briany. Juiy t V . I f t RADTO CUL 1210 FUlocyclea CFPR ioi i..- tun iioM-n .n MONTfthAL ttKi Sixty-foul dolls, dressed in costume ut many nationalities, have been given to two Montreal children's hospitals by a local chapter of E'Nai B'Rith women. BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER Mid Intermediate Fort Each Thursday at 11:15 pjti. For KETCHIKAN (Subieicl to Ciiuacw FH1DA Y PM. D. IX) Settler Choice 8:5 liurnaj.iouia Comty. have a y nnnn mm I KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST WEDNESDAY Midniehl Comfort and Service WWWV IMf III I for veur money Vvl ;l:: Phone 213 527 3rd Ave. Vv fcMl viy ''t'"t ,,mM I ? r I P.--te Rupe't, B C. JADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS i o.-su liN TixJuy 4 45 CBC Nw: Weather Report b.ha Have Von H(arU? 6:00 Bill Good bporu lleview 6.15 6upper Sreiiiide 7 00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 CBC Waltz Time 8:00 Bob Mi.MullIn Bhow 8 no La Boltes a Chanson 9 00 Songs of My People B:30 Oaniidian Syripiionles 10:00 Clitl News !0:10 CBC News 10:15 Election Talk Liberals 10:30 Sports Pai;e 1 1 :45 InUelK-ndence Day-Dominion Duy Program 1100 Webther lieport 11:02 Fish Arrivals 11 04 Music Till Midnight PHONE 383 , MESSENGER PICK-IP AND DELIVERY Kates I assified j 47 AUTOMOBILES 1 . . 1! Help Wld. Male Female, day previous mp 4 no p.m. CLERK TYPIST, mule or fe- icatlnn. :i rents per word per In-mlnlmum chari; M cents urei. 60 cents: Cards of iMuth Notices, Funeral M:rriai',e and Kiwa;emeut Cei!U-lllS. i ,ji.iy double price. 1938 FORD Fordor. Phone Green 154. ll67pi RE-CHROME bumpers, grills, etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu"' Not a paint or polish! Just Jike Chrome! f asts venrs' Rend SI. 93 or COD, Fernlo'r, 772 King West, 1 male, for airlines office. Prcf-' eronee Riven to person exper-I lenci'd in radio despatch or alr-I lines reservation. ticketing and I Itinerary planniw. Reply by j ieHel only KivinK lull lieUils of experience, background and -sal- 12 IKI Sifin-nff IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, HOCK OR CONCRETF WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS No itetunas ( Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) " 174) iiit u' i i jt responsibility nry expected to Crawford Moore ,1 ndn inserted incorrectly T,aVel Agency, No. 1, Wallace vcM, clxUllcatlon unless Tjuiding. ,7U) of nich errors Is received . r TAXIS and TRANSFERS 48 Inventive Ivan needed dough tAI l. .tl . A M. ":0 Musical Cloclr :.'lo CBC News: weather Sept rt 7:35 Musical Cloct 8 00 CBC Kes 8:10 Here's Bill nl 8:15 HIU and Encorea 8:30 Moruing lJevotli,n5 ' 8 :45 Little Concert 9 00 BBC Newo and Commentary 0:15 Htulrtln Herenade iOurs uf llrst Inaertlun. To put hi plant in motion A two day ad in dauilied Wat a mott tuccettful notion. 20 II F.LI' WAM'FIt FEMALE -MIDDLE-AGED woman, nc . CITY TRANSFER Lonq Distance CRATING nnd PACKING Furniture Movers John V L. Hughes. D.C. CHIROPRACTOR , Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 2l - 2'i Besner Bluet Phone B'.ue 443 32 FOR SALE MISC. ANT AD REPLIES children, to keep house for bachelor three miles from town, bli'.by Lslancl. Fhone 557 Dl(;by or write Box 733, Daily News. U65pl EXPERIENCED s t e n o grapher for local construction office. Romf bookkeeping required. BEATTx" washing machine. FURNITURE STORAGE Household EJfecs Moved to or from any point In D C. Phone 950 First Ave. and MoHride c) Thw uuverllaerieal not published y r" " or (11: played by the Liquor Cotitro. J 1 I Hoard or bv the Government cl tl 11 B 30CBC Stamp Club 0:45 Songs of the Mst 9 59 Time SIkiiBI 10 (W Children's Theatre 10:30 World Churcn t.ews 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weather Report 1I:'.'0 Satin (lay Date 1 1 .30 Weather Repoi t 11 31 Pish Arrivals 1 1 33 Message Period 11:35 Rec Int. Phone Blue 371 after 5. (166p) BABY Tenda. Blue 159. (166l 31 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS H. G. HELGERSON ' " LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phoire 96, Evenings Black 899 I Phone 563 during daytime for I appointment. .