''&'l'.v-f,i',-.-. C ;;' ViiiB iim.pn come ,OTrfriTuniiip".ani iT v- '" v' w..y -yw . .. Deaths Yesterday AT THE I By The Canadian Press - 1 I ,3 ?J Stalin's Death Was Outstanding World Event of Year, Newspapermen Decide J. Driver. QC, 70, former Dresi- j ..',. , 1 Si i tHf Mtflf JjTJff: dent of the Ontario PrntrrLo i w iSf. I f I If XI lllf-Wii t'l -V Conservative Association . i'Tt-., It 1 1? 1 9 Ji UJV'V t CO-OP BAKERY i UKun ij tsert Leavens, ".1. ' llllll.C 1 A P Jr Kr w -JkT i former CCF provincial secret.uv ft" Vkk-U5 i , Wtf f ; :? V and member of the Ontario 1- . f flr.VlrtrS'f i 1 la t'm I fln I O rr t f 5 It . I Prices Good Bridge, Mas, C : UlUOH-lUli ill K&lV j Until Doc. 24 t in a Canadian Press poll of daily newspaper telegraph edil-ors. Second among world news events they placed the Corona-lion; second in Canadian news, the Morrisburg bus crash which took 20 lives July 31. TOP SIX Editors were asked .o pick the six top world and six top Canadian stories: By The C ttiadian Press Stalin's death was the outstanding world event of 1953. hi the opinion of Canadian newspaper men. , And the Canadian - U n i t e d States exchange over questioning of Igor Gouzenko was the lop news story of the year nt home. These stories headed the list We invite comporison for Prices and Quality of ! u. avails, who runeu unurcn- ; ill's "Triumph and Tragedy" fur i i : publication in North America ! f Seasonable FRESH BAKED foods. i NEW YORK Sidney Rosen 58 1 Their selections: World: 1. Stalin death; 2. The Coronation; 3. Conquest cf Everest; 4. Korean truce; o. Greenlease kidnapping; 6. Rosenbergs executed. Canadian: 1. Gouzenko case; 2. Morrisburg bus crash; 3. Gaspe murders; 4. Federal election; 5. Sarnia tornado: 6. Quebec fliers' rescue. Stalin's death March 5. with Malenkov's succession and i's unknown implications for Soviet policy, barely edged out the pageantry and color of the Coronation for top spot. The drama of Mount Everest was a com- 'wiMNI! ) OUR BEST FRUIT CAKE Plain lb & i assistant general manager of i Calvert Distillers Corporation j LONDON Michael Zacha iwitsch. 76. Russian-born violii i who made his debut uncle t i is I X n OUR BEST FRUIT CAKE Almond Iced . . Ih K Guy Burgess Writes' Letter to Mother in U.K. MILWAUKEE. Wis Frederick i V I 1 Y A. Eggert, 84, famed woodcarver : V who did original carvings for the ornate Ringling Brothers' Circus! . i.s - af A l OUR BEST FRUIT CAKE-Dewrajd. lb. 85 Srf fejl PIocp Place vaur your ordpr order now now lor for Special ncrinl Rrsndt Breads, Runt Buns, LONDON nv-The Evening i fortable third. The Korean ar mistice signed July 27, the Greenlease case which began with the kidnapping Sept. 23 and ended with execution of the i ' 7 1 r -? v t ? J ' t colleague, Donald Maclean, disappeared in May, 1951. The most intensive manhunt in European history failed to turn up clues of their whereabouts. They are w idely believed to have gone beyond the Iron Curtain. 1 ' ,.' viiwy 1 r - Jjt Mincemeat Torts ond Shortbread. If CO-OP ENRICHED BREAD . . . Your E EST Bay l ... now mode with MORE Milk HEY CO-OP KIDS! 1 Co-Op annual Christmas Simw at the Capitol Theatre ftjf Tuesday, Dpcrmbrr 2!th at 2:011 p.m. V Tell Mum or Dad to got your ttokrt.s at Hip il:cry or j Maclean's wife and two children disappeared from this Swiss j home earlier this winter. They Vere last reported en route through Austria toward the Iron Curtain. The fact that it was postmarked perhaps a month after it Cojv Bay store. This show is for t'-op Mrmbrrs' Chiidicn Only. SANTA CI.AI S W1U. UK Tlll'IU'. was written suggested a possi TWO TASTY KINDS 'l We wish to extend the Compliments of the killers Dec. 18, and the loni-! drawn-out Rosenberg atom spy I case were well up in the voting. I OtheV world stories which jjust missed the top six include.! , Mossadegh's overthrow in Irin, ! last winter's North Sea floods i "nd ouster of Levrcnty Beria as head of the Russian secret po- lice. CANADIAN SCENE ! On the Canadian scene, editors had no hesitation in picking the effort of VS. Senati investigators to question Gouzenko, and the international ; cmbroglio that ensured, as top story. It outdrew the Morrisburg i crash by several votes. Grouped ! in third, fourth and fifth places ' were the mysterious killing cf i three hunters in Gaspe in July, 1 the Dominion election