PROVlNCIAtj It. ' f. 12 i ??. ORMES mm DRUGS . E 1 it . r. V , -a i B ) :;. v 'i DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AMD CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 i 1 :v,i VOL. XLI. No, 132 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENT3 Si msrvr,CHgp J Board Plans Hate A Mi f mm if' " J ; " New School at Port Edward Export itee Construction of a six-room school at Port Edward is planned by the Prince Rupert School Board. pt For Defence Tills decision was made at the ice regular montlily meeting last By The CttimUiKU Press night following a report from a committee appointed to probe the situation at the fast-growing Stores May Stay Open Monday kHIMJTON United States today halted fishing vilUge 13 miles from UUs Schools, Some Offices Close city. UN Won't Force POWs To Return j all steel-mill products except those essen-direct the military production of the U.S. or countries, or essential to direct defence- It was moved by Joe Scott and seconded by Mrs. Earl Becker Red POWs Execute Mates KOJE (CP) A North that the board Initiate steps immediately to replace the pre supporting industries." sent building and the same ar 'mil Starts chltect that designed King Edward and Booth schools will be appointed to design the propos Action was taken by the Commerce Department because of the strike which has cut off new production by the country's steel Stores and commercial establishments may remain open next Monday although government offices, banks and schools will be closed. , That day June 9 has been designated by federal proclamation, to celebrate the Queen's birthday, although her actual birthdate Is AdHI 21. All federal and provincial civil servants will receive the holiday. Labor Minister John Cates said the holiday would not be proclaimed under the Factories Act or the Shops Regulation and Weekly Holiday Act, which means stores may remain open. MUNSAN f -U.N. truce nego ed Port Edward structure. y Northern tiators today accused Commun mills.. Korean prisoner told today how a "Kangaroo It was pointed out that while ists of insisting that thousands of Allied-held war prisoners be chained or handcuffed and ship If Centre Court" behind barbed enrolment at "the school at present totals 96 in the four classrooms, the population Is Increasing steadily and additional space' is necessary to alleviate ped back to the Reds like cattle wire marked him ior DR. JOHN E. CARPENTER, soli of Mrs. O. Herreitt, Prince Rupert and the late J. C. Carpenter of Smithers, is a recent, graduate in medicine from the University of Alberta. He was awarded the Newburn Memorial Medal in surgery. Dr. Carpenter plans to intern's at the Royal Alexandra Hospital In Edmonton. He is a former member of the Nelson police force. Philip Murray, head of the striking United Steelworkers of America was summoned to the White House for negotiations with John R. Steelman, assistant to President Truman. Maj.-Gen. William K. Harrison told Communists their demand ivl(,. to Alice Arm ,rt, and Premier, B.C., 4 today on the first i 0:ircn Charlotte Alr- overcrowding. for forced repatriation of all Dr. R. O. Large, school board Former MP, Pioneer Ainea-neid prisoners "talis on The amount of steel price In chairman and head of tire com vj service will be oper- deaf ears. The U.N. will not mlttee that probed the situation forcibly and violently drive to said land for the new site has your side anyone who resists re week ,8 -Thursdays "xwls said. jrSt rcfiularly schnd-jail service In British already been selected and Is lo Dies In Vancouver turning to you." death by beating because he opposed Communism. The 24-year-old prisoner said he escaped execution only because he and 16 other anti-Communists were rescued by United States infantry yesterday. He showed reporters injuries he said were Inflicted during a week t "painful questioning." Prisoners were found tied up In a tent by soldiers who entered compound' 85 and hauled down Communist Hags. Two crease as well as of wage Increase is at Issue. Nearly 750,000 workers were made Idle by the strike. These include 650.00 steel workers, along with almost 100,000 others, in coal mines, railroads, shipping, and docks serving steel mills. He reiterated the U.N. program showed "lncontro- cated about two-tenths of a mile from the present school and only a short distance from a new Out of vertibly that 100,000 prisoners airlines, however, be- The man who walked into Prince Rupert from building project. would rather die than return to "We can't build the school in Communism." time for this fall, but there must wars ami to K've oil-.iinnail and freight server months to AJyansh, , un the tipprr Naas Edmonton one of this city's earliest