r Prince Rupert Daily riews rX ETTERBOx' Friday, April 23. 1054 AsJ See It ("1 by The F.ditor, , The Daily News: ! Until a couple of year? ago ij seeing porsonn 1 P " and other spoasorert K.. never paid much, if any, at-ion to the fish union in B.C. a I 'O-H f.tVrPif a ' iuJ , ten! m ore However, at that time, my son worked in one of the fish plants here In Prince Rupert, and I was ' 1 group, i much perturbed to find tlint i their union the UFAWU, had a very strong pru-Kuss.an paper, j Since then I have followed i ! Toronto Forgot TORONTO In the word? The Editor, The Daily Nosw On behalf of Ul(, , I Prt Ladle., Curling r : like tn ti,. ., . with increasing disgust the editorials and the news as Inter of the popular song,; preted by "The Fisherman." " "" urn ODh TUi. ...... .I1..,i,b tKn : PVnrc. . k - " - "-s . l F J Toronto, like spring, is "busting out all over." The Ontario metropolis now 111.- ,uiiua tile Willi- a vole cf th munist line. It shows hatred for and your staff of . the U.S. and sympathy and loy- Mor the wonderful Dually to Soviet Russia. ! to as during our bon Last month the UFAWU held ! very much apprH:iat( its annua: convention in Van- members. 1 . w . " , , . - .7 W - 'Missi JEAN !, spreads deep i n J o the countryside. , j Hut in one respT Ttiirmlo hits'' uuiile a mistake whicli is i r- i Imps ihf most comic, blunder of this class of the century. j It has just .started operation PRlc'l tiik HoiY or Angus L. Macdonald, late Liberal premier of Nova Scotia, is borne on a gun carriage from Province House to St. Mary's Catholic cathedral at Halifax. The 64-year-old native of Dunvegan, N.S.. who served as Canada's navy minister during the Second World War. was accorded a state funeral that was the biggest in Nova Scotia's history. Pallbearers flank the carriage and part of the procession c in be seen moving down Harrington Street in the background of this picture, Mr. Macdonald died in his sleep of a heart attack. ccuvcr and one result or the convention is that the union is sending a representative to the May Day celebrations in MoScow. Even now, I hear, the dele-gates who have returned home are asking the rank and rile members of the union for contributions to finance this man's trip. 1 have been concerned over this .situation for a long time. iSPECl iSPEClZ ' of a $ii8 million subway, which , I is in all but one or two respects jthe finest in the whole world. BUT ONE thints Toronto forgot. Toronto built the latest and ' j most modern subway in the en-1 OTTAWA DIARY JriEtKJU but what prompted me to write was reading in the Dally News, """'--"" Parhument is hoping that by , lavoiable than condition W sanitary conveniPllce of any I ii1P iim ii returns frum its Fas- ' ranndu Proportion incre:ises Independent dally newspaper dvotJ to the upbitltUlnK of Prince Rupert and North rn nd Central British OolunibUi. MimlMf of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prtnre Rupert Dailv New. Limited. J. F. MA OCR, President 11. O. PERRY. Vice-President ttutoecnption Kate: carrier Per wwJC, H5c; per month, 1 00; per year, 110 00. ijfeSTPifijt mall Per month, 75c; per year, $8 00. S-as Uiorizea as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa Looking Ahead For Drydock the great volume of discussion which has FROM surrounded the lYmce Kupert drydock in the past several weeks, one forward-looking idea has emerged lately which commands attention. It is that this valuable, plant be made the nucleus of foundry operations which could handle the heavy work of industries springing up in this northern coastal area. The, idea is based on the justified assumption that, with power at Kitimat brin.u'ini;- new industrial activity to the northern coast, there will lie pressing demand for a plant in the vicinity to undertake hg installation and repair jobs. In present circumstances such jobs must be handled" through Vancouver or other major centres and usually require- outside labor to he imported at great expense. The suggestion is an elaboration of the thought expressed earlier by Mayor Hills that interested local parties organize to purchase those facilities at the drydock which they need in the ciOftduct of their business. The later scheme Jis more ambitious in scope as it envisions a great-Vr outlay of capital and a wider area of-service. Although it would he two, three or more years future a plant of this sort could start to show real insults, it is one which deserves our energetic tnought. There can be no doubt that within a comparatively short time this area is going to see expanded activity on land and water which will create demands for heavy servicing work. At the drydock there is machinery and equipment which, though not of the latest manufacture, could provide a firm start for any project designed to handle such tasks. Without a central operation tif this nature, new industries and present expanding ones may be forced 'eventually to establish "their own heavy duty shops at much cost to them kind. iter vacation better news will be new orders, and employment all pt rcolatins imough from the were "reported to be making n economic front. better Mhowin;? in Canada thaa ( It's coasldered to be past din..: south or the border. If United For (he government confidence I States activity