9 jf, Olson leaves i" Til n-e Kuktmi UOily INcw -" Thursd iy, June 5. 1952 British, LiruuUiifi 1 punch when lack of W'lud tin- llist Hied aL dawn vi.e j nit Tayed a landing Ueet of wnlum l.eet, rli-u. M ind rocky Junks and put the Chinese de- islands close inshore, r.oisled fenders on the alert. sails on bamboo masts and made ! . . . for the landing beach. Thev turned on intense cross- BLACKWOOD - on Army For Ships In Coast Attack Save Up To On Pyrex lire and artillery bombardment B o m b and rocket-carrying. U I f las the troops advanced over Pl"' fm th's carrier report-, H$WS JOD (J3riclc j. ... j......i0 ea me juiiks seemed ui.ne nat- : -J. ige Sgt. Bill Olson, Canadwn Army cameraman, who gained consid- i-liCiIAEL RAMSLiLN ! perimeter. (Censorship would t.;6 ay-mst Uue and an oppos A HOARD THE BRITISH CAR-' not Dermit identification of the "' wlnd- 55c 89c Prex Pie Plate Regular 69c NOW Souare Cake Dish Regular 1.10 .... NOW Cy ASLEY BLACKWOOD r'--v-r RIER OCEAN OFF NORTH: troops involved.) ' While the Amethyst's broad-; ",,7 of Canadian KOREA-. Delayed by Censor)-; F(Jr h(mrs after the operation sides kept the beachhead under Korea dtlr n" (Renters) - Allied commandos,!. continual bombardment, planes , VVl" n tnh !in! their first there, has join 8-Piece Mixing Bowl Si' 1 began Mn t. the Amethyst Amethvst radioed rafJloed to to year 21-59 Regular 1.93 NOW ('hampioTi ,irjcs me crazy. il backed by the blazing guns n tnis rarri,.r tne ocean- "Aban- dive-bombed Communist posi-the tunied British frigate Ame- don 0'peratn Thank you for tl0n and rak;Cl them with can-ohyst, Sunday attempted to.th ,, ,nr't ,hi,.h' nnrimiht- non fire. ed Capital Press Service in Ottawa .as a partner. After serving for 18 months itf tlit' uic hand nand ( AI L OVKXWAKE ITEMS KE1H XKIJ IN PRICE much wilding ovoi'boaii.!. . 1)01 A I'll, f t M'ii t.r t-v -Klla IKo nm itorm Communist positions on ed,y prevented complete disas- '. or doing it." ihe west, coast of Korea, then Iwlthihew under heavy fire with jMime prisoners. i Two C.i.iKiiiian destroyers, the I AlhulKiskan and the Cayua, I helped piovide a srreen for the j irinale Amethyst which saiied mandos were still swarmin-, ,' ' In Korea Sgt Olson -er. tly ashore, the Amethyst command- Opt. A. R L. Butler, ordered as tafke,n h!s discharge but the evaeuntion. i wiI1 not ,av down, h!s tC ' He will be active in both press Casualties were described a.s , , and commercial photography t "" . i with Capital Press which services : Canadian Press, leading maga-DAII.Y NEWS CLASSIFIEDS zines and other outlets with URINO QUICK RESULTS news pictures. ter." With the Ocean is a screen of one Canadian, one U.S. and one Australian destroyer. The Amethyst made-headlines in 19J9 by running another river gauntlet-down the Yanetse to i scape a Communist trap. The frigate's four-Inch guns up the l!:!ti Itivw to back the iissanll. The nl,l;ick lost , much of its ,tiljK,,(I crestfallen. ,.,, looked worse. j:-.t !'."-' "UW" ,.Ub ( untract. " ,,,.,-n ' rrrTrrnrrrrr iKl,;ibl,. vulnerable 'jiHllll have bmi a ,p y.,ur bidding, ,.,"itnm'(l with- -liut they You wwe , (.aim- ' ip tliwu from ,,y jwitial." ullllih'-r illustra- of using yi"' West dealer Neither side vulnerable Ni.rtll IMr, l'hmiiilnM) M iij y 4 2 H-W lo Si 7 B U li 7 3 ft MVM Kllst (Mr. Iiuli') (Ur. Muslin.) H- J H -A K 8 3 II- A J fl 4 2 it--I l A 10 6 - 1 -4 j 3 CK 10 8 O-tv 3 2 SiiiilU (Mr. Mil!) II- K 6 It- K o 4 A J tt 7 4 The l.lilillliK : Mr, Mux.y mw, i phiyetl, that I rl,K i.-il to teal-,,!,:. hand whs Bo it n ' 'i i i Wi-.t Nurin fast 1 II Ftims 1 f.i I-u-ji I'm 'J it Lll.l All puis 3 - ,.Uly expect I" th in -ross vim" N ICE f fro lililll oi in , wiuiinK and his l,: iiM' at every H.iliiiiiK hke Mr. t. l,..i.il is almost Paris Workers Don't Heed Red Slrike Call ,) yet it happens 1 the jack of riit 1 11 j PARIS Commu list efforts t i,.