F ( : I ! i ; : iriilay, April 23, 1954 ill M Hi TRUCK A - ft 1 3T f v v 1 In'A Look for the scn of the. Uaaeryoucm trust .T(. s ' ' 1 m i .. ' t .' - , ; '. v " : ? -t.. rv .." ! ' f'-. . 0 A .'.4"( - - , . ti- V,. .,, '.' ' "r ' T -v; If5 & i'). X 4. IS if - : . --v ' TV .- - 1 1 J.W. terete ' . 3,rtr-ll . -pJ- . - - Tl jtlD Tl'RNKD HIS BACK oi) four of Hollywood's most-g!am- i oropf women last week when, within a few clays of each other. ! !uir movie queens flopped in real-life love roles. Dr. Lew Morrill j v aJkntLput on Rhonda Fleming (top left i : Zsa Zsa Gabor top rU'ht tearfully told a divorce court that George Sanders would j ialfj'8 br a bachelor; pixie-ish Leslie Caron (bottom left) wasj tlivhrd by wealthy George Hormel; and Corinne Calvert i tli(itin rigliti confessed that she accidentally took four sleeping j p'llji Jiocause she was so upset over her divorce for John Bromiicld. I T f ! Mite."?' .j jhi - j fc. mm jv - X n , .... 1 f- 1 K1 "i 9 . w r- , 4 r 1 L -;-V i- Sv: ill Vi i 1: IT'S WHERE YOU BUY THAT COUNTS t icy .r "saps' i Your Ford-Monarch Dealer is in business to Stay, lie has a stake in his community, a repula-i tion to maintain. He knows that your ivnlulcm c it his most valuable- asset and he wants to win that confidence by giving you the best merchandise at the best prices. He really knows cars ... he wants to keep on knowing you. Your Ford-Monarch Dealer has years of experience in the automotive business. He knows cars . . . and he has the staff and the facilities to put them in first-class condition and keep them that way! Jle wants you for a customer his aim is your satisfaction. Your Ford-Monarch Dealer's prices are rock-bottom for top condition, flic emphasis is on roie when you buy a used car or truck from your Ford-Monarch Dealer. He wants to keep his used cars rolling off the lot as fast as they come in, so he's ready to offer you the bct deal in Iowa on top-condition models. Your Ford-Monarch Dealer guarantees that only the best used cars and trucks arc worthy of the A-1 sticker , . . only 'hose that can meet his rigid standards of condition and performance. He keeps his standards high and backs litem with his reputation. i.i.oniMfWl-i : i. ? f 1 " " si '1.1- X ' ''IS ',1 ' , H," V ..r ... -t . . i. 'U, : ' , t .11 V " "' ? v ' N . ..." - v . S, I ' . . -, .- TJi'; j V, . v. WITH .VIIl'FF AND A I'l FF, five-year-old Christine Clark horns Into the proceedings during a recent Brass Band Championship contest t Westminster in London. She probably didn't squeeze much tund from the big B-flat bass but don't worry. There was plenty of noise as 54 bands struck up m competition. m0 "w msw SEE YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER S!fiC!AL SPECIAL SPECIAL '51 HUDSON SEDAN ' . . i W - fiiiiniiimniitnt '52 FOSD PANEL. HcatT and air condi- Beautiful Maroon. imwm i He.' , ,i I? '52 MONARCH CUSTOM SEDAN, Automatic transmission. Hcoter $2295 VUWIlUil.ial A. tinnina. Low mileage- Radio, Hcolcr, Spotlight -$I79 f Only $1495 8 . Li f ' SPKIAL SPECIAL '51 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN v '52 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN Radio, Heater, MltS. III.DVIO U'ALMN, who observed her 90th birthday on V Gloaming Cia:k. A C.OI.DKN CAGK vKh birds on a !;rcen one-piece swim suit u (sun rye-ratcher at a recent 1 biUiing Miit show at the '52 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN Lots of Extras. Excellent condition. "'y v 51935 Rodio and heater. April 4, proudly boasts that she tops five generatiens. S he has 1L , Lots of extras $1675 Only .. -2C50 ( coign v Hotel in Paris. The e'ht children. ?0 erindr-hild- three bottom rows and the h'M'K limning down from the ren, 21 great-grandchildren, and four great-great-grand--rv.iicivr.ri. She is also proud of the fact that? she can still crochet without the aid of spectacles. neck band Hie braided with V"Ul(ii Ihicads. The white hi-d? cive a "thrce-diinen-sional" look. 111 T MH KOI lUiiX. jtttt ) T'MTri irf - III r- ii-itt-'i1 - 5 ! I CEKEGOUS TRACE-ENS ft IQW DOWM PAYMENTS I EASY BUDGET PAYMENTS c AT McBRSDE end SECOND AVE. lie fore you say SCOTCH SAY The Hotr.c o? Friendly Service Your Ford-Monarch Peeler It AICMM, ... i i never varies ! PHONE 9 - TERW PRINCE RUPERT PHONE 93 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.