I Iff I I Y H 111 , .. n.h 11 1K,9 SHIPS AND -PersonaL of the faithful." i Oentes . estimated " that less than 20 per cent of city dwellers in Latin America and less than five per cent of country attend mass. . Ceknese Chief Engineer Here Drift of Church in Latin America Worry to Jesuits By PATRICK CROSSE ROME (Reuters) The powerful Societv of WAI cKrKUNI W. R. Tooth left by plane Sat- j urday on his return to Stewart Veteran coastal steamer Prin-lafter spending a few days in the cess Mary, recently wit hriraun I cay on ousi.iess. On a visit of inspection to the Columbia Cellulose mill at Watson Island, S. B. Roberts of Greenwich, Connecticut, arrived ,in the city by air Saturday from New York. Mr. Roberts will be spending the next few days in the city. Mrs. C. V. Evitt arrived in the city on the Coquitlam last night from Nanaimo. She had come north to be with the late Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh who passed away last night. Jesus better known as the Jesuits has issued a call ' hZrl . g a"a : Mr- and Mrs. George Me Adams eran for the rescue" of Roman Catholicism in South and Central America. " -. i r ; The society is the most milr- ed Protestant ministers; and 43 . .. . . . . . 1 w. .1 V, : 11 I I D.ntnntnnt 1. 1 - 1 lere, l hf , halTn y . Vua,M"' returned l5 Terrace last Wed- 1 Prinrf pera'e? successlvely on ! nesd nignt from a trlp to Van-i Prince Rupert local, west coancouver: : of Vancouver Island, Alaska and . I Powell River runs, has been sold Frank Calder. MLA for Atiin. win aim mguiy-aiscipiinea 01 'umuuir wieuiugicai colleges fhp Pathnlir "Hm.r.h'e 'Tt. It rnnnnt. cannot Kn be AHimaH claimed fKo that tv. bv the British flnli the ....v. Vw..w..v, VilUtUID ItULIUUO " f Steamship Services of t. cYn: , in "the sssion of the eBula- orders. Protestants 'buy' converts. Of- j ten, it is a question of souls who, ! experiencing a strong religious: "Catholicism in Latin Amer ica has passed through so for f'Kl" 'r-lVoUomeWnghrid" 8'' t0 Union ; tare in Victoria, stopped off at , I , took Pce ,h illthPian lariieV Airf in thl stcamj,nlPs Ld. The Princess Alert Bay during the week-end f lat " St. Pauls rhurehS Wl" be CUt dW'n by herit0 attend Sesions of the Native I . whin Joyce cf w centred Tth' T a"d rted to a Brotherhood of British Colum-tL,L 1 of 2!VbMW ' vlce on the coast, ib'.a. Mr. Calder has been re- midable a crisis, lasting more asP'ration and finding no Cath-; than a century, that it is a mir- oilc community near them, give : CI WUJ Ut, V V ii Ufl HUU Udl! ; nominated as CCF candidate for m; rnt" - iuuius, giving it spring-line at iTir, t . Atlln in the forthcoming elec- acle if that vast territory can themselves to the first pastor , still call Itself Catholic," savs wno lnvite them to come and! ! Gentes, the missionary organ of sing hvmns- in an undeniably j I the Jesuits. religious atmosphere, and who j I m' an " nfifiM -t (i reads to them, perhaps for the! i first tlme ln their lives- the Holy! America Amenta-SOS, S O s it says , the scrinturcs.". - i i f to fcimn mosphere. I i Guests were wmwij oiiailltT VWUICUl'IJ, U.api. f4fin received at the William McCombe, making her d charming 1.1 h white dres door by Mrs. H. Holland, con-, ""al trip on the Queen Charlotte Miss Margaret Kerr M.A., R.N., vener for the afternoon. Mrs. A.'Island run. returned to .port at of Montreal, editor of Canadian M. Martinusen was tearoom con- 8:45 last evening from Masset Nurse, arrived in the r.itv bv i by the brides vcncr assisted by Mrs. R. Gtske,' Jn:'et points and failed at 8 p m. , plane ' today from Vancouver in .1. np.'l Wai.,t iiliL jong scalloptd ;u.l' sKirt, anti !i .v-of-the-valley. hat to mutch Mrs. K. BeuUen, Mi. II. O. Olaen, I0 