a Wednesday, December 23-, 19nS CEOKGE OA.VtS AUCTIONEER I.KGAL NO I K fcS Phone Black 846 and Red 1?. 1 1 ! Noi ire of 1 Nr m.i ation OK HKSf'Ht K hHUl? - NOTICE is hereby given that tlie teeerve stablished for the Ix-pun-ment of National Defence, Canada, pursuant to Order-m-Counrll No. 1 2HS. notice of which was puulnhcd in the British Columbia Gazette of October 22ml. 1H42. coveriiiK the PHONE MISS WANT AD AT 748 FOR WANT ADS 4:30 P.M. PREVIOUS DAY i followlitK described area situated on certain Hinds In Prince Rupert Town- In cajicelled: THE DAILY NEWS" "CIRCULATION" Classified Rates tan time 4 0 p.m. BJ preTlous nubiicotkra, -tMllrd. 3 cent per word per ln- rtlun: minimum jharas 60 oenla. ,1, Notices, 60 CMiU, Card of Thin'. Death Notice, Funeral Dniiri-s. Marriage na Enfagvment '...niinnrmentii. 82 00. TODAY YEAR AGO Lots 27 to 34 Inclusive and ii 45 incluntve of Block 12; Lota to 33 Inclusive. Block 17; Lota to I Inclusive, Block IB; Lo;s u e Inclusive. Block 19; and Lots 4 to 8 inclusive. Lots 14 to Inclusive, Lots 34 to 43 Inclusive. Lots IU3. 104, 109 to H8 Inclusive, and Lots 133 to 150 Inclusive of Block 20. Section 2. Prince Rupert. C. i Hopper. Deputy Minister of LantlJ. Department ol Lands and Forests. Victoria. B C. December 2nd. 1963. (ltc) DEADLINE af.iLU FAMILY GIFT FARE EXCITING 3-D GIFTS for all the family VIEW MASTER STEREOSCOPE PICTURES TRAIL STUDENTS FORCE MAYOR TO EAT WORDS TRAIL, B.C. (CP) Mayor E. G. Fletcher, who recently had a few well-chosen words" about words, at a few of them Wednesday night. Mayor Fletcher said recently that student'! of 20 years ago were better spellers than those of today a remark which led to an adults-versus-students challenge spelling bee in Trail junior high school this week. Of the 48 words chosen from Grade 7, 8 and 9 courses, the adults missed six. The students tripped on two. FAMILY GIFT FARE Christmas Shipment ol CHROME JUST ARRIVED. 5-pce. Sets Xmas Special $79.50 Colors: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Grey. Matching Stools Available. A. MocKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. 308 Third Ave. Phone 775 Wrathall's Photo Finishing . . - i. LI XMAS IS ALMOST HERE W will he oDen until 9 P.m. (f - v' lri a1, h S -4 i i1 ! il 8 f I', T 4 , t i " -?h 'V7 ill zl r. V ' M ! V .. i i 5l ' J MP '.T.rltlll 1 -TMIiUM.IO. CHUNGS r PAINT WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Fhune Red 878 ' SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Own 6 p m to 3 a.m. Daily Luxury Steamer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at II :15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnlshl Comfort and Service For reservations write or call City or Depot Office, Prince Rupert, B.C. j i i i h n , k m a t - n a ri H?y.-al.l?MJ 654 i I This ttfftrtiicmnl it not pubtaktd r duplffycH by the Liquof (.entrof DtMfd tw by Hit uovtrnmcnt of firitiib Columbi. ' l . " i ,4-. I ' V v - V 1.. site to 26 18 1 3475 1 3078 I - I to HORSEMAN FRED SCARER carries this week-old foal aboard the freighter Richard D. Lyons to reunite it with mother. A shipment of 250 horses from Australia to Bangkok was taken on the ship after it had waited n port, fpr 56 days. This youngster was borrf while its mother wajs waiting at Keysbrobk fof the task of fitting the vessel with speeial stalls to be completed.' ' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and open until 6 p.m. on Thursday CHRISTMAS TOYS DECORATIONS Drop in and find all your Christmas Shopping Needs at THE VARIETY STORE (opp. Capitol Theatre) DANDY FOR DAD - SLIPPERS THE IDEAL GIFT Bee ouf complete selection NOW. All siws and styles. GEO.HILL&SONS LIMITED Third. Avenue West RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) WEDNESDAY PM. :( Niipner Serenade :30 Smiley Burnette Show 6:46 Introduction to Wednesday NlKht 100 CBC News 7:11 CBC News Roundup 7:30 CBC 6ymphony Orchestra 8 ;30 Christina Readings 9:00 The Joyous Mystery 10:00 CBC News 10:16 The Spirit of Dickens 10:30 Music ol Schumann 13:30 St. Paul's Cathedral Chorus-ters 11:00 Weather Kennrt Are You Listening? 