EL REMODSLLINCi HINTS CM ING. REPAIRING, own iw r Prince Rupert Daily News Strandards Should Be Set t i Monday. January 19. ivoi Canadian Furniture Designs Escapes Some Of Extreme Efforts of American Builders . . ' f'H Child's Desk Needs Special Attentl flirt lllitl irt.mcp of n fle.sk in A lilununaiion snoum yn pr-. uaci-u m m,. rv,,irt 1)( 'MS fin ' I . . . .... .- i (. t Clal attelUlim uecause uj inr,(iM"ii.o ne Ol U.e dawr of eye-strain In -. owinft ' tube Variety. .... ... i.j k... I. ... a . l.i . . :4r: cnlittlfwl. UM1 M KO'iuiu w uiwir i n .-niny fturi, t0 feet hitih With - r t; y eml-dlrect top should be avoided c t bu':b, and pius'el blotter to M II If a a taule tauie jlare (tiare (and land save save ti th By I OKISKS KIH OF. tual'.y any price raase. Canadian Preys Business Editor J This is in considerable cm-C?;ia('.ians now can get good trast to a few years ago when rli-hn in tijeir furnituri' m vir- eye appeal generally went with Home Decorating Costs Kept Low By Following These Four Methods llnhtlii't. a IdKh-watt h : -' - r"k. a good-sie shade, lump is used, It sliould he placed Other equipment -., to the left and klmhtly ' rw.uo jienclls, p.ip,T mal from the back of the de.iV. Wall 'boo i. ehiiu.d have ; lamps sliould be hmh . .-roush ' partmcnu or y.iieive,' child's room can hurdly be over-i emphasized. For reasons of health and priicr study habit s alone it is needed. j Whether the desk Ls a mlnia-j ture executive's lay-out or u hand-made corner built-in, how-j iver, there are certain siundardsj that should be set As a KUide t )i the proper size and equipment of -hlidrcns desks, t'-e Sheaf fer Pen Company h is a.sembie'4 the following standards: I,k tops should be at lea'! 25 to 30 mines from the floor, depending on the Mze and ,e of. the chilli The chair, straii'ht-baeked, hould l' Mw cnoieth o h " the child" eve H 'n-ches above Uie (U i : tO .'.n.e i, the hich price tags. This improvement in design Is perhaps tne mcst. striking thlm? to be noted at the current Canadian Furniture Mart in Toronto. Simple, clean-cut lines have come into the lower-priced field, and even if today's pieces should become ' dated' a few yeais from now, they should .still b& pleasant to live with. This is not to say, however, that bizarre effects do not creep in. or that there is not room for continuing improvement. The Furniture Mart now is in its fourth year and C. L. Stark, its mini"in5 rlir-tnr. jiv5 it .some of the credit for the improvement in design. lie said a number of firms whose goods iUffere:L in rom- that the bottuin of the shudc Istcre-t cl ir.ih at eye ievei. Student lamp. 'convenience. Dissolve the ingredients in half ; pint of soft water. I Cleaner 2 cups lux soap I 2 tups boiling water I 1 cup cleaning gasoline Rue Cleaner r to -i 1 mooooi fi-i I I Mouoom I BfdQoom a I how I! 1 I u'OiS w ' " (1 ICM)I5-J t I I I E. !L L . -.- fl otmna In nr oin l TM rW- eiinc - . t hi i I ii r-tmm The proper ingredients are not always available to the home decorator, especially in some of the remote areas of the province. So people who are refinishiiip their furniture or doing odd jobs of redecorating abom the house may lino the following recipes useful: Varnish Itenmver 1 cup flour . 3 cups water '2 cup lye Mix flour wth 2 cups of water, mix lye and 1 cup water. Combine the two mixtures and apply with a stick. Furniture Cream '2 oz. beeswax 2 o7. castile soap 'a pint turpentine . VI; r 1 box soap flakes 1 oz. soap bark 2 oz borax 1W quarts hot water 4 oz. ammonia 2'2 quarts cold water Dissolve the first three ingredients in hot water. Acid ammonia and cold water. Apply to rugs with stiff brush and rub into good lather. Rub off with damp cloth. Remove as much lather as possible with a knife or ruler. A MODERN KITCHEN ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Contract Awards Across Canada Below '5 