Prince Rupert Daily 1Mews Monday, January 19, 1953 Scotch-Lite Applied to Forty Bikes In Assembly Line Fashion at Conrad tspassing . With Sandy The charter of the United Nations was .-.lgned by 50 nations on Bermuda grows larjc quantities of Illy bulbs, bananas, onions, potatoes and green vegetables. IJune 26, 1945. at 8an FrancUco. ods of application to use at Bor ci.akiiiB noises heard hird Avenue thin morn- not boards In the slde-lllir crunching ot tee, Art William repre.wnted the Junior Chamber of Commerce on the work party. Percy Downing, safety representative of Borden Street P-TA Joined the party to study meth- den Street School session next ' Saturday. King Edward School also will, hold its application bee on that date. Forty bike of Conrad 8treet! School pupils were serviced with "fceotch-llte" reflectors In aa-aembly-llne faithlon Saturday morning In the school basement to Introduce a new safety campaign In the city. The reflecting tape which a liit or peopie wouiu rillens to believe ! "7 f'A throws off a hlh brilliance in Auxiliary Orders New Books For General Hospital Library the dark has been ordered bv the Prince Rupert Parent-Tea jln-ic was good reason of 'lie leading biutl-; beiiiK lai for wsrk. iviousiy needed a lot of ' lllKllt- i,f the more atliletic o i their toes bright ;v but oilier hobbled In io starting time im they cher Council and distributed among each of the four P-TAs In the city. Conrad was the first public The regular monthly meettnz of the Women' Auxiliary of the lng the cost of printing. New magazine subscriptions totalling $98.70 are being ordered for the hospital library. Prince Rupert General Hospital was held In the Civic Centre with a good attendance. Mrs. L. school to have its pupils bues serviced. Booth Memorial High School also began Saturday with Its first batch of bikes. good excuse. The lia At Conrad, parents, teachers and pupils Joined force and all 40 bike were serviced In less M. Greene, president, In th? chair. The auxiliary cook book compiled of favorite recipes of the members is now on sale for $1 and promises a substantial pro ,' rie me guars u m- hiK'key match In the of Prince Rupert' pluyed ,v afternoon on the Members have turned In a number of beautifully made quilts for the children's ward, and are also knitting baby-wea-which will be put in a display case on the second floor and will be for sale as gifu. More technical equipment wil'. MRS. JAMES IIOI'KTON of MniitK-ul, recovering from an enter-geney appe 'idee torn y oMTatlun at Goo Bay, Labrador, Is anxiou lo return to her E.sklm j pupil at Cupe Dorset in the far north. Mrs. Houston Is known by the E.,kimo name of Arnakotak the long woman -to her pupils In the native villages o.l Baffin Island. Her Husband aright,), Montreal artist, teache handicrafts than an hour. j Avenue rmk. First, the bikes were cleaned i thoroughly with solvent, then fit, with local advcrtisina covcr- TO tin Eskimo. Cant. C. A. Chouinarrf Ik nnoatpr if t -,. Vixti.m L.i.h a cw.t,.v,llt. taru, wnjt be ordered lor tne Peuialiio Arctic putrol vestel C. D Howe, then carefully applied: three 3-, visitor -h nt-ihe lianie was almost s when informed the was being played be-hr OvriHi and the Elatu Kury courts In aid of Inch red strips on the rear len Ward. A Valentine tea will be held February 14 at the home of Mrs. der, two Inches apart; a strip or silver tape six Inches long on the front forks, and a strip of silver J. A. Macdonald where home cooking and delicatessen food iiMiim I luo s pono iuiiu. Stegavigs Top Players at Moose Party three Inches long on the handle will be sold. Canned Salmon Market Again Sought by Co-Op DeU'j;aU's to the M-rni-annual meeting of the I'rince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association bars. It was found that Uie tape After the business meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. Advertising