in Au-; gust, and the Sarnia tornado May 21. For sixth place, the rescue of seven fliers missing 36 1 days barely edged out Calgary's DuPre hoax case. bility that Burgess had sent the note to a friend in London to be mailed here. The address on the envelope was typewritten. The Evening News, however, :iid Bnrcess "may even be in England." fcj? reason to our members and customers. News reported that a letter postmarked in London and in the handwriting of Guy Burgess, British diplomat who vanished 2 years ago, was delivered today at the London home of Burgess' -mother. There was no immediate confirmation of the report from the foreign office or other quarters. The News in a banner lined front-page story under the byline of its foreign editor, Harold Walton, said the letter was dated simply "November" and was postmarked Monday night in the dock district of London's east end. Burgess and his foreign office Victory Boosts Penticton Lead Fly Tile Canadian Press Penticton V's are making a determined bid to retain their Okanagan Senior Hockey League championship. Last season's Western Canada champions met the second place Vefnon Canadians at Penticton Tuesday night and came out on the long end of a 5-3 count after 60 minutes of fast, hard-checking hockey. The win boosted Penticton's lead atop the league to nine points. Kamloops Elks eked out a 6-5 victory over Kelowna Packers to move out of the cellar and take a . one-point lead over Kelowna in the standings. .. i iii - ri iwii-nnrnrrwTOiirjmiiiir I I .. '.Mil VJ I 7 v . Sign Ted Lyons BROOKLYN l,P Ted Lyons, former pitching great and onetime manager of Chicago White Sox, was signed Tuesday as a pitching coach by Brooklyn Dodgers. 0 If Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, December 23, 1953 1? , . : A f Order Your Extra Milk for CHRISTMAS DAY on December 24 There will be NO delivery on Christmas Day. Milk Delivery As Usual Boxing Day, December 26 if: ' 1 Young Pilot Killed in Crash , LETHBRIDGE (CP) The pilot and his passenger were ,both found dead today in the wreckage of a light aircraft. Killed were John McPhee, 28, who received his pilot's licence only two weeks ago, and Ray lleggie, 22. Both were from Raymond. . '.?-' ... S .-. i - - i . NORTHLAND DAIRY LIMITED NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTHERN CONSUMERS Curling Results Results of Canadian National curling club play Sunday were as follows: Dennis 11. Barton 9; Mitchell 14. McAra 5; Buchanan 11. Dunbar B; Cameron 9, McDowell 6: Kirn-bauer 10. Inkster 7. ' ringithe holida ys, - ""- J r - f . ' ,5.' . . j when it's "one for f k road," he sure it's co f I Yas, you can say that apr.iin! That's a good New Year's resolution to put into effect right now. Everyone knows that driving is dangerous enough both on the open road and in city traflic . . . and especially so on holidays. So be safe and sensible during the holidays. When a genial friend says, "Come on, pal, have one for the road," be sure you say, "make mine coffee !" For coffee gives you a clearer head and clearer eyes for driving. Coffee makes you more alert for quicker reactions. Coffee doesn't let you down. Yes, coffee is a drink that makes any road a safer road home, EE CAKEFUL: THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUiS OWN. JL 1-1 to to be be uvoured uvoured with with leisurely ipprecution, Ctprain Morgan Dt Luxt R urn it de- lilit(ul atter dessm. Captain Morgan De Luxt Rum, the result of more than a score of years of preparation, is proudly introduced in British Columbia, Canada's most discriminating market for rum. Captain Kforgan D Luxe owes its distinctive character and uperb quality to careful selection from a storehouse of the world's finest rums. These have been brought together by mastet blenders in a liqueur rum of an excellence unequalled anywhere. Captain Morgan De Luxe Rum, available now in limited supply, at a premium price. Captain Morgan RUM io add just the right note of distinction to the flavour and bouquet, of any favourite (all,- cool drink, try rublifked in the Interest of ruhlic Safety hij Captain Morgan Ot Luxt Rum. mixed drmk in hirh rum nuy be tued taste better titan ever whfn the rum is Cap-win Morgan Dt Lxt. O J ..... wu.i.js.mi ij nui ruoLiantu W art A TED ir thf UQUOC CON(X IOAD Ot If THE OOvWNMCNT OF WTISH COIUMIIA. '