pioneers then built up a big business and went on to represent the Skeena constituency 15 years in Parliament died last a n 1 1 - C o mmunists were near death from beatings and Raised night. Another Atom Blast Shakes Nevada Site He was 70-year-old Olaf of Vancouver and Prince be some temporary arrangement," he told members. In theSneantime. he suggested a bylaw be prepared for construction next year. MUST IK) SOMETHING Members discussed purchase of a temporary building, possibly a quonset hut, until the new classrooms are constructed. "We must do something. Either The soldiers said anti-Communists were tried secretly at Democrats In Too Long Says Ike' OTTAWA (CP) Un Rupert, one of the best known men in northern and central British Columbia. Mr. Hanson was stricken 10 id employment insur ance benefits will increased night in a compound holding 4,2000 North Korean prisoners. Condemned to die they were gagged to smother their screams and then beaten to death with tent poles. There were 15 ex LAS VEGAS 0 The eighth days ago and died in Vancouver by $3 a week m all cate add to the school at Port Edward or make some kind of ar atomic blast of the spring series ties Win General Hospital at s:3U p.m yesterday. T.aVinr Minister I flashed across the southern gones. 1 Nevada stkv hpfore rinwn t.odav. Born in Tannai, Sweden, he ecutions. ABILENE. Kansas t Oeneral Dwigiit D Elsenhower told a rain-drenched throng of mid-westerners yesterday that th Democrats had been In power too came to Alberta in 1907 and the uregg annuunceu ye&tev Detonation was touched off at OUJ'IIIA By ul-i ui i margin, boxing duv in Commons the government's Yucca Flat test same year struck, out along the newly-cut right-of-way of the ,? ., . ' , , i site at 4:55 a.m. tPDT) and was Five Men Get rangement to bring the children ! into Prince Rupert this fall," said Dr. Large during his review of the present set-up. Mrs. Myrtle Roper, secretary, was instructed to contact the provincial Department of Education, which pays half the cost of school construction In the present Canadian National Railways for Prince" Ritpert. - - . He is the first man to cut railroad ties in the province and Prison .u-tu ..m cieariy visible here, 65 miles the Unemployment , Insurance j ftwiue siu. . Act but the increase in rates j Tne shot was believed touched will not affect rate contnbu-1 off ,rom one of the 300.foot tions now paid into the unem-j tower5 slnlilar to tnose used ln ployment Insurance fund by em- some prevlous tests. No troop ployees and employers. manoeuvers were scheduled. The "waiting period' before , The test , was the 20th held benefits start will be cut to five j hprp, sinpe the tta Atomic long and he Implied people must vote them out of office In November to bring an end to corruption in high places. With tills speech Eisenhower, now in civilian clothes, wadPd Into a fight for Republican presidential nomination. But his first major homecoming address was almost spoiled i N-'-; Five men were sentenced to prison today when they appear jfiievr Ezard Charles jlixi;iK history tonight nn Hip heavyweight Mti Jersey Jo Walcolt i writers here to cover Wit showed 33 favored mp only seven pre-jf 38-year -old Jersey Joe iiwlio selected Walcott m iii will by a knock I'mi writers picked o i by a knockout. developed a business known as the Hanson Lumber Co. Ltd., still operating In Smithers. Mr. Hanson also had the con ed before Magistrate W. D. Vance In police court here. WEATHER - - Two were given terms ln B.C. trolling interest of Dybhavn St Hanson, a Prince Rupert Insur t t 'to. 'if ! a ., J , J., It ? " I; t i. i li ' , '. 1 ,i ! 1 . ttr; . at i i ; "" ". ? M ' " "' v f : 'if : f I r t V ' i it. -4" . Forecast j days from eight, and national Energy Commission began using Variable cloudiness today with employment service must make the Nevada site in January of penitentiary. ance and travel agency. by an old-fashioned Kansas downpour which kept thousands Charles Galley was sentenced no distinction as to race, color He was elected to Parliament 1951. OLOF HANSON . . dies at seventy or creed of the applicant apply in 1930, after which he was reelected twice to Tepresent the ing for a job. to two years in penitentiary and William Sound was sent to Oak-alla for one year following their convlctiorl on a charge of car theft. - .,' Liberal party. from the unprotected stadium where he spoke. Unofficial estimates placed crowd in stands arid in the in-lletd at up to 5.000 or 6.000, the hardy one who braved the rain a few sliowers along the northern mainland. Sunny and warmer with cloudy periods tomorrow. Wind westerly 15, decreasing to light this evening. Low tonight and high tomorrow at Port Hardy, 45 and 60; Sandsplt, 