12:00 Sign-on THURSDAY 1 AM 7:00 B.C Fishermen's Broadcat 1:ir Musical Clock 7:30 CBC News- weather Report 7:35 Musical Clock .1 8 00 CBC News; weather 8:10 Here's Bill Oood 8:15 Morning Devotions 8:30 Record Album 0:00 BBC Rows & Commentary 9:15 Musical March-fast 9:30 Morning Concert 9:611 Time Signal 10:00 MornlnR Visit 10:16 Carnation Entertains 10:30 Keyboard and Console ' 1)8:45 Jlmmv Sinews snow -. . . foLi&tvtf:-IBvM . Neighbor 11:15 itinderKarten ol tne Air 11:30 Mewtajte Period 1 1 -An Scandinavian Melodies P M. l'J:lili Horn X Years Ton Somi 12;19 CBC News 12:25 CBC Showcase 12:30 B.C. Form Broadcast l :.15 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Afternoon Concert 2:00 Festive Season ' 1:30 Trans-Canada Mnttree M:la Heiiirils for You 8:46 The SnowBake Children 4:16 As Tunes Oo Uy 4:30 Hudson Bny Express 4 45 Talking to Teens 6:00 Stock Quotations Vocalise 6:16 International Comty. 6:20 CBC News; Weather 6:30 Musical 'Program 6:45 Canada at Work KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for noor car Derformance! See us NOW for a general check- ud and tune up . and we'll winterize your car . Vnii' . hi. . r, enpf .... w .. . in q n r.l y ii 1 our service. k Supe nor IV A. .j Auto Service Limited aw mm m CHEERS (ft $3.85 plus tax ROCX MOUNT DE LUXE CANADIAN WHISKY A ' jf i ; ft , $4.25 rum ROCK MOUNT ROYAL MARINE RUM ' -3.. K1 iViirsKV 13.55 plus tax ROCK MOUHT SPRCIAL OLD . CANADIAN RYE WHISKY $3.50 '.rJ plus r tax ROCK MOUNT LONDON DRY CIN . 8 "S Fine Products of ALBERTA DISTILLERS 'Canada LIMITED Caiawy. TVh's odnvrlistmtnt is iiA puhiiswrf or displayed by the Lffiior Cmlro! Board or by the Government oj British Columbia, tit Mm MS! GIFTS FOR GALS DEBS By Savage That Cuban Heel for style ant comfort. $10.95 in many styles. VOGUE SHOES LTD. 506 3rd Ave. W. Green 595 YULE-TIDE GIFTS ' at your 'SINGER SEWING CENTRE Sewing Baskets, Pinking Shears, Scissor Sets, Hi-Low Metal Iron, Boards. Many other sewing Third Ave. W. Phone 864 Moke Xmas Merrier with CUT FLOWERS or PLANTS from PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS 300 3rd Ave. W. Phone 777 Remember your friends and relatives overseas with Flowers by Wire SEWING MACHINES SALES Repairs Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864. i ic) FOR SALE MISC. MAN'S bicycle, good condition. Tricycle like new. van at West 5th Ave. l!01p2 120 BARS piano accordion, $80. 527 8th Ave. West. (301 p) FUR COAT, Coney (dyed rabbit), perfect condition. Size Apply Box 876 Daily News. (298) 32A FOR KENT MISC. TWO cabins. Phone Green 400 or apply 2000 inn Ave. tasi. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ! CASH fOK Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 643 Call 630 6th Ave. West. ROOMS FOR RENT SLEEPING ROOM, close In. 1141 Beach Place, nine u.i. u J9 HOMES FOR KENT FOUR-ROOM house with up- toeRted. 'iSuS table rr,m ttfl iiy. APP'y ras. USPr 21. i ' . ' . " (9Bp J9A sTlTES FOR RENT FURNISHED apartment, steam-heated; dishes and linen; telephone. Apply 218 5th St. after 6 o'clock. (298) TWO-ROOM suite, furnished. 617 1th West. N (301p FURNISHED two room suite. 940 Ambrose. (299) FURNISHED suite. 621 Fulton (299) St. SUITES for rent. Red 984. (299) 40A Houses Wanted to Buy WARTIME 6. Cash. Phone Green 205. -f 47 AUTOMOBILES 1952 PLYMOUTH SuburtM-Llke new, less than 16.000 miles. A-l shape. Two spare ., 1. rf tir Cnn be financ ed. Phone Blue 411 after 5 p.m. 1950 Mercury 2-door, $1550. Owner leaving town, must se;l. Phone Black 937. (303p) . BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe if Lr'ul Display double prlea. Ma Reiunas . -' nut acoeDt resrmarbtlltv L eiajlrted ads Inserted Inoorreetlf unilT wrung ciaMincmum uam iticat Ion of fuel) errors Is received ttU) 24 oours ui nru luwrLlja. WANT AD ' REPLIES