Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, June 5. 1952 where In the desert. Almost every time they drill for oil they PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 5th to JUNE 9h come on plenty or water, down Waxy launches Two Hew Ships below. EfJBEfjl FOOD IEP OTTAWA The names they will THE QUESTIONS which still beset Italy are "how do we eat?" and "what can we get to drink?" If democracy does not solve them, in a certain length Killer Dogs Menace BC Sheep Industry VICTORIA (CP) Marauding dogs art; threat Are Stores qf Quality and Service of time, then democracy will be swept aside next time for keeps by either Fascism or bear to sea in the service of the Royal Canadian Navy will be given two ships at a double christening ceremony at Sorel, F.Q., on Saturday, June 14. Naval headquarters announced today. At the same time U.S.-design-ed guns, produced for the first time in Canada by Sorel Industries Ltd., will be delivered to the -. , rt.. -1 i IT..,,.. ,1 TTif I Rupert D&S 5,400 tons, with accommodation for a maximum complement of 25 officers and 204 men. The Labrador's hull is l38-inch ening to destroy British Columbia's sheep industry, Department of Agriculture officials disclosed here. W. R. Gunn, B.C. livestock. Skeena Grocery Phone 581,582 Lyons Fine Foods I.IMI I I I) Phone 250, Red 465 Midway Grocery Phone 659 c, Butchers and Grocers Phone 21 commissioner, said that sheep-raising on Vancouver and elsewhere in B.C. is rapidly declin Grocery Phone 656 needs, it is estimated that wool from more than 12,000.000 sheep wodid be required. At present the flocks total only about 2.000,000 animals. ed Slates Navy and the United , wUh tne p,ates of Scales Ai my. j a" destroyer or frigate and is The Arctic patrol vessel now . grCatly strengthened internally bring completed by Marine In-; (,0 resist pressure of ice. dustries Ltd. will be named , A feature new to Canadian ice-HMCS Labrador by Mrs. St. ! breakers is the Denny-Brown Laurent, w ife of Prime Mi lister !snlp stabilizer, consisting of gyro-Louis St. Laurent. j controlled retractable fins. 20 Tlie coastal minesweeper i feet below the water line, de- ing, chir lv due to widespread killing by ckigs. Killer dog.' sometimes take a LETTERBOX (Continued from Page 2) toil ol more bu sheep in a single raid, leaving many, to die j a slow death from wound.-;, he under const.uction in the same (signed to control the roll of the ,' liipyard will be christened ! vessel in heavy seas. IIMCS Chignecto by Mrs. Brookvs Her diesel-electric power sys-Claxton, w.fe cf the Minister of ! tem will produce 10,000 shaft National Deft- ice. horsepower. Roomy living quar- The RCN Arctic patrol vessel j tt?rs are warmly insulated has been built to the basic de- against the Arctic cold, fign of the U.S. Coast Guard's : Distinguishing her from civil- Eastwind" class icebreaker mo-: ian icebreakers are her flight diiied tn mtvjt Canadian needs, i deck and her defensive arma- saict. Mr. Gunn said the taxpayer is paying out money in compensation for the damaee done by dogs. "But that is nothing when you consider an industry is being slowly destroyed." on the whole accurately reported in your paper. There was, however a slight error in printing the figures in re.ipect to thj public debt in Alberta. At the end of 1944. the provincial debt was $151 million. At the end of 1951, it was $98 million, a reduction of $53 million in th But besides killer does, the ment. Two helicopters can be industry on the mainland has another problem- the shortage same period, the municipal debt of shepherds. Few people today COFFEE Matin's Best, 1 lb. CRAB MEATqc.' 