Vanoonvpr On conchision of the course of a western tour. She Mrs. H. Hansen and Mrs. Torda;. thls vyaKe. the Chilcotin is meets the Prince Rupert Chap-The home cooking stall was In belnB withdrawn for annual ter of Registered Nurses' A.ssoci-charge of Mrs. A. Husoy, Mrs. A. overhaul and w111 be ne"t seeniatlon of B.C. this evening before Dybhavn and Mrs. L. Nelson.' h(e .wren she comes out o,i the , proceeding by train to Prince Servlteurs were Mrs. K. OLske A,aska tourist run in the sum- George. Miss E. Vasene. Mrs. H. Hacon mer- The Camosun will takj! iiuquet of pale i the groom was anti Mrs over the island run this week. oernara p. uribbons, Carna- J. Pedersen. car-rings to Mrs. T, Fossen was cajshier. Uon are ' The review that' addini , ' to their other powerful means ' 1. A world of 154,000,000 so- 0f propaganda, "the Protestants : called Catholics must be re- are now planning to flood Latin christianized." ; America with 10.000 preachers 2. "The Catholic forces avail-' who have had to leave the Far able are exiiaoroinarily insuffi- East." . j dent for the task." 'MORE CLKRGY .VKEDEI) 3. Every delay in this under- . . .. . , ' taking of religious reconstruc-; . Th bas c Proulcm ln Latin tion marks a progress in the A,meria ls the grave lack, of, methodical clergy' Gentcs says' ' advance of Protest- i antism, if not of communist' "Latin America, which has 33 materialism." i Pcr cent of the world's Catho- 1 lies, disposes of only seven per BIG PROTESTANT JUMP j cent of the world s priests. . I The publication says the ad-1 "It has been established that' vance of Protestantism in the the proportion of catholics to' last few decades has been con- priests should , be at least one siderable. - priest to every 1.000 Catholics. ! ' In 1925 there were in all 7nR . "Whilo n v it.,ij ct.i t being due Friday. Second Union uon Mlllc representative for steamer in port last night was ' northern British Columbia, left the Coqultlam which arrived ' bv Saturday's train on his return from Vancouver ' at 11 p.m. and to Prince George headquarters, sailed this morning for Alice !n April 12 at Williams Lakv? Arm and Stewart whence she isIMr- Giibbons will be married to due back here tomorrow south-iMiss Lena Gurling of Vancsu- .j was anincy I a blue taffeta 1 dreis with skull fHE EXPERTS J. t stoie stole and and long long f CAR NED FOODS s, fA f j earning rose Jati . . . e a light bluo bound. ver who Is coming north to join i white carna- I Hie stun oj in canaaiaa ManK i of Commerce at Prince George j after having been tationed at Penticton. WVVAVJ'AVAV.V.V.V.VAV.V.Vi'.V.V.'.VAVW By KAY REX CaiiHdlHii Prrw Sufi Writer was the bio Don Peterson Final Rites for William Bailey if i: the bride wo.'C BUY WHAT IS NEDDED -i- 000 Protestants in Latin Amer- the average is 622 Catholics to ica. Today there are 4,700.000. one priest, and in Canada 479, Official statistics show that the 25.000 priests of Latin Am- there are: 19,428 Protestant erica furnish the miserable av- places of worship; 3.655 ordain- erage of one priest to every 7.000 under auspices of the Canadian Let?ion. Interment was in the Canadian ( er dress, an off- Canadian women owe it to them- ..it witn mauve selves and to the economy of i accessories and their country m ;buy only what I thev need, not what thev want." Funeral service was held 6ar- ,,day for William Bailey. 79. old : taZ soldk-r A at 5 o'clock says Mrs. Allan Turner Bone of 1 mcl' h e and veteran Montreal. wno died early last week. Rev. b.indmg snowstorm, Pallbearers were Alex Haig, Jack Allen, William Brett and Alex McLean. Bugler Ranee sounded the Last Post. As president of. the National Dr E- A. Wright of First Presby-Council of Women, Mrs. Turner tcr'an Church conducted the Bon. has special Interest In rvtce from Grenville Chapel, I the bride's pai- .ii!d liinch.