PICTl'RfcSMl'E EMBLEM TALENTED I Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, April 23, 1954 A white horse representing li'j- Euhraim erty and lndepenQ..-nce Is among; the firi n., Wn y Haig-Brown Reopens Fight Against Power, Pollution symbols on the Venezuelan coat- ed an pvami u,!il ol-arma. I Rl)yal M n u Today to Saturday Matinee Saturd i B.C SAWN LUMBER OUTPUT 53 PER CENT OF TOTAL VANCOUVER (P British Columbia" Is producing 53 per cent of the total sawn lumber of Canada from about one-eighth of the country's forest land. J. E. Lelrsch. vice-president In charge of forest operations for Powell River Crfmpany, reported Thursday. OTTAWA (P' A 45-year-old fly (Sherman from British Columbia said today he expects to see Canada's Pacific salmon runs wiped out "within my lifetime"! i ne hydro men have their way. ' Roderick Haig-Brown, magis- j trate. short-story writer and ' ' 1 ' '' '' -J..-V- '-' ... , . ... . r T ' . ' --fT v. MM I' TriTc ) Ail lied "BABY MAKES TWO" NOVELTY - CARTOON Yards And Yards of novelist from Campbell River, i.e. mnae Hie prediction before a national conference on Canada's resources as he urged lm-.lKHliale steps to protect wildlife and recreational facilities In Canada. The conference, attended by .epicsentatlves of some 50 pri- u,i inn. ..f ' ;' "13; ' tlmm rnnnvi run rti r-f w.if lUUMII Tf i LAU NU JVI-M' kl'r r fundamental importance to all ; Canadians and to people outside Canada. It reaches Into values beyond the reference of engln- eers and industrialists, and It is exactly the type of national responsibility we are attempting to define here today." i I'RGES PROTECTED SYSTEM The public, he said, Is entitled ' to a carefully planned, fully In- ! tegrated and completely protected system of recreational and . wildlife areas. Turning to water pollution, he said "far more than enough Is known about pollution to control it." but that it Is much easier to prevent than control. Rivers arc not drainage ditches or sewers, and no wise civilization will use Ihem for these purposes. I bolirvp thpt fouling rivers with waste Is an Intolerable expression of arrogance towards the present or future." He cited delays In handling pollution problems In British Columbia and the north Saskatchewan river. It had taken months to decide the origin of, the trouble and get results. "This Is not pollution control. It Is a good way 6f allowing a situation to reach a point where it cannot be controlled." K'S3 i YARD GOODS At Wallace's Of Course Wallace's large material section knows no season. Kvery day dozens of women prefer Wallace's for yard goods. , m , fv V --" ' 'hosint I i ' "f "Headquarters For Butterick Patterns" I WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE rvpninas 7 ami 9 p.m. Nutunlay Mutinee 2 and 4:1 SAM l.NG Wutili at the age of 97 is nothing unusual for amazing Wallace A. Bently of New Marlboro, Mass., who Is working on his ninth cord of wood since the beginning of the past winter. Born August 27, 1856, he saws wood about two hours a day for exercise. Bently, a retired blacksmith who still has a powerful grip, attributes his longevity not to sawing; that comes nateherl" but tobacco chewing since he was eight years old. aio groups interested in conservation, turned to wildlife and ooi vat inn problems in the second lay of a two-day meeting, after lenlitiR Thursday with forest, Mil and water conservation. Mr IlalK-Brown said the use of water by fish and other wild-lfe is adversely alf cted by three major causes: Pollution, altem-io.vs of How' throuch change of ground cover, and dams. 'Canada's Pacific salmon runs are one of her most magnificent resoifrces. Yet If the present plans of the hydro-electric engineers are realized, I expect to see them wiped out within my lifetime." he told the delegates. "This is a national issue, of Celgar Given Added Extention VICTORIA (CP)-Celgar Devl" opinrnt company has been granted another six month3 to submit a management plan on 807.000 acres of forest in the Arrow Lakes area. Forest Minister R. H. Sommers. announced here Thuisday. He said Celgar is working under "unavoidable difficulties" in ."urveying the area it has reserved under a forest management permit but added "The government cannot, hold very large arras of their forest resources In HOUSEWIVES DON'T FORGET EARN WHELE YOU LEARN in the Royal Canadian Navy Today Navy is a technical Navy, with many specialists. Vou can learn a good trade while you earn good wages. You can advance with the Navy GO PLACES. There are career openings as well for skilled tradesmen. Investigate now. Find out how you can serve yourself and your country in the Navy. Age limits: 17 to 25 1 29 with certain trade qualifications!. Education: Grade 8 or better. See your Naval Recruiting Officer at H.M.C.S. Chatham from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD The Weekend Specia FISHERMEN'S 01 - a'.'Ht j ' " f ' v f - f 1 ' ;. "rt'V- ; ,' 1 : V . i " ' - - t", t- v '7. " -4 SKEENA GROCERY Province Fined $2,500 For Contempt VANCOUVER P-Mr. Justice J. V. Clyne