67( S0CKEYE SALMON 39c CHICKEN Park .Lane, Whole-A Picnic Special 2.19 MARSHAAALLOWS An3C.uS 39c A feature of the de ign is a helicopter platform above the quarterdeck. The vessel is 269 feet :ong. has a beam of 63 v2 feet and displaces AS I SEE IT Continued from Page 2 carried and naval aviation personnel are already training In their use at the RCN air station. HMCS Shearwater, Dartmouth. N.S. NEW SHIPS DIFFERENT The coastaf minesweeper Chignecto differs from wartime m the province rose from $42 million to $116 million, an increase of $74 million. As I indicated a, the meeting, this represented a net increase in the public debt of $21 million. Yours sincerely, ELMER E. ROPER. care to live out in the hills with flocks for several months, livestock officials said. Some sheep raisers have brought shepherds over from Scotland. To meet Canada's annual .. ,. . . ; sweepers in many respects. Alum- "Tn, ,ta , 1 i m ! inum luu been widely used in her ld.,,A;t0!e'g i construction. She has wooden all the land in Italy and to ' hull planking on aluminum alloy have re-sold it on long terms to the actual peasants. That ! traming and the superstructure ! is also of aluminum alloy. She is would have literally and figur ,:,.,,. , V, i IM" (uu uuiiuvvs w.'vj NOTICE CORDIAL 0ran9e' Lemon or Limo- Malkin's Best 35( PAPER PLATES -m2 f0r 5c PAPER CUPS 7 to a package. 2 for ftj HOT DRINK CUPS 5 to a package. 2 for 25c U uit m.c vty KIUU..U mit wlth accommodation for under he feet of the Cmn- me of(ten lni ,5 men. mts whose cry is VThe land fori Diesel-p o w e r e d, with twin tne , peasants. shafts tne minesweeper will be . equipped with the latest navig- rICr uc-Dc- u OVER HERE, where we used are , t, , radar and minesweppins to an aoundance of good j nt water we can t realize that in ; Insuiation has been improved undent lands like Italy they durinH that ln usc thc nnver have enough. One reason wlf, Second Wor,d War and hy the of those people coun-; mlt 0 peraUon of the shi pin varies drink so much wine is be-, led cumBte,. Mess-declts are fit-cauw you simply can t drink the , -ed wita bunks and foam ruboer rd hy water in mos places. In-, maUreScCS and mea;, wll, be cidentally that is also one rea-(pre , arcd b electrical-ga'lev. sn why Coca-Cola has become. . .. , . . ' the symbol of American econ- Thc Chigrecto is on.-, of 11 .,mic inroads everywhere. 1 mlnesweepers under construction , ., m Canadian thipyards for the I can t relish thc stuff myself , Roya, Canadian Navy. out better even that than dysentary. At least ii is wet and . 1,1 ry Christie Won't A FEW months ago the U.S.! Attend ForUITI priiiy cot tired of having to ' MAC'S SHOE HOSPITAL will be CLOSED FRIDAY and SATURDAY June 6h and 7th unutius once saia: uuy wnot you need, but buy well; inferior qoods are not only a waste Yo... INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES arc proud to state, they feature only, Quality and Known Brands but the poorest kind ot business. pay the Italian authorities such Tom Christie, Progressive Con-exoibilant prices for the water servative candidate for Prince Uiey used. They drilled for water i RuPert ln tne 3me 12 election, Hieniselves in Genoa. In less I wl" not appear at a public meet-tlian 200 fret they found vast j lnS hi Canadian Legion auditor-qianUUf of fine, clean water. ( him on Sunday. i CANNED VEGETABLES ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS 9 JQc Only LIBBY'S BEANS arc deep browned and deep flavoured through and through If the-Americans would go all ; MI- cnristie said today he had ovt south Europe, the Middle! made previous commitments to East and south Asia simply I speak at Butedale and Klemtu drilling wells for the benefit of on Sunday and wouJd be unable the people, they would really tn ott.w . 10 auena- niake friends and inHuence people." A Canadian,, now in ' Tne other three candidates, Arabia, tells me that you can however, have expressed their gel plenty of water almost any- I Intention of .beingpresenl... TOMATOES Malkin's Bcxt, C luiice Otialily, 28-iw. WHOLE GREEN BEANS Roval C'itj, N. is, Fancy Quality, IS-iii. PEAS & CARROTS 2 59c 24c 2,.., for 33c .. ;:." : : ' V t. 1 ' r i f t t Vv ) - iV ' is ; H A J ' f r V. i 1 , v. IlL IHiyal C ity, f hoioe OuaMly, 15-oj CANNED FRUITS And JUICES M COCKTAIL, 15-oz. ....... 