-e of heart ;to para)yZ(, pa, iS with a 24-hour r ;,. r.,iinted for s,ulowii strike appeared to have ,,;,K:; Mr. MiisU-rHi,a(! ?al ttKaj today. Work was 11 "f diamonds norniai ln l0fil factories and the i(,y I'uViTeu aivei ...a tlioug ht. Mr -,i iHi the ace of metropolis showed almost no sign i ol obedience Ui th- Red strike : call. I Steel-heuneted police, many : j! ,'iWirll i ue IU tlllM armed with tear gas bombs and j Sjl;i!i.r uvul gas masks, blanketed the city ml.- tin' good play till! the queen of ky,-, this play did Mi. Uultn's trump LONDON -Rear Admiral J. j Hughes-Hallett, chairman of Ihe ' committee that planned the: famous Dieppe raid of Aug 19, 1942, has been appointed flag1 officer, heavy squadron, of llrlt-; tailiVi iiiillie lir-eL. lir. ili: t-t-Li.-. jSfiiuIti d with the jfj led back a low ,r tinning with the H?' pit out with ft fc t . . - -- - " 'fwY'-' ," ' '-wnowift")-"!. " n ;-M0-. 4' V" iiimhii i 'Wf ' 1,4 7iliAl.iilA WftiliilWJi '.Jhf t?v prA--X-vqjl-mmmrr - '- trJ..rl A,..,,,. V mwtmM-flfll hrvrfX nrf-mmb.. " (.!e4. ; I fU.. : -J ' V- X -if ::i:n fr v. 'f IV-.V-: (f W" -fMl'j I i -"J ! . - s.' ; IrJ pc ; - : V" C-j-Ji' I Tins could be yoit or, P:yi'm?m l f ' f K? . j t ' 4 . , "j. I .1 lT I ' ' I A. . ; or.e of your family v ) t i HlHDbPl !l liaaiJ Wsfc vf : t jm ! IE11111 YOU lil'pv ' v t w no way to H,,ar Atlmlra c Jonn Irwu winning two ; iiiii Mr Masters. i loday there are t.-n pulp com-Mi, v.. lied three no twelve mills i it Hut that P1"1"' "P;rat.lng rllish "" ,wn them 1100 iiiiiiiiim NUOGET Local Returns nt?. 1 t Ac 1. 4.C i I ilii.is I Kir -f oa !i7. cpeirs foi liJination M 'A TarHrun returned i n . ... fA w.. on : 1 ys a uoard inr oa. ! ,v hi x i ir r LONGER lUHUtK met at V lAi I 'J i was ,1 mil : r, V . Mr,. M. CV ' her, N... , , Pr'.iu-e H upTt bnv ra In'. i tlie priest - .':,ii I'l-ifiimny her? T'.iryniii. now 38. '.is! ijrr.si.ii ever l- iii-it- -iMiv will be ler- ot hi v Anthony ii lib , Bishop and ui Prince Ru- !fi returned here to fiom her home ie present at the I fui two hours a jutwt-d ainoiig the iuitiu loom of an 1 iiwwi & fXi'hange here, Silk, including one -mm " The bird fiiiKiit and turned m,c inspector. Under Hospital Insurance, brought about by the Johnson administration, British Columbians are insured against such expenses. Do nof be misled by meaningless comparisons. The Hospital Insurance Plans proposed by all other parties will place the cost on the already overloaded municipal tax payer. For instance, the It's a Hew Kind of Chimney ing X-rays, drugs, physiotherapy, cardiographs, blood tests, urine tests, blood, plasma, and many other things. B.C. Hospital Insurance Service pays for all these extras. B.C. Hospital Insurance is the greatest single social service ever put into elect in Canada. We must not permit those without experience and those with vague schemes, to take this great benefit away from us. Vote for a continued and progressive Social Welfare Program. .i SAVES HEAT - SAVES ml i J8 Alberta liospuai nan is only for bed and meals in a public ward. The biggest expense in the average hospital till is "extras", includ- Sttkrt - - 5 7 , . v . , . ' . t 5. -h. . -. f '-n----- i:i ? j ..K -xj, if I -'T-V (t' ; J i ' . J i . i f , - v - i - $.J i - . ;- - .- fr.. w J-SL . ... - .-. df i . i- I k. ift,.- . ' r - i pm . .- ' M : ? J 1 - f ' ( METAL INSOLATEi) CHiMhEY Comes Compete Weacy to Install ,h iijhl ol a bilck chlmnty. Hit Selkirk M.lal Imulat.o ot Hi... m.lal ! wilh inchM ot llr.pioot a inrh t.ui.,1 alr liac, .nclcmlng lh inni lluft. Ihu oom-lluft hoi piftvantini) toot liom lo.mm'4. Wlrnl yout pip " aiutt u mri.oftftd - thai how you can mm on lu' 'uay to inlall, r.qun.i no pftnftiv loundalion and I !. 11 k U k h -union fisvft nftftdft c-aning. ' '"'oviiieial Fire Marshall and B.C. Fire Underwriters IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Nam. Qif Iniftrif J tli 8 C. LlUiftl Ajwci.tiort JNi INDUSTRIIS.' LIMITED " iy-tw H:Shw2y, Vsnssuvtr, B.C.