should continue whl. h .st end i list !y has regarded ; to las. ouviously Canada will be r. I last week that the Senior Chamber of Commerce is planning to form a Civil Defence organization with the head officers of. the various unions holding the j responsible positions. I fervently .suggest that th" leaders of the UFAWU be omitted from tn-. p.an. I sincerely feel that no good could come from including; tiicm in any sii'-ii pro'cct, but ji good deal of harm could and might result from In London. Paris, New York and i presumably ) even in Mos-j tow you can ride on the underground just a.s you now can 'in! Toronto. But only in Toronto do the authorities deny the facts of life. There are no toilets joi' men. women or children at air the recent recession as only teal- : a Ions-time sulferer. porary, fully expected that re- assuring sinns of business rovlv.rt Fortunately the news Is just a : r . ..... . ...j I having them take any aHivc I p..r from giving them any of the 12 magnificent stations,! would . become aounountly ao-j little bit grey, not really black. I which Toronto has provided 4r parent with the end of winter, j In Canada, for Instance, une:n-j the ifa veiling publi,cThe motlierl In.stead, there has been only a ployment has been dropplini whose young- child calls out f ll seasonal upturn or so far umm- steadily fi.r the pxst three weeks have to go to the bathroom" will pre.wlvc proportions. ; In the larger centres. The reason , find no answer to that age old! appear to lie mainly with U.- natural problem at any of the1 Two factors in the i.ituati i.i construction industry. It gels subway stations. The only rem ) ure causing the government going fa.ster In the Spring in the j edy. presumably, is to wait till somc unspoken uneasiness-. One cities than it does in non-urban, you fan reach the nearest big! Ls lne fact tnat business indices areas. And the widely ai'ver-deDartment store or to search' fe" low,r t-'ian ever had been'iL-ed for resioential Iwusing ls NOW ONLY 9 I information which they would be free to pass on to their superiors in Soviet Hussia. "CONCERNED." (Editor's Note The Daily News story referred to above concerned a Civil Defence meeting at which it was plan- for the nearest gasoline filling ! anticipated tn the course of tho I demonstrating that it is a real- economy's downswing. As an ex- ( IIKAI Til MIMSTtK Harold Connolly. 53, has been sworn in as premier of Nova Scotia to succeed the late Angus L. Macdonald who died April 13. Premier Connolly said he regarded his tenure as temporary until a convention is called and a permanent leader selected. A former editor of the old Halifax Chronicle and Star, Mr. Connolly also will hold two other cabinet posts, the highways and health station. The city fathers of Toronto, and the managers ()f what is otherwise the finest underground civic railway in tlv whole world, are just not concerned about such bothersome: things a.s public toilets. In this' respect, Toronto clings like a, burdock cluster to the type juf, ample, volume of freight by rail : and truck a particularly ba.;ic j economic indicator dropjied by , more than 10 percent. In the book of .some economists a ; .shrinkage of that extent is reo-! ognlzed as iiomethlng more thati : just a rece.-'.sion. j In addition, ba.iif.ess con-li- ! ft?:-1 '-Jr 0U1 Chinese -2)isieS CHOP SUEY , . . . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe lor Outside Orders Phone 133 ity, not a myth. , Furthermore, the last-minutei rush of pie-Ea.sr.er shopping reiKirted to the governmcnVs ; Mattstical ugeniie.s as havui been spectacular. In must sc::-tions of the country the previously unseasonable weather' -Uid just in advance of Qe holiday. Apparently it wxs fc!l that was needed to put consumers Into a buyin? mood. Encouragin'i reports are commencing to come, too. from the United States. April motor car sales there are said to have iii-creasrd sharply. And It ws Oio automobile industry that , w;i.s mind that has come right down from the days of "muddy York " Uons 111 l United State have 4 t 1 been less buoyant than Parlia ment Hill economists had hoped. t II N(iFI) CAKEKR John Keats, famed English poet who died In 1821, was originally Intended by hi.s family t) be a .suim-on. ' IT HAS always amazed me how' i far all North America is he-. The dependence of Canadian prosperity upon United States expdrt markets Is fundamental. i I hind all Europe in the matter of-i public conveniences. Yob can go ail over Britain, andtinh tliuD But a fecent comparative survry NOW ONLY 1 carried out by a group of Now York economists revealed Uni'.cit the centre of a good share (if tho selves. If the present plant i.i demoli.-hud, the scheme outlined probably goes with it. ' Let us never be put in a position of looking back a few years hence and saying- ruefully, "We thought about it once, but ..." ! even the. most- unpretentious I town has provided a sufficient j number of public lavatories. States- conditions as slightly lew ' Republic's economi" anxieties. For New Construction and Repair Work SEE GREER & BRIDDEN I'ntil Present St I TfSiii REFLECTS and REMINISCES Hay I Moreover, I have never yet found ' one that was not well kept un, 1 clean and neat. ', ; In FYance they provida ::ui h , facilities almost .on every street corner and though their style' : ol architecture for these facili- ties is not quite as discreet as1 AND ELEC Remember .the old days of par- LIMITED thL-more puritanical Anglo-Sax- j liajm-ntary debate whn a cab face there, I don't believe that. It is more probable he would have talked himself out of the awkward situation. 