-o ; I Mary Tift, Mr.;. I Carw! Brentzcn Aiidifws. Mrs. measures calculated to cut living expfnses. For the last five For Your Easter Parade al Home EASTER CARDS EASTER EGGS A CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES EASTER WRAPPED BOXED CHOCOLATES a proposed the mon'-hs the council has been Je. and FrancLS ur8n8 Its 600.000 women to To Members of Branch 27r Canadian Legion economize. , Mrs. Turner Bone explains that f .Jt.-niald. I wctldin; caki this Thrift Campaign is an anti . es mother, was and served by lnflationary effort. Ttw council 11 with pleasure that thelngs and it is our hope to do doesn't want Its members to President and Executive of , even better In the future. We forego spendingbut to curb It. Branch 27. of the Canadian' Le- j have the talent, the organizers. CANDY EGGS IN CELLO BAGS and the very latest in shoes anci i est rain It. and delay It. B'on look forward to the party , the facilities a;iu look forward The N.C.W. president expres- 011 the occasion of the second ' to a most successful year. UL H sea her views to the Canadian anniversary or me oinciai open- j Let us start out the new year d Press after she was asked for ln& oI the Present premises. j by being in attendance at the VJ FASHION FOOTWEAR ! ILl.i mm her opinion about current high Mucn rias oeen done in the last ; second anniversary party on prices and how she meets them two years to make our premises ' April 1 and assure its success. In her own home. something our members may be ! Invitations have been mailed The council head practises Proud of and well worthy of a to all members, what " she preaches. Enclosed -celebration. - j Any member who has not re- with her letter were recipes for During the past two years your ceived his invitation due to WW ,-.w.-. Bjrkltv f ' ('arland luii inirw:isiv Hishix favr.Hto executive. In conlunction with gi;can Cathcd- with :.h Turner Bone' family the Ladles; Auxiliary, has pro- 11 -if at 7 3i) Sat- f'OI.D MEAT vlded some very fine social even- change of address is requested to contact the secretary-map-ager,- Mr. Brash. . A. HAIG. ' 1 President. 77c Aw N E TTE'S PRE-EASTER SALE "i the marriage iv m 7 "yniiii uarn- This, says Mrs. Turner Bone,' If an excellent way to use meat left-overs: Ingiedlents: One-half cup' of of .i's. e. A. Avenue East, to Garland, son of ; M. Garlanri (if OP Hour; one-quarter teaspoon of 1 er ollirii' "i'10'.1 biklng powder; one-quarter tea -. . VI ui r.vi ball . nln onn. m lr n ' Prince Rupert ! H. Rindal; F. N. Roberts. D. Mills, I. A. Falconer, George' Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerard, "'"e and John ' . I . bs' "'"""" kd the mm... SICPS OI eu-over meai nam, beef, etc i i.,..M,u.,t S. Ai Currv. A. Van Snellenberir. . 11 A UIV II I 1 CUll ii va, nuu I" SiMlie DV Rlirrn i... . ..-!.. T A Pomiinin Ta.riirt!iti" R Tl -"'. ii nil pnn nn mi'ir ill iimiria H :rin,K w. . waiiinvn, wnv. uu.v. ., w. . What We ve Hatched Up for You Sa!e Starts Tuesday AnriMct at O a m puny in 'hatter. RpHt Beat well well. D D n d slices ilipp of of Roberts, nooerus, ureenwicn, vounecii sown u-iih Cor- roiri mrrnt In hntlpr Frv In CU'. R. Hunstone and R. E. mler. Vancouver; R. M. Milne, ii. nU(, . . 8-ca-ed pan T 101 Talisman v.r. Tm-nnp Pnn.'. Pnnr vinn'. Prince George; Miss E. Barnett. un PuHrlinir u a fin ripssrrt fnr Hazelton; R. E. Webb. Victoria: lulrl na Inn., rhiiiu ...,ih,.. Miss J. Martell. W. S. Dale and: 'lvc in aDrin.t Inoreriients: nrn. run hmwn Miss R. Farrell. Terrace: Mr. and 1 w with gold F'-tl colonial bo i fjTt ...... 