f Prince Rupert Daily Nrws Wednesday, December 23, laa Wallace's Department Store j Royals Draw With Flyers; League Tied Three Ways TURKEY SHOOT ARRANGED Prince Rupert Rod and Gun club hus completed ph, a turkey shoot Sunday, December 27 at 1 p.m. and Ut afternoon will see a challenge match for the Rupert R.T challenge cup. Atlin Fish team has challenged the nr esent cup-holders. Fashion Footwear. M CnjurlDnug Christmas Inspirations Members have been asked to be out at the tn aP range at 12:45 p.m. sharp. By Ttw Canadian Preas Three clubs are Jammed together on the top rung or the Western Hockey League New Westminster Royals moved Into a first-place tie with Vancouver Canucks and Calgary Stampeders Tuesday night as they battled Edmonton Flyers to a 4-4 stalemate. The Royal? set chance to (nke over sole possession of first DARE TO BE DIFFERENT seconds of jumping over Calgary and Vancouver, both in the midst of extended slumps, at Edmonton Tuesday night. They were blocked by Flyers' starry playing coach. Bud Poile. POILE GAMBLES With Edmonton trailing and time fast running out. Polle took the gamble of yanking his netminder to get added strength on the offense and then personally made the gamble pay off. He electrified some 3,000 Article No. It I shot rock on the four-foot circle For 'Sis and Lad - : For 'Mom and Dad! WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE and draw two seconds, one to In case any reader is away each side o tne outside ringS. TJ ahead of me and fondly hoping tne opponeni, it was obvious 1 that the content of this article hls team-mates expected to exe-will justify his pride in his own ,, ! i, tu.j place when they complete their individualism as a skip, or the b" nBed merely throueh recoVnl ! ' threegame swlng throuBh ,ile right to defy all the laws of f n f nT le0?. ?"U?n..?a,nst rnmmon sense as annlied to . oasKaioo fans by taking Frank O'Orauy's passout from a faccoff near the New Westminster net and then came within . three -- --- -- . - mrougn me resultant eueci on PnvnW A A sk'PPnB strategy I apologtee -- for thelr nervous systeras. Thls wasj I Wholesale & Retail Phone 372 A uic uuc ucii.e '(. i pariv In thi same when we had I 4 There Is no opportunity for the ' a two-point lead. Wayne Crow Double Winner In Rifle Shoot slapping a dribbling 30-foot shot past goalie Luclen Dechene for the equalizer. The other Edmonton goals came from the sticks of Lcn Haley, Ray Hannigan and Marcel Bonin. Gordie Fashoway was the big A foolhardy gambler to find any The second instance occurred J consolation here, for ,1 find my- during the final of a Grand self unable to condone any shof challenge event, when we were' or strategy that defies thftw points in arrears. Late in of averages, unless your position theame the opposing skip called A is so hopeless that there is no for the first stone in front of the GIFTS (or MEN We carry a romplcte line of IMPORTED Pipes, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco and all other SMOKERS' SUPPLIES scoiin? gun for Koyais, aiivui'; home three markers. It was hlj second hat-trick In as many other recourse. rlngs. our lead drew nicely be- w,vne Crow, not content wli'i A change in strategy often pays hind it, and one miss and one winning the trophy for the off when you find you are mak- . rub by our opponents enabled us hirhMt ing no headway. If the opposing to even the score. a emr r m Un tnnir ' nights and boosted him Into players are playing surely and The last example occurred in 1 highest score In the lucky target flrst"plaee tie ln the lnclivldimi confidently, with few misses, recent years. We were two down shoot with 39, when the Civic : s?orln8 race with Edmonton's vour only alternative is to upset cominc home in a bonsniel final, i rvntr rifi i-hlh hoin its rhri.it.. I Enl Scllsizzl. Both have 39 A A A A A A A A A A A A A a x A