does not add to the cost of goods . . Advertising helps to develop a wider distribution of products . . . The larger volume of business that results, permits large scale production. C. G. Ham, Mrs. W. C. R. Jones Mr. Ole Btegavig and heri and Mrs. G. W. Graham. would not stick to aluminum paint, so students were asked to sandpaper or scrape off such paint before bringing bike for future applications. brother-in-law. Olaf Stcgavig, topped the Moose whist drive Saturday night as first winners In the two divisions. THIS WEEK j endorsed a resolution asking the federal government liUJiit future out how s of the clutMt Involved toKether for any-Thats Prime Rupert. ild everybody works to-fur a worthy cause. Hill Hmd isald the .nil would reeelve more 100 as a result of the . y of the cHUenii at the tain''. ,:; paid to w alch. In- thc press, and park hairuian Tat torman, t:nw Instrumental 1,1 tlu courts flooded for Considerable amount of the j to use every effort possible to re-open the export ! markets for canned salmon. Women' Canadian Club Wednesday, 8 p.m. at Canadian Legion Auditorium. Mrs. Ellen Harris. Other winners were Mrs.'J. Larsen, ladies' second, and Hans Petersen, men' second. Pool prize was also won by Olaf Steg-avig after cutting cards with j Tlie reaoluiion was unanl-j mo'My cndorM'd Saturday at the j final session of tir; tiine-day : meeting In the Civic Centre. I District News tape Is still available to pupils who were unable to bring their bikes Saturday, said T. O. Bate-man, school principal. The work party Saturday Included Mr. Bateman, E. J. Matte, Keith Faiixht, W. R. Oarbutt. W. D. Oritfiths, W. Davidson. K. Warren, Mr. J. Kurdzlel. Mrs. C. Marineau. Mrs. J. Mellor and Mrs. J. F. Denning, a)', members of the Conrad School P-TA. railing In efforts to re-open Mr. H. Beattie to break a tie. j Door prize was won by Mrs. A. i J. Curzon. Forty-six players participated in the drive. A presentation was made to Mr. and Mrs. J. Cormier on their 26th wedding anniversary. ;;e m .inert, the Co-op asked the government to use every endeavor to obtain a lower tariif on 1 the rl'.y' most enUlu-xirtu promoter and a eiuihen dalesman ap-U! the latest fall style. school stu-larg-2 scale As any high dent knows. Karri v. garbed In blue cost. production lowers canned sahtion entering the Unit, ,1 S'ate and to hit tlie exist - Ins embargo on the rxpoit of fti -h sUmun to the U.8-A. Trie meetinj ulr-o pasd a re-ohitkn U"Kl"g th Canadian Eroaricastoiiig station to lnstl-tu!e a a or 10 minute cially local mean $5 Million Objective Set In the kitchen were Mrs. L. Holder, Mr. F. Good and Mrs. H. Muncey. HjwCOIDS affect run biue jcana and a el'.KIneer'l flip watched le from a trucit outside 1'i-ure . but he. like re than 400 other pec-rxiuejil an admission FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Lower costs in turn lower prices. STEWART , Milder weather is t: w jjn vru!-: ,lng In this distrirt wi'h a snow-I fail of around wx Inches The slide It ueairi In lui! 'swing and youngsters are en;uy-ilng ft a well as the opportunity 1 afforded for snowballing eafh .other. The ihermome; r has risen to 18 above and in some 'case parkas are being discarded ; for lighter winter wear frozen pipe were pievaii r.t du'ir.g the fp.'U of sub-zero weather. i Thawing out waler pipes caused a small fire between the Crawford Transfer C-:rr.pany 1 building a id of Joh.i llaa-jhtl, bt , biH'cdy action on tin-part of the volunteer fire depurt-i ment had tlie conflagration under control. news broadcast during uriiig the vne iisn iisn- - prU to October gy gj QfOSS ir.g season from A Tii. membership The Canadian Red Cros Society has announced that the national eampaiiin objective for 1953 will be 5 310,800. Hon. Leopold Macaulay. chair Your KIDNEYS TW ludntT ra my Miuk rfans, wily titled ttriB; by cM. Thm utj a t Httr Beun ao4 rx Kiih tnm ttw Um4. who mlamnM itr rli m Umm jmm ktbnrn. UtH t katnc; fU hti r kidnin tlrtr ymm ti rau andi and pauaat nut4 ky aUt. tti fin fwm dimrt t intntiMi mw-M Wnn firirt. It vmi km cM t tad nt Dxid i kfc PiUi. m Dodds Kidney Pills f the proudest special-i I'aov Mhslrn, who when her dad mude hH ,i- ."istiy in:,) the name '.'