f 10 Prince Rupert Daily News Thai ".jlUv. Jimi 5. 1902 fof ravirg rcr-cy cn "Baby." one ni'it her, v lio lius had jri::ht chili'nn, but- only one born Biggest Hills, Trees, Now Twins Rebel Leaders Relative Fights with the Army Now Spurred fcy I ;it hnin.-e Mimmi d it up: Commission that the modem . It t--t mo e to have a baby ti.T.d towards hospital care of; n-.ipniK- r.PS -iv hnn,,in.- ., , at inane. I paid a nurse $i0 a British .Columbia, which has nrorlui'ed some of the biuuest rlav for 21-hour fluty and then WINNIPEG Critics Oppose Speaker's Iden Of Home Births (CP) Less than U years ago tlie, mountains and tm, in the A 1 great 1 naneial worry to youni; ' parents." 'Surely it. would be possible for mothers ;o have their babies at home and save the costly hos-, 8i y Iioyal Winnipeg Rifles battalion made a name-for world. itself fighting Louis Kiel and his Metis. Today the azine has credited it with pro- . during "the biggest twins in unit" and one of the Riels are again carrying arms . history." but this time they're 11 on the same side. ; The ai? thf ix t01 J ten inch three hundred pound p:tal bills,'" .'aid Mrs. Eprotl, a A itermaii i mother herself. "Vp used to do had to hire someone else to wash clothes and feed the nurse. On top of thai mother does not pet tiie rest slit' deserves. She is always worrying about the house or something." Obstreticians said the infant mortality rate has been redu-.-ed by hospital care, and most agreed Ilia!, mothers havir.n their first baby should be in VANCOUVER .? Anna Sprott F'ur'ed something when she p. o; i tliat more it that way all the t.imv." j But lhv reai't.on to the nro- 4 11 Hi!, . LCpL ionaiv Jack and Leo i iCurtyi Curry t Riel Kiel of of u-avy T,cavy Brothers Brothers, Mr. and Mrs Laurie LoMire I Winnipeg, a great-nephew of the 0f Vancouver. Leo is a federal mothers have their babie at j po.-ai wasn't favorable. h"me Instead of in Ivw-pitals j Baby doetors. mothers, social i She tolri a nuT-ring of the w-.t ker- and ever, a woman news- ; Vancouver Metropolitan Heal' h 'paper coiunmnLst biased the idea Metis leacer, will accompany a inspector in the Pacific Meat and family are leaving here Sun- section of the rifie bat talion to . Co. Ltd.. Maruole. Jack wort "V ' "'Germany for service with the in the Hornby street liquor store Te.race. Mr. Linmre has bton 2T, Infantry Brigade there. in Vancouver ' !,! .o"? ?.v0 Vl .Tanned and fit. the 28-yvar-old, In the MaeLean's article, au IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE builders cunaus suppi sttoolv nou.se. hnnw He tie hn lia, ' ,l inor nyae uumour reports inai World w an , of Korea, is one Dr Vernon C Brink bioloiiist been with the comnanv in Prinre . .. .... - .... r- veriiuii v. nnriK, a a motorist of the Winnipeg company join- on the University of B.C.'s med- Rupert for several years. i lniil 3m1 Pin w ri' vx iian &' ,U Lf M 0 IJ1JUREEN O'Hi: Make se Sing other Canadian rifle com- icai . faculty, recently examined panics to make up the newly- a sta(.k of sd(,ntific reCoi'ds deai-formed 2nd rifle battalion as a lng witn mulUple blrU)s. replacement unit for some of the ; . . , . . m!n "e re cou d f " d now in Germany. . ! f'd,. hf , , . . nothing to indicate either the 'duly is proud of the Riel t of exlstcnce of name and of the unit . which WpnUcal" twlns anywhcle in th lought against his great-uncle A WOrld tall heavv as or as as IS (.':l!TT S.'-f a,Uer '!nB!t'B3's Jack and Leo the article i j'jiu 10 lyau in c;.v;es, ma wuo FUR STORAGE Safety I'urs-t j says. "One of Brinks' associates, I warily refusing to let his own j name be published, told me he , was 'utterly convinced' that the Vancouver behemoths were the A I.' .. tv.ice wounded in Europe. He has alfvclion also for the 2nd Battalion of the Princess Patricias, with which he served' a year in Korea. "I went in with the Rifles on U-Day but I'm equally proud of my service with the Patricias," he says. He enlisted as an 18-year-old in 1942, "to join my big brother." and he enlisted again in the 27th mi "Mutiny in the t'miuty" "Ire