V Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, January 12, 1953 vS i B.C. University Scientists Seeking spassmg 'Will, SJ,, l" ' I Cure to Control Dread Polio Virus Ladies Shoes Is uUuyn rlrm in lliT Sole Price . Trained ncUmtUU are search-'i cen B.C. Polio Fund went to their graph machlur -u.n-ct mail ap- liiK curuitantly at Hip Univrritiiy ; amtetarn. "If conlinucd medi- pal letters v.Ul kii the mails of B.C. for lomp way to control cal care ia ne ded. it will be sup- tnninht fo a" fh- " " .-. ..)!." ' on the the- diidd poilo viru. i piit-d." said Mr. Bond In urging ,.' ,,,, , Jlji wiii'ir-. lie llimii' 111 Annum, T $1.95 i' ' ' ' . s V . r' ' ,tv ! , Vv " ft . .f tfc"vW ' '. 4 1' Boms day IhrouKh their effort. : everyone to give something. ' , ' '. i juid the efform of others like j "The Kinsmen B C. Polio Fund The aPPa" havt --l a fj thm, they will suweed and ask.? the citiM-rui of this province tlank cheque and a pockf.-t in 'i once again medicil metier will! to respond to their annual pica which to put contribute::.;. ? have removed a threat from our I f,r money. Without your sup-1 - - r jm u. purv, i.ney wouiu inn. oe aoie io - j out, ut WOlMiittll Ilium iibtc ; vi m. ..', i rrli B SfTl 3 toula. and the Klnsmerl BC Polio many of your frh-tids and neish- , w .) s;iys mi- wr-".,.,.11 vna 'rrlul. about . iikt- Jimi'. Yuu , '.T to fiijuy it." U.I,.(; ure u f'-W tips )1)r.s ul SJUla ArilUt ! r,.,nlt of a slmw ,lh , P..VIH:! off I.irl u lioi I" she played p,.'f mid Food" I'uine ( ri.,'i. u lmv $:o io i r illy quite ''l"L" t ihc it-t -r was mulled ;,v 11ml i.riivfd Hutiir-nil till' fiil I'lMiie tu P fl:y Miir.' lu-st Mn- Fund l.s keenly interested in this bors would not have this invalu-1 fact. Over the past two years. : able aid made available to them, they have supplied some of the ; so take advantage of the .pijr-, moist urgently needed of these i tuniiy to help others." i tools to th Unlverlty includ-i Polio collection cans have been S.O.N, nieeting, Mtnriay. J-.n. 12, 8 p.m. 9i fit. Piter's cjr:l party to have been hld at Seal Cove Ladies Slippers evening has been lng an electron miicroscope ( distributed throughout the city tlu ;ii'-h magnifies 60.000 times. ! aad itn te help of North- led "" iniH piece of equipment alone, ern B.C. Power Company, which cost $10,000. ; has mads available its addresso-r'vei-vone call hi ln the doi-Hir and the 'scientists fight polio by'-l r- I p- .vodiiiK a cmtribuiion to the i Wlonc rOT j Sole Price $1.95 Fashion Footwear Prlnct Ruprn. lotary Club presents Trank t'nwshiw t-Mun Tneatrt, Civ.c Centre. Jan. 19-'.0. 8 p.m. Tickets available at Onnes Drugs. Civic Centre, Bill Scuny's or any Rotarian. !0i ni'.li cuiImt r.',or' ...i . ft .tit ItH'-j 'V: H B.C. Polio Fund, r 'o Bill Bond - .i.ill ii l ll'i'K ' f I v .4 .' d ,ti" I'll"''! j ,.,fc iihi ail lo '! J1""' ,. di!I If al Mtua'-.l m.h. alifiHlliijf i) "- W.m'.-i! I nun Tt ronln. ( I ,,mI-woiI;Iih; ste'icnil bc. B"x nn- j Drawn up by ! Tlie drive got under way here ; . thu momma HovNanneMerv When , 1 '-' I tO.IICITiCIt 570 people in B.C. were stricken during 1S52, the Kins-' ,-,.. ' i flan,; for tha r.cr were oras-i'. Start the New Year right with a quality A-l Used Car or Truck ,,l Tin' (.'uP.ailian Press, A Test Drive of any of the following selection v. ill convince - ' - --rr-' - urn I III II ! I II I ! ill Mwii m I you that we do sell better wku n h SCTD AS H ars and truck,:. up last night at t- . ft. n-i tiri of 153 of the lit y Name Society in Annunciation ficnool. Membership i ety.P-Z ta recei. e more attention than t. a retreat i!l be he d K.iif In e j First Woman Juror 4 m i. wa wrm mm i'i. r J 1343 Pl