HINTS. ON HOME BUILDING, REPAIRING, REMODELLING FOR FAMILY HAPPINESS Library at Parliament to be Fireproofed Prince Rupert Daily News Monday. January 12, 1953 OTTAWA CP Work will be- gin late this spring on fireproof- fire. The committee decided wooden panelling which extends that It ShOtlld hP rpnl.TPPrt hv I ,. r,-i!nH th. oil-,.,.!.-... itn.i.. ing Canada's historic library of ; modern fire-resistant material. I the library. j Beautiful, Convenient Home Necessary I It 1 important for the faiii'v iivr. to piay unri to woi k lo-iher of the home Tj .: to have a beautiful. comlnriahK : ltx' joy of the 1 -nitly ran b.:bein of the j,,'1...1 convenient home ,n which tolgreatly influenced by tue beauty, members I ! home Mtrrouwtir . Parliamentary librarian F. A. Hardy says he will resist any suggestion that the panelling be removed It could be treated wkh fire-resistant paint or varnish to nullify it as a fire Y.r'TiX-s.n mso one ior replacement are i wooden beams around the will's and in the big library dome. They will replaced by steel. ; The committee was divided on j the question of replacing in? ' library's magnificent curved .! "'. 1 cnollitfli Itliy hl;iU, bnniKiit up m ! It rests "it tiit . I tile J. Natural Wood Finish Popular In Modern Furniture Styles 'im-m.iK,., t Parliament and will involve replacing famous inlaid wooden wooden floors with fire-resistant material and old wooden beams with steel. Officials said the work w'U .start immediately after Parliament prorogues, probably in mid-May. It may cost $1,000.-000, The fircproofing stops have been recommended by a committee set up following last August's fire which caused water damage to the interior of the t'0-year-old high-domed library and to thousands of books. I maintain a u- j whiihtlie lanuiy 7. I glow ilp together i One Important t jsurlng pernui.ul' . Prince George Leads All B.C. In Sale of Crown-Owned Lots ! The natural color of wood ca.i U the finish that brings out tn. true gram and rolor ol the hoik be retained when finlsiiini; (n. Hi The process u a limn and labor- tuke 'P't'ial ca:e . I " 54'0 omerrt utTCwen U eoaoom f. i Li vino " I II r.ttar., TH M . I . , nil lire. Tills type of flul-h iiij iijkius Sous one one Unit Unit involves involves ft ft ri ru! j! .'""" ' """"4 ior lor Ui Um1;j . particularly ivpular popular in tn r.i furniture styl vhx x PRINCE GEORGE. Prinre sold here in the 12 months pre-George led every city. town, vil- ceding; Dec. 31. 1951. for a tnt.il iinKli deal of rubbing in order to pin- ' bi finish for soft wo.lJ '"" Ur'-' ! "ot l,mJ"1 by thinaln4 the na-'f'k. '"""' tar; All but a few hundred of the ! A tiaftiral is obtained have been repaired lase ana municipality in British of $17,808. the 1.064 sold last books through drying, anti-moulding I L0UlmDla lasl 'Mr the sale, year brought $176,869. imiiiu ou mot limled or raw liiwd oil rnd rebinriinf? and now are tor-I 01 crown-owned town lot' tuint pusle wku litter und' j palntii'a it o- fie vood It bi u.-d. The boiled oil will till I allowevl u tH. t.i-n the rxcej fuister than the raw pi omici Total revenu? for B.C. from l this source last year was slight-j ly greater than S300.000. llille- 's !ped oil and tiip re- lh at the oil by plaelin It in a ed in other government build-1 Sales were up 1.000 per cent ings. The library staff has bee 1 ! over the previous year, operating on a restricted basis j From Victoria comes word since the f-.re and after tlwjthat Prince George and its ad-fireprootmg gets under wayjjecent suburbs accounted for I oiocn M I ; mainu'.- li it to Urv llloioiithlv j container in u pan ol botlin 'The surface Is then ftandpaperc! : lw' otk with th- rtjriuiive sod chawd are nut Uul a bright. j paiwr, a quaUil p pupcr or the r,i,, . lured efforts ran out of the hum-c heights of varictj , It U lime, m,rf, well spent. If u r linked nil near uiieii.ie niai .ir fhiine they will move to temporary. lose ' ( to i.u two-thirds Lwu-miius ui of a BC s. s entire revenue from sale of town quarters. until satin smooth then washed well. A final coat of wax or Var-ni.li is then applied. Apply the oil to the wood with a 'Unties cluth and Truckers Make Five Per Cent Profit in '52 The library's floor, built of inlaid wooden sections, was warped by water damage in th? An oil Ilni-li i., best