(166c.) i re holding replies e following News jxcs: CASH FOR LEGAL NOTICES Scrap, eopier. brass, batteries, ' ! X PER IENCED waitress wanted 1 for Kitlinat. Excellent pay. ! Apply David Chow, Commodore !C'ufe. UB6p radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (c) ESTATE OP ALICE PRANCES OM-RON. DECEAflBU. (OH MI R r, 11 :45 Personal Abum PM. I 12 :00 Folk Song Time -I 12:30 Music Profiles I 1:00 Roll Back the Yearn I 1:30 BBC Bandstand 1 1 :45 Sounding Brass 38 ROOMS FOR KENT 590, 639, 673, 674, 710, 711, 653, 705, 720, scott McLaren . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Written tenders will be received by the undersigned until August 8. 1953. for purchase for cash or one-half cash and terms of property at 874 4lli Avenue East, being Low 17. 18 and ID. Block 7, Section 8. City of Prince Ruwrt. consisting of a sub- ONE-ROOM partly furnished cabin for working man only. Apply after 6 pm. 740 Fulton St. (166c) 2:00 Trans-Canada Bandstand 3 00 CBC News 3:10 Program Resume ,24 SITUATIONS WTI MAI.F. GOOD all-around offlco-, clerk I seeks permanent position. Phone Blue 2136 evenings or write Kric 8. Martin (Outdoors With Marty) 1381 First look. I Up) plies must be J 'eel for in person WANTED A man and wife to!1"""111" "welling m condition t"vluea lnto tllrpe ,"rK! " con" rent niv two rooms No chil- Jl twiTh talned apartments with cement base- j, dren. Apply i 10C3 9th Ave. East. . I attractive m,.nt m a foundations and PRECISION SAW FIUNC BES1 OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe t LTotinffs. Anartments Dresentlv oc 111 K i ll Tali sjyfiieia Is s U. Hlr h e thaw CJ t e r Omtrmm j fMf, CliMsbU. 'm- EFFECTIVE AT ONCE Bottle beer deliveries will close at 12 noon. Any orders received later delivered next day. cupied on monthly tenRnclea JAMES T. HARVEY, All Types of Saws Sharpened 115 1st Ave. W. rtaone 909 ROOM, sharing single beds. close in, nun-drinkers. 124 8th Ave. E. 1 165p) July 11th to Mr. and 1 W. Moore i nee Dexhka a son, Mich;ud Eric. (ltpl Box 658. Prince Rupert. B.C., Administrator. (J2.3.9, COOK would like to pet on good seiner. Box 734 Daily News. U66p) 25 SITUATION'S WTIL Female TWO ladies willing to do odd jobs, typimr. etc., in their own home. Box 728. (165p) FOUR ROOMED location. H. G. suite, central Help.erson Ltd. (166) LAND ACT PERSONAL LINDSAY'S I a ineie T Alcoholics Anony- NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPI.V TO PI K II HK I.ANII 111 Ijuid Record inK District of Prince ONE-ROOM cabin. Apply 740 Fulton St. or phone Blue 849. (165) Fl EL 27 Box 1511. Prince Rupert, nine B.'i9. (18'Jc) DINING PLEASURE (sootlessj coal. Fhllpctt, Evttt & (Ci rOOTHIE.'.8 Phone 651. Co. Ltd SLEEPING room, close in. Blue 433. 1141 Beach Place. (167c) INESS PERSONALS Rupert on the South shore of ( Khtuda Lake and approximately ! one mile due West from the mouth ; of the Khtada River at the east- j erly end of the said lake. , TAKE NOTICE that we. Ben ONE hnusekeephiff in CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Dally except Sunday) Hollywood Cafe front room. (165p) 28 FI RNITI KE FOR SALE CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING .'. . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. 'MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. Percy Kite and Francis Donald Hitch- 600 6th Ave. W. ROOM for rent. 836 fc APING AND OA RDEN-t-- Rock walls, rockeries i wcr boxes, lawns and 4 parden keeping. Free Plume Red 80(1. SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS cock of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupa-: ENTIRE household 7th Ave. E. Fraser St. (16GO effects. 