mouth Sedans Ray Gardiner New President Of TLC Here ii jiiciure tuKtn in jiiii.liuif of I he i-il- &.:. .'liowlits! the miiK" , fnit roil anil )rii in Miort riot In ' I mi 1111 Uir bi-.it vuiv to ; iwt Ii may be rold or l vuirkl b all rrful place , I IKHT WOMAN Juror in Onlarlo history. Mrs. Charles Smith of Wlnd.Mii. chat with Judge Albert J. Gordon who presided at the Just the car lor the family Kurd Forriors i..ery-thitig to be desired in moitor-ing pleasure. : Lent and it U alo planned 1o m ike a i rip 10 i ce in th-' offi- .prhig In ordtr io J-tep n :oa!i E :ex county court wk.i1,i. Mrs. Smith spent o ily a few minutes i At tlu annual el.ciion . Tonight in the jury box when the ca.se was adjourned. A housewile, she cers of the P.inee Hjpert Tn:k- Your choice at .. S18J5 wish the members there. A Hi ritlEJi or Mill 5. ii W . t I l.Jld u Mill 1 Unil a fl:ltlllllll'l' 11 Mr I -,V,, ...11, 1 Ii I r:.,.liM.."n...1.... ... .11 ..... TRI CK MAKKfc'l Pit Korman, all the - - - -, ol the uiited Fiahernvn t Al-id by tr.e ;nen o.; Mt::.i 17. 1946 3-Tonner, complete with .1 V . v . f v.i i m "v, 1 .. 4 :iVM' a l -V," lied Wot ker. Uniuu w lecte' ' AND flat deck S095 1949 3-Ton. 176 " WB A very resident and E. A. Evae.s of th! Woman Editor Shocked Society' fci i m lu war I alio hn hauiL. to keep warm .id lung over the skaters Rntj'V T'lilli.H i court i Civic Emp'oyets. rt -e'.'.?ted sec useful truck V.lo Father Ray iter, spl.itua! director fur the S.ici y - xk 'n th? travpls of tlu H.rec W' c Mtn. Jnn Ma; Ln .ia!(i was In .!'ie chair. Call in ..t"Ttn Home of Wearing Breeches at Exhibition Friend!;' Service ' lor a cour retary-treasurer. Other exicctis'e n r-rrVrs (' .- ted were J. S. Bia-t. Carpep'ors: 1 M. P. Pear:,on. & 8:-l-?hit teous demon it ration of any of ., i, ,i i urlv Suiui i v und 41 Ii the more thnn half i WINNII'EO P- Ml-iam Orff tor of the Winnipeg Free press, Tomorrow Miylit CIVIC CENTRE, 8:09 P.M. 'he above artd many more to chouse from. ',: t n m r VHiiinerni io rn .ir ; r ms. Anieiiran-oorn new.,p,ip, r once rumeo joioiuo llin so- . Workers: and ,' ii, yv mi inr i iiimit-.i : wiiiiotii no luuii'i lainr m i i.v ov wrjnnK oicei ncs w in.' i earners reicratitu Bob Parker Ltd. Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST koum 10. Bto ie Bulldais Phone B'.ue !93 4 , . s WcRtern t.'anada through P II''- Itoyal Winter, Fair. ter, K. Laird and D. M-'ioney time of agricultural repot tine.. "Jt made a sen.s.Uion." Mi;. were chosen audlUw . hus rcUrcd. tiHi recaUs- "Th kid foiiimed j a vote of tha:ik is '.ven the; 1 I f.r IMUIrii . ia mimi mil Phone 93 I "The Home of Friendly Service" 1 1 uu urounu as mejr oiu me t leu outgoing executive lor viic-ir serv. ti, . i . i She h.is reached what h- rails the turn In the road." 'I" ices curing in- pa., year. Nevertheh'ss. Mutant wore lu-r . The new executive membere ! shfc. 1 .Awk A- t-1 i r. ' ' . ' . . S t ,v'm J -' . . H -. 1' "i. ; v..; j For more thin 30 years In'. breechi-s and incourai'ed other were given the obligation of of-j nair.e has been a byward in re-' wninen to went them. Iler wear- fice by reUruij resident w h i cording farm activities Until lng apparel now includes fine- j Brett. i tee. 31 hf wm west'in t&tor: ly tauoret. rults. 