Prince Kuper'r lGm iewj Monday, January 19, 1953 I Today's Stocks re Fly PRINCE RUPERT to KETCHIKAN V f ! w ; ' - 'V '. PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY Deports Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. FOR 8A1.E fTKJTHILLS (Bootless)" coal. vSuhtect to Change) i-norm bsi. PMIpott, Evltt & Co. Ltd. CFPR RADIO DIAL UK Kilocycle 1-1)11 RENT RKNT Board "and ' nxT-i for youni? men. Blue )9. i )i NO RIDERS I j FOR RKNT Sleeping close 111. Blue 6U2. room. 114) m ni)A i en 4.30 -V!y of till- Bevrn Ulster 4 15 flu: Km, wmuiui- Report 4 ts ftiork VuutHUKiik a oo - hit. Cnimrntury ft :(6 ItiiwhlUr 6 Nuw I Ak You' ' FOK RENT Blenplng or llcht lioUM-kerpinit room. 1 0 Stli Wc-:t. (16;)) SING KR BEWINO CKNTRB rent portable machines. Phone 804. (c) FOK RKNT Two double bed rooms, separate beds. Cr-n li). tlspi i, . . L ; ; - ; .t) ' ' : ' i ' t ' j - i -- - ? FOR RENT Sleeping room 536 6th AV5. East, Ufip) FOR RENT Room to (share for men Black n!0. Il5pl FOR RENT Two-ro.m furnished suite and housi keepim? room. Non-drinkers. Blue 4.18, 1 WANTED TO RENT WANTED- '" " ' ,' 1 riV'''- PLEASE ."""..-Wl IMf".!V to be a Champion" One thing I have observed In watching hundreds of American curlers in Minnesota and Wisconsin is that there' are no riding sliders among them. Why? ... I thought that over a long time House. Phone Blue a 331. ( Iflpi t TAVIS And TP. AN SI I KS to I) t Start the New Year , KI iu Right j in I 10 Change to ' II BLACK and YVHI1E , II 11 For a Clean, Dependable f 11 Taxi Service, Call 65. I'j ij rittuftlly . . . Why not nowf I'i 13 12 1 CITY TRANSFER 2 Long Distance 2 Furniture Movers 3 I 4 CRATINO and PACKINO 4 FURNITURE STORAGE Household Efreca Moved to or from any point In BC. Phone 950 First Ave. anf MrBrlde e) a WANTED $27.00 local travel agent - roessioncil JOHN H. BULGER Ori, vlriil John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue John F L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR ' Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only. 21 - 23 Bsner Block Phone Blue 442 H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone'96, Evenings Black 899 LING THE TAILOR Tailoring - Alterations and Clothes Made-to-Measure Z20 Sixth St. Phone 649 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 v - P.O. Box 374 . - DINING PLEASURE SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe PRINCE RUPERT Luxury1 Steamer " ; "SAILSFOH - J I Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, BC. before realizing that in lh? milder climate farther south, they j have to play many games on wet Ice when the weather turns j warm. Hate you ever tried to throw a brisk "runner" on wet, sloppy lee? Then try to throw a really fast rock by riding out . with the stone first. Many American curlers have developed a beautiful swing delivery as a result of their exp.'rtence on soft. Ice, and In most caes they are deadly on fast take-out shots. It would therefore sound lopkal that a riding slider would be completely helpless on wet lee and similarly he would not be too effective where a fast rhot was required. When I select a player for my team, I want a roan who can perform well under all conditions. The second big compialnt about a rider Is that he is a pusher and he frequently hooks or slices his stor. as he gives the handle a twist when he releases It. The headaches he gives himself and hl skip by being wide or narrow of the broom so often, you think would mak? him see the error of his ways, but no . . . he gfes on in blissful ignorance probably blaming his ROUND TRIP ELLIS Phone 476 ... or your (J3u5ineAS f DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of Business forma. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 407 lers than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W.' Prince Rupert, B.C. Give us your mailing list We do the rest. GREER it BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors Newr Construction, Repairs. Foundations and Re-roofing 215-lst Ave. W. .Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 904 PRINCE RUPERT UPHOLSTERY Custom Tailored Fip-niture REPAIRING - REMODELLING REBUILDING Ph. Blue 818 330 2nd Ave. W. BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS .Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Chop Suey - Chow Me in Open C p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 GEORGE DAWES ' AUCTIONEER Fhone Black 810 and Red Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the East Daily except Sunday 8 p m. From the Kast Daily except Monday 9:50 p.rr. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE iCASH for arsap Lias, copper. onuerie and rnOut. Pnone (I uir1-. H. It. J,,Iiiiiiii t'u. I.U.)' VANCOIVF.R American 6tandard 07'2 Bralorne 4.50 B. R. X ... .02 Cariboo Quartz 15 ; Congress ... -06 Cronin Babine . ... .12 Giant Mascot ... ... .52 Indian Mine? ... ... .09 Pioneer 1.90 Premier Border 14 Privateer il7 Reeves MacDonaid .... 310 Sheep Creek tw Siibak Premier 31 Taku River 07 Vananda 0'J Salmon Gold .. JB2Vi Silver Standard 1.50 i Western Uranium 3.50 Silvan 57 I Oils-Anglo Canadian 8 00 A. P. Con 45 Calmont 2.01 Central Uoue 4.00 Home Oil 12 25 Mercury 23 Okalta 385 Royal Canadian 19 TORONTO Athona 17 Aumaque 18 Bjvcourt 2 Consol. Smelters 30.25 Conwest 4.70 Donalda 57 Eldona v. .45 East Sullivan 6 )10 Giant Yellowknife 1075 God's Lake .79 Harricana JQ9V Duvex 47 Juliet Que be: 36 , Little Long Lac 77 Madsen Red Lake 1.58 McKenzie Red Lake 10 McLeod Cockshutt ' 2 55 Noranda 76 50 Pickle Crow 1.50 Petrol Oil it Gas 70 Sherrit Gordon 5 40 Steep Rock 8.50 Sweet Gra.s Oils 70 Golden Manitou 3.35 Landover Oils -37 Nesbitt Labine 300 I SPORTSMAN'S PIGEST JUDGING THE RANGE OF INCOMING DUCKS When shooting over decoys yOU WIU. KHOrV THE DUCKS ARE WITHIN RANGE IP THEY COMPARE IN SIZE TO THE DECOYS. MOST P6COYS ARE MADE LARGER THAN LlfE-SIZE FOR BETTER VrSIBIUTy but remember that a flying puck looks larger because it is active. When a permanent blind is jsecb markers can be set up to yards away to establish the range. shooting beyond this ranfce usually results ik ,iR)Pfll: THAT SVflM AWAY. T l s---: 1 at mMmM t VUrMt ) . txt (Mil JUAH-k i.iliaT A ucai I 1 - W V - ,. , Wilt --e ....,., misses on the Ice. his skip or his bad luck. Of course, the law of overages will pram him a few games where he is "red hot," but opposing skips will be grateful for the occasional rest he gives iussifiod HateB U..C 4:j0 Pm- Pre" to publication, d, 3 rents per word per .on; minimum charge Ml utlccs, sr eenu; i,iui FOR banks, Death Notice.! . ,0 Notice, mimti&kc mm awn', Announcement, lpluy double prtct. N ,ulNthMFNTS ud party. Jan. li ,ii nan Bums' banquet K liaKe an iv. Ji Mil. .. I church W A Valentine i,n Auxiliary Valentiw K-Ij 13 ,,l Auxiliary Valentine i s.ituiday. Fi b 14. Mrs ;.,,,!, is.ilrt. m 5th Ave i