used on - polish with si woolen doth. Mai 1 henilllflll r.;-.rr:f... . lot. j Sales of such property here' were nlore than three times i greater than similar sales for! Vancouver, second largest con- i hard, cloe (trained woods. This coals Of oil md be app.ied lent liofie I DESIGN B-245 Becausof its rectangular shape and straight gable roof, this plan Is an economical plan -to build, with a minimum of cutting and framing. It consists of a full basement, ' attached garage, living room, combination kitchen-dinette and , two bedrooms. Exterior finish Is wide siding with tusphalt shingles. Plans provide j for a brick planting area. Oilier features include casement windows, fireplace with book shelves, lim-n closet, an efficient kitchen arrangement and closets at each entrance. Bedroom closvts are the wardrobe type with overhead storage. Floor space is 936 sq. II. with cubage of 17.550 cu. ft. For further information about DESIGN B-245. write the Small House Planning Bureau of Canada, Saint John. New Brunswick. A SMALL 1IOI SE PLANNING Bl'KEAl' DESIGN No. B-I45 tributor to provincial town lot f TORONTO (CP) Canada's i revenue. (nuking industry carried n Figures being compiled for j freight traffic o' .bout 34,000,-i annual reports in Victoria show ; 000 tons in 1952, G. M. Park. , that 1952 s town lot sales here ' p.e .ident of the Canadian Ajio-were only a fraction less than: motive Transport Association,! the entire total for the provlnre i sai-J in a year-end statement. Workbench Of Handiman Vital Need HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Painting and Decorating General Contractors Building and Repair? of all kinds. P.O. Box 167 Phone Red 89J tve a Kooft finih Tne.-.e nuts .should be .spaced over a pr.iort of a wc-ii i.cii, to alio fur to-sorption An oil varnish !iin-li Ls sintl)... to uii oil finish but the lu-xti? and hard surface Is produced ilJicker The vurni.li is mix-d with ti; oil and the procevt is then identical to tiie oil finish i process. Mix the varuiMi and o '. in the projKirtton ol lj varnth for a soft lustre llntsh and 'i. ! equal amotifj for a high liLslrf ; finish. in the previous 12 months. Lands Department figures show that 1.064 lots in and around Prince George were sold last year, compared with 1.617 for all B.C. in 1!51. While only 197 town lots were Mr. Parke said operating tx-! penses and taxs were li.sln.t! lister than gros revenues. Hcj said grass revenues would reacr1 1 SU'O.OOO.OOO but nel profit wouid! likely not be mere than five per cent. j "The cost of nuteiials and sup - j plies, new construction, etjuip-i Don't Let Colors Tight' When Choosing Decorating Plan A FAULTY Fll CAN MAKE YC FUEL BILLS SO NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.O. Box mi Prince Itupert Open M-ason for hobbyists finds many of us suppressed Inventors and dtspi ted caUnet makers handlcuppi-ti far handiwork because we don't have the right piuce to v irk. Properly builti H heavy legs and a thick h rch c r mapl" top, a home workL .irh rim take a lot of hard usage In the building of garden lurnlture, heavy bracketed window boxr. ur whatever It w.i you built the workbench for la the fit' place. A rough workbench can b" built wHh IciM of 2x4s, Inme-woik of d:ub;rd ix4- and a double top j ptai.ks o'. bout l-inrli stork Tn? 1. Siyr o( planks Is laid !e.:r:th.'.'e. the second layer cros.sv i.se. Nail hearij naturally. ,-.e merit, salaires and wages have) in choosing room colors, start white, black, emerald been moving ahead at a faster! with the room's latest ., , A dillk room b dwrful wlth clip tl!an charges for f rcight j WOTk to th smaller. Select wall beige, vermlilion, chartreuse tur- tran.port with the result that ' , ,kS . st; ,h.en' ac" qu. Pleasant in a girl's room 1 Z it S , . thetST. ?f i0r ,are peach, violet. turqu.Mse. beige, nercentaes lower reveooe t.n e jx. centals, aie ire lower schem to be , e used, pick harmon- A uy wll, hke br(wn. ,hrrry alter income taxes are paid." izing colors for draperies, uphol- Iaurel green, beige for his room . stery and accessories. , SAANICH PLUMBERS For all tour Plumbing anil Healing Nrej Phone Blus 8o Cor. MiBrfde and Filth Ave. Let Ut Overdo J Furnace Nt . . . M yeall bt tmt the touthriUm i Thorn Sheets limited! nt Tint Ave. COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - DOMESTIC