by 52 pro-Rhee assemblymen 7 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, June 5, 1952 .'i 41 it most critical opponents. They called Rhee's charges of a "Communist plot" agsdnst the government mere window dressing. 11 '''" - , I niinur i in I, . . 1f M 9 W Korean Politics Shocks U.S. President By STAN CARTER PUSAN, Kores (AP) President Truman has told President Syngman Rhec he was "shocked" at political developments in the South Korean republic, reliable government sources LONDON R Thousands of British Legion women, demand- .? ing compulsory wearing of hats j at Legion parades and services, t won their claim that a woman is , i . not properly dressed without one ,(i "Hats give elegance and dignity," 4it! said those in favor. .' who withdrew, saying they "could not continue" to work with legislators they considered "corrupt." It calls for: 1. Re-election of Rhee when the assembly picks a head of state late this month. 2. Adoption of a constitutional amendment providing for election of presidents by the people rather than the assembly. 3. Adoption of a constitutional amendment providing for Married tight j Women to Give Them New Start SACRAMENTO, Calif. AP) The district attorneys office is Investigating the marital status of Hubert Earl Bustain, 05-year-old Nevada prospe6tor, who reported he married eight women since 1911 because "It's my system to help others." Deputy District Attorney Robert W. Cole said he was par Try Daily News Want Ads Classified Ads Pay i St I a two-house assembly Instead of The U.S. embassy confirmed V a unicameral body. ticularly Interested in Bustain s L statement that Bustain assumes but isn't sure that each of his successive wives divorced him. No charges have been filed Hia it? cni 1- if .... ' 1 V 1 ; i "It jJi 8' against Bustain and he Is not New Credit Plan Now makes it easy to own s the appliance of your choice. COME IN NOW AND SEE THE 1952 LINE OF ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. RANGES - REFRIGERATORS - RADIOS WASHERS - TABLE APPLIANCES LAMPS j I AOMtv-iiie united Textile Workers of America (AFLi has announced dismissal of i,,. camullai staff of 10 men and two women. Lloyd Klenert, centre, UTWA secretary-: r. :nmuncin the dismissal in Montreal, said charges of Communist leadership of the Canadian branch have presented a "Keriour problem" to the organization. Sam Baron, r Canadian rili cctor of the Textile Workers' Union of America (CIOi will become ... clir-ctu- ul the rival UTWA. Rger P.ovost, right, president of the Quebec 'Federation ) ,!. promos Qu 'bee director of the UTWA. (CP PHOTOi that a notrf had been delivered to Rhee but refused to divulge its contents. Korean sources quoted Truman as writing that unless Immediate steps are taken to ease the political crisis Korea will face a grave situation. Rhee has proclaimed martial law around the provisional capital and may .dissolve the national assembly. The assembly 12 of its members already jailed by Rhee's police quit work today for lack of a quorum. A source close to President 4. These provisions to be put ! into effect two years from no'v. i The 52 pro-Rhee assemblymen I pulled up stakes Tuesday morning. The action made it practically impossible for the 183-membcr body to carry on business. A quorum of 92 Is required. Twelve members have been jailed since martial law was declared by Rhee May 24. Some 20 to 30 others are in hiding . for fear they will be taken into custody. After trying without success lllilO loli. I Cai.ii' under arrest. Bustain confessed he couldn't remember the names of all his wives. He said he married first in 1911, and again in 1923. 