1 Tne Woikme.T, Cc tn-riiT ji.iiay :ind was ainoii me on Oliver Lake. He 7ii the ice long bi (me a youi.k!ei li.nl him in v i:iei'- l.!t;ie I'alsy clu iiii! Flutes for the ir nil af'rr a ' .'vstou uu r.:nii' iio'ii" for ) in ir It. nadeil for Hie t"linis it a !?." inure rounds v.i'l s'H-et.ilurs Ineluil- "They're suitable for woik and ; Board report for Nr-b. . m have plenty of pockets." sh.v t'me Ioas accivleiifi ' of the Faintly Herald and Weekly fctar, a Job which took her' from coast to coast. rays "You can go from the , gniu ami lumber n:.' i' : u-i stockyards to an hotel lunche-m a decrease to 87v jut "vj ac- rt Xmlrrn aiil Ills wile .''4 i cidents inrreasea w 1" Several matters wen .tfftrrro ;o ttie iiKom-iij! t"ixt: ' lor .heir aUctitlc.t uc d.i' icli-iu en a bili 1 1 cue ie :mai il v, ft'- ', ; pnd still be well tlresj'd." ISUKN IN M IV YORK Mis, Ellis was born at Rsch- vllle. N Y.. and sp.-nt her early l summers with . a rrandmotii? ! on rin eastern Ontario farm ' Later her fanuly moved -to Hilton. NEW METLAKATLA (Aloska) MERCHANTS , VS. v PRINCE RUPERT ALL STARS Admission Prices: Reserved 75c Rush 50c Students 35c - v - . Atifr tile iirt'iliu the Sa.- it-hean Oovri naiei.l co'.or ihr. Vc re Ciot You Cow red." ileal-with automobile accidents ...ul in-uraiice. was shown. W. II. Brett wa chairman for a- mtetiiii. ipp ied i! hi ir until 9 ,a r.k lit v t n the .'i -i i i' tfti ii n the lir' in u j .iy n.itcr on it U'l In-lie ; l:u i: nt-s tmrr mr'.uri!ii:i: , U"m m B.iv heard Mi!!il'.!li:: i1' .': ''I Ii' e -i.n tu a s-roap ul ke.tlrfj.. Anilrrsuii Jr I iiiij an their harili-.it to keep ... ai)in (tie .hHl-iinuk ji-i'm the heailpin us :i l.'tle r'ineeiii. Mirmn ( a I n ami ( lauil-lirxin fuuiKt Ikiiiu'm :h!-- ' I il ami while v a'chl.ie. iu:iiiti. tiiev hmii pro-'o top u M-,.re . . . which i 1 lioi lor )iibiira!loii. ( 9 (m ) ) paYALOm S Mh- fii .t st r 1 -:l rrportinc dii thr Prtfire Albert Herald ; :nl from there went to the ; old Itrtin.i Post. After a hitch the Idiniiotmi Bulletin ami a petiml nt a;rli alluril ! free-lanring, she opened the ' Metiirral weekly's eilitori.il : nlfice at Winnipeg. Mni i'il w.n'ed !o lh' a doctor. I hut nir? girls" didn't do Unit i t"'i Slight Error BRANDON. ;an. f A r.ew arrival from Italy wlo tried tj mail a letter in a fire-alarm box r? rived a courteous expai lntio.i Irom police that the mail boxes are not quite the same type. The (vs. t r -'i " ' I CANNED FOODS SSZS M;s Kllis. duilug the 25 years' Whi n .she was a girl back in she woiked for the Montieil 0ii Ontario, Slv got it out of explanation was made alter the woman w as sin prised by tlu arrival of a fire truck. for quick results try a Daily News Classified v I : - - i r i-v ?. weikly. has b'-en linked wil.i her .system by culling on pi- every pliase of the lair, from tlenU with a doctor who soine- : jam and preserves lo the bull times asked her to come in and il!v;. Iler name ran bc found l'i hold a limb " i 4 . 1 ' "'t r f i 1 li.ii(l-urkinK former tureman at the city's (u Siiilerhinil h;is I'-1; his ho.pii.'l bi d a. d i! 4 .nk lii the brb-k air iay Ous was taken to i early lust fall and ul-io !:ut out a rouple of "i"s. In- had to o back )iy a li horns. He savs m. lo try to ir-' his link before making ui.j 1 lo vnrk again. STOCK CLEARAMCE ; many back editions ol Canadian and American magoanes. I FXtH.l.lvNT UIOK j White-haired and tall-she u ! five feet, rlglilMrs. tiiU lives alone In a Wlnnlix g npai tme'il She was given music lessons because "nice pirls" were given music lessons. Although a graduate of the Toronto Conservatory at Music, she claims her interest only reached as far :is the theory because of the ninth- wlvre she Is known as an et- V I' ?' O'. v ". .' ALL CASH m HO CHARGES, NO EXCHANGES, NO REFUNDS FREE DELIVERY SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE TO JANUARY Uth FREE DELIVERY I I ... niurn t r t pt i ul re rsillT ' N'fly M uu re inlroducrtl ('mt at the Hotury jccllnit cook But retirement wll! inaties involved ! Piit menu the end of her writ- The piano- in her apartment i ins. She