1078 (167pi Hon railway mull service clerks, j (Dominion Government of Canada , intends to apply lor permission to , Commodore Caie (175p) r -1 29A SEWING MACHINES purchase (the following described rooms for 166c) HOUKEKHFP1NG rent. Red 7G8. I For Outside Orders Phone 133 lands: j i ymir classified nd In this I Commencing at a post planted ap SALES Repairs Rentals. Singer Kcwinn Centre. Phone Hfi4 By CHIC YOUNG -tt i4- BLONDIE Srrictly Confidential! proximately at the Junction of the South shore of Khlada Lake and the east bank of an unnamed cteek and being approximately one mile due West from the mouth of the Khuida River at the Easterly end of salt! lake. Thence twenty CJOl 37 ROOMS AND KOARJ) BOARD hud room available for youn;: man. Call Blue C.'io (1661 39 HOMES FOR KENT m FIIITRH'AL 3U EZIJEnpnTJZr ' il I j J I'LL TAKE HER I IVOJ DACLINiVOU REMEMBERED I lrow.. rAMtk f I ( SOME FLOWERS Sn I ASKED VOU TO BR INS p THAT f :il Hie economicnl six i'o !", words 3 cou- ir-nnvx-TtT-'-nr ts il'ir six consecutive days "ft. And rinumber, you nc your ads just call : .V N'rws. (tf-ncl L M ichlncrv Co. Llm-I I li .lriliutovs fur .Minim;, U' I.oKi'iii!' and Conlrac- IWILFORD Electrical Works. Mo tors, sld, rewound and lepaiied. ,lf) HfM!IFC' cM KteWp 0) (201 (201 (201 forty chains East: thence twenty chains South; thence twenty chains West: thence twenty cbalns North and containing -ROOM suite, private 527 Ulh West THHKE l):th. nlne.s. FOR SALE MISC. 32 1 40 1 acres, more or less. The nurnose for which the laivt iiiliinent. Innulrles In-'"livllle I.-,land, Vancoti-V. (tf) TI'RFE-ns'DROOM' anrtnient. Rent. r.fJ. per months Close to town. Phone 356. 167pl is required is Fishing Lodge. BEN PERCY KITE FRANCIS DONALD HITCHCOCK Dated July li. 153 (J17. 24. 31. A7) YOU'LL SAVE at for Canadian Liquid Ltd.. fur oxygen, acetv- AUGUST 1. LIvinR premises with store front. 2nd Ave. neir Runert Hotel. Anplv basement (i il ri 1 1 weldinir .'.unnlics. Bus Terminal. Phone 2200 - (1701 Cart a re fit KtoriiRP lie 60. c) R Prince Rupert to ' ts via CaiilliiK's Truck iy Tuesday and Friday, "t Whalin's Cartace. (iHpi HOMES FOR SALE 40 LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTKVTIOS TO ADI'l.V TO 11 K ham; LANK In Loud Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at the Southern end of Kinaskan Lake. TAKE NOTICE that Lucy Elizabeth Hvland. of Telegraph Creek. B C occupation General Merchant. Intends to apply lr permission to purchase the following described lands; 1 commencing at a post plantt-d j ap- Simpsons-Sears See the complete linoof new Kenmore Washers now on display at your . focal Simpsons-Sears , v'.n74.t5t0'Ot;.,Vf.)t.O Bv ZANE GRFY : KING OF THE "OYAL MOUNTED I V V 7Mil SHOULD 60 K 1 THt S4 60A i&O SOMSOMB CBT 1 YTfuS It IMPORTANT. DAuiHTS DA8? youfirxrt ry'Z- T'W ' A' " . vvr,'aaBa fi47rfA..THetf A'V" . r ' V- : I o- 'l 2.000 HANDLES of well-constructed seven - room fnmllv home. Close to town, plivtrt'iiunil. pfivks ' hhd new schools. Plume Blue 319. (165) ' Press "Gestelner"! atintr. .circular letters. I Inilletlns. basin est ,,pnxliiinifly tal2l m les iu aSouih U'hone. ,m. 1X1 ,2nd. Ave rOI R" rtotiih 'ifria' bf.ihVHo'eool'w.u ttSfcsii :nat Survey vifitiUjef.vim tiuniture vrHB; Hum FaVsen 1 10) chaliu): fci.5110.01). 426 8th Ave.' Fast. ftlience North twemJviSOl. JS"ln'; .... ... i lCfinl thence West ten (10 1 chains: thence Hoiith twenty (201 chains, co-.i- KtNMUKt bemi-automatic with the Visi-matic wringer .... $189.95 (17) -Tyr 'n V Coolers, deep fleeel'S, in coolers, ilome.stlcR 'linn of ul I tvpes. Serv-k 932. SHI Rlh Ave. W. UIIOI 'R Tablets are effective. :s' KUDPlv $2 00: 9 weeks" CONVENIENT Phone lllue lars. f:l!lilly house. I mining twenty (20) acres, more or !7 for ' y"" j The. purpose for which the land la L ' requirerl Is to accommodate a hunt; , u I mo- and fishtnK Indiw. THREE-RCKIM uiouein in"! - , v p Hvi.Nn Dated June 19. 