A A A A ponts. ROYALS TAKE LEAD their confidence by doing the without last rock. Our lead mis- 1 mas turkey shoot last nleht. unexpected. The muscles of the ! sed his draw. The opposing lead j The trophy for the highest av-body are the instruments of the S drew to the front ring. I called erage was donated for annual and for the LADIES A Good Supply of BOXED CHOCOLATES All the best known brands. Both Domestic and IMPORTED Royals Jumped into a 2-1 lead j early in the second period after ! competition by Rupert Radio. Stan Holgate captured the for a long guard on the opposing stone. The opponents went Into a long huddle and emerged as bewildered as before. An attempt to remove the long guard was missed. We drew in behind for mind, and their smooth performance depends on the mental state existing" at the time. At crucial times you must dare to be different, to unsettle the mind of the other skip. When he cannot fathom your motives, he .trophy for the best group average of the year and net to be outdone by Crowe also took the $5 prize- for the lowest score ln the lucky targets. The trophy CAPITOL - TOTEM OR ANY MEMBER OF OUR STAFF A A A A A A one. They tried to follow but G ROTTO CIGAR STORE didn't bury their stone. A hit for the best- group average of j begins to worry about what you the year was donated by Man- nave up yuur bieeve. .iius tuiecus A A and a roll. Another open draw with another hit and roll. The his confidence, and the disease a scoreless opening frame and appeared headed tor an easy victory when Fashoway increased the margin to 4-1 with two fast goals that came while Edmonton defenceman Larry Thi-beault sat out an Interference penalty. ' . But the game Flyers roared oack with a series of ganging attacks that reduced the margin to 4-2 before the second period ended. Bonln's 20-foo drive that found an open co' rer early ln the third period set the stage (. Polle's spectacular tally. son's Jewellers. The turkey was donated by Boulter and Welter. Jim McLean won the Kalen being highly contagious, trans- damage was done. Three points mits itself to his Players with won the ball came. No need for THURSDAY TO SATURDAY startling results. me to recount other incidents Co-op handicap trophy with a I shall attempt to eive vou a that didn't work out, but on . 5CorP ' pius nanqicaps. in structors Dick , Paul, Tommy III Jf ' few illustrations from my own occasion land only on occasion) log book. You take it from there. dare to be different LOVE-WILD AT Boulter and Jerry Martin . expressed themselves well pleased with the turnout of boys and In the first instance, the strat egy was to openly Ignore the Next article . . "Ice-Phobia." Quieiithe j hope that, it will be as good in I the new year.. HIMALAYANfv I outdoors m arttf IIILUt); ;H , m .. Gilliam Named National Loop Rookie of Year NEW YORK jC-james (Jun Bv ERIC MARTIN ! wolves killed by poison will soon Now that the actual hunting i be forthcoming. who made her v the slave of love! V , seasons throughout the province 7 fid i itftolidays TS-'i! How Is it that carnivorous pnlmals can get within, .striking are pretty well finished the work of tabulating results, distance of their victim's, when amount of kill, collating and lor).. Gilliam, who took vV-t second base for Brooklyn Dodgers last spring and handled the job like a veteran, has been ft I-X m W FERNANDO FERNANDO so many human hunters have difficulty getting within rifle range? The wild things stay very much on the alert depend ARLENI ARLENE V vfTv I I! Mill ilniii ! named the National League ing on the sense of sight, smell rookie of the year. or hearing, but rarely do any The 24-man selection commit-; of them look upwards; this is j tee of the Baseball Writers As-1 taken advantage of by the ) soclatlon of America gave the! analyzing the Information gained through the various checking stations, is