1931, 1934, 1944, twice in 1945 and most recently on March 29, 1951,' to the former Doris Johnson, in Reno, Nev. She asked the district attorney's office to look into the matter. - "I've always made good monty Business Spotlight Rhee said the aged chief may Britishers Urged To Brighten Dress HARROGATE", England (CP aissoive the assembly late today iiy HJklil.H UHUDh; (Canadian Press Business Editor I oiiiilitiK's one wonders which i Northern B. C Po wer Co. L td. all morning to get; a quorum, Chairman P. II. Shinii-ky dismissed the assembly. There were 73 members present. ' United Nations sources said they believe Rhee has been attempting to gain control of the assembly by threats, intimidation and imprisonment of his Elht out of 10 Britons go to their offices as though dressed f is an old or tomorrow. But another source in the governments said Rhee will withhold action pending outcome of a compromise plan offered to his opponents who normally control the assembly. The compromise was offered for a funeral, says F. H. Ridley and I like to use it to help people who need it," Bustain said. "With all the women, it was a matter of helpink them out. I'd help them get started out in life again." than six months of our united efforts." Besner Block Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. ,iiiitiy, iiii'i wnicn is a new. . Stewart, B.C. past president of the National it for granted f .. . Association of Outfitters. Ridley, sporting a vivid taj-tan wt. ;ir a youtiR country, but , r'uii' wtien wf listen to onic i'' !l"m an country: , ,,;,,!:. u.. l' ' that it in we who : western Europe. Recently, it lias become the most densely populated country of the world, with more than 800 inhabitants to the square mile. FUN-ON A-BUDGET... in the Canadian Rockies shirt and fawn trousers, suggested at the association's annual conference that Coronation year would be a good time I U el old, perhaps, "Canada, on the other hand, Ridley advocated gayer outfits, something more Elizabethan, for Coronation window.-., In London's West End, he addo, outfitters did not appear to har; changed their -windows, exeejpt to dust them, for years. f are .so leiauveiy se- i uhich nutnrn h:io cn rlrhlu hf. to prove to the world that Britain can keep good taste and still be colorful. "British men are the most ' ' . 1 .1, " i really old countries; .... at, rVid.d with fin areanf It lliKi- tl .ili ' gf, lllit .'.I.l!i'' W. ' nr. (Mi li: ; carelessly dressed Of any na ,i it; through phases of and even udve.iture. i in la'icc, t lie re-inlay of Dr. J. R. M. iiik, K 't licrlands Min- tion," he told assembled outfit-teds. 'If only we could enlist the Duke of Edinburgh in our campaign he could do more fo.- JUTE SOURCE Pakistan is the largest producer of jute in the world, with an annual average production of 6.500,000 bales. r ul ..i'iii:unin' ni liUI rt, mio about 23(1 times that of the Netherlands, contains roughly four inhabitants to the square mile. "if the whiilc of Canada were hahitalile, and it was just as densely populated as the Netherlands, it could hold the population of the whole world, and still have rum for a population equal to that of present-day Europe, it i British clothes in one session piui tii' t'auadian Interna-tml T::l- r'uir at Toronto. He Mi little (iililllry lllnl-linili sin lit is (lie most rapid-h Iim rt .i in population of A LIST OF THE VERY PEST Dutch Population Problem Not Easy I ....r TAIIDt I 7 IVUIW I IIUUVE Here's a holiday trip on which you can relax , in the comfort of sports clothes . . . live in rustic mountain lodges amid crvstal-clear imi possible for the ni;.i to solve Us pupilla- i,m m i.oli I.V by rurrymg i.