45 and 56; Prince Rupert, 45 and 60. libut Besides his wife, Martha, Mr. The charge was 'laid in con Hanson leaves a daughter, Lin-nea, of Victoria, and a brother, ndings nection with theft of a light delivery truck at Hazelton a week o hear their favorite candidate. Jack, of Smithers; three sisters Touring Club Will Stop at Rupert VANCOUVER About 235 members of Kiwanis international from Utah and Idaho crossed the decks of the Cana Queen Takes Troop Salute LONDON l The Queen today took the salute of the traditional trooping of the colors ceremony for the first time in the history of the British Army. ago. The men were arrested near in Sweden. A son, Olof Djosta, died a year ago. Galloway Bridge by RCMP from tfOi ci H if .season was halibut on i hp exchange although the total Mr. Hanson was a charter member of the Omineca Masonic Big "Boom" Just Work Of Pranksters, -Police iLodge, of Smithers; of the Tyee 'as the smallest since i toy last May 14. j Prince Rupert who spotted the truck on the highway. The men were taken into custody as they were preparing to make camp In the bush. ( The other man sentenced to Lodge, and Valhalla Lodge in dian National Steamships "Prince George" when she sail Prince Rupert. He was a member Huge Track Meet Planned By BEG VANCOUVER (CP) A meet between the best amateur track stars in the British Commonwealth and United States may be held here immediately following the 1954 British Empire games. Stan Smith, chairman of the British Empire Games Organizing Committee said yesterday the contest Is planned between Colors hunored by Royal re of Lutheran Church. a two-year term in penitentiary- Funeral will be held Monday ed from here last night for Alaska on her second cruise of the 1952 season. ' afternoon, from Center & Han- n receiver 20.1 rents Jw medium and better cents a pound for ImidiiiE; were light, fish expect a heavy volume (oIlowiiiR the closure midnight this Sun- was Frank Browne, who was convicted of a charge of robbery na, Vancouver. Judge W. O. with violence. view at the pageant marking the official 26th birthday of the Queen were those of the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards. Elizabeth, proud and lovely in her uniform as Colonel-in-Chief oi the Household Brigade, rode sidesaddle I r t . Buckaigham VANCOUVER (P1 Pranksters were blamed yesterday for an earth-shattering blast which rocked Fraser Valley districts late Tuesday night. RCMP investigators discounted theories of meteorites or guided missisles after a survey of a crater they discovered during the Angus Brussard, who pleaded Fulton, a close friend, is leaving on tonight's steamer to be one of the pallbearers. Advance Polling Opens guilty to the same charge as Browne, was sentenced to six months in jail, and Steve Naz-urak, third man facing the charge laid in connection with The Kiwanis members are delegates from the two states to the convention being held in Seattle from June 15 to 19. During their ten-day pre-conven-tion cruise on the "Prince George" they will visit Prince Rupert, Ocean Falls, Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Wrangel, as well as cruising up the Gardner Canal and Douglas Channel. Palace to the parade grounds. w llay's sales: J;2"0(!n. 20.1. 15.0, 13, Olympia. 32,000, 20.1, 15.8. morning in bushy Bear Creek Park. 15 miles south of Vancou an early morning rumpus In a Dutch Jet Crashes Into Advance polling station ver. TIDES rooming house here last May 18, was given nine months. the pick of U.S. track stars and the cream of Empire Games champions. If plans do not materialize, the games committee will try for an Empire Pacific Coast opened at 1 p.m. in the Besner Block -today. It will remain open daily for three days from Nazurak was found guilty oi Friday, June 6 the charge. High 15-5, 13, Pacific. 5 'he Fishermen's Co-op: 'Wl; Thelma, 35,000. 'lay only four boats ;t here. They were: "MO. 19.9, 14.7, 12, Se ntinclla, 31,000, 20, C. Packers. The Qui- 1952 feet 17.5 feet 3.4 feet 7.8 feet British Ship DEN HELDER THE NETHER 12:25 6:05 17:56 Low meet which would still include most of the top American champions, he said. SHRINERS DUE TOMORROW 1 o'clock until 9 p.m. A Bruce Brown, Returning Officer, explaining the set up, said: . ' "No one is entitled to vote at the advance poll unless he or she can swear positively that he or she will not be anywhere ln B.C. LANDS J A Dutch Thunderjet 'WO pound. Hn,i Tan. today crashed into a British Investigators found pieces of a dynamite carton In" the woods close to the crater. "A considerable quantity of dynamite, perhaps as much as a full 60-pond case may have been used," a police spokesman reported. It was the second explosion In the district within 48 hours. It was heard and felt from suburban Burnaby to the international boundary, in a region 28 miles across. Very few large sawmills today havo waste wood burners in BULLETINS minesweeper and the 112-foot That shipload of visiting vessel sank in flames. Shrlners Is due tomorrow at 2 The report said 15 seamen lost .m. Union Steamships Chilcotin where voting take place on June 12." : a 60,000 pounds from to the Co-op. wsday two boats sold i 'me--island Queen, , 4; 15. 