CONSTRUCTION and MAINTENANCE Do not let colors -fight" each r'" other by using them in the same ' 11 13 eas'r to make the wail proportions. Pick one color to a,ld curtain color harmonU with dominale, then use lesser a ruK than lo match a rug to Free enterprise gives every- j body a chance to get to the top. But some folks, however, de-oend too much on the free. ! amounts of secondary ones. To wal" a:'-'- curtains If figured test for proper proportion of two Dorics are used, one of the fabric colors to be used together, hold t",lors should appear on the walls paint sample chips side by side, I You may have Plahl or tl?ured then cover up different areas of icurtails with p.am walls, plain the minor color until satisfied cnrtaln are usually .safest with with the color baiitic? between' patterned wall, them. j - - - Try Doily News Wont Ads CO! ! MEANS itlik EXCHANGE YOUR ATTIC FOR A COSY BEDROOM AND COAL MEANS ALBERTA FOOTHILLS (SOOTLESS) COAL LUMP ... EGG ... NUT and STOKER. GRANTHAM Electric Electrical Contractors NEW CONSTRUCTION A room with only light aid; 'grayed colors Is usually dull. On the otHer hand, a room in which the predominant color is pure, whether light or dark, is harsh and tiresome. That is why most paint is mixed down from the pure colors. ' BASIS OF PLAN The large areas or walls. cci!-! ing and floor form the basis of! any color plan. Oeneraliy. thrse ; areas should be soft and grayed j to provide a background which combines easily with stronger furnishing and accessory colors.. A little pure, strong color will ! balance a large area of soft, 1 grayed color. Occasional chairs. pictures and small accessories I can be brilliant In color without destroying th unity of a colr plan. Have you ever Ihoufhl f turning the unuirJ m spare into a brdroon ! Ihr i tillilrm or for nam He are prrpjrrd ( wllh superior mslrtut orkmanvhip . . . riu ' ft irir-vwe,i ifc i '--- ' told er4 Phone 909 for tsrirl GREER & REWIRING OLDER 844 Summit BUILDINGS Phone Blue 293 It's LIMIT? 21.1 Ui Ave. W. TO getting cot dc?ri HRS. H0U5EWFE Well For your culor plan, select col- j ors ttiat your family likes, mak- ! ing sure they are of the correct ; value and intensity. Painting swatches will help jou in match-i ing or harmonizing paint shades ! with your floor, upholstery and , wallpaper colors. BOLD COLOR One color consultant says one should forget rules like , "blue and green should not ; be combined.". Modern color i usage is bold, different. By selecting from color samples. D'ya What Know! T OF $1.20 PER TOM ON 1 you discover many pleasing 1 combinations. ( Starting with beige floor cov- j ' ering, other major colors in the j room might be red, aqua, leaf-1 green. j Combine spruce green with j plum and peach, or with purple i and beige, for a warm, intimate i atmosphere. Tile red Is dram-! i atic in combination with Dlum ! L We ARE going to hove a winter this year afters And so many of us delayed that insulating i because we thought, this year, it just wasn't going' get cold ot all. Well we would suqgest that you see us right o: ?iCmSACiry0ur HEAT L0SS Problems w,th us . CQn SQve yu real money and give i t i j lots of odded comfort during these cold days nights. lime, ivory; sopnistlcated with : per 1,000 tq. it. WILL EXPIRE JAN. 15TH o o o o For Prompt Delivery . PHONE 65i or 652 GYPROC WOOL INSULATION ALUMINUM FOIL INSULATION $65.00 $40.00 per 1,000 sq. ft i No Cold Feet Relief Is in sight for policc-i men, firemen, construction workers, sportsmen, and Just plaia; citizens who suffer from colu feet. The New York Journal of Commerce .says the boot now used by the armed forces in the Arctic soon will be produced for i civilian use. Called "Thermo-! itooot," the product makes use t wool and dead air space to In-; sulate the feet from cold. U.S. Health at Peak ! Feeling i.etty -flood these! days? So are most Americans.' The U.S. death rate In 19S2, ac-1 cording to the New York Journal ol Commerce, was at an all-time low. Mortality was reduced in tuberculosis, childhood diseases,, pneumonia, and Influenza. The , number of suicides declined, too. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD Philpott, Evitt & Co. COW BAY 117 1 And remember .tec .you, .heotina dollar goes farther wT LIMITED imvck nAKu COAL I t t