(! to m ire Ire, then Hi down. Hi worship brushed h;m-li off. and Jti.-t testing the Ice, : team matrt after he d a two-minute session nee seejM-r t.eurtr (ouk Is o trade In the watch he r tuning pi rtcxi.y Even he .e third period was a 4L ) . ss. ' ; i tft -' U" jt. '-P'V fMvrf.4' ,:). A l v. .s4 XT - v . . ' v ? f tU'-' -V ' f i ir Jv H -.Vr jt.w i v T ?v "t k:Y !, v" v . . 7?'"V ' T'V , .'. i i. : , : ,,i A 1 ; .'.fx. 9 - v. ; t i . J i i 1- I decisions reuardmg the streamlining of the present marketing system n. onter lo lie', mec. the many sevcie problems on ma ket coi'(.ii',io- at the pre cnt time. K. M DoiaUison 1 the Exlen-:;i!s I r.p.rlm? of the t'BC ijti . brief 4U!i..T.jry of the Dc-par'.;-ii-m educational prottiam for fish, .men on the Pacific Coast. , The membersliip showed its nprsclation lor the w-ik done ;iv :".,e ,ne 1 1, r.t. Martin F.iirk-en. by a vote of thanks and U.-avty -ij.:VL.. Dibb Printing Co. When a merchant "advertises he saves the public time and money . . . The reader can do his preliminary shopping through the columns of his I Logulng operations of th Western Wood Product Company reached a") nll-tiirje iii-h I the Other day when load re-' corded for one day reached 2'J Owing to the lie on the boom gniutid logs are now being unloaded on the Hats m front of : tlw village. int'er (hail 15 minute. Gyrus needed a goal ' were trailing 5-0 when man of Central Council. In nam-irg the oblectlve said the figure ( represents an Increase of less than two per cent over last' year s objective. j -Rlilng . costs and, the, rapid : expansion of the nation )im ', brought Increased responsibilt-! ties for the society," the chairman stated. "It is likely 1853 will be one of the most active years, not only because of our continuing commitments but be-i cause of our ever-Increasing re-! sponsibilitics In the Far East theatre of war." Mr. Macaulay said all 10 provincial divisions, in spite of increased obligations, have been determined to keep the objective at the lowest possible llg-: ure. He emphasized that unless the quota Is met, piany vital and necessary humanitarian service will have to be omitted or curtailed by the society. Women's Nylon Overshoes Waterproof . . . s ttatrh "arted up '' just one of those thine arnet Hull when It wa At the first meeting of the Village Commissioners. W, H Tooth and T W Palmer were worn In by the Village Clerk. ' Mr Palmer will act as Chairman of the Village Commissioners f r the year A cheque (or tlJOO was rwvlved by the village as it , hare of the provincial sales tax Tlie Stewart Badminton Club lias announced Its IntenUo i to Car Licence Forms Mailed : To Autoists , VICTORIA tP-Car licence , f rnis hive hern mailed to 30S.-(0 iimtorlsls reglsU-red In the i province Motor Vehicle Branch officials said today deadline for purclia:ie of the li'i3 licence labs Is Feb. 2$ The department should oc Nylon Sheerling L:ned. Loced $7,95 zipper $9,45 He can loccte the stores who are offering the best quality and best values. The advertising does not cost him money, it saves him money. ' out that a lot of the vers were wearing mnr-aters on the bench. The ere for F.Iks to wear sweat shirts, the Gyro ne time tilrrr were so maroon sweaters on the one knew w ho to pass to. ll.v Rill l.ung. who looked e in a vllow T-shirt, Ved for the Kik for two before he realized he have bn-n pluylng de-ir the Gvros v Clyri) player was SI Si pl.wd Kui (r the ri'il. then 'retired' to let Hurnett ov(.r tUr Si didn't want to be too bit there was some ;,,n to coach Kill SI one ' if defence was a little (six Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST Room 10. Stor.u Building rhone Blue 5J3 notified if applications are not rereived by Tuesday, officials Kdvlsed. Delays may be caused by drivers failing to send In i iianges of address. Fashion Footwear hold a dance January 24. in the Moose Hall, rommcnv .iti'.g the anniversary of Scotland's Na-, j t tonal Bard J j Tlie annual meetin;' of !!