will leave shortly for ..; largely ornamental and she the west const where she plan a Is no radio fan. .o cover mine agricultural con- iiiti-ii,- fi r h r paper. , Tome .to; s vi 'c formerly known Miriam end the late E. Cora as "love apples. ' and were in. Wind, rolotlul agilculturul edl- ttvciuced in Kr.pland In 15i6. Il 'll i T J l. v. T - m iasi W'eeg. he cuvr n , "Sraphirui sketch of the uu is romniaiHlilig of fltrr air i ma t squadron here. is a n:l'H III toe nle foiee ! SOUPS, MEATS and PREPARED CEREALS . lb. 95c NABOB COFFEE V ' last War unA i.mI REMEDIES 10 OFF V. . : . . case $7.19 ( aiifns ,) t. Atlantic I'M Ijefiire going ovr-He w as (ilsehiirgeil PACIFIC MILK ' ul (tune to Rupert two .V i - It is impossible to list in this ad oil the PRICE REDUCTIONS now in effect. Come in end s:c for yourself. CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES BUY MORE THAN All OTHER BRANDS COMBINED 1st MII-K0 sovt yon money, too SUGAR, 5 lb. bag 53c CHOCOLATE BARS re3 7cDo;1;: f KUMlTlbji PERFEX BLEACH, gallon juj . . $1.19 HEINZ BABY FOOD Tin 10c Asserted Case $2.35 ZERO cold water scan 2 for SI .09 DEAR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS- I am pleased to announce that my grocery business known as BURNS BEST BUYS has been purchosed bv the B-Y MARKET LTD., who will soon be moving to their new location. To you, whose esteemed patronage has made tils business a success, may we say "Thanks a Million." We hope that you will continue to patronize this store, knowinq that the Manaqement and Staff of the B-Y MARKET LTD. will do their ctmost tc please you with QUALITY, VALUE and SERVICE Tq facilitate stock-taking, we Gre he'ding a Giant Stock-Clearance Sale effective to January 17th. Everything in the , store has been reduced and tremendous savinas will be yours. Everyone is welcome. Supplies will b? limited to stocks now on hnd so shop early and enjoy a wide selection. Once again, -thank1 you. Mav vou enjoy nothing but HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY in j 953 Yours Si ietuiv. J. S. (JAY) BURNS MIl-KO a milk Irish, swcei nil naMeiiricd. Only the tr snd lal have been removed. A I lb. (nikigc of Mlk-KO mke 4 . qtiam ol nourishing skim milk I half die cost of ordinary milk. Save money regularly . . . use MIl-KO ery day lor drinking, baking, cooking and whipping. MIl-KO is heal-scslcd in a moisture-proof container lor your protctiion .-). :s .oi I'ui'lni r at the "'a t'elliiln,e pUint. In h's the Hol.Tlaim, Diet " 'm exceptionally pleas-"lic printres, being made r;ll':s are put throu-h '"s by Joe Hard, and !J """ lime to head (or tmige iirm tlavwontt ",1 in-triii'ti ig. Wlv a drill team is belntj lUi"i the hop. r ..,p" Bt' compelnion this ' 'f, ''ri niany surprised 1 n Kishop Jurriaii toitl '''-iliim that tin- Vicar-(''iii'- Uupert covers A lot of 3a viile. t'i. in the "7 "if'T schools mei'. iHeUhUlren and nine '' The Hishoi) i( trv-""."ro out now how he's Bet enough nvjney to-' lo build a church m 'or rather MrMahon v 'kl l.a site riC K'.-e-teh muni ii SOAP POWDERS Large pkl 36c Giant pko. 69c WESTMINSTER. TISSUE Roll '. 10: All JOHNSON'S WAX PRODUCTS T0r OFF , : ,, . - . r v 4 j : . il I I- . A I y.c pstha aws Sv Vl.Un tfuttt Umitaa ad about powdwxl tkmi im Januorv hwaol dr' Dig.a-ifl 9. White or Whole Wheat 7 IfaS. 51 C FLOUR ' . - sf R YS r (CP'- One of ':"'I-AND. ' V,.,' Visit I's P?'soneMy or Phone 755 CASH ONLY PLEASE FREE DELIVERY t; . :. 4. J , Prices qood only for stocks now on hand. We do not guarantee a complete stock sy? j & t. ii u resilient r. v' 1'ils rlis-dled nt the ";;neer f :-m. "'ilium eii inir. 1048 HAYS COVE AVENUE ' He vv n uorn In Scot- U iu re in 1907,