to be handled by provincial biologists in order to settle upon dates and limits for next and future open seasons. This is in line with the requirements of the good game management program under which we enjoy our woods and waters, and tjie qucstion".iire which you should have inleo out is a necessary item ln this work. . It is now understood tint tne rho W..JJJB.O.. liUUUlU three times that of his closest rival, Harvey Haddlx, St. Louis Cardinals' southpaw pitcher. Haddix received four votes. a tree and by certain carnivores of the cat family, but such ta6-tics would hardly help hereabouts. However, we could all. do,bet- w)iamon$ wwism Gilliam, most valuable player My your Christmas be Merry ttr hunting if we developed .the in the International Leagui t ,e In bat- Mteo to P"t-itt bf O'MIM .Hi ability to freeze to instant mo- U952 while with Montreal no CMfilAffDCK f Rank HLiro0 JOHN tRAHM A MUSOtt VmMi-m DntruM WAff(ft 801 hunter and angler kill is not as TO YOUR NEW HOME OR OFFICE Commercial or household furniture moved with care. Prompt, courteous service at low cost. PACKING CRATING i SHIPPING LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE MOVING LINDSAY'S CARTAGE And STORAGE Phone 60 LTD. "Leave it to Lindsays" tionlessness. ' ted J278 ln 151 games. He drove The metallic click of a rifle ln S'uns and Included In hll safety or bolt being made ready hluln sl homers. 17 triples is. a completely foreign sound 8nd doubles. His 17 triples great as the natural toll (predators, disease, parasites, starvation, etc), and ways of lessen - ing this natural toll are con CARTOON and NEWS ' and your New Year prosperous. From tne Btaii of QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. Shows at 7 -8:50 tinually being sought. IT you have a form to fill and returi you will do yourself and others Last Night's Fights i a favor by doing so right away. There Is another moose count coming up in February, and also give-away that spoils a careTul stalk; let you not be guilty! Just in case you think writing this column at this holiday date is as simple as sitting in a wet, cold, snowy, blowy duck-blind in the early dawn, then, my outdoor brother, you are oh! so wrong! ' MERRY CHRISTMAS TO during the first three months of next year the field men will be By The AaoclatM Press MIAMI BEACH, Fla. Chlco Vejar, 154, Stamford, Conn., outpointed Pierre Hernandez, 150, France, 10. LOS ANOELES Billy Peacock, 120Vi, Los Angeles, stopped Jesse Mongla, 1203.4, Denver, 9. among the game animals in iheir winter yards making an nn-t hn-snnt. RtuHv rif rrtnrlit.inne regarding feed and general AL! The Gift that Every ifiii villi appiiate' Many pulpwood camps have For action try Classifieds I showers and other amenities. realth, and the number of young animals in the herds. One of the lynxes that have been bothering around the Hazelton-Kispiox country hps been shot by STAN WILLAN. Reports on the number of GROOM WORE SPLKS" "TARGET UNKNOWN" ENDS TODAY 1: ' 8:20 p.m. and IMPERIAM . HIRAM v A WAIKER Si . V cum HI!WII:M!Mi) 1 " TfT l I KA DC D I A I iTl Jt( , IfflDecaiiter Bottle J c tt GMM) 1 (BED That "Bad and Beautiful" ffiri in a de luxe musical of romantic Bio! Jrify For Your.Enjoyment ft y we wish to announce Christmos Night Show I 1,7 I ) 11:30 p m- Dec-25 Or "LITTLE EGYPT" I MARK STEVENS J RHONDA FI.EMINO -ir-1 f Ain)i;n siiour si i!Ji;t is A MUSIC ON THE DOl'BLE . -FRIVOLITIES SNIFF LES and BOOKWOKM CAPITOL lid. 1 1 r E I 7 I T, It's M-G-JTs Gay, Racy TECHNICOLOR Musical Romance ! li . A IT- MUMS LANA TURNER JOHN 10UIS It KAROO all iilCtiS c Trrrrt: Wt Evenings 1: and 9: p.m. Matinee Saturday.. 2: p.m. jTimttf famous i&(nadiantf!uf w h 1 ?2p 5an OlSTIllERS OF 1 H E SKY MOHTALBAN LUND CALHERN TOTEM A Famoua Flayers Theatre This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the , Government of British Columbia.