-e .Stewart Hospital Aw k',i! Ion, rcheduled fur. last Kruiay. was- poslixin.'d in, ili Mmidav. Janu-; ' ary 2(3. b rause of tl.e .iii.. attendance. ' SMuHEkS i First car of wheat trown Ut j this dtdm-t was MiipiH-d to Vati-icouver last Week. I The wheat wa.s crown by Karl jVetterll on his farm i lose to IKmllhers. fornieriy know i as tin' iOulton farm. The wheat wa.s of tl'.. Kharkov variety and the yi kl was Considered g.O,i Demand or seed grain in the The costs of advertising borne by the non- are LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Kslablisheil 1(110 fVOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING suuTiMi . . . kokwarhim; . . . stokage Experienced handling Local. Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. MOVE WITH KASE . . . SHIP VIA MNlisAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. GO or t8 Cr. Snd and Park Ave. Frank Crawshaw IN I kRNATIONAL "ONE-MAN THEATRE" (The actor with the 10Q heads The distinguished British character actor of stase. screen, radio, and television. advertising merchant, who pays in lost customers . . . in business loss to the more progressive, Bulkley Vall.'y h s'UI con-id 'red to be In excess of the sir, ply. l.i ; the problem of dis'r:biition !i.-;s yet to be solved TONIGHT ONLY "ONE MAN THEATRE" The theatrical experience of a lifetime packed Into one memorable evening. Comedy Skits Original Character Studies Shakespearean Excerpts llickens Characters Start the New .-ar ri"ht with, a quality A 1 U ,ed Car or 1 rues A Test Drive of any of the fol lowing selection will convnee you that we do sell bv'ler t'.'d cars and truck. The DAILY NEWS ! ''' Hull had so many j ' "ii his t.-mn he run j "able getting thein sep-1 He was afraid he'd have i ''e team of policemen ! the city hnll stalwarts I ' tor tlie Gyros. " ere g lot of laughs ' all the play.-rs wanted K"lllK. the strenuous pnee t' tell on some of the i. US' 'd several Rotary Club rs watching the proceed-'li Krent Int.Test and also s'!eslalk tcadv, Tliev're t'ear and see the frank "aw show t the Civic tonight and tomorrow. i '"t'thdav present lost '"".V Crawley was 'given' 'n f ticket, to the show. 'Xplalned he could sell or Rive them awav. Only "fvva responsible for was 1 cash return to the club, town again on another vs 'rip is Mansell Grav of llV,r. He' visiting. with rpf. Mr. aid Mrs. 11. S. ier. "Wain didn't goto Smlth-r'"'l hi the bonspiel wi'.h dure. Emll was one (.r h dunned skates for the l'm yesterday. Emll ex-" Ills dud who's w'th Oh Moore rink. I 194'J IMymouth Sedans-Just the cir I-.).- the fiimilv r!l-' J I!I59 lord lrdiirs- i.etv-thlng to be desired in maiming pleasure. Your choice at . "SlKi.l TOMORROW ONLY "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" CHAIU.ES DICKENS IMMORTAL MASTERPIECE A faithful-to-text peifoimance of "the world's most loved. mo,t popular, and most widely read story , during the past 100 years. Given in the Cali'iful Costume of the Period THI CK MAHKi.Y l!H 3-Tonner, complete- wilh flat deck SHU.! l'Jtll 3-Ton, lTl)'" VB A terv useful truck . PI Call in ..t "Tliv Home of r'rlrndlv Rcrvice1" for a cour- teoas dcmriii-.trulion of any of j the above uiul many more to. 8:HU p.m. each night Adults SI 08 Children and Students ..... .... 50 CIVIC CENTRE CANNED FOODS fil choose fi-oni. Bob Parker Lid. I'h'ine II The J'mne of l'rl"iillv Wri vl, " -Sponsored by the Prince Rupert Rotary Club i t s t