25c ROYAY ( ITY t'HOKE qilAIJTY APRICOTS,. 15-oz 2 for 59c ROYAI, t ITY, UAItl'I.ETTS PEARS, Fancy quality; 15-oz. . . . 25c 3RAPE JIIICU6-0Z.. 26c MALKIN'S KKST. FAMILY S1ZK ORANGE JUICE, 48-oz. 35c MALKIN'S BEST, Unsweetened Srapefruit Juice, 20-oz. Mor 27c School Board Accepts Japanese Teacher Yes, Libby's exclusive deep-browned formuU means each and every bean is cooked to an even tenderness. Plump, protein-rich beans smothered in a tangy tomato sauce with the added richness of a piece of pure pork. Always the same high quality, the same hearty flavour. Just heat and serve less than 6t a serving. Application from a Japanese which becomes vacant at the teachei for a position at Booth ; closa of this school term and it Memorial Hign school has been was agreed after brief discussion Just Try Us and See to accept him tUTepted hy Prince Rupert School Hoard. , Decision to emplay the young "Certainly these youig citi zens should be given a chance in man. who received his Bachelor our schools," said one member oi Arts drgi-e from the Univer- of the board after it was movrrl "' 1 1 TJ'il -" "",1,L1""1 s,, y Saskatchewan and later , by Joe Scott and seconded bv a Independent Stores ore Rupert Owned and operated, your money stays home when you shop with us. 'oinpletcd the teacher-training rout sr. at University of B.C., was made at last nights monthly --meeting of the board. Till 9fi ton r Tnnn. Domlnato that the application be accepted. Members pointed out that the young applicant instructed in Double youf money bach if you dort't aijfee thai Libby's Deep- Sfowoed Beans aie the best you ever Ubted. PtortnecJ -1 There is on Independent Food Store in your district. f They will be pleased to serve you. GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES ARRIVING BY BOAT IN EXCELLENT CONDITION Canadian graduated from Kel- ' phySicS at UBC wnUe taking hls teacher-training course and has owna High School before he en three years officer training in tered the Saskatchewan university where he majored in physics the Royal Canadian Navy. V MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS t'LOVERLEAF WHOLE CLAMS, I's ........... 39c VEGETABLE & TOMATO SOUP MIX, Upton's ..... 2 for 23c BELL'S RIPE OLIVES, 16-oz., Medium .. 28c 11 -POINT "Ohlorophvl Base" DOG FOOD ...2 for 23c and mathematics. Mrs. M. M. Roper, board secretary, was instructed to advise the man that his application has been accepted. If he accepts, he will be the first Japanese teacher to be employed in a high school here. Commenting on the applica ,: i ' f Irflef ) tttrlinq nlver collet prH hy ThsrtiBi Msort, Enqlo"rf, 17 57. valued piece, now in (he O. B. Allon collection, Vancouver. tion, members agreed that his rualifications fitted the position Sunkist Oranges ' 3 Doz. 85c Leituce, large firm heads 2 for 33c Green Onions 2 for 17c Radishes . . . . . 2 for 17c Fresh Spinach . . . . . . 2 lbs, forjjc Grapefruit. 1 Doz. for 79c mum 'WW LONDON DRY GIN REPB1IM) MATCHES, per cation of 3 SHREDDED WHEAT ...... liREY M'NN CARMEL WAFERS, Vzs . . . LIBBY'S CHILI CON CARNE ... 28c ...17c .. 29c . . .. 35c i ? LONDON . DRY GIN''': v. v.- . i: .. v ALSO ON HANU i Bing Cherries Strawberries Watermelon j A distinguished product of T6 KENT sm TRADE j ,i - - ' THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. Net Wertminiter, B. C RINSO, large size ... . ' 36c mmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm All Phone Orders promptly looked after ' and Delivered Free of Charge. Our De'iveries Cover the Entire City. Kleenex 2 for 29cj Th,. ,dv.rt.nnt , Wn or dIM,l.yed by ,h. Uouoc Contro! Bo3,rt - ,h. n .. B ... i