We ore holding replies :o the following News jd boxes: 852 854 865 875 Replies must be called for in person lOMkNO. IVtMS ' Sons of Norway Christmas hop, Dec. 2S. Srw Year's Ball, H.M.C.S. jthani For invitations con- members of Naval Reserve lng phone 526. aids. 639 Presbyterian Burns Banquet, Hilary 21. Tirm Girl Guide kimnanv In- aational Dlrner, Feb. 13. (280pi rtitsoN.ii. 01! need a Bardis Nurseries Cataloeue as a euide to fail" ves when buying plants. rre request. euraiB nurseries. :dis, B.C. (It) OULD like transportation to Hueltnn Thursday. Dec. 24. pt Harris, phone Columbia '::uiose. watson isiana, or wf 718 after 8 p.m. (298) AE you wondering what to get Did for Christmas. Whv not 19 i automotive accessory from aper Service? (ZStfl ONTACT Alcoholics Anony-moiii. P.O. Box 343. Phone Sit 'J59. (S) it BISINtSS PhKSONALS "4TI0NAL Machinery Co. Llm-tted, Distributors for Mining, iwmUl, Lodging and Contrac- m fcqutpment. Inquiries in- :tq. i-.-anvius isiana, vancau-; l B.C. (tf) uSHERMEN For repairs to all 18. manes or marine ana auxin-'tt pninnes mil FMnnlnir TraC- a anrl Kmiinment Cn. Ltd. Wwie 577. (299) SE ELECTRICIAN D. Ouyat.t. Bouse wiring and elactrictl cairs. 149 9th Ave. West. onf Red 165. (12) t'BLHj ACCOUNTANT. Income 34 T',T cnonlall.t O fl iTlirlr Hone Bulldln:?. Red 593.' (20m'' NEARLY everybody uses 99. ks? Bob Parker's, of course. S U'MBING, automatic oil heat- Inff aViAA mnt.l nAflr PhnnA Call 630 6th" West. 'Letour- 'ORLD'S FINEST CLEANER KLgCTROLKX. , fhODi Slut "9 for HatU Salet-Befvlce. (c) AW PTT !Wft All litruit ftf cqI Tension Saw Filing, 215 1st west uui Wllford Electrical Works Dealer for Ekolite Sounders. ml GILFORD Electrical Works. Mo- wrs bouifht. sold, rewauna ana 'Paired. (tf) W0AZINE8, uoveldes. MdJe'a "pw stand ' ici ESSMAKINO and alterations: Raacnnohlo Phnn Red 24. (298) LOST iROWN leather zipper wallet, Identification B. W. Ketche-"i Leave at Dally News office. (300p) ; SITUATIONS WTD. MALE odd Jobs ' and complete wniior service, pnone oreen . (9p) SITUATIONS WTD. Female 'LIABLE baby-sitter. Call Blue 127. (304-nc) EXPERIENCED baby- sitter. rnone Red 787. dtp) WLL baby-sit, my home, over holidays.. Mrs. Lucy Proutt, alue 331. (300p) 'jBVUDING MATERIALS ?HlLPOTT,' EVITT & CO. LTD. . , Phone 651 or 652 n1uire Obout our budget plan 'Qr your home Improvement. No ,wn payment. $100 to $2 000; ' W24 moths to pay.' 301) HEl, your fuel requirements: 011 "Shell" Stove and Fur-nce; Coal Foothills and Bry- Mtn. Oas "Pacific" Pro-Sne. Philpott, Evltt & CO. Ltd., fhlne 851 or 652. (301) zua iniru n venue w. NOBLES YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS for RECORDS RADIOS APPLIANCES 201 Third Avenue West (Opp. Totem Theatre) FOR HER . . . A Beautiful 9.6 cu. ft. FRIDGE Reg. $329.00 Now $247.00 SIMPSONS-SEARS 313 Third Avenue West Phone 400 The Idel Gift For Her ELECTROLUX Phone Blue 970 BUSINESS And1 PROFESSIONAL OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 527-3rd Ave. Phone 212 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smithers Every Tuesday and FrSay. For connectior.s Phone 632 Investors Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd. . T. M. CHRICTIE Ph. 384 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for Prince Rupert, Terrace and Kltlmat IF YOU WANT A iivrivij npiVRWAY v OR CONCRfitl Wt&ft Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 CHOP SUEY ... ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe mers This Christmas . . . LUCKY THE PERSON TO FIND A PAIR UNDER THE TREE MEN'S Operas, Romeos, Felts. Fleece Lined LADIES' Moccasins, Wedgies, Mu1es,t t - i js.v Fetts, Slinas-Flefc'ca'linctl CHILDREN'S Adorable AnimarSnppers,'' Moccasins, Romeos, Felts.. Fleece Lined. i FASHION FOOTWEAR J I YOUR CHRISTMAS STORE Enjoy a REAL Time This Christmas FLY... with ELLIS AIR LINES KETCHIKAN Connections to All Alaska, Seattle and Whitehorse Phone 266 Or Call at our Office Opp. Post Office Ml I