313 Third Ave. 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 r i on demands, the French at least ! met minister could answer a ! face the facts of life, and pro- j question the same day it w.is i vide for them. . ; a::ked. ! But In North America then; 1 I is hardly a city or town any- j Newly weds, advises a mar-I where where public authorities i riage counsellor, should start out i have provided for human neces-, in a small house. There Is this jsitit s by un adequate number of j much about it. There is less ! urinals. True, the big oil com- loom for argument. panics have stepped in and fill- ! Jed the need. It is a literal fad I Toronto Saturday Night calls I that at least one big U.S. tnlitM Ottawa Citizen's statf mem-! cnmifcinv mim i -nnuiH.t-. Ii.. ber a '.still v ass." j This Is .'int Av The trouble with a love tri-! angle Is that It is very likely to' turn into a wreeklangle. ' Nothing the Federal govern-! ment has done in the way ol i social security has been more popular than old age pension ' But let there be no illusions. The t Rising Generation A NORTH country Englishman who has spent GO of his 80 years in Canada without losing iis accent was walking along Main street in Hamilton when he aw a small boy playing in the slush (md mud. The little one would scarcely be more Jhafl four years of age and looked as though he !U as in need of some good advice. The old gentleman decided to give him it. T )o-ar.t play i' that muck lad ; you'll get it . all-over" i3air'iiat:.iip4 yuVwiVp' giWy'ikra glilV- mg,"4ie said. The four-yeaf-old looked up from his play. "Mind your own . . . business," he replied. The promptness and the fluency of the reply flabbergasted the old gentleman. Then he reflected that 76 years divided them and suddenly he began to laugh., After all, what else-could he do? Hamilton Spectator. WORLD ijucces toVie f!l that it Hud mtafWhiilt wlrtroO-;'.'wy 'w this hom -Ut provided sjA-ftOfipun toiletsi' d, dialogue betwe B the pot ntidil ttromm on trees, mis neip ; nieanu a hefty nuraen on every , ; air its filling nations. "theiilo-1 the kettle .7 H it. S taxpayer. ! ! toring public has come to take jthat for granted now but the ; BKST STAY SOM'll i Idea did not reach the managers A special writer in Harbour ; of the Toronto subway In time , and Shipping of Vancouver mak-j to Induce them to do likewise , es a lew remarks concerning the i Hn tnP 58 mlllton subway. present campaign concerning Broadway Cafe l mention the matter now, be- j the Prince Rupert drydock and cause Montreal, Winnipeg and 1 shipyard. He goes back to 1920 varx-ouver win oe lonowing Tor-. when that publication suggested I i I I i 1 Hrf mmizm -r- onto's example beforf too many the northern plant be towed to Vancouver which caused an immediate uprour in Prince Rn,- more years by providing some kind or highway or subway 11 Via, l IBVSeKW-WIVT-tr,' .!!-? 2 rapitt-ti ansit service. uen. tir goes on to .say: "I was Captain Morgan i " 22, 1 ThLs is Just an appeal to fu-; told that a couole of weeks hit,- 1 f ! ture planners of such systems not ! er, the editor received a letter to repeat Toronto's monumental ; from a friend in Prince Rujiert mistake. Spend less money on ; telling him he had better keep t HI . un BEST OF FOOD KIN EST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 11 Lis 14 rir -tfi '. i ( ' 1 miicy cinuiiie ami irim, oui away because the anarv inhabi 5 i4 more on plumbing. tants had resolved to throw him I ,in the harbor ir ho showed hisii hli-li.lll SfifllC-? Urals r- tT-'LJ. Pid I Exomine Your Purpose in Life" I Kt-. Stfliirriay, lictr. a. mi. Y ,oW" ,lrrr m rir""" iti,ii Captain Morgan Dt Luxt R um, the result of more than a score of yeart of preparation, it proudly introduced in BriiUli Columbia, Canada's most diicriniinating market for rum. Captain Morgan Pi luxt owe id distinctive cliafafer and superb quality to careful selection Itom a storehouse pi the world s finest rums. Populor Steomer Prince Rupert HMIS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN ' These have been brought tngerher by master blenders in b)iifr J-rmm of an excellence unequalled anywhere. j" - SPECIAL 2 BURNER HOT PLATES ' While lost - ; they ; $5-75 Northern B.C Power COMPANY LIMITED Phone 210 Besncr Block Prince Rupert And ot Stewart, B.C. ,,r.ir ,,,, Ku. W i.tJ"", J run-. " Ciiptain Morgan lit I uxt Rum, available now r' liniiied supply, at a premium pric. , Captain Morgan RUM WEDNESDAY Midnight ( omfort and Service r: i For rffu-rvuUoHS write or oil City or Depot Office, Prlac Ruprt, B C. " IT MINISTER Doris Belcher stands tn the nuimt of the I Congregational Church in Cummlngton. Mss Miss Belcher was EMM ecently apoolted paMor or the church. A graduate of St,, Lawrence UiilWrslty Theological School, she also holds a' MU I TI""Wmier's degrwfrom th- Julllmrd Bchmrt-of-Mt)?tP" - rliis AovtnnrtiMr is not fususmu v M caiU im uuot comiot soau ot tr nu covuhuni of