Thursday fined Vancouver Province $2,500 and costs for contempt of court arising out of an article by columnist Eriq Nieol condemning cnpLUl punishment. Ntcol was fined $250. The article followed the conviction of 19-year-old .Villiam Oash for the golf-course slaying- of Frank Pltsch, 45. Ga.sh, was sentenced by Ml. Justice Clyne to be hanged June 22. It was published March 20. On April 2, A. W Moscarella, : Province publisher; H. C. Ander-ron, editor-in-chief, and Nicol were called before Mr. Justice Clyne. Mr. Moscarella and Mr. Anderson ' personally were not fined in Thursday's Judgment. FAREWELL DANCE and LEGION HALL reserve ... for any long, indefinite period." WILLIAMS GROCEr- Good Iiridjrc Player Uses His Imagination One of the prime attributes of a great bridge player is imagination a trait which includes willingness to deviate from the usual and the "normal" when the occasion demands. ; Mr. Miuzy was kibitzing to- uit but " he did, he would al- day's h-nd and he almost fell'ways got ll- u: i u , 1 A club return can obviousiv be ".nd mM fUr!chancehr,Stha clrtwli b T t:Hzz a hcart dlscard ,rom to look the situation ' u,., . over. ,j Dummy n,,,'. s ji. diamond j suit u has an 7 rrfz - - 1 FRIDAY, APRIL 23- 10-2 All Fishermen Welcome PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OP tam nothlnTl w " Jook and can probably PLAYING SATURDAY 1 DAY ONLY e UM 10 alSCalQ 10SerS -S that Mr Merit hnrt t.rtrlr .n fhl East dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Ml. Hiu-.li! 8 J 9 8 6 H A Q 8 8 7 D K J 9 C 3 NOTICE OF MEETING Prince Rupert FILM CLUB Business "MAGIC BOW" Sunday, April 25 9 p.m. Mr-sl (Mr. Meek) S 5 4 I Iji-I ( Mr. 1 ltiinilii) S 3 Rotary Auction 7 8 2 H K J 3 H 10 D 10 C 10 NO INSTALLATION COST 2 D A Q 6 S I 8 4 C A K J 7 5 Siiulh (Mr. S A K Q 10 7 H 9 5 4 1 L - A if - ! j Lr.," , ill. .j i D 4 3 9 2 C--Q Th blddlnu: Something of Everything! Bargains Galon East West North 4 S South 1 S 1 C All Pass i. . SATURDAY 1-6 PM ONE WOl '1.0 RKALI.Y have to "crane" his head to look at the OLD EATON'S ST0R Another Big NAVY DANCE at the NAVY DRILL HALL on Friday, April 23 Music, by Joke's Rhythm Kings ' Danrlnc 10-2 Admission $1.00 birdie In this camera. The photographer mounted the Instrument on a 12-foot tripod to take pictures over the heads of crowds watching Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh during their recent visit to Busselton, Australia. And the thlng'll always be handy for giraife portraits. FAMED ACADKMY The Royal Academy of Arts in London was founded by Georue III in 1758. -: ft r. ? Proceeds to P.R. General Hospitol CHILDREN'S WARD the closed hand. In addition, a Jinmond return away from the i T-queen will surely lose a trick. After a short huddle, Mr. Champion returned the trey of hearts. He did not make this i noire because he likes to lead away from king-jack, but be-'iiu.se ol lvr leads seemed hopeless. And It was a moral certainty Mr. Meek could never gel n to lead a hcart through the acc-qv.ctn. IMAGINATION WINS For the play o work, Mr. Ab' l had to have 'h:ee hearts, not including the 10. Wh .n Mr. Menk l l.iycd the 10, forcing th? queen from dummy, the time (lenient was in favor of th? defense. After t;;kinr three rounds of trumps, Mr. Abel led a diamond and fincsiied the Jack. Mr. Champion won with tlvj jueen and led the king of r , : Va4" tai m mm wu 1' t I t?Sp It - onfy a few cenfs a foot.1 Imagine the look and the feel of ceramic tile for pennies instead of dollars! Congowall, in a wide range of attractive colours, olTcrs all this AND the economy of installing it yourself.. You simply unroll, cut and cement to the wall. Congowall's exclusive patented backing assures iroublc-free installation. Write for free booklet and instruction sheet to Congoleum Canada Ltd., 3700 St. Patrick St., Montreal. in Wh ir r3 TlTfjF D Jil ii SJJiil il See your house furnishing dealer soon I hearts, knocking out dummy's e. inow Ihive was no way for Ir. Abrl to avoid the loss of anther di imond and a heart. Note that if Mr. Champion had failed to attack h'arts at his first opportunity, Mr. Abel would have had time to set up the diamonds and make his contract. Many players would have returned a heart from queen, Jack and another one, with ace, king, small In dummy. The lead Mr. Champion made is closely related to that. In each case you are trying to set up a third "CAMILLE" STARRING Marlene Dietrich ONE WHOLE HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTED BY round winner. But not many would lead king, jack. 10. Imagination is the difference. & ANDERSON & v. ? GORDON I Federal Block Phone 46 - FORD of CANADA P.M. - FROM RADIO CFPR - 1240 K 'i&i GORDON'S HARDWARE ' . , I McBnde Street Phone 311 ', r .' ,. ... . , I OR PARIfPR LIMITED A. McKENZIE FURNITURE ' A Good Place to Buy ... For Over a Quarter of a Century" 327 Third Avenue Pkn 77 I his dvertisemcnt ii not Dublishca "The Home of Friendly Service" Your Locol FORD-MONARCH. or displayed by the Liquor Control Bomd Of by die Government of Bnltin Cnlumbi A i i A