Auxiliary Tea and J .Show. March 18. ! Auxiliuiy Spring Sale. p-TA White trle- , March 28. w I athedrul baiiuitr, t April S MN4ftl rmtA. MAN and Chimney iing Service. Phone Blue '5p)j 'i fur Canadian Liquid j j Ltd , for vxygen, acety. j iiid ail welding supplies. ,iy Curtage to Btortre Phone 60 icl j THE BUS to Terrace ,n lkmd 8tat(e. leaves; l;o 30 a.m. dally. k Terrace 4 pm. i lSpi :.Kf TRICIAN D Ouyatt, WiniiK and Eleittnai I4' !Hh Ave Vs-lied 165 127) !K K NOWLE8 For it coal deliveries and in'er service. Phone 4.13 l33pl OUTT Reliable home, C h I ir, n c y eep.j r rlciiiilni!. etc. PIhiii:-' ( lSpi iNRS. novoltier. Sddle'l" iSUind, tel. MAKING I'hone Red 918 .ick 715 1 18 1 (TIONS FOR K.I.KCTRO- iiow made at Pnnre H'l- Hcalty Co , Third Ave. W its. .s.i!e erviee, plume '70. r V ever, bly ties V). (cl I'i'.i JU'IT- Reliable home ' a Chimney Kwet p r i li 'unine, ete Phone . dHfi lll) SAL M.-hlnery Co. Llm-listrlbuton for: Mining, Hill. IHKlnr and Con-ri" Kiiipniin. I.nqulr-nvited. Granvlil? Ialand. iivi r I, B.C. (tf ING. auloma':e oil't melal mirlt. Phone i) 6'.h West. Letourneau. (tfl KD Electrical Works. Mo-"if;ht, &uld, rewound and red. (tfl A tf.t HIAKTt' ' Accountant. Income Mialist. B O. Fork. winding. Fed 5!3. (20m) it t i'i i: R iBiiV ice r buttery Shop. Ki4 Fast 've. Phone Blue 126. Re-recharRir.K and rebuild-Wo-k puaranted. (c) UihJ u nl Kit Man's Rolex wrist watch. r1. Green 154. (15) - Dec. 16, lady's black " containing, Hospital In-ice reeipu made out to Sperht, Terrace. Finder p mail purse and receipts horn Klieet Metal. Box Prince Rupert. (171 IF VA.Trl A1M.E KD Experienced sawmill 'r Group Mills, Oona r BC, (25p, FOR KALE Al Window boxes, any "iuer now. oreon 8R6. (18p) ALE 120 bass accordion. niue unl, evenings. ( 17p) SALE 30-30 Winchester "c, icver action; 20 gauge 'sum pump gun; Rem- Portable typewriter. Rlue 639. (15) 'ALE wash-' machine, four years old. fcr, $20. Songster canavv used three months, $5. 5 ids wooden crib, steel jng, y Miirh .h.i. . their aggravated ulcers. Tuesday . . . 'Wont J I t !i 2 t . V i P e- " u vj. i m . - f v V'v. l " 4 v , ' i .1 1 ' vp V 4 1 f V i ',...' V , , M f. r , i . A V 7 t : iy i r?t ' I T t t . .. . w - to t i i f-', -r v. ' ' L, ; ... - i . - . , v i 4 . 1 ! -)fii . u h - i : 9 " r . - . . r ? -s -. 'r, , .) . I BLACKWOOD on ft Ml - Hupiier Hi-r-lifU r 6 t.'i houi.-y tJumrtu; iiuZ 7 iKi -i m: Ni- 7 IS- BO Nt-ws Riunclup 7 :io- I'iMslic Pianolorte 8 (-. The f irmldo Hi racer a. 16 Clii' hvinjiiiuijy orch. a (JO- ,ttli,Hirtl tarm HMilo F'iriJm It .Uh u. f a iu-IU DO -.B(.; lU.ttl iH w Hi lli r()rinriu Aflnlra 10.30 Tin. t-liime I) Ul iVullifr li. !... 1 1 01 Hilar ml Mil.:4-lil Hl bliiu OH Ai.liil. Tt-KIMT A M 7 ) T) C Fishermen' llroatfcMi 7 1 Musical Clock 7 io-r uc N. v.. Weather Report 7 Mimical C 00- :ir; n. w a id- Bui rionii 16 M'irriliii; !.il 30- MormriK Ix'vntloi, i 4li-l.t'iie fj.ii.r.erl oo lihe Ni-w nd Commentary li - Milictil VaiM-uwi r ft . I..MI Katnm CK) Mornll.g Visit is "Huir.k hi ten Purple Sflite" I .'to -Him Wiek'a Art list 4.1 Munlcul KllllKii l!iy - KmuivtinMi "( ! Air )' l"-oum,i.p 7ime so W.nth.i itc,urt a I Mmiiitrr l'rlll 1131 Hee Int. :41-'bcindinavun K'li.'le" M ki-Mm-tiuy Sld.)ie I 4 lie H w - I'r-jram !0"me an- is : fano I iMicat f.Hc. liu uo- in, cn.c!l H'i'.ir JMl -Hl.' txl)..l Hrontlciuit an - Pmniin . . 4 "CltiiM on the Old bk k" W Hwnls You M -'Iraii-C'in.aiU MutlllM) 'IV-Mad Eh..