ELKS TROUNCE GYROS Prince Rupert Dally News Monday. January 19. VJ'j3 Accurate Penalty Shooting Pays Off As Mansons Continue Winning Streak Miner Simundson Stars In Charity Hockey Game it.- jt- : , ed at around 500. the Elks trounced the Gyros 5-1 with goalie Malison 57, Pulpmillws 49 ' Ikctbull Association iwwc cause City senior basketball It uue-s' for alarm. The topic w ill come Malisons continued tneir win ' up at an executive meeting, , Miner Simundson of the winners In Inter ' B", N,U,K E Newton created a new all three league, U,l4 scoring 2 p,,Ilt, . lew rn iii a (; "is lr.it KallinluV II IB hi with t heir t.SUl llit-t IMI.UI.H Everyone hud fun. especially the players, and the Kmsmen B.C. Polio Fund was fntiched Sunday by more than $400 as a result of a hockey game between the Gyros and Elks at the Rotary Tennis rink. Playing before a crow esmnat- 52-35 Vlft, playing a superb game between the pipes. There was some question by the loisers as well as ih? winners as to the score bui the "oftlcial scorekeeper' said his count was out in large numbers early Sun-correct, day to help clear the lee. The Elks led 3-0 at the end of ( o.NI -TSION Kl IG.NS 'irsi lhe? '?,!!0 Ai times there were so many scoring in the second and (he u chimemg posltUms that white-swvatered Elks moved into (.oai;hs U)e weren't sure a 5-0 lead before Jack May sank w, , , 0f , the. lone Rotary goal late in the t(,iiln " last period j . ... Referee Bud Schuman had his Ken Manngren scored the first wu,k cut out and hundrd tne flrst Elk goal with Gordon Cameron. ,..,i, ,h no.,,. ... ir..i,. SjKirU Shop, Lineups: III Inter "A division, Jiunnii Chcotte an.l Otis Nlckerson with 17 and 18 iKjiiits, led Fraser St Paynes to a 6!i-41 drubbing of. third straight virtu: y. delcatin,! CCC 3U0 1-40 with at ' urate penalty shootiitt;. While tiie puip niii! squad out- i Senior MAN'SONH e Eauuihs. the newly-formed In SCOIVti tiie jcHciictS UV Cljjlll . I.,.,., i.ii... I VaoH H.r U. .1, r. . M I eWllaceT'dTpl'store'I Mox.cy. j Uier 4. Ilartwlg 8 t.IVJ." points in field iiwriK. CCC gavi away ?i , naity 'hits ol which the ieiir, nel.cd l poll. is. George Cloutlcr. Joe Oriessel and j hall waV through the second E. P,ir.u ll with 10 points asl (CC-U. Sellers. 7 r . Thompsun 6, 8'Jhber- a", Oyro This compared wllh 18 pen- Jf,s f(,r the losers, aitv shots of which CCC maiitj Fraser & IViyne are others. .defenceman Bert Youint was coached 4, 8. Hclierk 5. Ciccoi . , ..I,,., ..Hull 1,1, hi' M lllOj.l k.. Til. I. '-..1, Li -U S-.f .lt. I .... I, U..I1 a Tut. - l' " U,' ... .... yy HIJJ .Ilil'iVI . -lfc.i, ,(IM.1. .nfllllAliail V blarrum in the s. ol Iiik division and tur. ;n tiie play Ihrouunoul WINGS GET ONLY SIKH POINT FROM CANADIENS s A L E I The game got away to a roar- waved off for throwing the puck Ing start shortly after 2:30 andiciei !' with his hand, was underway only a few minutes! Ljiwecn periods Marg Diane when Malmgren beat Gyro goalie ; and Ruby skpUon ,,ave a display Si Miner after scramble in front : of jiBUre-skatl:ij. but because of of the nets. tllp roughness of the ice. they Cameron sank what proved to could not complete the many be the winning goal a lew min- whirls and dances planned. t utes later when he drove in a ! Vic Carellia also Rave a display pass from Don Eckess. Malmgren of clowning on skates and drew passed to Cloutier for the third a bus ha id from the crowd. counter. :t.n hot dogs The ice was rued fuil of J A hot dog stand, with coffee holes and well beaten up by the j and cokes, plso operated to eft-' time the teams completed play. ; paeity throughout the game with, ! While the weatherman nearly the Kinsmen fund receiving $33 was a single p,,mi. The) FIT. IT. FREDERICK W. EVANS, Drt 33. of Saint John. N B . and Ottawa has b-en