19K) At on '.,-acre land on town limit, in Terrace. Phone 4fiQ. (1661 Deelh's Pharmacy. (Ill ( i-ci AVANTED TO RENT 42 i' FCTRICIAN D. Guvatt. LI'LABNER Boy Lost By AL CAPP I l CAN'T WAIT FOBS e-i GOTO OG9ATCH &fhJilMAMnM Y i I I WONDER WHAT HAPPENED f I B.C. EPHE8T SERVICE NOTICE OF LICENCE SCALERS (COAST) EXAMINATION I ' "KENMORE" large family size .... $162.88 "KENMORE" Family size $144.95 "KENMORE" Economy Model $114.95 WANTED by working couple .Three -room semi-furnished opartment or small house by August 1. Box 731, Daily News. (169p) wii'ini' and elect i leal '49 9th Ave. West, "f'd lr. (190) li NO. aulomotlo oil heat-Hcet metal work. Phone 1 030 6th West. Letotir- (c) 'S FINKSTCLEANER TROLUX. Phone Blue r Parts Sales Service. ' (c) Examination for 8ealers Licence (Coast I under provision of Section 08 of the "Forest Act" will be held at: Terrace July 2.1rd and 24th, 1053. S a m. Logs will be scaled one day and a paper written the other. Examination fee Is 5O0. (Appli or house for Phone Red (167p) FURNISHED suite married couple. 2122, mornings. All above models complete with drain pumps. SIMPSONS-SEARS cants who have tried the examina FURNISHED suite or house for young couple, no children. Phone 40. (165p) FOUR- or five-room house. Box ACCOUNTANT. Income pr-eiallst. S. O. Furk, ulldint;. Red 593. (20m) 730, Daily News. (168p) 312 3rd Ave. W. Phone 400 46 lU'SlNF.SS OI'PORTFNITIES Prince Rupert 105 tion previously will be required to brlnjt their receipt for the $5 00 fee Application forms IN DUPLICATE must be correctly filled out and submitted before the examination. Application forms and further Information may oe obtained from the District Forester. Court House, Prince Rupert. B.C., or from the Forest Hunger at Terrace. B.C. (JlO.lTe) ''NES tioveltlen. Eddie's (C) I Stand. m r ' (P v!; y THEh1a1t"OF JULIET JONES Bv STAN DRAKE , j I ' i i S .c.t VngfMFSTgA? I I I M SIVING A PARTY, I K P0 VOU THIN ( C"- CCCSSS HONEY... MRS el - TK W TH,SFeOCKW.LLtX)VrMASON6AIPlTWASS01rS , ORCHESTRA TMAT WEEKS... WHY AVOST ELABORATE, VrVVi SWS, Wi)L.Ef jl ' PUA1S AT THE THE CueiOSiTY FRES&EST AFFAIR JA Tfj'M J 1 ' i I'-' COONTPY CtU r7 HARRIET? r THIS TOWN HAS V ,?P'.U Jl S : f XTrrTT, J '" i r i;JVr0U ILIj Jl I eve seen A il.-l'.U Sfi - -2& . a JPJl . V T X. - :. t COFFEE shon, going concern, Junction of Red Rose Mine Rood and Highway 16. Fully equipped, living Quarters. Write or see Mrs. Les Powell, Skeena SILVER-WHITE Sunshine baby Kaw for rent. 836 Fraser Phone Red 818. (Ifl7p) y everybody mscs 99. carriage in very good condition. 825 Borden St. (166p) WANTED MALE P r - GENERAL Electric washer, good condition. Call at 744 6th Ave. West, or phone Black 984. (165) Crossing, B.C. (166c) TAXI business, one car. For full rmrticubirs call in person. Black & White Taxi. (170) Al'TOMOBILF-S 47 I HOYS! Do yon want to i( extra pocket money our-imer holidays? If you do, ill and leave your name E DAILY NEWS OFFICE Jimer paper routes, (tfnc) ? P WANTED -MALE j- . JOHN H. BULGER Ojilotnelrist A .... Third Avenue John Bulger Ltd. SPECIAL , Jaturday Only ESMOND WRAPPING BLANKET 58c THE STORK SHOPPE 303 M'hird Avenue '47 CHEVROLET sedan, best offer. Can be financed. Green 441. (166) V2-TON Dodge pickup with aluminum back, 2 mounted spares. 2 bunks and mattresses. All in excellent condition. $1000 cash. Phone Blue 734. (!65 'l evenlnff work lnollni mock, etc., in grocery piny oKeena urocerv (181) 39 1 : : . ' . ;. I V "Summer Hot? Summer Not so Hot. Be Sure of Hot Results-Use Want Ads!" o