlhcr nrtp TICK GOOD SEAT 'Wy a 'luiuitity of VlcUir ntunn from memory the Pla-skin Is said to make W. BAXTER l!o 510 300 3rt Ave., Frinec Rupert Flume "77 s the most precious '"'""J -salbi- cla.-slcal and popular Immortal uost )(.athcr for horseback sad-,m puipasp "id performances of the greatest ar- dlcs iM.Cau.sc of its toughness and '" arc belim made ni ,.r fin fnhiilou "Oolden rahintu . . ... v , " UUiUI".J. 1 of rarlv At, ." retired nearly 20 years ago. - lilllll' which l ni-i T.'itrh!nf.n niiMimc nf re-record- "lorninsj classes lugs include such big names as ic "I'Preciaiion ftiUi turusc . Farrnr. Qalll-Curcl. Pad-"1- here t, y,ln. erewskl, Ronselle, Garden, Raeh- commodity known to man. "'c riKiimi.nt r maninoff. McCormack and Jer 1 ui i, . , "Golden uza 10 n rm l ie new " are fxpused tO t A,r f.r MOZARTS- Six Sonatas for Piano and Violin ' sim,)c stories. ' The album of Enrico Caruso l,,s is the "very i will give the music lovrr much ' tur cliildici, fmm enjoyment whenever he likes 11s- n'Sl School student s','c,ll,1I'' 10 tl,is l"Vrr r prr"'' 1 ovt Uiis ill' versatility. Incomparable on the Mi.s,es n. lllUn,"K-' e peratlc stage, he was erpially nbiuaDuu-j iCoullmicU on pattc "i DUCATION WEEK Lili Krous- Szymon Golbcrg : Three Decca Parlophone LP. Records AT THE CIVIC CENTRE Knowing tbi5, the Daily News is devoting this puge today to a glimpse of the MUSIC, ART and LITERATURE of the past and present in the hope that some of its readers will have some of that precious MV i.r I.... . . ' u' """Wes ami crafts ,-CPA window. ' U)'s and (,.. , , JIUS nn-vt Wednesday afternoon. "wuing nnd Music circle meet Saturday Now available at "ng. commodity, TIME, to delve further into these subjects. -sions i (111 A..., , cannot at. Il'"uay and Thursday night for those RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC m me afternoon classes. asses for l onm r., or glrls Monday afternoon. 'u lv'ovics Friday, 7 p.m.