- I'J I u 1 1 1 , y Li,-; IIa-JiiuI Boxr VANfOI Yf.U bl ll NTIST i 'C mtliiiied It).n Pa.,e 2 i cavs. reruirlnif attacks brin? increaslni! disability. Many are unable to earn a living within year of the first attack. , The d!s use , ruoiit often at-tarks In the 20 to 35 aye group. It is not known why It is'.y com.non In western Canada. In fart, no one know what type of disorder causcs.the j nerve damage. The Multiple Sclerosis Society; of Canada hopes funds soon will be found Tor research In each1 Canadian medical centre where there are facilities for this work WOKKr'RS I'NTYfD Most of the money donated to ihe .society since It was formed lour yi.trs at;o twts pone imo ie.e.irh The Vancouver chapter operates without paid work ers It was tirftanui-d two years ai;o. Today, the cluptcr has 5tW members, half of them victims of multiple sclerosis. It is not yet known whether has been found in other areas) there Is an uneven distribution of the rbseae in this province. In Nova Scotia and Norway, the disease Is more cummon in f.uuinm communities than In Ii.shmg villages. Curling Results Uith Schuul Curlint FoUoma are ruits of Saturday's p.iliici. Scores of the 9:00 draw were: Husvik 8, Kaardal 4. Henry 11, Auld 2. Bateman 7. Gamblin 3. The 12:00 draw: Morrison 12, Bill 3. Rowbotham 9. Boulter 8 Bateman 12, Auld 5. Hockey Scores SATURDAY MIL Montreal 1. Detroit 1. W ML New Westminster 2, Seattle 2; Tacoma 3. Vancouver 9; Saskatoon 7, Victoria 3; Cul-gary 2. Edmonipn 2. OSIIL-Penticton 3. Kamloops 4; Vernon 4, Kelowna 8. ' WIHL Kimberlcy 4. Nelson ; Trail 2, Spokane 8. SUNDAY W'HL New Westminster 1, Seattle 4. W1IIL Trail 5, Spokane 9. MORE HOME OWNERS More and more Americans are buying homes. Today 58 per cent of the country's 45 million households are home - owning families, according to the N Y. Journal of Commerce, and 42 per crnt are tenants. In i!40, only 43 6 per cent were owners. Since then an average of more than 928,000 persons a year have moved under their own roofs. Trade circles assert that ownership will reach 75 per cent In another 15 years. EvicL i u 3v EASLEY BLACKWOOD Hid on Doubtful Values l;ids Partner to Trouble Today's deal illustrates a passing situation which is often overlooked by players ije Miss Brash f43. CaU 630 6th Avenue Went CUT WANTED LofKtng Jaeka anl table PlxiVic Urem 18 U7pi (;AL f.. STATE MARINE VIEW LOT. i 65-foot frontage on ! 4th Ave. Fast. Priced right for quick sg'c. ; ARMSTRONG AGENCIES LIMITED Phone 312 or Bine 192 'eves U7) FOR SALE Five acres. 4 mile from town centre. Three hotr-cs: one wven-nxims with bathroom, one three-rooms with bathroom, one two-rooms. Electricity, water and phone Installed For further Information write to Box 523, Terrace. BC. 22i FOR SALE Five-room Wartime house with utility room, newly decorated throughout Good location, near school. Phone Black HI (16) CAKK FOR SAI.fc FOR fJAI.E 1951 Prefect scdnn IKM) 10th Ave. East. (17) FOR SALE Late 51 Austin station wagon. Good condition. Will finance. Phone 648 or 451. (1 I'KiM'i: m nut i smit AMI lllllll llll IMMKM T NOTTOR Is herehjr Riven thut Court of Rev-mum under l4ie provi sion o( the "'rwmttlon Act mpret-Irm th iimeiit roll tor the l-lnc Rupert Asiiewiment mid Collection Dmtriot (or th yi-nr 1SS will be held at the Court Howe. JTInce Huprt, C on Tuesday. Frbrunry 10th. 153. l 10:00 o'clock in the lorenoon. tinted t Prince Rupert. B.C.. thl 17lh dV of Jniiunry I9S3 K. VICTOR WHITtNO. Court of Revision. (ltd notice to mrniTOKS AMY DORITTY McINTOSH. formerly of Prince Rupert, British Colum-bm. Deceed. NOTICE l hereby Riven that Creditor and others havinn drums KHlnst the esUte of the nbov deceased r hereby reoulred to end them to the undernamed Executor t txVO West Pender street. Vancouver. BC. and P.O. Bo aos. Prince Rupert, BC, betor the 1st day oi March. 