posted to Korea for a tour of fighter operations with the United States Air Force. A Spitfire pilot during the Seco id World War, he has been with RCAK No. 421 ttgntrr squadron at Oros Tenquin, France. He will be In Korea approximately six months. CP from National Defence 1 TOKONTO CP) Every time Detroit Ked Wings start uiakliiK i runaway of the National lio,ki Uai;u, rac. they run. lu a j- uet lMlill at day iiluht after wtijim " 1 1 tii In .,-, P LADIES' WEAR GIRLS' WEAR MEN'S WEAR BOYS' WEAR lino secoiiu-piaec .TriumreiM van- : ill Ullier ounaay f'i adieus ana net cnoppea aown to viii(.ko buck Hawks WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE : t the (jam. lur M in-.on.-. were j Mickey Well U i unil Ray S)rlnii jwitli 16 and 17 poiuls rc peci-I lvily. j MAW WMH. TOSMS ShuotiKK on bmli .side.-;, how-lever. a., at a low pcreentaue (with many in :.' and a lot ol. ' wide Ahot.i. Dciensive play wo.s tlisht. es- pec;. illy bv Man .nils woo tied up ' mat of the Millets- play-nwk-, I'liti! ' neur the key. When IUMkc lluik. 'it id's s-ii.ul t: led. the same thitiK. his piayers were caught with penalties. 10 teciiiiU itU were called by referee C cone and Ourvlch, i one oil each of Ski and Don ;S.-!Hi on the CCC team. Glen . Ct.liion. bucketmaw for the losers, topped hu liaiits .s-ortnt' : dtvi'.lon w:th 12 p;iinu-,. while , upset the game, volunteers turned from sales. ; New York Hungers 2-0 vt. ton Brums edB-rJ Ton,B!t'i Uafk l It was the Rang,.,' , shutout" In as many n,j-they bowed 1-0 at Tufaa iii-day. size In 10 meelliiKS, Wlns have beaten the Montrealers on'y oni e. The to clubs met twice over the week -end. and the best the Ik troll i lua could gel out of It II lit Ptiw!up wtt(t fftg ON THE ALLEYS Ladies Set Pace In Mixed 5-Pin ; Bowling Loop SH MARRltO A I On the Some ProgroiT 4 k'V:S in ivr The ladies set tiu1 pace In the ra'tMu; (mixed five-pin bowling leatiue j hut week and only two teams one In each division made ( Iran swefpd. In "A" league, Ixla (iarner rolled a 323-came for hiuh Rinule OONEY "25 VVK Chilli ce.itre Ait C u lor MutiSJtn his ishots k ilttg Ud more than into the r.eti.iu. was Mopped at 11 points. TAKi: ItKi HAD M.in uii'i wm Si.tii'iay nUht pjtj playtr.y r--"h Do.i riarl-.ji seiua.l !l'.. ..e c iti:, uhi ad of his c!cse.,t rival. Aie Bill's tiord' n fi A e:,ji!,,. The Mhedu!.(l (.--.Manon bill for Tursdar ni(ht, however, is tiiiirih J due to the I tank ( mwsli.iw show in the l ivic ( litre audtloriiiin thai niclit. TnsL im..i,s '.'.lA tiie O-As w-;ll not be a to meet Man-sons axaln litis inottt u. N?x; iiaturus Alex Bi.l t -qu;iA Is 5cli'''laied to Ijce the weodbut -her-, while n"Xl Tuesday Ma.ii son A'm p'ay litem Canceilatitn of several Ramos '.his seas. in die xo other activity at tin; Cent.8 la s;!v'nK l!lt- Bj" Willie Bertha Dunbar came through wiih a neat 731 for high ; three. Htifh man In the division was 'Krl llildrbrand with 274 and Johnny Comadina had hiuh three of 693. Canada Lite chalked up high game of ltit and bIm had hiBh three of 3.416. ! Cook's Jewellers made thi only clean sweep, downing Miller Bay In "B" Leaxue. Jordi II ill had high Mniile and t laudea Sanderson with 681 had high three ,uuis HAtWARD i JU)f WlVf At! lSDi sy,i Today to Wednesdoy One Complete Showing Each Night ot 7:30 JOHN WAYNE Karnes. George Morgan was high man with 277 and 687 Harold s rolled Inch game of 1 132 while tlw Daily News srxU-t ; ' downed Thorn Sheet Metal for four points a id had hlKh three j .names of 3.133. : Results: ' "A" aur: Cook 4. Miller t Bay 0: Headpinners 3. S9 Tarl 1: I Canada Life 3, Orphans 1: Pen-j Ruin Hobby 3. Fashion Footwear! 1; Broaclway Cafe 2. Slienton' 2; j f)cean View Hot, ! 2. Pushovers 2. .. THE 'QUIET' MAN IS A U'Otf' MAN! I ,Vx.