-i ivi' policy v. it h regard ' i n:al economy. In order ; !i,r ui'cui i ( nee of strur- . it,- I ! And a.feW more words thai may dispel &uiue of our Ideas: "The Netherlands is the largest west European exporter of agricultural products; but people make a big mistake when they think of my country as an agricultural country. "It Is Just as exciting for my children to walk about in wooden Enjoy skyline trail-riding, camp fires, the Great Divide. Top off your trip in air-conditioned Canadian Pacific trains. Information and rmiarvaiioni from any Canadian Pacific offiea, your own agsnt or I 6 day 'm ' I I 4 day 'om S0 I I includes motor transport. " 1 1 with bath and Ji inn mpioynient , It is also lakes enjoy fishing . ... . . . . . hiking or just plain loafing. Glorious days at Yoho Valley od Lake Wapta Lodges . . . miles of scenic mountain motoring. '1 4' i'f. sir. ,t: in pursue un active 11937 Ford Scdon -fa 1 1941 i-ton International Panel 11949 Austin i.;:,i'ni:i policy. j i The K'fip!e (if the Net.hci- I ills PMnl 'heir growth as a! J. D. NOTMAN, 3rd Avnv Wst, Print Rupert I a, oi tii' ii strength,, and are M a h d of the fart that shoes as It Is for the children In Canada and America who have been presented with wooden ' shoes from the Netherlands. And 1 many a Netherlander stops, Just as a tourist does, to watch a Ni Uii-i i.miiri s h ave their , In iik Ihtir. fortunes5 "Si.,"' '.at.ii in, the popula- 11949 Morris 11951 5-ton Austin Truck Superior Auto Service Limited Third Avenue West , Phone Green 217 windmill turning. i A.i'U by jnure than. , No doubt, you -do find many PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 6-11 r-..i. . ! t l 4 ; ' , ,.'.i' '.' ' "r' ' ' ; . I SHOP AND SAVE AT OVERWAITEA revolving windmills and thous-: ands of children who wear wooden shoes day in, day out, in the. Netherlands; but most of our i i' KiO.noo hav? em!- ) countries that ; I ;1 Net herlands lin-: ,.i:. ni. i Is by far the ; .mi. From the total ' immiura immiura-U.-s, Us. 40 40 per per (', r.l joung people arc ciomea over fill :uvc ; to Cunuda." alls and work In factories. I . t ''...' 58 Million Claim Filed -Against Shipping Firm A Special! Lamp Shades New Sliipiiient Just Arrived. All new designs all new size; . TKI-I.ITES, BltlDCE LAMPS, TAI5I.E AM) BOLDOlll SHADES AT SPECIAL PRICES I'OUTLANI) (CP) Claims totalling $8,000,000 1 X DVJ,; .'. ;.. 66c SUGAR 10 lbs 1.03 APPLE JUICE O for 29c Sunrype, Vitamied, ZO-oi m APPLE JUICE O for 29c Sunrype, Clear, 20-oz. . JEm M V RITZ 1 Qr Christies I L LARD -JOr Burns, 1 lb. carton M I V W - 'i , save licon filed against the States Steamship Com- TOMATOES 91r BABY FOOD lo77c . Cierber's or Heln ,wl Mm M V BACON O Kc Side, Swift's, Sliced, Vs-lb Mm CAKE MIXES O Tc Robin Hood Mm V MACARONI Qc Cut, Catelli, 8-ox. pkg " GREEN BEANS 3 for OQc Mm Jf Sunbeam, 15-oi. t Sy as a result of the loss at sea of the freighter Ptnn.-ylvania. The .slii!) riisrmnriurAH .Inn f) " -mi: a stni m off the northern M uf British Columbia. responsibility, and that liability be limited in event the exoneration is denied. Federal Judge (Jus J. Solomon has both petitions under consideration. "f 39 of the 48 ore niembers have filed Rupert Radio & Electric PJ.aU' claims ranging from r to S:sr,u,ooo. Other claims ! those of the U.S. gov- 'ment for $1,199,674 for lost m thp Canadian government -! (I'm. kiiri turn tnsuranpp !'s "C total of $1,000,000. ('im.i)anv lias filed Deti- SAVE ON PRICES AND SAVE AGAIN ON DELIVERY AT OVERWAITEA ORDERS OF $10.00 OR MORE DELIVERED FREE Ws in tlie federal court here Attention Ladies COME and H EAR in(! that it be exonerated of COCOA Nielson's, 1 lb. tin 57c MILK Pacific or Carnation, Case n m PORK and BEANS 9 foP fr Campbell's, 15-07.. Mm lwr JSm IV 1 1 li 7.05 97c 90c 2.25c Also JACK McRAE A ' - ' A. COFFEE Our Best, lb COFFEE Our Popular Blend, lb CHICKEN Whole, Swift's, 3 lb. 12-oz. Un HONEY ' 4 lb. tin : PINEAPPLE ' Q.T.F, Tid Bits, 20-oz. 79c 33c i AGCCD J 'SciCE of a J BODY b f Si .v -1 . r I . 1 .. 'I . . .'II 1 It '-Mlt ,5 it f-.(- OLD DUTCH 2 for 25C AUNT JEMIMA 53r Paneake Mix, 3!i lbs. V VEG. SOUP Campbell's , 2 for 27c AUNT JEMIMA OOc I Aunt Jemima, 14 lbs MmMmt President of the B.C. Women's Liberal Association Speaking on behalf of the Liberal Party and in support of JACK McRAE. Common Lounge-Civic Centre Thursday Evening June 5 i Ot 8 p.m. Everhody Welcome Vote McRae-Progress Today i : WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES one v M P. LTs 843 100? B, C OWNED .5 ;