Level Tirtal value of construction contract awards in Canada for Just think! Von fan hr i Kitchen that ! t I ST OK l-I.ANNKU ti the Mtr in4 khape of the rum mid to m applianrr nil to "ur rti:. kiUhrn ruulinr. Our rpertt do the job t)ii and at MirptisitiKly mwiri ri. DESIGN C-204-In addition to the full basement under this liou.se, a small utility room is located at the side entrance. This room has coat Uosit, cabinet and storage onsets for houJ keeping supplies, as well as .space for washer and dryer. Storage space Ls also provided in the bedroom hall closets for llaen. supplies, games and equipment. Three bedrooms and bath are In the rear and living-dming-room and kitchen in the front;. Working drawings include optionally a-breezeway and garage on trr. utility side. In the kitchen, cabinets on the two walls leave space for dliing by the side window. The bathroom lavatory is built Into a counter with cabinets above and below. Other features include fireplace, covered front, entrance with lattice, picture window, wide siding end asphalt shingles. Floor area is 1362 sq. ft. and cubage 26.6M eu. ft For further information about DESIGN C-204, write the Small House Planning Bureau of Canada, Saint John, New Brunswick -IPS NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. CENTRAL CONTRACTORS " I'.t). V.o 1381 Prince Rupert Phone 909 for Est! mot ; parison with their competitors J in the early shows marie fast , changes. Swedish designs seem to have j been among'the influences for good, and some beautiful piece:; 'are being turned out in Canada ; under Swedi.-n iicenee. For those who can afford high : pri?c ta?s, there is plenty to look : at b.th iii modern and tradi-tionr.l lines. Pix-st:r, .sometimes visually like wood in appearance but harder to sc:atch. are creeping into occasional furniture. In general, new materials, or old materials such as iron in new uses, are testing out their places in ti.e furniture and furnishing.. ; field. The lis? of iron recently led to cau-tic comment by a big American buyer at an American show. . He said: "You now sit on chairs which combine ail the comforts of an over-sized coal scuttle, the soft fee! of a window smeen and the b.Lsi; ingredients of a picket fence.' GREER & BRIDDEi 1.IMITI l tn ut Ave. w. r n bi I fWember 19;:3 was recorded at i $'.H 01 1 MM. roinpared with $l2).- 1452.11.0 in December 195!. I With 11 2.3IJO0 decrease. Jhe fmures as compiled by Mac-Lean BuildiiiK Heports. Limited, show that on the cumulative year and total f'r 1 152 of $1812.177.-mo was 21 1 per cent below the 1051 year-end fur ire of $?!.- im2w. The western Canada break-, ; down for each category 19M fiK-' ures In bracket-it were: Residential S'J.m MXl i $5,577 Own up ' S3.5!6.3oO; Business $8,351 400 ; i$4 8'J7,7lMit up H.)3 7(Kt; Indus-I trial $423 IW) S'2.6'i.MH)i clown i $2,273,400: KiiHiueerlnft $3.915 900 M$5.040Rof)i down $1 124 900; ; Total $21,854 3i0 ($18.212-800 1 up 1 $3,051,700 COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - DOMESTIC CONSTRUCTION and MAINTENANCE ! Better Living With GRANTHAM Electric Electrical Contractors ' NEV CONSTRUCTION Better Plumbing Service Adequate Electrical Wiring Necessary in Modern Home A good deal of empha.sis ha-s'sion department of the Unlvcr-been placed in recent years on sity of Toronto a week ago start-the need of adequate elr -lrlepl ed a business management course wiring In the modern hon!e and fur electrical eontrurtors. ttet a lot of pressure has been Ait on the course will toe made avuii-homeowners to anticipate luture able In other Ontario centr.-i requirements. ; and is quite likely that the idea All of this publicity has aJ- j will .spread ail over Canada, .sumed that there are competent; cour,e outline how t . workers available to do the wr- anlw an(, 0?rate a small ins. and or course manufactur- j bu.sines.s and will in-lude lec-er., are quite ready with the nec-, Ulr(,, iinan(.P. accounting. e.ssary equipment. The in.