12, Bacon; and 30JJ0O. 19.4, 14.5, 12, m lOUr Ol hprs hnH.H will disembark 160 Nobles of the their lives. The cautious British Admiralty statement conceded "casualties are believed to be Champion Weighs In Mystic Shrine and their ladles More Sun This Year Prince Rupert had more than twice as much sunshine ln May as it did in April and more than double the amount than ln May last year. Official figures show the city enjoyed 179 hours of sunshine on 22 days last month. In May, 1951, there were only 87.3 hours of sunshine and last April only 69.8 hours. Additional statistics show the city had 3.34 Inches of rain In' May, almost three times less for a two-day ceremonial convention In Prince Rupert. heavy." PHILADELPHIA (CP) Jersey Joe Walcot, The pulp and paper industry, by offering the means of complete intergratlon, has reduced The Prince Rupert Daily News A Dutch communique said the pilot was killed and two survivors of the 65-tpn British vessel the C-"P- They 7' N,)rd. 10,000, and will publish a special edition in heavyweight boxing champion, tipped he scales at 196 Vi today in the weigh-in ceremony for tonights honor of the event. operation. Today s wood reruse wasie inrougnoui, our lorest iu goes to the sulphate pulp mills, dustries. JWU, were rescued. Shrlners from all parts of Brit title bout with Ezzard Charles. Charles weighed ish Columbia will be headed by J. A. Clarke, Illustrious Poten 191 'a Changes Mooted Ijlnion Dispute tate, who will perform the cere monies. In Housing Act Rocky Welcomes Troops x Other officers of the Gizeh Temple Divan are Robert Johnson, chief rabban; George S. OTTAWA (CP) Resources ftets Pick on Wrong Man V11 was case of ,' "MUlty when two union lu a recent referendum to retain bargaining rights at the VANCOUVER (CP) Welcomed by Brig. J. M. Rockingham, their commander in Korea, 1,031 Canadian soldiers returned home today aboard U.S. transport H. M. Patrick. Liner, Freighter Collide Minister Winters indicated today the government plans io encourage slum clearance ln Canada by changes in the National Housing Act, allowing sale of cleared land by the municipality for use ln joint federal-provincial housing schemes. big plant of Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company, visited Millard at the Steelworkers" of than rainfall during April. Official weather report for May says also: the warmest day in May, was on the 17th, when the temperature rose to 68.7 degrees. Coldest day was on May 3, with a shivering 33 9, although there was a cold 36-mile-an-hour southeast wind on May 1. Monday's driving wind, which picked up sand, paper and various other bits of debris from the streets, was clocked at about 40 to 45 miles an hour. That gale, the forecaster said, was hrrmght In from tbp Pacific hotel. They marced In front of Salesman Millard's hotel, and much to his confusion, carried plneards calling for "Millard, Get Out of Town." Later, pickets learned that Unionist Millard was at another hotel. Steelworkers' Millard was also the centre of a union row during Powell, assistant rabban; Jack Straight, high priest and prophet; Walter Hudson, Oriental guide; J. Horace Sinclair, treasurer, and W. M. Meyton, recorder. A gala dance, at which some 600 people are expected will take place tomorrow night at the Armories, Sixth Avenue West. Prince Rupert 6hrlne Club has been making preparations for this event, expected to be one of the main highlights here this year. HALIFAX (CP) The Cunard liner Scythia fice. Police were called after union collided with the coal freighter Wabana in the Gulf Kt exchaneed sharp words, but , uirector of Steel . America (CIO-CCL). 'Tuesday. ?"e same time A. J. Vancouver spark plug guttered at a down- iuLtie International 4"e' Mill and Slne,ter lna ' Picked the wrong there was no violence. of St. Lawrence today, marine radio reported here Championship Fight The Ezzard Charles-Joe Walcott heavyweight of the world championship fight will be broadcast at 7 p.m. over stations CJOR and KJR. Millard, who left for home on Wednesday, said another "test of Details were not immediately available. First reports his 24-hour visit. in we say the stern of the Wabana was sheared off. union, who defeated the Steel I union jurisdictional dispute, itrr $ . ;-