6 0M LY COATS Rcr viue $49 50 '...pre.easter sale J22.50 CIIITC Jls;ctls- G;;ba-djncs and Tic & Pic, back In'erest and tailored styles. Sizes 12 to 2G'i Cll SI A SSJII 1 " assirtcd colors. Res. values to $59.50. PRE-EASTER SALE 3aiA,,JU i nj. rugar; one cup raisins: one cup Mrs. O. Fee, Lebanon. Oregon: ; "our milk (or buttermilk); 2'j Mrs. G. Donovan. Whitehorse; ' cup? flour; two tablespoons but- O. Turcoth. Port Coquitlam; Mr ; ter; one teaspoon soda; spices '.o and Mrs. Sass, Kwinitsa; D. S. , suit taste. Neilson and James Taylor, Ed- Steam in mold for two houri. ,monton; E. Bolton, Port Esslng-j ,0,pr gins were and Oeoraina ;.nier in yellow MOItF thrift ton: j. r. Haieman, Winnipeg; Port Clements; A. . . "Thrift." snirr sti(n. I mm the A- Pyper, and matrh- 'al-er in blur If! skin o, ! Ji Caspaco; Mr. -ind ; Natlnnnl Omnrlt lnr-lii,1i. the MacMlllan, null Mrs. D. Bateman. Port Clement-; A. Peterson, Smlthers. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ivcson are sailing tomorrow afternoon on the Coqultlam for Vancouver. Jih carried following recipe for an tnexpen-' i0' spring flow- sive spot remover. , Ingredients: One-ha'f ounce Robert o. a'cohol; two ounces concentrated t fliers Ban.y ammonia; one-half ounce ether. Duncan. The above items should be Worsteds, Gabardines, plaids ond Alpines. S8IHTC J Regular values to $6.95 PRE-EASTER SALE BLOUSES Re9u,ar values t0 $5-95 . ... PRE-EASTER SALE DRESSES Re9- va,L,es to $19-50 in sizes from 12to24!2. PRE-EASTER SALE RAYON NIGHTGOWNS RCg v0lucs t0 $i95 pre.easter sale SLIPS R:3ular va!ucs t0 $3.95 PRE-EASTER SALE $2.95 $1.95 $5.95 $1.95 $1.00 "'uoy a. recpn. measured ami mlxorl hv n rirntr- A. E. Macmillan, manager of , , lgh!h isl- Then, cut three-quarters of cassiar cannery, left on today's The i. t'Rivins i, umite oi casiiie tiiip inu plane for Vancouver aiier a . j uic smau pieces and dissolve in one vlsit t0 nis skeena River plant. ore rust cup boiling soft water. When ' , "u trim and thoroughly dissolved add six Ed Bolton Is sailing tomorrow and Mrs. Vic cups soft water. Add the drug-' afternoon on V the Coquitlam Z ,Zt for ', 0ver P'nk store mixture, bot'le and cork j 7. nThU. averti.:aen not published . , to attend a o meeting Albert Bay -r dt,plByd by thp Llquor ConUO, Of the Native. Brotherhood Of Board or by the Government ot British Columbia. British Columbia. HAYON HALF SLIPS Re9uiorvhe$2 95 pre faster sale $1.25 RAYON PANTIES faster sale 50c fc'n. , u a 11 so't water is not avanaoie i -r uixe on a Use rain water nr mnltpri Rimw beautiful The latter may need to be strain- '"u-nea with t,i., u ii i,i Hi" -u luiuogn cneese cioin unui ELASTIC GIRDLES Rc9u,ar values to $3.95 PRE-EASTER SALE $1.00 n For Your GARDEN NEEDS dilute Garl' near. to Win,?i l0ft for For 8eneral sponging whirK nich .i?8 ancl wlth equal parts water, they wm ., "uf'rt to take ic RAKES FORKS HOES SLACKS Gabardines, Flannels: Reg. values to $9.95 PRE-EASTER SALE $5.95 RENNIE SWEATERS FC5.":...''..' $3.95 RENNIE SWEATERS $c'd:9o c $5.95 Dr. R. H. Bull leaves tonight on the Princess Louise for Vancouver where he will assume his future headquarters as general manager of Columbia Cellulose Co. Mrs. Ball and family will be leaving Thursday night on the Prince Rupert. tit N m u insur- .""Isoffw u., . Street UU"Q- tet acrnso r 1 54 Gauqe 1 5 Denier. Dark Seamed hlylons. every pair perfect. Sizes 8V2 to" 1 1 . New spring shades. PRE-EASTER SALE, Pair EXTRA SPECIAL Complete Selection of small GARDEN TOOLS FERTILIZER THESE AND MANY MORE SPECIALS AT 21 ,.;" Wlon. I '1 1 INETTE MANSELL'S LADIES' WEAR ' w closed Wednesduy. ' k'' i'78c) 1 Gordon & Anderson TOMORROW'S STYLES TODAY ;WE LFAD . . . OTHERS FOLLOW real tover more ' led. VI v "' '.!.. Phone 46