-.i I ou'U roar at evrv murnrul of r - . Jkv.i- " ' ' ' yr - - - Mwevn Jolin Wayne and Mauiwn O Mara' ' f .1 X . A- fceaiue: vanur: Dailv uanv News News 4 i L " 4; i P' W . . i , - '', i - J T net i jr'fin jl Thorn Sheet Metal 0: Jerry's 3.' f!' ' J - X- , "u -'"l-i.! VJ Acme Clothlera 1; Hai(,!d's 3.1 VK U 7lIlVi Vv sT ' -" U Hill's Shoe Store I: Hijackers 2. i V .'.J V J:; JJ K)fT3 BulRers 2; Jersey Farms 2. Nor- i 1 JL Si, , JT t Z J Jilf f r. V'lA-a r t-.ern Glass 2: B.K,th Hth 3. T A-sKiVT 0HN t Uc -UoUl t Conrad 8treet Boh.N.1 I. T. V V ' UA..- .N'COlO. J f I i 'f- lm nAA FIT 'VImi "1 r -Ti- -ii In -Hi IiiT" mftin.ilT-na-i f'iifT 1 ,n HTf ' i' . ,J a-. . JOHN FORD CABTOOX I re runt Mi" 7: - 1:1 M a ruaiK ctuti THE ; Standings: ! "A- l earur: Broadway Cafe 18; , Heapinners 18: Cook's Jewellers ; 15: B9 Taxi 14; Pushovers 12; Fashion Footwear 12; Penmiin Hobby 11; Canada Life 11; Shi n-ton's 11; Ocean View Hotel 8; Orphans 8: Miller Bay 6. "B" l.eaue: Northern Ola-'.s 18; ; Harold's 17; Jersey Farms 15; Booth School 13; Dally News 12; Jerry's 12: Thorn Sheet Metal II: Hill's Shoe Store H: Conrad i Street School 10; Hl-Jackers 10; I Acme Clothiers 8; Bulger's 7. FIND OUT TODAY HOW TO BECOME A Skilled Afcuuue Tccjuucuut RGAF Offlki XOU XPIRT TRAIHWG AS: AIRFRAME v.U:aj A GOLDEN TREASURE FOR YOUR MIXING PLEASURE RADIO-RADAR INSTRUMENT AERO-ENGINE ARMAMENT Curling Club Draw Announced With the return of the rinks from the Smithers bcmspiel, the club championship is resumed this year. This competition has three weeks to go before completion. Following are draws for Tuesday and Wednesday: Tuesday 7:15 p.m. Bern vs. Sknll-meiud. Miller vs. McKenzie, Wilson vs. Eyolfson. 0:15 p.m. -Wiiison vs. Melgh-'n. Rowbotham s. Collinson, Ford vs. Turner. Wednesday 7:15 p.m. Rogerson vs. Dixon, Matthew vs. Thorn, Greene vs. Moore. 0:15 p.m.-Ostertag vs. Laurie, Uatemsin vs. Robertson, Kel-louKh vs. Sieber. information on pay, trade Tor complet; Affixing detachable fuel tanks to 5abre jets . . . looking after hydraulic systems,' undercarriages, fuselages, tail sections . . it's all in a day's work for the skilled Au frame Technician. The Air Force pilots look for his "okay" before they take off for flight! You too can gain a thorough technical graining ina valuable aviation trade enjoy service lift 'in the RCAF work on modern aircraft jiiidjcquipment! training and other benefits, see Hie Career Conillor at the address in the coi;pon r mail the coupon today! 6HKD P1M RYE WHISKY Now being introduced to British Columbia for the first time. You'll appreciate the full, rich flavour and the satisfying body of this excellent rye whisky. . It.C.A V. Kl ( III I ! IX; IMT. 513 Seymour Street, Vancauver, U.C. Phone TAtlow 7517 or TAllow 7578 Please mail me, u itboul Miatimi, Jul! particuhtrt regarding enrolment requirements and openings mow available in the R.CA.F. NAME (Please Print) STREET ADDRESS CITY . PROVINCE EDUCATION (by grade and province) Enrol today in the Air Force and play your par. in defence of freedom. Serve Canada and serve 4 yourself I ' u n i HASKK I IJAI I. I IM t PS Inter "A" KSyUlUES -Chrlsloff 0. Martin 2. Sedirwlck 0, Waters, Jeffreys 4, 1'urnell 10, Fornian 7. Total 4). FRA8F.lt &i PAYNE- Nickerson 17. Talt a. Ford 4, Ckcone 18, Chrlstensen 8. Kristmanson U, McAfee 2. Woods 2, Sheppard Total 6H. Inter "II" SPORTS SHOP J. Parnell 6. P. Parnell 11. Chorm 3. Phillips 6. White, Ronton 0. Total 35. NELSON BROS.WInn, Tsuch-lya 1. Hunt 2, Yamamoto 0. MaUuo 2. Newton 26, NakaUu 6, Tanuka 4, McKay 2. Total 52. Sous tram ..ACE DISTILLERS OF THE famous "Canadian 6i6" whi$ S 'It MM M k M M Hh7 S a. IK rail Hi y iiKU This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board ot Government of British Columbia. : !: : : Try Doily News Want Ads