-talla-. handnng of cerdit. taxation, tlon workers have in fact beers' , . , , , , , , , . i estimating, y purchasing, advertu dctng a good Joo. and in an case they are under strict uper-iiU.n I promotion and cu-in urban area... I tomer relations. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Paintln-r and tiecoratliig General Contractors Building nnd Repair? of all kinds P.tl. Bo lij70 Phone Red 8H SAANICH PLUMBERS For all your Plumbing ''i and Heating Need'; Phone Blue 846 Cor. McBride an Fifth Ave. lood plumblni nervier mean much more than fuiiif a pipe or lppinc a leak. Our mailer plumhrr hnw you the way ta better, more romfort-nhle llvlnj by br'-nnlni to your home their knowledge of modern equipment and up-to-date methods. REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS 844 Summit Phone Blue 293 r"" .-- "- HELP NFt I)EI Laree contractins firms equio-ping industrial and cominerclai j projects have office staffs a;iti ; engineers at thetr dispotsai, bu" it has been felt that the contractors chiefly concerned ii' wiring homes could do witn nme help in their own bu-lnesi p.ooiems. To meet this need the cxU.i- For ... Expert Workmen, Complete Electrical Service II Jqh j-. Rely on their a p e r i en e in making jour home more modern. Phone 174 Home Improvement Budget Plan DO YOU NEED SMITH & ELKINS GRANT and NEWTON l.IMITUl ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Dox 274 New Kctcheri Cupboard 5 j Phone 2Z9 Loggers Saving Valuable Spruce In Flood Area Special to the Daily Nens VAN! IIRHOOF Appointment of William W. Gilgan, northern maimer at Burns Lake, B.C., as vt president 6f Tacific Western Lumber Company of Canada Ltd . Is announced by Stewart M. Walker, president. 13T, First Art. West For quick results try a Daily News ClossiM Hi Ya Folks . . . Gilgan Is at preseftt supervising loRglng In the 350 square miles of T'A'cedsmulr Park bein! flooded for the Alcan project. P Repairs To The Roof. . A Mevv Sidewalk or Fence ACCORDING TO THE EQUITY IN YOUR HOME YOU CAN BORROW UP TO $1600.00 . Nc Down Payment ... Up to 24 Months to Pay Here we ore ogoin and this time, we're going to tell you how you con qct real voluc when you u$ SYLVAPLY PLYWOOD in your building ord repair projects. A, ready his JoKSing team has savtd millions of feet of yaluab.e -:p:uce threatened by the rising water. The lopijers are working' t on lower slopes of the vahev clearing timber immediately threatened by the water-As the '.eve! rises they ("radially move operations up the side of the valley. Try Daily News Want Ads Do You Know . . . That SYLVAPLY 516" Sheothing Grade Plywood is 5.9 times as rigid as horizontal lumber sheathing ond 37 per cent more rigid than diagonol sheathing. And it holds nails better. Why, pound for pound, SYLVAPLY is strong' than itecl. What's more, it doesn't shrink and 1,000 sq. ft. of SYLVAPLY provides 1,000 it. c coverage. 1 g frame tttUt I well- WtA B Kind of co& )r ) I i'm HAypyjj!. ORDER FOOTHILLS (SOOTLESS) COAL We have adequate winter stocks on hand of If Winter s Here . . . It is Time to Think About SPRING REPAIRS If Vur house rjuttern need attention, if your boat nerd new tanks, see un; we have the equipment and the experience to do anything In the SllfcET METAL line. LUMP, EGG, NUT and Stoker Sc, why not use SYLVAPLY for such building uses os CONCRETE FORMS, ROOF DECKING, EXTERIOR and INTERIOR FINISH, SUB-FLOORS, BUILT-INS ond for. more uses than we can mention. You'll want to know too that you can buy SYLVAPLY in 2' by 4' sheets at Albert I McCaffery Island City ' LIMITED Builders Supplies ond Builders Supplies PHONE 651 or 652 Thom Sheet Metal PHONE 116 117 58 - - PHONE BLUE 820 WHERE SERVICE TO YOU IS A PLEASURE TO US LIMITED LIMITED 253 First Ave. Phone Black 8R7 L mm