1953. alter wliicn naie me executor will distribute the ld esuite winnng the piinles entitled tbvcio haviiiK rtinrrt only to the rliima of which they then have notice. CIC South stealer North-South vulnerable North I Miss llrawh) S J 9 4 2 H -8 7 a D Q IM) C Q et Ka-t (Mr. Dale) (Mm Keen) (3 K 6 8 8 S H K Q J 10 6 H 9 3 D A 10 n K J 7 C-9 7 8 2 C J 10 8 5 4 S south (Mr. Ctiamrtlmi) S A g 10 1 3 H A 5 4 D 8 2 C A K The bidding. South West North IS 2 H 2 S Pass 4 S All pass first round of bidding, Mr. Champion's jump to four was automatic and fully justified. Mr. Champion found an unlucky matching up of cards between his hand and dummy. He also lost the spade finesse. He was down two, losing a spade, a heart and three diamonds. The heart losers were held to one by discarding a small heart from dummy on the second club lead. BLONDIE When your partner opens th -bidding with one of a suit am' second hand passes, I go along w it h the idea of stretching meagre values la make a response of sortie kind to give partner another chance. He may have a hand which Is only a queen short of an opening two bid. When second hand overcalls i your partner's opening, how- j ever, it is no longer necessary j to strain to find a bid. Partner j automatically gets another chance by reason of the over- call. If you do bid on doubtful values in this situation, you art? giving your partner a wrong impression. He will count on you for more than you have and it is likely that he will bid the iiand overboard. In the deal shown. Miss Brash had a fair dummy for a spado contract. But when Mr. Dale overcalled with two hearts. It was not necessary nor desirable for her to make a "chance" raise. If Mr. Champion was not strong enough to make a second bid, then It was likely that Mr. Dale and Mrs. Keen had the balance of power and certainly no game would be missed or. the North-South cards. Of course, Mr. .Champion would have bid again if the two heart call had been passed around to him. He probably would have said two spades and regardless of whether the partnership then stayed under game or not, at least they had a better chance to do so. When Miss Brash gave her faulty raise to two spades on the IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE ATHLETIC OLDSTrR BECKENHAM. Ensland (CP) Donald Taraan Keir, 73, hai ber.i appointed full-time gynm master at Beckenham Technical School. He earned the nickname 'Tarz-an" as jrymn master for 24 years. HELL PRESERVED HUNGATE. England CP) Roman knives 2.000 years old were unearthed from an ancient York, shire tannery In perfect condition. Experts said they had been preserved by acid In the soil. THIS IS JUS?) III Ik-P Lb-ivlP I ' is away mr dithers. bc A,tr viiAUT Ol I Til FFL TuATTHlSli I LL.. . I By CHIC YOUNG X-. LtKE HOME.' mmm -A 1 (-YOUR HOME J ir ' - lr Wt;4 m&M or?mm if THE TORONTO OKNFRAL THU8TR CORPORATION and KICIIMOND r. MORTIMKR EXKCU'ltlKS. By; BROWN tc HARVEY, Their Solicitors t jio,ia,i7io) I r, . --' ."nil, 1 Oraham Ave. Blue 713. is. ,.