ISrrakcrs" "The Sln cphli I. ion" biggest duo ever," Gilmour adds. He points out that "the vast sizes are all the more remarkable because the Leavy's are not abnormal or pituitery monsters like morst of the giants authenticated in medical annuals." The article recounts some of the more lively episodes con- Kveniim Sl: ms Matinee Satur-lay It Brigade in 1950 because "I like : army life and wanted a change CM p from eivvv street. " Unw he ! "ecieu wnn uif twins enormous wants to see how Europe iwkshi- and points out thftt "since hln school days, the U-avy's without a war on . I FURS NEED A SUMMER VACATION nave never mei anyone incy couldn't look down on." UNlVtRjAL-IIii IPNAhONAL picsonti Afarjorie, Percy Curly says however that too many people remember thf name Riel. "No matter where 1 ve The People's Candidate COMING RADjO PROGRAMS KILBRIDE been, there's someone asking j EPSOM. Eng. CP Sir Phoenix, about it," he smiles. ia thoroughbred colt, worth 10.- n it f i i:MMi li'l l'AIKl(i l;lMOIl I.I.INt, 000, broke a leg during training f-xerrlsf TnslenH nf slum! Imr th.. 71 ' STAINES, Eng. (P A Christ- j h,.s , f,,H Vacc 1 THURSDAY NIGMT 6 P.M. DOUG STEVENSON inas eard stamped "Past Early for , ler fa.st on th(, ,eR antl jt !s Christmas' has Just arrived at j hoped the horse will be saved its destination near Donraster. j for stud purp,)SpS The card was mailed in this: : Middlesex community o:i Dec. I . , , , Phone 974 r '.'JJ-AV c 'i f i ki;i: rrcKi ki e 20, 1950. lOUtHMUU, C5COllU(l r 'IIMS Reclaim has been fit'.'d television equipment, for; with SATURDAY NIGHT ol 6:20 p.m. J. T. HARVEY Beck The Party That's Going To Win PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE BILL SCUBY FURS TODAY ATI Canada is not only the leading deep sea diving experiments and newsprint producer in the world, j may take pictures of the Spanish in 1951 the Dominion became I treasure galleon Due de Floien-the world's leading exporter of;cia. sunk in Tobermory Bay on! 302 Third Ave., Prince Kupcrt PI i s Cartoon - t4is l.M.A Wlr.ST" SlioK around B.C.. including shuts in Prince Kupcrt and Kitnn.it. Evenina 7 - 9 Q4 1 the Isle of Mull in 1590. woodpulp. 1IIIBEII1I So. Mof'nces 2 14 WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE .1- m riwru r:'n r or fmri i Popular Steamer Prince Rupert 1 vr--I . -'.'I J ' ' ; . . i.f-'V. .'e. 0 V.i f i'i. l" sii. I Inn situv at X: liners jmen X: p. hi. ' 5';W'S Q SAII-S FOK ' Vancouver and Intermediate 1'erts EacK Thursday at 11:15 p.m. fxr KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service For Reservations r.i V 5!T v.-rr 3Y k:u: l ;; ; v tSTv You'n Ukc what You SeeI " : V y 1A .... You'll Want What You See! ' I C H t It M I N u fi t 1 I G H I I tl I to mi or Ar 'lit A N I Mu I I H (,in i ( s ssiri tHO F COMtS A i U C H I S S I Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE PKINCE RUPEKT, PC. Ci c T8 Wallace's Dept. Store j j n ''-,,.:W M V'-i 1W i:tra "HAI.AC" MllAJC I' M'.KKNf !" H K a St OQMPHIES CANCELLED SAMPLES R'9-4.95 CUtllTY DIAPERS si.-d.-rd o..iitr. f.u siz, :p.,., $3.99 sped.! 8MFAMTS' WOOL SHAWLS k,..j-l.w s... $2.49 spc.i INFANTS' 3 Pc. SWEATER SETS sc.,, Eonro( ond Eoo,ics $1.99 speci., INFANTS' KNITTED JACKETS 99c Rcq. 62c FLAM E LETT E Wide Beer Qualify Pink and Blue Yard 49c 9 495 INFANTS' BLANKETS Larqe Size 36" x 50" Reduced 200 tO 300 If PI R B r u r? B W n B Id a K n n f! Il. M KI FOAM-FLEX Low Wedge Sondals .95 ONLY Whe n You Look For Value, LOOK FOR WALLACE'S j a K a M R Here is a Bargain you connor afford to miss GIRLS' UMBRELLAS Fancy Type for Small Children $1.99 : 1 SAMPLE SHOE! ." GIRLS' AND BOYS' BATHROBES JtSfttT..: $1-99 w GIRLS' LEATHERETTE HAND PURSE auSSS.".j. $1-49 spcci.1 BOYS' DENIM JEANS b.,., style s.s 2.6 $1.49 for the Smaller Feet Ihcso are lovely shoes R H m in a veil it ty "( (-,"r Each Pair Different I Special 99c si BOYS' CARDIGAN SWEATERS Summer Weight Fancy Knit n - VOGUE SHOES Limitl: M f t M f f? M p K.!.t S i ti- 506 Third West Box 638 r1mmnmmrnn.,.mn.n.mmWmmnmnm..mmmmmnm9aHammaammmmmm9mummmmn9amamji9mmmmmmmm p.pjp.,,5